"Yes, Windows Vista is finally here. And, yes, it's packed with all sorts of brand-new applets that would seem to spell doom for countless third-party software utilities, including ZIP tools, photo managers, desktop search engines—and the list goes on. But that doesn't mean Vista will end up squashing the entire utility market. As time has shown, no matter how many utilities Microsoft bundles with Windows—Oops! Did we say bundles?—there's always room for more. With this in mind, we give you our 15th Annual Utility Guide, a look at 59 Windows tools nimble enough to boost even the newest Vista machines. This sprawling collection of software gadgets includes everything from browser toolbars and standalone media gadgets to the newest and coolest breed of desktop utility: widgets! Whatever version of Windows you're running—from Vista all the way down to Windows 2000—you'll find countless ways to improve your life. And most are completely free. "