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Product: Illustrator 10
Company: Adobe
Estimated Street Price:
Review By: Julien Jay

Final Results And Overall Mark  

Table Of Contents
1: Introduction
2: Interface & Web Features
3: Creativity Features

Well we have reached the end of the review. Here are my final comments, notes and grades for Adobe Illustrator 10.


Final Comments

How It Grades

Installation: 80%
Interface: 80%
Ease of use: 80%
Features: 85%
Creativity Tools: 90%
Price/Value: 70%
Overall: 80.83%

Adobe Illustrator 10 is clearly a major upgrade. It brings tons of new features to an already excelling software application dramatically improving the quality of artwork that can be drawn with it. Users will be literally delighted by the incredible creative resource available in Illustrator 10. With this tenth release not only designers can free their creativity, but also they can accomplish complex tasks faster and much more easily than before. The integration of Illustrator with major Adobe software like InDesign and PhotoShop has reached a new level. Sure the software has a few drawbacks like the non support of rollovers, and an overall slowness but, despite an expensive price, Illustrator 10 remains the king-of-the-hill must have vector drawing software for every serious professional.



Specs & Package
Overall Score 80.83%
Version Reviewed Adobe Illustrator 10
Release Date Out Now
The Good Points Great New Creativity Tools
Amazing Symbolism Tool
Rocking Live Distortion Effects
Interesting Data Driven Graphics Concept
Nice new interface
The Bad Points Relatively Heavy
No support for creating javascript rollovers or animated GIF
Advanced data driven graphics features require scripting knowledge
Reviewer Specs

Pentium 4 2.53 GHz
Intel D850EMV2 Motherboard
Windows XP Professional
512 MB PC800 RDRAM
DirectX 8.1
19" Sony CPD-E400 Trinitron Monitor
nVidia GeForce 4 Ti 4600
Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum
Adaptec 19160
Adaptec AHA-2400a

DVD Pioneer 106s (16/40x)
Yamaha CRW3200S

Alcatel SpeedTouch USB
Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro
Microsoft TrackBall Explorer

PC Required

Pentium II 300MHz or higher
Microsoft Windows 98, 98SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000 SP2, Windows XP
128MB of RAM (or more)
180MB of free hard disk space
Quad Speed CD-Rom Drive


« Creativity Features  


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