I'm very glad to see this. Specialization among the OS super-sets is a very welcome direction Microsoft has taken. We provide systems, networks, software and managed services for many privately held professional service firms - medical, legal, specialized finance and accounting, and engineering, etc...
The tablet PC, is among the most popular platforms for these professionals. One can take a busy physician who not only practices, but is also the corporate leader for an association of providers, a home, a working vacation home and several professional association locations and easily see why one would need a platform that moves with him and supports input that does not get in the way of what he does most often - care for people, and fellow workers.
The Tablet PC and a fist full of docking stations in the case above provided for a really good solution that works very well. Certainly a broad mix of systems and networks - roaming profiles, secure, remote Exchange, etc... add to a good solution, but systems like the Tablet PC that focus on specific types of users can provide a lot of incremental value.