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  Utility Lets Microsoft Windows Vista Users Forego Registration Indefinitely
Time: 02:01 EST/07:01 GMT | News Source: Yahoo News | Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum

Among the enhancements offered by Microsoft's new Windows Vista operating system is a feature that lets corporate IT departments and OEMs indefinitely forestall the requirement that users officially register their copy of the operating system within 30 days of system activation.

When Windows Vista is booted for the first time on a PC, users must ordinarily register it with Microsoft by inputting a valid registration number that's transmitted to the company over the Internet. If that's not done within 30 days, the operating system is designed to enter what's known as reduced functionality mode.

However, companies that want to boot Windows Vista on their PCs without registering the OS within that time period can use a built-in utility called SkipRearm to create a new 30 day activation window whenever they like, according to technical documents on Microsoft's Web site.

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