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30th September 1998
FrontPage 2000 Announcment - CuteFTP 2.6
- 23:04 GMT - CuteFTP 2.6 final has been released, you can
download it from the CuteFTP
site now.
29th September 1998
IE Passes Netscape Navigator
- 13:54 GMT - Internet Explorer passes Navigator. Microsoft
Web browser now has market-share lead, says IDC.
28th September 1998
New Site
- 20:21 GMT - We will be starting a beta of one of our new
websites this friday, no matter what state it is in at the time.
27th September 1998
New TweakIt and DirectControl
26th September 1998
New Review - Office SR 2 Withdrawn
- 23:40 GMT - Added a new Motherboard/Bios update page to
the Drivers Section. Check
it out.
25th September 1998
New Reviews - Cute FTP Beta
- 14:17 GMT - We will be posting our review of the new game
from Gremlin, Actua Tennis at some point tomorrow.
24th September 1998
New Review
- 10:45 GMT - Finally started to update the Tips
section again.
- 10:10 GMT - Updated the Links
page. We apologize for the weblinks that were accidentally erased.
23rd September 1998
Reviews - Previews
- 23:28 GMT - STB
has released a new BIOS patch for their TNT board, the Velocity
- 13:12 GMT - Added a whole bunch of new Desktop
Themes...Make sure you check all sections, as there are far
too many updates to name here.
- 12:22 GMT - Moved over some of the older September news
to the News Archive.
- 12:17 GMT - There is a review of the new Creative Blaster
TNT over at K6-2
- 02:14 GMT - We'll finally get the new reviews up at some
point today, had a few problems with one of the programs.
22nd September 1998
Articles - New Drivers
21st September 1998
Site News
- 15:14 GMT - Started writing up a review of Motocross
Madness by Microsoft. It should be ready sometime today.
- 12:38 GMT - Our affiliate site CoolComputing has posted a
review of QSound's
- 00:32 GMT - We are now aiming for an early October date
for our new upcoming site, which by the way will not be a
technical one at all<g>. Our other big project, The Active
Network will open early 1999.
20th September 1998
News - Drivers - New Article
- 13:22 GMT - Added some new modem driver sites to the Modem
- 13:21 GMT - Updated the sideframe navigation. We will
soon be redesigning that frame, so if anyone has any ideas, feel
free to e-mail us.
19th September 1998
News - Windows Lite - New Drivers
- 10:09 GMT - Added our new affiliate website CoolComputing,
excellent reviews and daily news. Make sure you check them out.
- 09:54 GMT - TechWeb
reports that Microsoft may
be contemplating releasing a "lite" version of Windows
to accommodate the boom of the low-end PC market. The $60 to $90
computer makers have to pay for Windows 98 is disproportionately
high compared to the price tag of an inexpensive PC these
days. Analysts feel that the software giant will either port
Windows CE for desktop PCs or simply develop Windows "lite".
Read more about it here.
[Source - CoolComputing]
- 00:25 GMT - We have now completed our move to a newer
server, things should run a little bit faster for everyone now.
18th September 1998
News Archive
- 21:13 GMT - There is a new article that takes some time
to talk about the new PCI-X bus, this one is up
on Techweb.
- 15:21 GMT - We are currently moving to a new server,
there may be short amounts of downtime on the site today.
- 15:11 GMT - Wow today has been a badddddd day for many
reasons<g>. Not much news around at the moment either.
- 00:45 GMT - Moved over the older September news to the news
17th September 1998
New HyperSnap - New Drivers - Intel
- 00:42 GMT - A new version of Hyperionics, HyperSnap
DX has been released. Version 3.21.00.
16th September 1998
P2 Review - New Driver - Sound Cards
- 20:33 GMT - Microsoft
have announced the following new products. Microsoft®
Graphics Studio Greetings 99, Microsoft Graphics Studio Home
Publishing 99 and Microsoft Graphics Studio Home Publishing Suite
- 20:30 GMT - Started to update the Sound
Card drivers page, after you asked us to add information on
Sound Card Drivers that are installed onto Intel Motherboards.
- 20:23 GMT - Added the newish MGA-G200 Drivers from Matrox
in our Drivers
section. [Source - E-Mail]
- 10:07 GMT - There is a review of the Cambridge Soundworks
Microworks speaker system over at avault, check
it out.
15th September 1998
Office 97 SR 2 Released - New Driver
- 21:10 GMT - Apologies for the lack of updates earlier in
the day, i finally got a new PC and getting it all set-up has
taken most of my day.
- 21:08 GMT - A new Graphic
Driver has been added, this time for a Canopus card.
- 21:04 GMT - Released a new Games
FAQ for the Frequently Asked Questions section.
- 21:03 GMT - Fixed some major mistakes in the Driver
pages. Updated the Sound
Card Drivers page.
14th September 1998
New DirectControl - Pinball Arcade
Preview - WorldCharts
- 20:38 GMT - New Graphic
Driver added - this one is for the STB Velocity 4400.
- 14:23 GMT - Microsoft
has Unveiled PhotoDraw 2000. The new software product combines
photo-editing and drawing tools in one application to make it easy
for business users to create professional-looking graphics.
- 12:10 GMT - We will post our preview of Microsoft Pinball
Arcade later today.
13th September 1998
New Driver - New Themes
- 21:47 GMT - Renamed the ActiveSites to The Active
Network. (for a reason ;o')
- 12:56 GMT - We have put a whole load of new desktop
themes up. The new ones are in the Music, Celeb and TV areas.
- 01:25 GMT - Later on today we will have around 20 new
themes added to the site.
12th September 1998
Communicator 4.5 PR 2 - New Driver - Win
NT 5 Delay? - Win 98 FAQ
- 20:15 GMT - Added a new affiliate site....this one is The
Font Emporium, make sure you visit.
- 08:19 GMT - For those of you who have ChromEffects (not
many i assume) this information is for you. Microsoft have
launched the online
documentation site for ChromEffects at the SiteBuilders
Network. [Source - Kendra, e-mail]
- 08:15 GMT - We are setting up a special mailing list for
people in the "press", so if you run a news site on the
internet that deals with drivers, windows news, tech news or if
you are just interested in the kind of news we post here, then e-mail
us and we will send you an e-mail message each time we get new
information on this website that you may be interested in.
- 02:47 GMT - Microsoft
president Steve Ballmer, speaking at a developer's
conference in LA, has said that the final version of the Windows
NT 5.0 operating system upgrade is likely to be "8 to 12
months away."
11th September 1998
Old News - Server News - New Drivers
- 13:44 GMT - Microsoft
Confidential has been updated, this issue includes the release
dates for the Microsoft sound system 80 and the Microsoft Force
Feedback Steering wheel.
- 12:17 GMT - Another new Graphic
Driver has been added, this one if from Intel for the Express
- 12:08 GMT - The Microsoft FreeStyle Joypad has been
released across the US.
- 12:06 GMT - Make that two new Graphic
Drivers added to the website, thanks for all the e-mails.
- 12:03 GMT - Added another new Graphic
Driver, this time from Wicked3d.
- 11:40 GMT - We would like to apologize for our server
downtime over the last couple of days, unfortunately it is out of
our hands. It should currently be fixed.
- 11:39 GMT - Moved over all the older September
news to the news archive.
10th September 1998
FreeStyle Preview
- 14:54 GMT - For those of you who would like to know a
little bit more about the Microsoft Freestyle Pro joypad, check
out this preview
over on Sharky Extreme.
9th September 1998
Driver Section Revamp
- 23:29 GMT - Microsoft have finally released the beta of
their new search
- 13:20 GMT - Although we missed the original schedule, the
new updated drivers
section is finally here. Now with a wider range of hardware
drivers a company list as well as better support information.
8th September 1998
News Etc - ECTS Info and MS Hardware
Views - New Driver
- 21:41 GMT - I forgot to mention that the Microsoft
Speakers will be priced at £180 in the United Kingdom.
- 21:16 GMT - Righty - we're all back from the ECTS show
here in the UK. So what would you like to know about? Me being a
perv and getting my pic taken with the live Lara Croft? My
desperate attempts to get my pic taken with the Playboy model Lisa
Boyle? No......You want to know about hardware (sigh)
Right then, first up is some information on what we though of some
of the new Microsoft hardware on show. The Microsoft Freestyle
pro was excellent - no doubt that this joypad will be an
excellent buy this fall, we only got to try it on a few games but
the feel and design was superb. We will run a review of the
Microsoft FreeStyle Pro when it is fully released at the end of
this month, it will retail for £50 or $70 depending where you
Next we have the Microsoft Force Feedback Steering Wheel....Hmmm
I will certainly hold back judgement on this until I get a full
review version of it, and once i have tried it out on a number of
racing games. While it was an excellent steering wheel, the force
feedback element seemed poor. The feel of the steering wheel was
also very good - but with a price tag of £149 (That's around
$300) it will need to do a lot more to prove it's worth to me.
Finally the Microsoft Digital Sound System 80 - Wonderful,
ace and tops. Surround sound via USB etc and there isn't even a
need for a soundcard in your PC, as the speakers have one built
in, not too sure if CD Audio can be heard without one though, as I
couldn't hear any. It has connections for TV's and also for your
home stereo systems. To get the most out of the speakers you
really do need a USB connection. USB adds a graphic equalizer and
Microsoft Surround Sound. It also works fantastically well with
DVD videos.
Oh and last but not least, you'll get my piccy of me and Lara
Croft either this weekend, or next week.....i know....you just
can't wait for that!!!!
7th September 1998
News Etc
- 00:55 GMT - We're all off to the ECTS show here in the UK
tomorrow, so if we find anything of any value (probably DirectX
related information and MS Joystick news) we'll post it when we
get back.
- 00:53 GMT - Updated my homepage
(Ok, so it's not news)
6th September 1998
News Etc - IE News
- 17:27 GMT - Internet Explorer build news has been updated
over at ActiveIE,
also the Online Chat for ActiveIE users has been updated.
- 13:20 GMT - There is an
article over on TechWeb that talks about a new bus called the
PCIX bus. Here is a short snippet from the online article.
IBM, Compaq, and Hewlett-Packard have
created a design for a new high-speed Peripheral Component
Interconnect (PCI) bus they want Intel to adopt.
The proposed bus, called PCIX, is
reportedly twice as fast as the current interface, which runs at
66 MHz. PCI is the bus that devices such as disk controllers and
network cards use to communicate with memory, the CPU, and other
5th September 1998
IE Tips
4th September 1998
Winzip 7 Beta 4 - Critical Update -
Outlook 2000 - BT High Speed - New Drivers - New Review
- 21:13 GMT - Are you interested in joining us here at
ActiveWindows? Check out our Job
Opportunities page and see if there is anything that takes
your fancy.
- 20:09 GMT - Microsoft has released a fix for Internet
Explorer Cross Frame Navigate Vulnerability, if you want to find
out more, visit Microsoft's Security
website. You can download the fix via Windows Update, it is
classed as a Critical Update. [Source - Robert]
- 10:43 GMT - Here is some news for our UK readers. British
Telecom have announced a new service for "faster"
internet access, the service will launch on September 15th. For
more details about the charges check out BT's
website. Now all us UKer's need is Cable. And as always - I'm
looking for a sponsor to pay my UK phonebills<g>
2nd September 1998
New Drivers - ChromEffects
- 23:19 GMT - Just got this little snippet of ChromEffects
PC shipping news from CoolInfo.
Chromeffects software for dressing up Web
pages will debut this fall. SAN FRANCISCO--In the fourth quarter
PC makers will begin shipping Windows 98 systems that support
Chromeffects, a technology that supports complex features in Web
pages, Microsoft president Steve Ballmer said at the Seybold
conference here on Tuesday.
Chromeffects uses both HTML and the
emerging standard XML to allow developers to build Web pages that
include two- and three-dimensional graphics, streaming audio, and
streaming video, Ballmer said. Users will need a 300-MHz system
with a 4MB graphics card; such systems should be available for
less than $1000 by the fourth quarter, he said.
Using simple XML and scripting,
Microsoft multimedia components, and third-party development
tools, Chromeffects will allow publishers to jazz up online
shopping catalogs, advertisements, and other electronic commerce
media, Ballmer told the Seybold crowd. In a demonstration of
Chromeffects, a Microsoft engineer showed how the technology can
be used to play a video clip on the surface of a 3-D object within
a Web page.
The technology will be available only
for Windows 98, and Ballmer fielded tough questions from the
audience about whether Chromeffects will tie developers and users
to Microsoft's latest desktop operating system. "It's
integrated with Windows--that's probably a controversial thing to
say. It operates with the PC browser, it's an integrated
feature," he said. Microsoft may offer Chromeffects for the
Macintosh as an add-in to Internet Explorer 4.0 for the Mac,
Ballmer said, but he did not offer any details or a time frame for
that product.
(James Niccolai, IDG News Service)
- 01:45 GMT - And to start the day, we have another new Graphic
Driver added to the list
1st September 1998
Old News - Chrome - Hotmail Bugs - New
- 10:50 GMT - Moved over the old August news to the News
- 10:42 GMT - Our new site could come out later than
expected, we'll have more news before the end of the day.
- 10:38 GMT - Where is ChromEffects?
Well here are all the current details. It is only available for
the time being to MSDN members (You need to be a member, it costs
around $1000, least it did when I joined) who are receiving it on
CD, and can download it right now from the MSDN website.
The runtime will not be released at all to the web, it will
only be included on new PC's that reach the minimum specs for
It should appear for level 3 members of the Site Builders
network pretty soon. I hope that clears it up and I can now stop
getting e-mails about it<g>. Oh and once again, We will not
be creating a Chrome website.
Do you have any Windows based news? - just e-mail