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Product: GoLive 5
Company: Adobe
Estimated Street Price: $284.00
Review By: Julien JAY

Advanced Features

Table Of Contents
1: Introduction
2: First Start & Features
3: Advanced Features
4: Site Management & misc
5: Conclusion

Adobe GoLive 5.0 also displays an other palette that contains advanced alignment tools to align properly object between them: the variety of alignment tools is impressive as at the view of it you may think you’re running InDesign and not a website designer software. A new feature of Adobe GoLive 5.0 is the 360code one that ensures your HTML code isn’t regenerated or altered when you edit it: it’s like the roundtrip feature of Macromedia Dreamweaver. It’s a great feature that allow you to work in ASP, ColdFusion, FileMaker, HTML, JavaScript, or XML, use the code for design under GoLive, and then receive finished pages with the code in its original state. GoLive ability to generate clean and strict code can be customized using the SDK available for download on the adobe website. When creating tables, a separate palette shows different styles of table formats you can apply to the table you have designed. Changing the number of columns or lines is easy and can be done directly in the inspector window. You can also import tab delimited data into it or add a background picture. When you want to add JAVA applets to a webpage you can use the build in script editor named Extendscript to ease your work: during the edition you can use the color syntax checker that can be fully customisable so you can debug code easily. Graphic designer will be glad to know that GoLive comes with ready to use Java Scripts (a small dozen like displaying a random picture when the page loads) so they won’t have to learn the Java basis. A nice feature of GoLive 5.0 is the transparency mode that displays transparency pictures of objects when you’re moving them into your webpage. Creating or managing CSS style sheets is fully integrated to the software in a separate window to ease your work and you can save every text formatting to CSS 2 for future use. Adobe GoLive 5.0 is one of the best tool to accurately position objects in your webpage at the pixel level as rulers can be displayed. You can also display a grid on the webpage background to more easily dispose objects. Adobe GoLive 5.0 supports floating layers so you can definitely put texts, images where you want in your page. As GoLive 5.0 put focuses on the handle of HTML codes the HTML source code view has been enhanced so you can now check the integrity of the HTML syntax to ensure it’s compatible with the different versions of the leading web browsers like Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. To detect and pinpoint errors in HTML code like missing image attributes or warning flags you can use the new enhanced search for errors feature.  Another great small feature of the HTML editor is the ability to numbered code line so you can quickly access a specific line. Collaborative feature has been slightly enhanced due to the inclusion of the WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring & Versioning) protocol of Microsoft. To use this enhanced HTTP protocol you have to add it to your web server so the administrator can deploy the thing very quickly as an addon and not as a full system update. Once it’s installed you can lock specific files that are in use and grant share rights so you know who has which files checked out. But the best thing is the fact that when you upload a local file to the webserver from GoLive if a newer file exists on the server and was modified a guy of the team it’ll be downloaded in the same time.    

Adobe GoLive 5 Style Sheet (CSS) Manager

One very good feature of Adobe GoLive 5.0 is the comment tool that enables everyone to drag a small icon to the page to store special comments about what they want: a good thing for collaborative work. Adobe GoLive 5.0 includes full support for the new standard the W3C has adopted: the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). This new format is aimed to design flash like animations/graphics using Adobe Illustrator 9 for example. We can close the various features look out by the color palette: indeed GoLive includes a high end color palette that supports CMYK, RVB, TSV or TSL colors mode so you can easily define and create your own colors set for fonts and objects: you can choose your color from different views like the color circle, the color HTML code equivalent display or the color table.   

Adobe GoLive 5.0 Color Palette

Adobe GoLive 5.0 comes with a very complete HTML help file that explain all the features of the software in your default browser so you can print, annotate, or send parts of the help to colleagues very easily.

Adobe GoLive 5 HTML Help File

 <-- First Start & Features  Site Management & misc -->


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