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New to the i815EP family of chipset is the CNR. CNR stands for Communication & Networking Riser and replaces the old AMR (audio/modem riser). CNR is materialized on the motherboard with a small new brown connector. This port can receive very affordable additional cards since the devices you’ll plug in it won’t feature any of the traditional components. Indeed those are directly integrated in the chipset or on one of the motherboard chip. CNR ports are definitely interesting for OEM manufacturers since they allow them to build low cost PC with powerful solutions. Nonetheless that doesn’t mean that customers will get poor performances add-on when they opt for a CNR solution. The CNR port can receive modem, audio, USB, Network and other kinds of cards. Intel provided us with the CNR SoundMax card: this card updates the onboard D815EPEA2 motherboard audio circuit to one that provides analogical output to plug up to 6 speakers for a full 3D surround sound. That way you can enhance the performance of the build in AC97 sound controller adding a SoundMax CNR card.
Onboard Audio
Since the onboard circuit complies to AC’97 norm it performs analog to digital conversion and perfectly supports simultaneous recording & playback operations. A typical AC’97 solution works like this when you play a wave file: the data is retrieved by the PCI controller, processed by the accelerator’s DSP, converted to AC’97 format and sent over the AC’97 interface to the CODEC. The audio CODEC then converts the PCM audio data to an analog output, which is passed to the back jacks and ultimately to the PC speakers. Today Intel processors offer enough power to perform these DSP effects in software without excessive use of processor bandwidth. In the audio world, the quality of what you hear is measured using decibels: more the dB rate is higher (on a scale of 100dB) the more the sound is better and the apparatus is able to play near to perfection sound. With an approximate rate of 94dB signal to noise ratio the SoundMax audio circuit reaches the quality of a good CD player (in comparison a tape deck reaches in best cases 70dB). The circuit supports 44,1kHz sampling rate to deliver outstanding audio and its frequency response covers what the human ear can listen from 20 Hz to 20000Hz. Another surprising feature offered by the SoundMax Digital Audio integrated systems is the Sensaura 3D positional audio and environmental enhancement that lets you experience a full 360° sound. The same kind of technology is now present in many sound cards and modifies the phase and group delay of outgoing audio signals so users can experience an immersive, three dimensional sound experience. This technique is great especially in games (imagine you can hear your enemies arriving before they appear on your screen, or the bullets flying all around you) and when watching DVD. For high demanding real-time audio applications, SoundMax uses multi-voice DLS Wavetable MIDI synthesises with Staccato SynthCore Audio Rendering Technology to provide physically modelled sound effects capabilities. The professional 4MB DLS2 Sound Set offers 128 high quality recorded instruments while the XGlite Sound Set comes with a 1.2MB memory that contains 360 instruments. If in terms of sound quality the SoundMax circuit doesn’t pale at all in comparison to a Sound Blaster Live!, it doesn’t offer as many outputs as the SB Live do. Indeed you can’t use surround speakers (4 way speakers) or digital ones since they are no SPDIF output. Thankfully you can upgrade the sound circuit with a CNR card to create multi-channel surround sound system by adding two or four analog channels for use with two, four or even six speakers! The quality offered by the SoundMax audio chip is more than sufficient for speech recognition: we tested it with IBM ViaVoice 8.0 Pro and the software has no troubles with it. Sound Drivers We tested the SoundMax Audio circuit with the latest 3.0 drivers release under Windows 2000 Pro. First of all the drivers are using the WDM architecture so they are perfectly compliant with the advanced power management & other DirectX features and perfectly integrated with Windows. The SoundMax drivers offer several software features that let you enhance the depth and strength of bass frequencies for the output signal, models the human HRTF (Head Related Transfer Functions) to position sound effects anywhere in a 3D sound field, and much more. The drivers also let you choose which music synthesizer you want to use, the number of voices that are needed for an optimum playback, etc. The latest 3.0 drivers come with the SPX extension: the Sound Production Extensions technology generate responsive, interactive, and dynamic game sounds in real time in response to game physics, environmental variables, and player input. In the near future more & more games should be released with SPX support.
To conclude the audio circuit test, I would say that at a pure acoustic
level, the SoundMax AC’97 chip produces a clear, audible and vivid sound
with strong basses and present treble. Overall this integrated low cost
sound processor provides high quality, top notch sound with tons of
features that are usually reserved to expensive sound cards’ owners.
Choosing a motherboard build around the SoundMax circuit is definitely a
good choice to preserve your budget without sacrificing audio quality.
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