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Product: System Mechanic 3.5c
Company: Iolo technologies
Estimated Street Price: $59.95
Review By: Julien JAY

Internet Features

Table Of Contents
1: Introduction
2: Features
3: Internet Features
4: Conclusion

Two Internet related utilities come with System Mechanic 3.5c:

  • Ensure your privacy: it's not a firewall as some may think! The eraser utility will help you to easily remove any items Windows keep track of. So you can erase the find files or folder/find computer/run/documents histories with a simple click. That's not all: you can also remove the Internet cookies, the internet cache information, the recently URL list and the internet history. Finally as the tool is compliant with AOL you can also erase the AOL cache files and the AOL recently used keywords list. It's a great tool to being erased! The new version 3.5c of System Mechanic introduces a Cookies manager that'll show you all the IE or Netscape cookies stored on your computer in order for you to choose which ones you'll keep or delete. It's an appreciable enhancement.
Ensure your privacy applet...

  • Optimise Internet and network speed: this tool will automatically configure the MTU, RWIN, TTL settings of Windows to boost your Internet connection. The results are effective and 90% of the time you can notice a small Internet connection speed increase. You can also manually change this settings but it's not advised except if you're a guru! But that's not all this tool will also provide diagnostics information on your current Internet connection and can test it to see the files transfer rate while monitoring your transfer data rate.
NetBooster applet (click to enlarge)



Finally System Mechanic automatically logs all the changes you made using its different applet and allows you to consult the log list. Sure you can disable this feature and erase all the logs results.

<-- Features Conclusion -->


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