Three development platforms and two years later, the video game adaptation of the hit Buffy The Vampire Slayer TV show is finally upon us. For those unfamiliar with the licence, the show follows the adventures of Buffy and her close group of friends (who refer to themselves as the “Scooby gang”) in the demon-infested town of Sunnydale, which rests on the Hell Mouth. Buffy is the latest in a long line of Slayers. Slayers have a duty to protect Sunnydale, and often the rest of the world from vampires, demons and other assorted evil beings. There can only ever be one Slayer, and when the previous Slayer dies, a new girl takes her place. The Scooby Gang is made up of Giles, a middle-aged Englishman who has been assigned as Buffy’s watcher, Willow, Buffy’s best friend and aspiring witch, Xander, Buffy’s close friend as well as general goofy guy and Xander’s girlfriend Cordelia, who is a bit of an airhead. Buffy is also in love with Angel, who is a vampire that has been ‘cursed’ with a soul.