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Product: Office XP Beta 2
Company: Microsoft
Estimated Street Price: NA
Preview By: A
ctive Network

Final Results and Overall Mark

Table Of Contents
1: Introduction
2: Word 2002
: Excel 2002
4: Outlook 2002
5: FrontPage 2002
6: Access 2002

7: Publisher 2002
8: PowerPoint 2002
9: Conclusion

Well we have reached the end of the review. Here are our final comments, notes and grades for the Microsoft Office XP Preview.





Final Comments

How It Grades
  No Grading

Overall this is a great program. Microsoft has taken the building blocks of past office suites and made it more tightly integrated and has succeeded in making this a more user friendly and features rich Office package. The ‘where do you want to go today’ sentence takes a new meaning with this brand new suite that’ll really change your office suite eXPerience. This new release is like the quintessence of Office 97: a great and major update of an already outstanding product that’ll mark once again computing history. If IT analysts often advise corporate buyers to buy one new version of Office of three released this is surely the one you should pick up as soon as it’ll be available! We were very impressed by this press beta at ActiveWin and we couldn't wait for the final version to be released!



Specs & Package
Overall Score No Grading Available
Version Reviewed Microsoft Office XP Press Beta 2
Release Date Second Quarter 2001
The Good Points Tons of new features,
Redesigned interface,
New Task Panes,
Enhanced ClipBoard,
Speech Recognition feature,
Settings saving wizard.
The Bad Points PhotoDraw is missing,
Requires a powerful computer,
The activation feature is annoying.
Reviewers PC Setup Pentium III 800 MHz
Asus P3C2000 Motherboard
Windows Millennium Edition
DirectX 8a
17" Sony Trinitron Monitor
Hercules 3D Prophet II Ultra 64Mb AGP 4x Graphics Card
Sound Blaster Live! Platinum 5.1
Adaptec 19160 Ultra SCSI card

Microsoft TrackBall Explorer
Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro

DVD Pioneer 105s (16/40x)
Yamaha CRW2100E

<-- Microsoft PowerPoint 2002


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