Using the newest version of the toolkit for distributing Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1, you can easily customize, deploy, and manage your installations of Internet Explorer 6 SP1. Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) 6 SP1 includes the Internet Explorer Customization Wizard and the IEAK Profile Manager, which enable you to build and maintain custom browser packages that are tailored to meet the needs of your users. You can easily specify user setup options and control most browser and component features. What's new:
- Customizing Privacy Settings
When you run the Internet Explorer Customization Wizard, you can customize the privacy settings for your users. You can define privacy preferences that determine whether Internet Explorer checks Web sites for an established privacy policy and whether Internet Explorer discloses users' personal information to those Web sites. The privacy preferences also determine whether Internet Explorer allows these Web sites to store cookies on users' computers.
- Customizing the Internet Explorer Toolbar
When you run the Internet Explorer Customization Wizard, you can personalize the look of the Internet Explorer toolbar, giving you additional flexibility and design opportunities. You can change the toolbar background and the icons for the standard toolbar buttons, such as Search and History. Also, you can customize the appearance and number of additional toolbar buttons.
- Resultant Set of Policy Features
IEAK 6 SP1 includes a new Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) snap-in to help you plan browser policies before you deploy your custom browser packages. You can use this snap-in to review policy information that is set up for computers and users. When you add the snap-in, the RSoP Wizard allows you to choose either logging mode to access the policy information for an existing computer and user, or planning mode to generate policy information based on the Active Directory® service in Windows 2000 Server.
Note: This feature is only available on Windows 2000 and Windows XP.