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Product: Celeron 1.8GHz & D845GBV Motherboard
Company: Intel
Estimated Street Price:
Review By: Julien Jay


Table Of Contents
1: Introduction
2: CPU Architecture
3: CPU Instructions & Design
4: Intel i845G Chipset
5: Intel Extreme Graphics
6: Intel D845GBV Motherboard
7: Onboard Audio
8: Synthetic Benchmarks
9: Games Benchmarks
10: Application Benchmarks
11: Conclusion

Intel, the Santa Clara CPU giant, has finally decided to develop a cheap version of its flagship processor the Pentium 4, aimed at the value desktop market. It’s no surprise to see this brand new affordable processor marketed under the Celeron name. Clocked at 1.8 GHz the latest Intel Celeron processor is built around the NetBurst core of the Pentium 4 Willamette. This entry level processor should help Intel regain some market share into the lucrative value desktop computer market while cranking up performance over previous solutions. 

In the meantime Intel has also introduced a brand new integrated chipset the i845G. This new chipset includes, among other things, support for USB 2.0, a descent 3D graphics solution and the support for the 533 MHz front side bus. Motherboards built around the i845G chipset are probably the best platforms for integrators that want to mount low cost but powerful computers with average 3D performance. In this review we’ll also take a look at the Intel D845GBV motherboard we’ve been sent.

Intel Celeron 1.8GHz Processor

  CPU Architecture »


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