There is a "Partner Tax" if you will - after MSDN Universal [or its equivalent], Tech Net, and AP fees, Partners dog-food all the platforms, servers, apps and tools, and then we de-bug, test and ultimately, defend them. Then we sell them, as our solutions run on them. Then we get to defend them in the context of protecting them. It's one of those situations where it just, "is."
It's costly and Microsoft comes out for the better. That just "is" too. Partners do have a platform and a tool set and we do make our money servicing the needs of customers of all types that use Microsoft software as the foundation under their information technology requirements.
It's not always a smooth ride for partners, and or our customers, but there are benefits that many partners do not always leverage - calling Microsoft "on behalf of customers" is certainly one of them. I recommend partners use this cost free channel to the fullest - call on behalf of a customer and the support costs the partner nothing.
Just don't think for a second that being a partner is not hard work - nearly everything that has any value at all is hard work and often, very hard work.
It is a case where Microsoft definitely gets its money's worth, and by that I mean that unless it worked for them, they would not do it - a position we have to accept - just as we would opposite any business. I think sometimes people forget that business have no choice but to compete.