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Sunday 7th February 1999
Seagate - XML - Rage Fury
- Site News
Time: 22:45 GMT Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron/Dennis/Cliff
Today has been pretty slow on the news side, as it tends to be
on Sundays. But we haven't been wasting any time, we have, as some
of you may or may not have noticed been updating certain other
sections on the website such as Drivers,
Downloads, Search
and newsgroups.
Cliff and I are also putting the final touches on a new design
and layout for our website design services Dark-Design.
We will announce it once we have completed it, we shouldn't take
too much longer.
- How
to Upgrade Your Graphics Card
Time: 16:01 GMT Source: GameSpot
Posted By: Byron
GameSpot has posted an
article on How
to Upgrade Your Graphics Card. Pretty good for any of you out
there who are worried about trying it. Here is a snip:
OK, you
bit the bullet and bought a new accelerator. Or maybe you got
one for Christmas, and it's lying unopened on your shelf,
beckoning you. But you've resisted its blandishments, even
regarded it with dread. You've heard about all the nightmares
that can occur when you install a new card, and your system is
running fine, thank you very much. Sure, Quake II is running at
12fps, but, hey, it's stable.
I can't
promise to remove all the headaches, but if you read this guide,
you'll at least encounter a minimum of headaches.
- Software
Developers To Get New XML Standards
Time: 15:57 GMT Source:
News.com Posted By: Byron
The Object Management Group today said it expects to pass a new
XML-related standard by next month that will allow software
development teams to collaborate via the Internet.
or Extensible Markup Language, essentially lets programmers
exchange information over the Web. A new extension called XMI, or
the XML Metadata Interchange Format, allows developers to use
tools from different vendors to build object-based applications.
Desktop Chip Found Hiding In Compaq Notebook
Time: 15:51 GMT Source: The Register Posted
By: Byron
Compaq has admitted that it published misleading information on
its Web site about the type of processor used in its Presario home
notebook PC. [Read
Rage Fury 128 - Review
Time: 15:50 GMT Source: Ritualistic Posted
By: Byron
Ritualistic has posted a review
on the ATI Rage Fury 128. Here is a snippet:
One of
the cards more notable features is the ability to enhance your
gaming by the way of the Game Booster software. If you like
Quake2 Engine games more than Direct 3d, than you might want to
keep the setting on Quake2 Engine Games. Same goes for the
Direct3d users. This software provides you the method of turning
on the card's features and loading drivers specific to your
gaming needs. The only draw back is after you switch, you need
to reboot your machine. In my experience, this was a long drawn
out process. Some may view it as annoying, and then some others
might say it a nice feature. In this gamer's opinion, I wouldn't
mind having to reboot to gain performance, If the boot process
wasn't so long (in my case).
Saturday 6th February 1999
NS Security - GPS - Y2K
- The
Avengers - Review
Time: 22:09 GMT Source: ActiveDVD
Posted By: Byron
I have posted my review of The
Avengers DVD. Here is a short snippet:
Once I
started to watch the movie, I was quite surprised to see how
gorgeous the image quality was and not only that - I felt the
directing and photography were also quite superb. The Avengers
contains a mass of great colors that are clear and vivid, so on
DVD they really stand out.
- New
Word Virus Found
Time: 14:00 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
The Energy Department has found a new macro virus that infects
Microsoft Word, and while the virus is relatively mild, most
current antivirus tools can't yet detect it. The virus, called
W97M.Footprint, overwrites the footers--standard text that word
processors can print at the bottom of each page to identify the
source of the document--of all open documents, DOE's
Computer Incident Advisory
Capability group said this week. [Read
- Microsoft
Y2K site only accessible on IE
Time: 13:57 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
Users of Netscape's Communicator browser who turn to Microsoft
for help with the Year 2000 computer glitch may find themselves
encountering glitches of their own.
Microsoft's Year
2000 Readiness Disclosure & Resource Center isn't fully
accessible with Netscape's browser, according to a report to be
published by the Internet
Tourbus newsletter. [Read
- New
Viper v550 Drivers
Time: 13:55 GMT Source: Kerry
Capps Posted By: Byron
has posted, new drivers for their TNT powered Viper v550 --
They have yesterdays date, but the version number (
is the same as the previous drivers.
Version: 550255.EXE
(3.26 Mb) 550255.txt
- PC
Makers Not Ready To Put Linux On Desktops
Time: 13:53 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
With the Linux operating system snaring three major
server-based bundling agreements in the past month, many are
asking the question: "Is the desktop environment next?"
But from the tune being sung by major hardware vendors, such
inroads appear to be at least several months away. [Read
- Win
2000 beta dogged by application incompatibilities
Time: 13:50 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Incompatibility with existing applications is emerging as the
latest problem to plague Microsoft Corp.'s development of Windows
Only about 60 percent of Windows NT applications can run on the
current Windows 2000 beta, sources close to Microsoft said. While
that number is up from a figure that hovered around 40 percent
when Microsoft (MSFT)
shipped Beta 3 Release Candidate 0 last month, it still falls
below the company's target goals, sources said. Since January,
Microsoft has shipped numerous interim builds. [Read
- Possible
Lycos to Create Largest Portal site
Time: 11:30 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Dennis
Lycos will become the Web's largest portal if rumors about the
imminent sale of a 35 per cent stake to the media group NBC prove
to be true. As part of the deal, Lycos, currently the third most
popular portal on the Web, would merge with Snap, the minor portal
run by NBC.
- GPS:
Never get lost again.
Time: 11:30 GMT Source: C|Net
Posted By: Dennis
There's nothing more unnerving then being lost. (Well, maybe
being lost with someone who refuses to ask for directions.)
Fortunately, there's a solution: the Global Positioning System
(GPS), a satellite-based navigation system that can help you find
your location anywhere on the planet. C|Net has the scoop.
- Netscape's
Form-Handling Compromises Security
Time: 00:53 GMT Source: Netigen
Web Posted By: Byron
According to Slashdot.org,
a new security hole has been discovered in Netscape Communicator
4.5. The problem stems from the way that Netscape handles forms.
In many cases, the browser stores data entered in a form as a
temporary text file. Unfortunately, this file is not deleted and
the file is left in the temp directory for prying eyes to see.
Depending on the site you are visiting and the nature of the
form, you could unknowingly reveal everything from your phone
number and address to your credit card and Social Security number.
Other than avoiding forms altogether, the only solution is to
scan the temp directory and manually delete the NSFORM*.TMP file.
It is expected that the final release of Communicator 4.51 will
resolve the issue, however, the current 4.51 beta build has the
same problem.
Friday 5th February 1999
Search - Indeo Drivers - WindowBlinds
0.40 - OSR
- Seagate
breaks Hard Drive Record
Time: 22:53 GMT Source: Netigen
Web Posted By: Dennis
Quick! Someone call Guinness! Seagate has broken the world
record for the "highest disk drive area density" by
packing more than 16 billion bits of data per square-inch on a
hard disk platter. The last company to do so was IBM--back in
December of 1997--with 11 billion bits.
- Intel
Fuels The Fire With Celeron Cuts
Time: 22:44 GMT Source: News.com Posted
By: Byron
Intel is slated to cut prices on its line of low-cost Celeron
chips on Monday, causing some analysts to wonder whether this
aggressive low-end chip strategy might ultimately do more harm
than good. In a move that will likely rattle the PC and chip
markets, Intel will cut prices on its increasingly popular Celeron
line of chips. But some analysts think if Intel continues to sell
more of these low-priced chips, revenues could suffer. In short,
as Intel boosts Celeron shipments, the overall average selling
price of Intel chips dips. Prices will fall about $10 on the
cheapest Celeron chips and more on higher end versions, according
to industry sources familiar with the price cuts on Monday.
Pentium II prices are slated to be cut on February 28 when the
Pentium III arrives, Intel has said. [Read
- Chat
Time: 21:03 GMT Source: ActiveWindows
Posted By: Byron
Just a last reminder that we will be having a chat today at 8
PM EST/1 AM GMT on irc.activewin.com in #activewin....A number of
other sites will also join us again this week.
Desktop TV Card - Review
Time: 20:26 GMT Source: AGN Hardware Posted
By: Byron
AGN Hardware has posted a review
of STB's Desktop TV Card. Here is a snippet:
The Desktop
TV is a great card that falls short of the competition in a few
areas while equaling them in others. Personally I think the FM
features of the card is a waste and I would recommend that you
pick up the version without it, especially considering the price
is so much cheaper. FM just does not stand a chance in the day and
age of MP3s. With the exception of the FM tuner, I think that STB
has made a great card that is sure to please anyone looking to
bring TV to their desktop.
- MS
Beefs Up Systems Management Server
Time: 20:16 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. on Monday will officially release Systems
Management Server 2.0, although the introduction will be somewhat
anticlimactic given the enterprise desktop management tool's long
and public beta testing cycle. [Read
- WindowBlinds
0.40 Review
Time: 19:15 GMT Source: ActiveWindows
Posted By: Dennis
After working all day on this review, we are finally ready to
let you see it. We have some exclusive new news on WB 0.40,
including what's in store, and even information about a new
internal build released to Stardock employees. If your a WB 0.40
user or are interested in changing Windows for the better, you
should see this review.
- Windows 98 OSR Update
Time: 18:45 GMT Source: Microsoft Posted
By: Steve
We posted some news yesterday about the OSR beta 2 unlikely to
be coming out today, well it turns out today that it is even more
unlikely to make it. But it is due early next week and testers
will not see a new build until then.
- Cable pulling ahead in high-speed Internet
Time: 16:01 GMT Source: Reuters Posted
By: Byron
Cable modem is gaining ground over telephone in the high-speed
Internet access market war now being waged in U.S. homes, said an
executive for a company that supplies chips to both camps.
"Cable clearly has a lead in (high-speed) access to the
home," said Broadcom Corp. chief financial officer William
Ruehle at a Nationsbanc Montgomery technology conference in San
- K6-3
to have new name as software war begins
Time: 15:20 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
An executive at AMD UK today said that the K6-3 will have a
different name but he won't say what it is. Paul Ridgway, at AMD
UK, was talking at a VIA seminar in London this morning. He also
the introduction of the K6-3, whatever it is called, will be
"very, very soon" but didn't narrow that down either.
- WinRAR
2.50 Beta 3
Time: 12:51 GMT Source: Netigen
Web Posted By: Byron
Yesterday a new beta of the most popular RAR compression tool
was released. Unlike the second beta release that offered dozens
of new features, WinRAR 2.50 Beta 3 functions mainly as a
maintenance build to fix prevalent bugs. Click here
to download (621 KB).
- DirectX
6.1 On Windows Update
Time: 12:46 GMT Source: Bob Posted
By: Byron
Microsoft has finally posted DirectX 6.1 to their Windows
Update website, so if you were waiting for it to be posted on
there (We know a lot of you do) then go and grab it.
- New
Indeo Video 5.1 Drivers
Time: 12:39 GMT Source: Michael
Fisher Posted By: Byron
Intel has released new Indeo
drivers, these are version 5.1 and were released just a couple
of days ago, it includes the latest versions of all Indeo codecs.
- Site News -
Search Working
Time: 12:37 GMT Source: ActiveWindows
Posted By: Byron
Our new search engine is
up and running. This allows you to search all sections of
ActiveWindows. We have so far had no complaints about the new CSS
stuff I added yesterday, so I assume you liked it.
Thursday 4th February 1999
Mozilla - Email Bug - WindowBlinds 0.40
- Site News
Time: 23:43 GMT Source: ActiveWindows
Posted By: Byron
I've started the slight HTML revamp of the main page - so you
may see some weird code pop up over the next few hours, don't
worry too much as it shouldn't spoil your viewing. Added different
colors for visited and unvisited links (Apart from the right side
links otherwise it looks ugly) - Some of you have asked for them
to be added, but if you hate it now make sure to e-mail
me and I may change it back.
We now have someone working on a full site search for us, this
shouldn't take too long to complete so we hope it will be up and
running this weekend.
Another reminder that our newsgroups
are back up and running, so if you have any questions or comments
then please feel free to post them there. Finally - Remember that
we have another Online Chat
coming up tomorrow night
- WindowBlinds
0.40 Review
Time: 22:52 GMT Source: Netigen
Web Posted By: Dennis
Our affiliate Netigen Web has put up a WindowBlinds 0.40
review, Netigen recommends that you download this beta, as does
ActiveWindows. Check this review out. ActiveWindows is
considering reviewing WindowBlinds as well. We'll post it up here
as soon as its finished.
- 1.16 Megs
- @Home
considers Road Runner pairing
Time: 22:40 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Dennis
A senior executive with the high-speed cable Internet access
provider says the door may be open for a deal with Road Runner,
another entrant in the market.
- 3Com
Cuts Palm Pilot Prices
Time: 22:39 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
3Com's Palm Computing division discounted its Palm III and
PalmPilot Professional Edition, the company announced today. Palm
Computing is expected to release two new products at the end of
the month, and today's price cuts make room for the new higher-end
products. The company filled one of its open management positions
earlier this week, when it tapped Robin Abrams as president of
Palm Computing. [More]
- Shuttle
Hot-649A Dual BX Motherboard Review
Time: 20:39 GMT Source:
AnandTech Posted By: Byron
AnandTech has posted a review on the Shuttle
HOT-649A Dual BX Motherboard. Here is a snippet:
The board
wouldn't be a complete "high-end" solution if it weren't
for the on-board SCSI Shuttle features on the HOT-649A with the
Adaptec 7980 controller. The 7980, commonplace on most dual
processor boards, allows for an independent 68-pin UltraWide
SCSI-3/50-pin UltraSCSI channel and a dedicated 68-pin Ultra2 SCSI
channel in order to ensure that Ultra2 drives aren't limited by
the presence of older drives on the SCSI chain.
- Windows 98 OSR Beta 2 Unlikely Tomorrow
Time: 20:31 GMT Source: Microsoft Posted
By: Steven
It is becoming increasingly likely that Microsoft will not now
release beta 2 of OSR tomorrow night. They will release a new
build which could well go on to be beta 2, but it is not positive
that it will be announced tomorrow night. But of course keep an
eye out on here for the news from Microsoft when beta 2 comes out
- New
Real3D Starfighter PCI Drivers
Time: 15:57 GMT Source: 3DFiles
Posted By: Byron
New Real3D Starfighter PCI drivers for Win 95/98 version 0323
have been posted. They include DirectX 6 support and a ton of
OpenGL enhancements just to name a couple things.
- 1.6 Megs
Won't Dominate Until 2001, Says Researcher
Time: 15:46 GMT Source: PC
Week Posted By: Byron
According to a new study, users probably won't embrace Digital
Video Disk drives--battered by incompatibilities and the continued
price/performance strength of CD technology--until after 2001.
Users are slow to adopt DVD drives because of incompatibilities
among DVD formats and delays in drive availability, says a market
research report from consulting firm Freeman Associates. [More]
- Intel
To Launch Pentium III On Feb.26th
Time: 14:04 GMT Source: Computer
Retail Weekly Posted By: Byron
Intel will launch its Pentium III processor Feb. 26 and two
days later open "the blue door" in its promotions for
the new chip. Gordon Casey, director of investor relations at
Intel, said PCs based on the Pentium III will be available Feb.
26. The blue door, pictured on the company's Web site, is a
"metaphor for the better Internet experience you'll get with
the Pentium III," he said. An Intel spokeswoman said the blue
door, when opened Feb. 28, will be a place where people can view a
buyer's guide for the Pentium III, as well as software optimized
for the processor. Plans call for the site to have links to Web
sites optimized for the new chip, she said. Intel will run ads
with the blue door to promote the Pentium III. [More]
- 433
Celeron Will Ship Early
Time: 14:00 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Intel Corp. is accelerating the rollout of its next Celeron
processor. Following closely on the expected late-February release
of its 450MHz and 500MHz Pentium III, the Santa Clara, Calif.,
company plans to ship a new 433MHz Celeron on March 15, according
to sources. The processor was originally scheduled for release in
the second quarter
- Web
Email Bug Bites The Net
Time: 13:58 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
Hotmail is working to plug a security hole that could make a
monkey out of any Web surfer.
The hole, thought to be common to all the Web-based email
providers, permits one to create a piece of incriminating email
that can be falsely traced to the victim's computer. The user
doesn't even have to have an email account.
- Mozilla
Comes Of Age
Time: 13:57 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
In the year since its birth, mozilla.org has breathed new life
into the open source software development model.
The organization won the dedication, respect, and--most
importantly--the free labor of software developers worldwide. It
inspired giant computer firms to take a closer look at open source
development, and it potentially robbed Microsoft
of another crucial monopoly.
3rd February 1999
Win 3.1 - Win 9* Kernel Lives - Linux
- Inside
Office 2000
23:58 GMT Source: e-mail (Chris Patterson)
We forgot to mention this the other day when we posted about
Microsoft Confidential being update, we ignored it thinking it was
old (It won't happen again) so thanks go out to Chris for pointing
it out.
Microsoft have posted a new Inside
Office 2000: A product-by-product preview and it's pretty
darn fab too, giving a whole bundle of information about all the
components for the suite that will be released in April.
- Latest
Macro Virus targets PowerPoint
23:45 GMT Source: Netigen Web
An Australian
company that makes anti virus software reported a new macro
virus that exploits a vulnerability in Word 97 and infects other
Office 97 files via the Internet. The virus has been dubbed
Triplicate because it is the first of its kind to infect all three
main components of Microsoft Corp.'s Office 97 suite -- Word,
Excel and PowerPoint.
- SiteNews
and Daily News Update
22:34 GMT Source: Dennis/Byron
Things have been a little slow on the reviews front over the
past week or so, this doesn't mean we don't have anything to
review, it just means that we have been getting our new writers
settled in and it took a little longer than expected.
We will be reviewing the SoundBlaster Live! A whole bunch of
DVD's, Championship Manager 3 and anything else of interest we can
The 2nd issue of AW's Daily News Update went out last night at
9 PM EST (02:00 GMT), from what I have heard it was a success. You
can join the fun just check out our Daily
Update page to sign up. This is a great feature to have
around, especially if you don't have time to check out
ActiveWindows. It is recommended for all ages. We now have over
100 subscribers, and there's plenty room for more! Sign up now!
The next issue goes out tonight at 9 PM EST, if you haven't
already subscribed make sure you check out Daily
Update. See you all later tonight in the ActiveWindows Daily
News Update.
- Corel
to ship WordPerfect Office 2000
21:05 GMT Source: Netigen Web
Corel Corp. expects to ship the first public beta of its
WordPerfect Office 2000 productivity applications suite this week.
In the latest release of Corel's office package, the company
focuses on improving the performance of features such as opening
and saving files and on compatibility with Microsoft Corp.'s
forthcoming Office 2000.
Beta 3 of WordPerfect Office 2000 will ship to about 300 beta
testers. That figure should detail the difference in magnitude of
this beta test. Microsoft Office 2000 beta has been sent to well
over 20,000 testers. The suite's final release is slated for May,
Corel officials said.
- DirectX
6.1 Download Back Up
19:39 GMT Source: Byron Hinson
Now that DirectX 6.1 has been officially announced on the
Microsoft DirectX website, you can now download
DirectX 6.1 for Windows 95 and 98.
- Microsoft
Ships DirectX 6.1
19:16 GMT Source: Press Release
Microsoft Corp. today announced shipment of version 6.1 of the
Microsoft® DirectX® Software Development Kit (SDK), including
the first public release of the widely heralded Microsoft
DirectMusic™ API as well as native support for the Intel Pentium
III processor family.
A mature and comprehensive set of system services in the
Windows® operating system, DirectX unlocks the power of
Windows-equipped multimedia PCs by providing software developers
with transparent access to a wide range of peripherals, including
graphics cards, audio adapters and input devices. DirectX was
introduced in 1995 and is now a recognized standard for multimedia
application development. [More]
- IBM's Browser For The Blind
15:34 GMT Source: ZDNet
IBM Wednesday announced the availability of a talking Web
browsers designed for blind and visually impaired users. The Home
Page Reader for Windows was originally developed in Japanese. The
new software is available in English, and IBM plans to translate
it into other languages later this year. The software costs $149
and is available now.
- Intel
Inside - Your Toys
15:32 GMT Source: ZDNet
Intel Corp today announced the first products in its
relationship with Mattel Inc, a computerized version of a
microscope and a digital camera. The high-tech toys are just a few
of the wired wonders that will be unveiled at the International
Toy Fair in New York next week. From talking stuffed animals to
virtual surfboards, Silicon Valley is infiltrating the playroom.
- MS
Confirms That Windows 9x Kernel Lives
14:51 GMT Source: ZDNet
NT Consumer is two to three years away, so Microsoft says at
least one 'minor' update to Win98 is necessary. For at least two
years, the Redmond, Wash., company has said that the next version
of its desktop OS would be based on the NT kernel. Instead,
Microsoft is now planning to update Windows 98 with one, and
perhaps more, "minor" Windows 9X-based desktop upgrades
before it rolls out its next "major" Windows 98 upgrade,
tentatively called NT Consumer, company officials say. [More]
- Death
Of Windows 3.1
13:01 GMT Source: ZDNet
Windows 3.1 is in worse-than critical condition -- clinging to
life with no chance of survival. I predict Microsoft will soon
pull the plug. And I hereby declare that Windows 3.1 is dead.
Extinct. Lifeless. Six feet under. Pushing up daisies. [More]
- Microsoft
May Extend Windows 98's Life
12:35 GMT Source: News.com
Microsoft may extend the life of Windows 98 through 2003--two
years longer than expected--the company said today, but still
intends to base its next major consumer operating system release
on Windows NT.
The Redmond, Washington, software giant insisted it has not
altered its stated plans of shifting the core of its next consumer
OS from the DOS-based Windows 98 to a Windows NT
But the due date for that release has now been pushed back at
least two more years. In the meantime, Microsoft
will explore options for extending Windows 98 functionality and
stability with interim updates.
"The next major consumer release will be based on the NT
kernel," said Bill Zolna, a spokesman for Microsoft.
"But that doesn't mean there won't be smaller releases"
based on Windows 9X code. [More]
- Would
You Pick Linux Over Windows 2000?
09:15 GMT Source: PC World
Waiting for Windows 2000? While you're on hold, Larry Augustin,
president of VA Research, would like to bend your ear about why
Linux should be your next OS.
VA, which sells Linux-based servers and workstations, hopes to
upgrade its profile as the buzz around Linux grows. The free
operating system continues to gain prominence as bigger computing
players start to support it. In the last few months, Dell, Compaq,
IBM, and Hewlett-Packard have all announced servers or
workstations with Linux preloaded. Corel is developing a Linux
version of WordPerfect for release later this year (a free
downloadable version is already available). [More]
- Intel
Will Ship 433MHz Celerons In March
09:12 GMT Source: PC World
Intel is cranking up the speed on its budget-minded Celeron
processors sooner than expected--releasing a 433-MHz version of
the Celeron chip in mid-March, industry sources say. The
Celeron-433 systems should be priced similarly to today's
Celeron-400 PCs, which go for $1499 well loaded, including a
monitor. [More]
2nd February 1999
Pentium III - 52x CD-ROM - Daily Update
- New
Graphics Blaster Exxtreme Drivers & Bios
22:52 GMT Source: 3DFiles.com
Graphics Blaster Exxtreme Windows 95/98 drivers and BIOS
GBEX-95BIO-1-US (Revision 5) are now available. The zip contains
the latest bios (v1.44.2), supports the new DX6's Flexible Vertex
Format (FVF) and allows the 'Advanced Properties' module to be
shown correctly under Blastercontrol.
- 1.5 Megs
- Microsoft
Warns IE Users of Security Threat
22:30 GMT Source: Internet.Com
Microsoft has posted a message on its Web site warning IE users
of the "trojan horse" program that accompanies an e-mail
messages sent out last week using a forged Microsoft return
The fraudulent message, from IEsupport@microsoft.com, informs
receipts that IE contains bugs that can be fixed by running an
included attachment. The file is actually a trojan horse that,
when executed, will launch a flood from the user's computer to the
Web server operated by the BTC.
- ActiveWindows
Daily News Update
20:30 GMT Source: Dennis
The 1st issue of AW's Daily News Update went out last night at
9 PM EST (02:00 GMT), from what I have heard it was a success. You
can join the fun just check out our Daily
Update page to sign up. This is a great feature to have
around, especially if you don't have time to check out
ActiveWindows. It is recommended for all ages.
The next issue goes out tonight at 9 PM EST, if you haven't
already subscribed make sure you check out Daily
Update. We'd love to have you on board. See you all later
tonight in the ActiveWindows Daily
News Update.
- Top
20:30 GMT Source: C|Net
C|Net has posted an extensive review on the top uninstallers
right now. C|Net recommends CleanSweep Deluxe 4.1. Check out this
review, and see if your uninstaller (if you have one) is the right
one for you.
- IBM,
HP, Intel, and AMD leak new technology
20:30 GMT Source: The
Major chip manufacturers are set to unveil new microprocessors
at a conference in the US in mid-February. Interesting to know
what the major CPU makers are coming up with.
- Microsoft
invests in Net
20:30 GMT Source: News.com
Microsoft has spent billions to invest internally in the Net
and in third-party communications firms, but has yet to unveil a
comprehensive strategy to deliver its content over high-speed
networks. As major portals merge and strike deals with bandwidth
players, analysts wonder how much longer Redmond will watch the
game from the sidelines.
- Millennium
Bug May Not Have A Nasty Bite
19:28 GMT Source: News.com
Industry leaders, including Microsoft CEO Bill Gates, tell the
World Economic Forum's annual meeting they believe the bug may
pose only modest problems.
- 52X
19:24 GMT Source: AGN
Unlike other ``Max'' CD-ROM drives that reach top performance
only on the outermost tracks of the disc, the Kenwood 52X TrueX
CD-ROM drive delivers a typical transfer rate ranging from 6750 -
7800 KB per second across the entire disc.
Kenwood Technologies began shipping its first breakthrough
CD-ROM drives in August 1998, marking the company's official
entrance into the computer peripheral market. Since introduction,
the Kenwood MULTI BEAM 40X Plus CD-ROM drive, distributed by Santa
Ana, Calif.-based Hi-Val, Inc., has won numerous awards and
reviews and continues to gain widespread industry acceptance.
The Kenwood 52X TrueX CD-ROM drive, builds upon the success of
the 40X and will be brought to market under both the Kenwood and
Hi-Val brand names.
``With the 52X TrueX, Kenwood establishes a clear leadership
position in CD-ROM technology today and lays the foundation for
future success in the DVD arena,'' stated A. J. Hart, senior vice
president of Kenwood Technologies. ``The Kenwood 52X TrueX is just
the beginning of a stream of exciting new products from Kenwood
that will deliver superior performance, exceptional value, and the
quality of the Kenwood brand name.''
- Creative
Labs PC-DVD Encore 5X Review - Hardwire
15:46 GMT Source: Hardwire
Hardwire posted a
review on the Creative
PC-DVD Encore 5X kit. Here is a snip:
decoder card is for playing DVD movies. It takes care of the
hardware-hungry task of decoding MPEG 1 and 2 video, which is
the format for DVD movies. Since most DVD movies are 60 frames
per second, double the framerate of television programs and
videos, the card has a lot of work to do, and this keeps the
hardware requirements down. There is a connector like the
CD-Audio connector on current CD-ROMs which hooks into the
decoder card. The decoder card also has another port for one of
these connectors to come from a second CD-ROM. The decoder card
then connects to your sound card through its CD-Audio port. The
reason for this is because the decoder card uses this channel to
give you audio, bypassing your wave device and thus giving
minimal distortion and maximum sound quality.
- Microsoft
Goes For E-Licensing
15:33 GMT Source: ZDNet
Microsoft Corp. on Monday launched an electronic volume
licensing program that lets small and midsize businesses order
discounted software through resellers.
Microsoft Licensing Online intends to make it easier for the
small to medium-size business (SMB) segment, which Microsoft (MSFT)
defines as companies with 5 to 1000 PCs, to participate in volume
licensing. Microsoft volume discounts start at five copies of
Microsoft Office via the company's existing open licensing
- WindowsBlinds
0.40 Final Released
14:30 GMT Source: Netigen
WindowBlinds 0.40 has finally been released for public
download. This upgrade offers dozens of improvements
over previous releases, including most importantly increased
stability. Netigen Web plan on adding a review within a day or so.
Click here
to download (1.16 MB).
- Early
Pentium Sales Irk Intel
13:57 GMT Source: News.com
Intel's legal department is looking into ways of stopping sales
of Pentium III processors in advance of the chip's official
release, but isn't likely to do much about the irksome practice.
1st February 1999
Site News - Daily Update - Intel
- Last Chance
23:59 GMT Source: Dennis
This is your last chance to get today's update. Go to Daily
Update to subscribe to the ActiveWindows Daily News Update. If
you miss out on today's update you can subscribe for tomorrow's
and for the rest of ActiveWindows' history.
- Windows
98 Not Such A Lame Duck After All
22:57 GMT Source: ZDNet
Looks like our news from 2 months ago about Windows 98 OSR
probably going on sale is turning out to be more and more likely,
perhaps the OSR will get a name change after all, but then again,
everything is a rumor until you hear it direct from Microsoft.
Here is a snip from the ZDNet article:
Corp. is wavering in its plans to base its next-generation desktop
operating system -- the follow-on to Windows 98 -- on the NT
kernel. For at least two years, the Redmond, Wash., company has
said that the next version of its desktop OS would be based on the
NT kernel. Instead, Microsoft is now contemplating extending its
venerable Windows 9x kernel for at least one more release,
according to sources close to the company. Timing for the release
of the beta and final code for this operating system update --
which may be called Windows 2000 Personal Edition, according to
sources -- is uncertain.
- New
3Dfx Reference Drivers
22:55 GMT Source: 3Dfx
3Dfx has released new reference drivers for the Voodoo 2 for
both Windows
95/98 and NT.
- Apple
Once again Scores in the Super Bowl
22:46 GMT Source: MSNBC
It hardly seems that long, but it has
been 15 years since the airing of what is considered the greatest
commercial of all time. It was broadcast just once, on Super Bowl
Sunday in 1984. They have hit it again with their new HAL 9000
commercial. When I first saw it, I laughed.
- Intel
Antitrust Suit Update
22:36 GMT Source: C|Net
Just after you thought you were bored with hearing about
trials, from the Bill Clinton impeachment trial to the Microsoft
anti trust trial, the FTC's Intel anti trust lawsuit has had a
major development today. Both sides announced their witness lists,
and AMD is one of them. The trial is set for March 9, 1999.
- Daily
22:30 GMT Source: Dennis
Just a reminder from yesterdays news that our new mailing list
will begin tonight. At 9 PM EST, I will send out a newsletter
describing the day's latest news. This will continue every day,
except when we announce we are taking a break the day before. This
is a great list to be on. We still would like for you to visit the
site for up to date information and more details. See you on the
- New
ICQ99a Released
21:49 GMT Source: ICQ
ICQ have released another new
build of their ICQ99 Alpha, this one is build 1700 and is yet
again available for download to anyone who wants to risk
installing an alpha release. We've noticed a few bug fixes so far,
that there is a new Search form in this new build, and that you
can now set up "Communities". Worth a look!
- Windows
2000 Delay Not A Big Deal
20:50 GMT Source: ZDNet
In an industry notorious for lengthy delays, it should come as
no surprise that Microsoft is late in delivering an updated
Windows NT (now called Windows 2000). And despite the
disappointment the prolonged wait has caused, the system's
tardiness won't have much of an effect on the success of Windows.
- Netscape
Communicator 5.0 Beta Later This Month
19:36 GMT Source: BrowserWatch
BrowserWatch is reporting that Netscape will release a long
awaited beta of Communicator 5.0 towards the end of the month.
- Microsoft
Confidential Updated
15:40 GMT Source: Byron Hinson
Microsoft has updated their 'Confidential'
web page with information about Windows Media On Demand Producer
and Windows Media Player.
- Detectives
to Solve "Homicide" Case Online and On-Air
15:28 GMT Source: Press Release
This pretty much has nothing to do with Windows or any other
news we have posted on here before, but Homicide is an excellent
show and this is being shown on Windows Media Player. [More]
- Addition
Of Color Spurs Several Hardware Manufacturers To Offer Palm-Size
15:25 GMT Source: Press Release
Imagine being able to put your computer in your pocket and take
it wherever you go-literally. Already, thousands of people are
doing just that. They read and respond to e-mail, update their
weekly schedules, listen to books on tape, record their thoughts,
play computer games and view content from the Internet-all with a
device that fits into the palm of their hand. [More]
- Sun
To Tackle Real-Time Java
15:22 GMT Source: ZDNet
Sun Microsystems Inc.'s new Community Source Licensing process
is being put to the test in the wake of a recent victory over a
group of developers that wanted a national standards body to
control forthcoming specifications for real-time Java. [More]
- Desktop
Theater 5.1 Review
13:52 GMT Source: Fast Graphics
FastGraphics posted a
review on the Creative
Desktop Theater 5.1. Here is a snip:
Dolby Surround is the best surround sound you can get from an
analog two-channel signal like a VCR or analog cable TV we need
to move to digital sound to get better surround. And so it
happened. About ten years ago the first theaters featured
"Dolby Digital" sound systems. These soundsystems
offer true surround sound, meaning five completely separate
channels, left, center, right, left rear, right rear and even a
subwoofer channel. Dolby Digital is also referred to as AC-3 or
Dolby 5.1. Since the channels are not encoded into two analog
channels the separation between them is as good as it gets. An
other advantage of Dolby Digital is that all channels have equal
power and are driven with the full frequency spectrum
- TV
Guide Vs. Microsoft
13:34 GMT Source: News.com
Could TV Guide one day compete with Microsoft? As odd as it may
sound, that could eventually happen in some business areas as
lines dividing the worlds of television and computers continue to
- Site News
09:28 GMT Source: Byron Hinson
This should be a good week for us, not only with the fact that
we have new staff members updating various sections, but also
because tech news should get back on track after a very slow week
(We can forgive the news for being slow on Superbowl Sunday)
Just a reminder that we will be having another online chat on
Friday February 5th at 8PM EST/1AM GMT. We have yet to decide what
the topic will be, but you can join us on irc.activewin.com in
chat room #activewindows or via our MS
Chat page.
Do You Have Any Windows Based News? Just e-mail