Yes, even the most ardent Microsoft supporters among us were at least confounded by WGA - I mean, once activated and once validated - ok, enough.... that was followed up with a seemingly unending string of updates to WGA and re-validations out the kazoo and with no real information as to what was changing "specifically" or why.
On some machines it was taking place with a weird regularity and one had to fight, wrestle and beg the machine to install the next version - resorting to manual installations, etc...
I mean, once the COM client control was trusted and a system validated, the software should see the stored validation and just give the user the software... or... pull the software and stop offering downloads, etc...
I have purchased so many full boxed retail versions of their software and have only a small portion installed - I am just vexed by this entire matter. God help us all under Vista when we use a hybrid drive with flash memory and we upgrade the flash memory and we have to start calling on the phone [speculation, but I can see it happening to me], and while it does not take long, it is just about like paying out hard earned cash for say a TV set and having the retailer call me and ask me to come in and show him my receipt every few days. While they may mean well, I sense that in this case, WGA is beating up on good people that pay good money for a product and that we are being treated badly for having done so. I sense that software pirates have really handed all of us a mess to deal with, but that Micrsoft has a larger challenge... how NOT to totally confuse and anger their base.
I'd like to just send them my number and have them call on the phone and I can begin reading from among the list of licenses I have bought - for each one, they get a number and they send me a hundred bucks for each second we spend on the phone. I mean, why not use Passport and have one sign in each day and write five times... "I am still in compliance with your many EULA's and I am not a pirate..." I am totally with Latch on this one.... Microsoft needs to find a different way to combat piracy and kick the dork that came up with this one to the curb.