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Date: Sunday 7th March 1999
Today's Top Headlines: South Park
Review - K7 At 600MHz - DVD-RAM |
- Themes, Downloads, and IE5
Time: 23:14 GMT Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Dennis
We have updated the Download links on the right, and we have also
updated our theme page, because of an obscene theme, so if you
reported the Drew Barrymore theme, we have removed it, and we are very
sorry for any problems this has caused. We can not view every theme
Also, on March 10, we will be doubling bandwidth so we may go down
for a bit, but we'll be back up as fast as ever!
We have posted a little countdown to the IE5 release, we would like
to remind you about our IE5 chat that will be on March 17, and we will
chat until the release, probably the night of March 17, and we will
also post an extensive IE5 review on March 18. You can click the
Countdown link to reserve your copy of IE5. I did this for the IE4
release, and I found it to be a good asset. The only setback is that
you do not receive your cd for about 3 weeks after the release, but
its better than trying to download it before millions of people.
- Microsoft
Outlines Win64 Features
Time: 19:36 GMT Source:
The Register Posted By: Byron
As reported here last week, Microsoft is to send out 100,000 copies
of W2K Beta Three on 21 April. But even before it has started shipping
that beta, the Great Satan of Software has started talking about
Win64. At the Intel Developer Forum, Oscar Newkerk, who runs the
developer relations group at Microsoft, outlined the company's plans
for Win64. He told delegates that Win64 is not NT 5 style VLM,
and has uniform address space, with all pointers 64 bits, and all APIs
that accept pointers will accept 64-bit pointers.
- Microsoft
Admits Privacy Problem, Plans Fix
Time: 19:31 GMT Source:
News.com Posted By: Byron
Microsoft has acknowledged that a feature of its Windows 98
operating system can be used to trace the identity of authors of
electronic documents, according to a report. The company acknowledged
that Windows 98, and other Microsoft applications such as Word and
Excel, generate unique identification numbers that are linked to
registered users' names, according to a report in the The New York
- Micro
Flex DVD-RAM Kit
Time: 17:18 GMT Source:
PlanetHardware Posted By: Byron
has reviewed the Pinnalce
Micro Flex DVD-RAM kit. DVD-RAM is far faster than CD-RWs and
holds 2.6 GB on each side. Here is a snippet from the review
The technology
behind DVD-RAM is pretty incredible, and has already proven itself to
be faster and more stable than other rewritable-optical technologies
on the market. The drive uses a super hot laser (we're talking 600
degrees celcius here) to heat pits in the DVD disk, and change their
magnetic properties, allowing you to write, re-write, and erase data
as easy as you would a floppy disk, but only a lot faster.
- Windows
98 FAQ Updated
Time: 14:24 GMT Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
We have updated the Windows 98 FAQ,
adding more info and fixing the bad parts. We will start to update
more of the FAQ's we have later this week.
- AMD To Demo K7 At CeBIT At 600MHz
Time: 13:43 GMT Source:
The Register Posted By: Byron
Various hardware sites are reporting that AMD will demonstrate a K7
chip running at 600MHz at the CeBIT trade fair in Hannover in two
weeks time. According to AMD Zone, engineers at AMD have also
succeeded in manufacturing K7 samples which clock at 650MHz.
The reports suggest that AMD will show the K7 clocking 600MHz but
do not need Kryotech technology to achieve these speeds. When Intel
demonstrated a chip overclocked to 1GHz at the Intel Developer Forum
two weeks ago, we are reliably assured it needed super-cooling to
reach such speeds.
And in other AMD news, Japanese hardware sites are now reporting
that K6-IIIs are becoming available in quantity in the retail market.
One has overclocked the K6-III/450 to 500MHz
- South
Park - Review
Time: 13:30 GMT Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
I have posted my review
of the new South Park 3D shoot-em-up game released this past week
by Acclaim. Here is a snippet from the review:
Now the AI. The
AI in South Park is very poor indeed, sometimes (Much later in the
game) the AI can be very difficult indeed which is no bad thing at
all, but for the majority of the game (From the first level really)
Acclaim have decided to just throw large numbers of enemies such as
Turkeys, Cows at you. At first when you see loads of turkeys coming
over the horizon you laugh because It reminds of you of past South
Park episodes, but when it happens over and over through the game you
just think, gees can't they think of anything better now? Intelligent
it isn't, repetitive it is.
Date: Saturday 6th March 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Poll -
Netscape - Color Palmtop - Pentagon - MS Confidential -
Communicator 4.51 Released |
- New Poll Tonight
Time: 16:03 GMT Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Dennis
We will have a new poll tonight at 7 PM EST (0:00 GMT) so if you
are an Intel lover and haven't voted yet, please vote now. AMD is
still in the lead. I personally prefer AMD, but Byron prefers Intel,
so we are split here, lets see if the Intel users can fight for
respect of the Intel name. You still have 8 hours to vote! Our next
poll will deal with upgrading Video cards.
- Netscape Communicator 4.51
Time: 16:00 GMT Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Dennis
We have had a chance to download Netscape Communicator 4.51, we
still recommend Internet Explorer, but for your NS hardcore fans,
nothing is really changed, looks like probably just bug fixes. Might
as well download it if your in a big winter storm, like most of the
east United States is (including where I am at, Cleveland, Ohio) and
have nothing to do. Check our NS Communicator 4.51 news below to
- HP
Releases 1st Color Palmtop
Time: 12:25 GMT Source:
MSNBC Posted By: Dennis
THE JORNADA 420 IS the first color palm-size PC to hit the market.
Others will surely follow. It runs the latest version (3.0) of the
Windows CE operating system. There is 8MB of RAM (for operating and
storage) and 8MB of ROM (for the built-in applications). The processor
is a Hitachi SH7709A, operating at 100MHz. It’s pretty speedy.
- Military
vs. Hackers, Who's Winning?
Time: 12:18 GMT Source:
ZDNet Posted By: Dennis
The Pentagon has been warning about a future computer war. Well,
the future is now, and the war is on. For two days in January, hackers
repeatedly tapped into military computers at Kelly Air Force Base in
San Antonio -- the center for the most sensitive Air Force
intelligence, the kind of information critical to American troops now
on patrol over Iraq and in Bosnia.
- Is Microsoft Losing Its Leverage
Time: 11:18 GMT Source:
ZDNet Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp has most certainly lost momentum as a result of the
antitrust trial in Washington. Is it losing its leverage in the
industry as well? Microsoft's many constituencies -- hardware makers,
software developers, corporate customers and service providers -- have
wide-ranging opinions on whether the historic federal/state lawsuit,
now entering the second week of a six-week recess, has affected their
relationships with the software giant.
- MS Eyes Supply Chain Management
Time: 11:16 GMT Source:
ZDNet Posted By: Byron
Last week, IBM made it clear that it wants to run customers' supply
chains. On Thursday, Microsoft Corp made it clear that Big Blue isn't
the only one. At the Microsoft Commerce Solutions Day here, executives
outlined a far-reaching plan to provide the integration points, the
software and even the market for electronic commerce.
- Microsoft
Confidential Updated
Time: 11:09 GMT Source:
Microsoft Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Confidential has been updated, this time
with more information on Publisher 2000. Check
it out.
- Netscape
Communicator 4.51 Released
Time: 11:05 GMT Source:
E-mail Posted By: Byron
Netscape have posted Communicator 4.51 onto their FTP
site, so if you feel like downloading another browser before
Internet Explorer 5 rules the world on March 18th, go right ahead.
Date: Friday 5th March 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Linux Threat? |
- Windows
2000 Compulsory Registration Warning
Time: 19:15 GMT Source:
NewsBytes Posted By: Byron
Intel's inclusion of a traceable number associated
with each of its new Pentium III processors, designed to aid in
authenticating Internet users online but viewed by many as a privacy
infringement flaw, has raised awareness of the issue of computer
privacy. Certain to add wood to the fire is a report from Junkbusters
Corp. President Jason Catlett that says Microsoft Corp.'s upcoming
Windows 2000 may require periodic payment to the company for its use,
which would lead to inevitable identification of the user.
- MS
Exec: What Linux Threat?
Time: 15:09 GMT Source:
ZDNet Posted By: Byron
Think of it as a burst of cold Redmond rain on the Linux parade. In
a far-reaching interview this week with PC Week Online, Microsoft
Corp group product manager Ed Muth sounded off on the open-source
operating system, outlining what he considers are fundamental flaws
with the Linux business model and the OS itself.
"I see it as more of a threat to Unix. Linux is a challenge, a
competitor," Muth said. "The more I study Linux, the weaker
I think the value proposition is to consumers."
Date: Thursday 4th March 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Cable Modems -
Y2K - AT&T - IBM & Dell - Microsoft - PlayStation 2 - NT-
Dynamic HTML |
- Windows
Tweak Guide
Time: 22:54 GMT Source:
PC Velocity Posted By: Byron
PC Velocity has posted a tweak
guide for Windows 95 and 98. It covers topics such as custom batch
files for Windows 95 users, faster bootup times, and vcache settings.
- AW Daily News Update & Site News
Time: 21:30 GMT Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Dennis
We have been receiving email regarding the AW Daily News Update,
and we would just like to say that we are currently looking into other
ways to send it out, in fact, I'm considering BCC maybe as early as
tonight. So do not fear, I will try listbot one more time sometime to
check speed again, and see if its worth keeping. Our server has a
mailing list but we are unsure how to work it. Even the owner of the
server isn't sure!
I'm sure you have noticed that the site has been slow, well I have
some good news! On March 10, our server will be doubling bandwidth! So
I guess we just have to count down to when the site will be fast
Just a remind of where you should email things to:
dennis@activewin.com - AW
Daily News Update, Frontpage News, Downloads, Themes, Tips
byron@activeie.com -
Everything, except Server problems, AW Daily News Update, Downloads,
and Themes
- Cable
Modem Standard to Come
Time: 20:51 GMT Source:
News.Com Posted By: Dennis
Cable industry trade groups are set to announce test results that
are akin to a stamp of approval for cable modem makers, representing a
significant step toward wider deployment of high-speed Internet
- Y2K
Not good for Piraters
Time: 20:43 GMT Source:
News.Com Posted By: Dennis
A software pirate's worst enemy might not be the long arm of the
law, but the Year 2000 computer glitch.
Analysts believe organizations in countries using pirated,
unsupported software--located mainly in Asia, the Middle East, and
Eastern Europe--will be in big trouble at the turn of the millennium.
- AT&T
doesn't want to buy AOL
Time: 20:43 GMT Source:
News.Com Posted By: Dennis
AT&T chief C. Michael Armstrong today said his company had no
interest in acquiring Internet service provider America Online,
quashing recent reports of a pending union.
and Dell Team Up
Time: 20:43 GMT Source:
News.Com Posted By: Dennis
IBM and Dell have announced a $16 billion agreement
which calls for massive purchases of IBM products by Dell.
will purchase "storage, microelectronics, networking, and display
technology from IBM
for integration into Dell computer systems," according to the
- Microsoft
unveils new E-commerce Strategy
Time: 20:31 GMT Source:
News.Com Posted By: Dennis
Microsoft said today it is revamping its Web commerce software line
and adding new services for consumers and small businesses to its MSN
portal in a bid to strengthen its position as an e-commerce technology
- PlayStation
2 Development To Be Driven By Linux
Time: 18:42 GMT Source:
The Register Posted By: Byron
Sony has selected Linux as the development environment for
PlayStation 2 titles, according to a report in Japanese games-oriented
Web site Gamespot.
The report is in Japanese, which The Register has a bit of a blind
spot, but the story essentially suggests Sony is to offer its
development tools for Linux.
It's not clear whether the next-generation games console will use
Linux as its on-board OS -- Tuesday's launch focused more on the
hardware specs. and the PlayStation 2's graphics engine -- but it
would certainly be a good choice given the kernel's portability and
the fact that the PlayStation 2's nearest rival, Sega's Dreamcast, is
based on Windows CE.
- DirectX
Section Updated
Time: 16:08 GMT Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
We have completed a slight update to the DirectX section of the
website, we have added a few new articles, (Which you can search
for) and updated some bad links and information. We will be adding
more articles based on DirectX in the coming weeks.
- Windows
NT Workstation 4.0 Reaches 28 Million Desktops Worldwide
Time: 12:23 GMT Source:
Press Release Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. today announced that the number of worldwide
licenses of the Microsoft® Windows NT® Workstation operating system
version 4.0 has reached an all-time high of 28 million, and that
Ontario Hydro and Unisys Corp. are among the companies that have
recently migrated to Windows NT Workstation 4.0 as their primary
desktop operating system. Each of these companies has unique business
needs and cited a variety of factors behind its decision to migrate to
Windows NT Workstation 4.0.
"The number of customers migrating to Windows NT Workstation
4.0 is simply staggering," said Robert Bennett, group product
manager of Windows® marketing at Microsoft. "With an installed
base of 28 million, it's clear that there's tremendous momentum behind
Windows NT Workstation 4.0 - and it's only growing."
- Developers
Line Up to Use Microsoft Dynamic HTML Behaviors For Easier-to-Build,
More Powerful Web Pages
Time: 12:21 GMT Source:
Press Release Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. today announced the top 15 winners in its Dynamic
HTML Behaviors contest. The long list of contest entries demonstrates
the growing momentum for this standards-based technology, which makes
it faster and easier to build more powerful and functional Web pages.
The Dynamic HTML Behaviors contest, judged by Project Cool Inc.'s
Glenn Davis, invited Web site developers to submit sites created using
Dynamic HTML behaviors that demonstrate the technology's uniqueness,
maximum usability, robustness and documentation capabilities. The
contest was open to all developers participating in the Microsoft Site
Builder Web site program between November 1998 and January 1999. For
more information on the contest and its winners, please see http://www.microsoft.com/sitebuilder/ie/dhtmlbehave.asp.
- Thousands
of Independent Software Vendors Choose Microsoft Internet Explorer
Time: 12:18 GMT Source:
Press Release Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. today announced that more than 2,000 independent
software vendors (ISVs) have chosen Microsoft® Internet Explorer
browser software to provide premier Internet functionality to their
customers. The componentized architecture of Internet Explorer enables
ISVs including America Online Inc and Qualcomm Corp. to seamlessly
incorporate Web functionality into their software without the need to
build it from the ground up. With the forthcoming Internet Explorer 5,
Microsoft embarks on the third generation of Internet Explorer
componentized architecture to further improve this powerful
functionality for ISVs and customers worldwide.
- Will
PlayStation 2 Rule The Living Room?
Time: 12:14 GMT Source:
ZDNet Posted By: Byron
Sony's next PlayStation could have all the makings of a killer
home-entertainment device-if the company takes the cuffs off.
With a 128-bit processor that runs games three times faster than
the Pentium III, a graphics chip two times faster than some high-end
graphics powerhouses from Silicon Graphics (NYSE:SGI),
DVD capabilities, and most likely, online connectability, the
so-called PlayStation 2 could be a dream home-entertainment device
when it comes to market late next year.
Date: Wednesday 3rd March 1999
Today's Top Headlines: New Drivers -
Win 2000 - Voice XML - Intuit - SR Beta 2 |
- Readers
React To Windows 49.7 Day Windows Glitch
Time: 22:02 GMT Source:
News.com Posted By: Byron
A bizarre and probably obscure bug will crash some Windows
computers after about a month and a half of use. But some jaded
Windows users say they would be grateful if their systems could stay
up that long. The problem, which affects both Microsoft
Windows 95 and 98 operating systems, was confirmed by the company in
an alert to its users last week.
- Industries
First Dolby-Certified PCI Board
Time: 21:57 GMT Source:
GA Source Posted By: Byron
Zapex Technologies announced the industry's first Dolby-certified
single PCI board for 2 channel and 5.1 channel audio encoding. The
ZP-100 (2 ch) and the ZP-100 (5.1 ch) audio encoders deliver the same
Dolby Digital high-end quality that digital audio professionals rely
upon. [Read More]
- Microsoft
ships new Windows 98 Beta
Time: 20:17 GMT Source:
ZDNet Posted By: Dennis
If you purchased Windows 98 today, would your machine freeze before
you had a chance to download the Windows 98 Service Pack One? It's a
tough call.
Microsoft Corp. confirmed Tuesday it has delivered the second beta
of its Windows 98 Service Pack One and OEM Service Release One to beta
- Intiuit
Sues Checkfree over billing
Time: 20:08 GMT Source:
News.Com Posted By: Dennis
Intuit is suing Checkfree, claiming that Checkfree is violating an
April 1998 contract that limits where Checkfree can offer bill
presentment, which allows consumers to view their bills over the
- Microsoft To Ship Beta 3 Of Windows
2000 On 21 April
Time: 18:52 GMT Source:
The Register Posted By: Byron
Reliable sources said today that Microsoft will ship Beta 3 of
Windows 2000 to 100,000 end users on April 21st. And the beta will
come with support for four way clustering, we are given to understand.
A Microsoft executive said at the Intel Developer Forum last week that
Win2000 will be ported to the Alpha platform. We understand that NT
ProLiant servers in two way and four way Alpha configurations are on
track. The same highly reliable sources say that an 800MHz EV67 will
arrive sometime this month or early next, while EV68 is to clock at
1000MHz by the end of the year, in real systems.
Liquid nitrogen, in the shape of Kryotech support, will not be
required. But can Microsoft ship Win2000 on time? This is the
conundrum currently plaguing both Compaq and bitter rival Hewlett
Packard. The old guard, at both companies, have their own Unix
interests, with high margins and high prices. As previously revealed
here, there will only be two more revs of PA-RISC, while old timers at
Compaq say that the Alpha running Tru64 is yesterday's box.
However, Compaq and Microsoft are betting on NT, with the former
giving the latter support, as also revealed here earlier.
- Voice
XML Will Let You Phone The Web
Time: 11:41 GMT Source:
PC Week Posted By: Byron
Online addicts who get the jitters when they are away from
cyberspace, sports fanatics who absolutely need the latest scores from
games, opera lovers who want to order tickets--all could soon find
their needs met through voice-enabled applications that connect them
to the Internet via telephones. AT&T, Lucent Technologies, and
Motorola have formed the Voice eXtensible Markup Language Forum.
Another 17 companies have signed up to work on a standard for voice-
and phone-enabled Internet access, says David Unger, an AT&T
product strategy and development division manager.
- Linux
To Hit Desktop Soon
Time: 11:38 GMT Source:
ZDNet Posted By: Byron
Linux will hit the desktop soon, according to the operating
system's creator. Speaking before the largest Linux gathering ever,
Linus Torvalds predicted future versions of Linux will compete on both
high-end systems and smaller devices - and become a major player on
desktop computers.
- New Drivers
Time: 11:31 GMT Source:
3DFiles Posted By: Byron
AGN3D mentions
that Elsa has released new drivers for their NVIDIA Riva TNT powered
- 2.1 Megs
3DFX has just released 3DNow! optimized drivers For the Banshee
board. These are release candidate 1, version 1.02.03 for AGP/PCI
boards and both Windows 95 and 98. DOWNLOAD
- 2.4 Megs
Date: Tuesday 2nd March 1999
Today's Top Headlines: WB 0.50
released - Site News - Windows CE - MS/Dialogic Licensing -
Computer Telephony - Windows Bug - Playstation 2000- Graphics
Submission - C|Net - WindowBlinds 0.50 Released - Wicked3d |
- Wicked3D
Asking us what we want!?!
Time: 23:59 GMT Source:
Wicked3D Posted By: Matt
Wicked3D has opened up the gates for you to SOUND OFF! Currently,
both www.wicked3d.com
and www.fullon3d.com
are hosting Gamer Democracy Polls where Wicked3D asks YOU, the gamer,
to vote for the chipset you would like to see their hot new PGC
technology used on. Speak now or forever hold your...err, tongue!
- WindowBlinds
0.50 Released
Time: 23:59 GMT Source:
Stardock Posted By: Cliff
Stardock has released the new version of WindowBlinds that we
reviewed the other day to Download.com.
So go download it now! If you haven't read our review, you can
check it out here.
This is a wonderful download, and its worth a try!
- Hewlett-Packard
is Reconstructing
Time: 20:13 GMT Source:
News.Com Posted By: Dennis
Hewlett-Packard will announce a major reorganization this morning
under which the company will split off its test and measurement
division into a separate company headed up by Ned Barnholt, the
company said today.
- @Home
announcing 2 for 1 Stock Split
Time: 20:13 GMT Source:
News.Com Posted By: Dennis
Cable Net access service @Home Network announced today a
two-for-one stock split.
As reported earlier, @Home's board of directors has voted in favor
of the split. The split still needs shareholder approval; a vote is
expected at the company's annual shareholder meeting this spring.
- C|Net
Time: 19:26 GMT Source:
CNet Posted By: Byron
I just noticed that CNet has revamped its main layout yet again,
looks quite a bit better and easier to read now. Check
it out.
- The
Graphics Subsystem
Time: 19:21 GMT Source:
PC Advisor Posted By: Byron
PC Advisor has posted a "The
Graphics Subsystems" article. Here is a snippet:
When choosing
your graphics subsystem, you first need to establish your preferred
mode of operation, then match components for best image quality and
maximum performance in that mode. If for a given component image
quality or performance is poor in your preferred mode, or if the mode
is not supported altogether, excellence in the other components won't
matter much.
- Playstation 2000 Details
Time: 19:21 GMT Source:
CGO/CoolInfo Posted By: Byron
Computer Trade Weekly - a computer gaming trade publication - is
reporting that Sony has revealed details about the successor to the
PlayStation - the PlayStation 2000 that may make the console system an
even more viable competitor to PC markets than the current incarnation
of the console system.
The PlayStation 2000 will be launched in Japan sometime next winter
with a European and North American release planned in autumn 2000. The
128-bit console machine will feature both DVD and CD-ROM capabilities
and will be fully backwards compatible with the current PlayStation
Of course the PlayStation 2000 will have a fight on its hands, as
it will probably find itself up against computer systems that have
broken the 800Mhz and higher processing speeds.
- Windows
May Crash After 49.7 Days
Time: 15:08 GMT Source:
News.com Posted By: Byron
A bizarre and probably obscure bug will crash some Windows
computers after about a month and a half of use. The problem, which
affects both Microsoft Windows
95 and 98 operating systems, was confirmed by the company in an alert
to its users last week.
"After exactly 49.7 days of continuous operation, your Windows
95-based computer may stop responding," Microsoft warned
its users, without much further explanation. The problem is apparently
caused by a timing algorithm, according to the company.
- Momentum
Builds for Windows CE in Manufacturing
Time: 14:55 GMT Source:
Press Release Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. today demonstrated continued momentum for the
Microsoft® Windows® CE operating system in process-control
applications with a real-world demonstration of more than 10
commercial Windows CE-based control products, in conjunction with more
than a dozen corporate associates, including The Boeing Company,
General Motors Corp. and Philip Morris Companies Inc. This system,
shown here at the Embedded Systems Conference, showcases the small
footprint, connectivity and open platform features of Windows CE -
requirements for the next generation of embedded systems on the
factory floor. [Read More]
- Microsoft
and Dialogic Announce Licensing, Development And Investment Agreements
Time: 14:52 GMT Source:
Press Release Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. and Dialogic Corp. today announced at the Computer
Telephony Expo (CT Expo) Spring '99 that they have entered into an
agreement that will extend the Microsoft® Windows® operating system
to enable developers to build open, cost-effective computer telephony
and converged communications solutions. Microsoft will license
Dialogic's CT Media™ server software, and Dialogic will provide
development services to Microsoft in exchange for $20 million. In
addition, Microsoft has made an equity investment in Dialogic in the
amount of $24.2 million. [Read
- Microsoft
Innovations Lay the Foundation For Computer Telephony Solutions
Time: 14:50 GMT Source:
Press Release Posted By: Byron
Today at Computer Telephony Expo (CT Expo) Spring '99, Microsoft
Corp. announced agreements and plans to expand opportunities in
computer telephony and converged network communications for customers
and developers using any of the Microsoft® Windows® operating
systems. Microsoft also previewed new technologies expected to
increase the use of Windows as the preferred platform for
communications solutions. [Read
- Site News
Time: 12:15 GMT Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Dennis
The poll on the right is getting very interesting, AMD has a
fantastic lead! Also, WB 0.50.3 is still on for release, and I have
the exact zip that was released to Download.Com last night, and it is
worth the 1.2 MB download. Also make sure you check out the readme,
it'll help you get ready for the release, it includes what's new and
known bugs.
Date: Monday 1st March 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Metabyte SLI -
USB - Millennium - Pentium III - Pentium II - 300a Celeron -
WindowBlinds 0.50 - AMD - @Home - Linux - Unix - WB 0.50 Readme |
- Get
ready for WindowBlinds 0.50
Time: 23:59 GMT Source:
Stardock Posted By: Dennis
With Stardock Systems' permission we have posted WindowBlinds
0.50's readme, this is the readme that is in tomorrows release. We
will post here as soon as its released. Now at least you can prepare
of it.
- WindowBlinds 0.50 Delayed 1 Day
Time: 22:08 GMT Source:
Stardock Posted By: Dennis
WindowBlinds 0.50 is ready to go, but because of the timing of
Download.Com updates, it won't be available until tomorrow. It is
possible for it to be released tonight, but its all up to
Download.Com. We'll keep you updated.
- Major
Unix Bug Emerges
Time: 20:24 GMT Source:
ZDNet Posted By: Dennis
The vulnerability opens Unix-based servers to a new kind of
denial-of-service attack that overloads the servers' ability to answer
incoming queries, according to security expert and Internet service
provider (ISP) owner Simson Garfinkel. Garfinkel's ISP, Vineyard.Net,
experienced such an attack in early 1998, but Garfinkel soon realized
the situation was an accident caused by a subscriber's faulty
- Linux:
The Little OS that could
Time: 20:19 GMT Source:
ZDNet Posted By: Dennis
OS/2 couldn't. DR DOS didn't. BeOS won't. Will Linux be the
operating system that finally takes a chunk of market share out of
Microsoft? The first LinuxWorld Conference & Expo could be the
push it needs. It runs Monday through Thursday.
- @Home
Cheif: Access Prices will fall
Time: 20:19 GMT Source:
News.com Posted By: Dennis
@Home chief executive Tom Jermoluk said he expects access prices
for online services trending "towards zero" as advertising
and other content more fully cover the costs.
moves into Toshiba Notebooks
Time: 20:17 GMT Source:
News.com Posted By: Dennis
Toshiba, one of the largest notebook PC suppliers in the United
States, said today that it will use chips from Advanced Micro Devices,
a strong signal that the chipmaker is making headway in the portable
computer market.
- WindowBlinds
0.50 Release Tonight
Time: 20:12 GMT Source:
Stardock Posted By: Dennis
Stardock Systems has told ActiveWindows, that WindowBlinds 0.50
(NOT WindowsBlinds) will be released tonight. There was
speculation of a bug that we found, but we have been unable to
reproduce it, so if you get a chance, read our review,
and if you find the same bug please email Stardock Systems, so we
don't look like idiots. Once 0.50 is released we will post here.
- Intel 300(A) Celeron NOT
Time: 20:08 GMT Source:
Intel Posted By: Luis
Intel posted on its Celeron website that it was discontinuing its
300A, a couple of days later, Intel changed its site saying it was
still continuing it. This caused a lot of confusion. We have received
word from Intel:
We have not discontinued the 300A
Intel(R) Celeron(TM) processor.
I assume you are talking about the SEPP (Slot 1) version.
What IS happening is a rapid conversion from the SEPP Package to the
PPGA package (370 pin Socket type)
This will be the majority type of processor we will be shipping this
Hope this clears up some of the confusion.
- Pentium
II Prices Drop
Time: 20:04 GMT Source:
News.com Posted By: Dennis
Intel, apparently
feeling the heat from rival chipmaker Advanced
Micro Devices, cut the prices on Pentium II processors between 15
to 20 percent to make way for the new Pentium IIIs and match AMD.
- Pentium
III Ok Now, Gets Better Later
Time: 18:48 GMT Source:
News.com Posted By: Byron
The Pentium III processor went on sale last week, and the one you
may want to buy comes out in September.
While Intel's latest processor
will improve the quality of video, audio, and multimedia on PCs
through its new "SIMD" processor instructions, some analysts
and observers believe that the premier benefit of upgrading to a
Pentium III machine won't appear for seven months.
By then, Intel will be shipping a new version of the Pentium III,
code-named Coppermine, which will run at 600 MHz and contain new
architectural improvements that boost performance.
- Dell
Launches Workstations With Two Intel Chips For Price Of One
Time: 18:43 GMT Source:
MSNBC Posted By: Byron
Dell Computer Corp., continuing the aggressive-pricing strategy
that has led to rapid gains in market share, Monday is announcing
souped-up engineering workstations using two of the latest Intel Corp.
microprocessors for nearly the same price that rivals are charging for
single-microprocessor workstations.
- PC
Sales Slowing Down?
Time: 18:39 GMT Source:
ZDNet Posted By: Byron
Compaq Computer Corp warned of lower-than-expected demand for its
personal computers, compounding concerns by some analysts that growth
in the $174 billion world-wide PC market may be nearing an end. The
world's largest PC maker said sales for the quarter ending March 31
were running below its projections because of weakness in North
America and Europe, which accounts for the bulk of PC sales. "In
January, our sales were lower than we expected and it spilled over
into the first week of February," said Enrico Pesatori, Compaq's
senior vice president for corporate marketing. "We can't pinpoint
it to anything special," he said.
- Ultra
ATA/66 Controller Review
Time: 18:39 GMT Source:
Hardware Central Posted By: Byron
Hardware Central has posted a review of the Promise
Ultra ATA/66 controller. Here is a clip:
When most
people think of high performance hard drives they think of SCSI. IDE
has been a consumer level technology since the beginning. The speeds
were just not fast enough for workstation level machines, and
definitely not for servers. In the last several years things have been
changing. Several advances were made in EIDE technology to speed up
the transfer data from the ever-faster hard drives. Up until recently
the fastest method was Ultra ATA/33. The latest offering is Ultra
ATA/66. Hard drives that support Ultra ATA/66 have been available for
several months now. The problem has been that no controllers or
chipsets support it so those owning the new drives had to settle for
Ultra ATA/33.
Technology is the first company to come out with a Ultra ATA/66
controller. Promise has been making hard drive controllers for over
ten years. They were originally known for their high performance
caching IDE controllers and now for their Ultra ATA/33 and RAID
controllers for IDE. Their latest offering is the new Ultra66 PCI
controller. The Ultra66 is a small board with two IDE connectors
capable of running four IDE drives at up to Ultra ATA/66.
- Millennium
Promises To Revolutionize Computing As We Know It
Time: 13:56 GMT Source:
Press Release Posted By: Byron
Millennium aims to turn a network of computerized devices into one,
giant computer that resembles the human brain, allocating resources
efficiently to accomplish each task. [Read
- Universal
Plug and Play to Make Network Configuration Easy and Convenient for
the Average Consumer
Time: 13:54 GMT Source:
Press Release Posted By: Byron
Universal Plug and Play will increase the information available to
consumers by making it easy to create a seamless network that links
home, office and mobile computing devices. [Read
- On
Site Visit: Metabyte SLI
Time: 10:15 GMT Source:
Sharky Extreme Posted By: Byron
Sharky Extreme has posted a hands-on preview
of Metabytes SLI technology. Here is a snippet:
We sat down and
played through the particular Quake2 level while it was explained to
us that the machine was being powered by "three Wicked3D Voodoo2
boards" simultaneously. The 3D effect was incredibly vivid and
engaging. The famous Quake2 "flies" that buzz about a dead
body seemed to be genuinely in the room, and itself with the
3D/3-Monitor setup. Railguns left blue particle streams that seemed to
float upward and out of the screen after being fired, you could drive
a truck through their famous "tunnel" stream signatures. The
enemies in the game all had physical shape/size, and looked like
plastic action figures running around, ala the movie Small Soldiers.
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