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  Microsoft Commits to Hardware and Driver Developer Community
Time: 10:04 EST/15:04 GMT | News Source: Microsoft | Posted By: Jonathan Tigner

Microsoft is continuously looking for ways to create better, more innovative and intuitive products for customers. A crucial component to delivering better, more compelling user scenarios is through stronger industry alignment ---specifically, with Windows hardware engineers and driver developers.

Tom Phillips, general manager of Windows Hardware Experience Group, is spearheading Microsoft's effort to better coordinate hardware and software development to deliver next-generation PCs that provide more immersive, interactive experiences. As part of this effort, Phillips has overseen the development and launch of the new Windows Hardware and Driver Central (WHDC), a centralized community resource for the Windows hardware and driver developer. The goal is to provide engineers and developers with the technical information they need to build innovative hardware solutions and high quality drivers for the Windows platform. To further demonstrate its commitment to the hardware and driver developer community, Microsoft is also delivering a broad range of community events, including the Windows Hardware Engineering Conference (WinHEC) 2003 and the first annual Driver Developer Conference, scheduled for November 2003.

On the eve of WinHEC 2003, which runs May 6 - 8 in New Orleans, PressPass spoke with Phillips about Microsoft's efforts to make it easier for members of the hardware- and driver-developer community to deliver richer customer scenarios.

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