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31st October 1998
Internet Explorer 5 Tour - Pulling -
- 16:10 GMT - Ok everyone, please stop e-mailing us
saying that Beta 2 of IE5 was pulled from the servers ;o) (it
hasn't been pulled btw, pulled means taken off, it's actually
still there). The server list has been removed yes, this sort of
thing happened with IE4 P2 and IE5 B1. Also all the files on the
servers are of the same build, and won't change.
- 16:07 GMT - Looking for a new gamepad to use in
Windows? Look no further, check out Warzone's review of the Microsoft
FreeStyle Pro.
- 00:20 GMT - We recommend that no one bothers with the
Internet Explorer 5 setup file that they downloaded earlier, at
least not at the moment, the official release looks set for
Monday, but the servers could open sooner.
30th October 1998
Internet Explorer 5 Beta 2 Released -
IE5 Tips - Office 97 SR-2
- 20:32 GMT - The server list for Internet Explorer 5 has
been removed, we'll post here as soon as it is back
up...probably with an official announcement.
- 06:27 GMT - If you would like to read up on what is new
- 06:17 GMT - Yes - as we have mentioned over the last
week or so Internet Explorer 5.0 Beta 2 has now been fully
released. Apologies for not mentioning it earlier (thanks for
all the mail) it's 6 AM here, so I'm sure you all understand ;o)
29th October 1998
Internet Explorer 5 Beta 2 Almost
Released - Demands - Rise of Rome
- 14:27 GMT - It seems a good day for driver releases. We
have updated the Graphic
and Sound Card
Driver pages. Including the new SoundBlaster Live! Drivers
released today.
- 09:04 GMT - Update on the Internet Explorer 5 release -
ALL of the files are actually on the servers, Outlook
Express 5 Beta 2 for example.
- 08:45 GMT - First with the news - Internet
Explorer 5 Beta 2 has almost been released - Did we say
before the end of the week or what? You can download the setup
file from Microsoft - but the actual download locations still
need to come-online. I'll be adding the new tips to ActiveIE as
soon as i know it's fully out.
the ie5setup.exe now.
- 00:20 GMT - Microsoft has released a report about the worldwide
demands of Windows 98. This fact sheet gives an overview of
the demand for the Windows 98 operating system. Check it out if
you are really interested about Windows 98's developement.
28th October 1998
News - Katmai
- 13:25 GMT - Moved over the older October news to the archive.
27th October 1998
New Drivers - New LiteStep - SP1 -
Windows 2000
- 15:20 GMT - Coming
to NT 5: Clustering. Beta 3 of Microsoft's NT
5 will include clustering and terminal services support, but no
directory synchronization.
- 12:52 GMT - Windows NT 5.0 is going to be named Windows
2000, thanks to Jimmy who pointed us to the new
article over on C|Net. Guess that gives them nearly 2 years
to actually get it ready<g>
- 12:50 GMT - That new version of LiteStep we mentioned
earlier has now been released...grap it from the LiteStep
- 00:39 GMT - We have been informed that a new release of
LiteStep is due
tonight - version B24
26th October 1998
IE5 - Site News - etc
- 21:21 GMT - Please don't send us URL's to new versions
of Internet Explorer 5 that are on the internet, the reason is -
1...it hasn't been released by Microsoft...2...Beta 2 of
Internet Explorer 5 hasn't been completed yet.
25th October 1998
Tips - FAQ Update - Winamp 2.04
- 20:02 GMT - Winamp 2.04 has been released! This release
includes an updated Nitrane 1.24 system, better sound quality,
improved handling of corrupt MP3 files, a new experimental
"Aural Stimulation" mode (Winamp
Prefs->I/O->Nitrane Config->General), and numerous bug
fixes. Additionally, Winamp 2.04 includes an improved installer
and uninstaller, as well as support for zipped skins (skins no
longer need to be extracted). [source: Netigen]
Download Now (520
- 17:56 GMT - Our apologies if any of you noticed some
pages not existing earlier today, we were switching all our
pages to .shtml.
- 00:25 GMT - Updated some tips
due to visitors' comments. Keep your feedback pouring in!
24th October 1998
Win 98 SP 1 - IE5
- 03:34 GMT - Windows 98 SP 1 has finally gone into
23rd October 1998
New Drivers - Winzip 7.0 SR-1 - New IE
- 20:54 GMT - A new build (241) of
Neoplanet 2.0 has been released.
- 08:39 GMT - We have been really pleased with the amount
of visitors that ActiveSci-Fi
has been getting over this past week....also remember to check
out our newsgroups.
- 08:35 GMT - Winzip
7.0 SR-1 has been released for Windows 95/98/NT. Just fixes
a few bugs as you would expect.
22nd October 1998
MS DSS 80 Review
21st October 1998
Win NT 4.0 SP 4 - Old News - New
Internet Explorer Bug
- 00:39 GMT - Another new Internet Explorer security
Microsoft today
acknowledged a security hole in its Internet Explorer browser
that could let a malicious Web site operator penetrate IE's
Internet security zones in some instances.
the rest here.
- 00:10 GMT - Moved over the older October news to the News
19th October 1998
Reviews - New Drivers
- 21:05 GMT - We will have a review of the new Microsoft
Digital Sound System 80 by the end of the week.
- 21:02 GMT - As mentioned a few days ago, Internet
Explorer 5 Beta 2 will be out to the public within the next 12
days....time to start counting down.
18th October 1998
New Opera
- 03:05 GMT - Opera Software has released another beta of
it's Opera 3.5 browser. Opera
3.5 Beta 10. The most promising new features include full
CSS1 support and very-limited CSS2 support.
17th October 1998
ActiveSci-Fi Launches - IE 5 Release
- 10:26 GMT - Microsoft have patched up the bug that
could allow malicious Web site operators a peek at users' files.
You can download the patch at Windows Update.
- 03:06 GMT - We have launched our new site ActiveSci-Fi
- make sure you check it out, it's different from our usual
websites as it isn't really a technical based one.
- 03:01 GMT - Internet Explorer 5 Beta 2 is set to be
released to the public in the next week or so. Remember where
you heard it first.
16th October 1998
CPU Brief - Tips
- 16:00 GMT - We will be launching our new website
ActiveSci-Fi late tonight - if you want to join in with the
launch, you can meet us all in #ie5 on EFnet from around 5 PM
- 10:30 GMT - Added some new tips.
15th October 1998
New Drivers
- 10:10 GM - Added some new tips.
14th October 1998
McAfee Scanners
- 01:13 GMT - Check out these new McAffee free evaluation
virus scanners.
- 01:10 GMT - RealSystem G2 Beta 2 is released. You can
download it here.
13th October 1998
New Drivers - Agent 2.0 - IE Bug
- 21:38 GMT - IE
bug opens users' hard drives, Microsoft is moving to patch a
browser security hole that could give malicious Web site
operators a peek at users' files.
- 15:30 GMT - After some complaints about the lengthy
contact list, we have separate the About
Us page with a new Contact
page. The new Contact page will give you a list of people to
contact depending on what answer you want.
- 05:33 GMT - All the recent mail failures has made us
unable to reply to quite a lot of mails. I (Wayne), have tried
to reply to most of them today. And all the tips, you guys
submitted will go up in a few days - that's a promise. Also note
that our Askus@activewin.com
mail account was just up yesterday.
- 01:29 GMT - Those new DirectX
6.0 Voodoo 2 drivers have now been released, although i
certainly cannot notice any increase in speed in Direct 3D
games, but i can notice a number of new problems in many other
12th October 1998
Damn Site - New Drivers - Betanews
- 21:41 GMT - Today's earlier problem was certain out of
everyone's hands here. We were actually hacked by someone (We
won't name names, but we have found the person responsible for
it)...obviously this is a very serious offence and we are
dealing with it the proper legal way....Thanks to everyone for
the e-mail since we have been offline.
- 19:53 GMT - Our site has been down most of the day so I
understand, again I apologise for this, it's out of my (Byron)
hands as all I do is design and add news to this site now, not
delete whole directories like someone here did <sigh>.
- 19:45 GMT - Betanews
have given themselve a large scale facelift (Much better in my
view, if a little slower)
11th October 1998
New Tips
10th October 1998
- 22:30 GMT - User
Profile now available online. Thanks to all who
- 22:01 GMT - A new version of TweakIE
has been released, this one is Shareware, so give it a try. The
cost is only $15 and 10% of that goes to Newborns in Need.
9th October 1998
Old News - Drivers
- 19:50 GMT - Sega,
WebTV team-up on set-top. The two firms will create what may
be the first TV set-top box that offers high-end online gaming
and Net access.
8th October 1998
Office - Tips - IE5 B2
- 01:02 GMT - Well the Office 97 patch has departed
again, so ignore yesterdays link.
7th October 1998
Tips - Newsgroups
- 13:10 GMT - New ActiveTheme
added to our themes section.
- 12:56 GMT - Sign up for Microsoft
Extreme and pick up the beta versions of Office and
Frontpage 2000.
- 03.05 GMT - With our newsgroups up, you can now ask
questions, problems and have people help you with them. You may
also submit your tips to us through the newsgroups.
- 03.00 GMT - Our mail accounts are starting to work
properly. However, ActiveWindows' mailing list is currently
down. But our Internet Confidential newsletter is still up and
- 02.50 GMT - Some new tips
added to the Tips Section.
6th October 1998
We're Back! - Winzip 7.0 Final released
- Win 98 SP Date
- 21:11 GMT - Our newsgroups
are now back online, you can contact us via them for a faster
- 14:03 GMT - I just noticed over on betanews that you
can now download Homesite
4.0 Beta.
- 14:00 GMT - <moan>Just a note about our tips and
Easter eggs, while we are really glad people are enjoying them,
some sites are copying them onto their websites word for words,
if you are going to do this, please give credit to the correct
Support for
modular Device Bay hardware
support for modem drivers
support for USB
support for local
area networks
Updates, such as the patch for the Outlook
Express email file attachment bug
WebTV update,
which includes support for Gemstar programming guide and new TV
tuner chipsets
enhancements that will enable dial-up connections over ATM
- 01:40 GMT - Because of these delays in getting our
websites back up online, we have decided to hold back our
release of our new website (that and the fact our large scale
search engine isn't complete). We won't make any promises for a
release date, but we have high hopes for the weeknd.
- 01:39 GMT - Oh yes, at last we are back online and on a
new, much faster server. We'll be adding updates as soon as
possible and would like to apologise for the rather strange and
unexpected switch over we made.
3rd October 1998
Mess up
- 19:18 GMT - Due to a major mess-up regarding our move
to a new far faster server. All of our mail accounts are down
(So don't mail us), ActiveIE and ActiveGuide are down, and our
new site cannot now be launched this weekend....It is genuinely
outside of our control.
2nd October 1998
New Newsletter - The New Site
- 01:18 GMT - Were proud to announce a new newsletter
for ActiveWindows named Internet Confidential. We recommend
emailing dennis@webname.com
to subscribe as soon as possible as this newsletter will release
confidential information on the upcoming Active Network. Email dennis@webname.com
to subscribe. You will receive the 1st copy of the newsletter on
October 4, 1998.
- 01:17 GMT - Our new website is very, very close to
completion...If it doesn't make it by tomorrow night, It will be
up Sunday.
1st October 1998
New Drivers - Tips - WinAmp 2.02
- 23:43 GMT - Hopefully fixed all the bad links in the
tips section (which was nearly all of them after someone
accidently uploaded the wrong files)
- 08.20 GMT - WinAMP 2.02 is out! Check it out on the website.
(Source: E-mail)
- 08.15 GMT - Fixed some minor broken links in the Registry
Tips section.
Do you have any Windows based news? - just e-mail