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11:01 EST/16:01 GMT | News Source:
ZDNet |
Posted By: Byron Hinson |
A proposal greatly restricting Microsoft's businesses practices had the company's competitors and some industry trade groups singing the praises of nine state attorneys general on Friday. AOL Time Warner, Sun Microsystems and several trade groups backed by Microsoft, such as ProComp, rallied behind the states filing the proposal. The remedy would compel Microsoft to open the source code of Internet Explorer, carry Sun's Java with Windows and sell a stripped-down version of the operating system, among other things.
#1 By
135 (
12/10/2001 12:31:47 PM
This whole lawsuit would look better, i.e. more consumer focused, if it wasn't for the fact that the only people who keep advocating it are incompetent competitors of Microsoft.
You'd think AOL and Sun would learn and just keep their damn mouths shut.
#2 By
1474 (
12/10/2001 12:45:44 PM
All about big business, I don't recall my name appearing on the government complain against Microsoft. Whom does AOL, Sun, and the State governments represent? Not you and I, or they would have asked us, whom do you want to control your desktop? I do not think Microsoft does !!, when was your last download? Remember the break-up of AT&T, that's still hurting us.
#3 By
1845 (
12/10/2001 1:26:27 PM
"'Incompetent competitors' - everyone tends to look incompetent when competing against a monopolist."
Microsoft's monopoly is in desktop operating systems. Since Sun, Oracle, and AOL don't compete in that market, it is rather foolish to say that it will be tougher for them to compete against Microsoft because of its desktop operating system monopoly. That monopoly isn't hurting Sony in the XBOX vs PS2 arena. That monopoly doesn't hurt Oracle in the SQL Server vs 9i arena. It doesn't hurt Sun in the server arena or AOL in the ISP arena (AOL's membership has only increased since MSN icons appeared on Windows desktops.)
That fact is Sun, Oracle, and AOL are worried that Microsoft will compete with them and win in their arenas. The fact is, they don't want the competition, because they enjoy their large market shares and profit margins. This case never was about consumers, it is about Microsoft's competitors.
"The lawsuit is about competition first, and consumers only indirectly. " If the anti-trust laws are not for the sake of consumers, then why have them at all?
#4 By
1295 (
12/10/2001 2:05:52 PM
#5 I giggle in your general direction... "poor sap... still riding the ignorant wagon"
The real sad part is that AOL, SUN, Oracle are all BRAND NEW COMPETITORS! They have only been in the same arena for a few years. I believe that they are just afraid of MSFT, and they should be. MSFT has always been known to jump into a market and start swinging, its not that they just have clout its that the come to win. People call it "predatory" I call it a drive to be the best. That is what business is, everybody trying to screw the other guy by getting their first, producing somthing better and faster, and pricing it underneath them.
This country is notrious for talking about the American Dream and the advantages of a Free Market while slapping down those who actually atain the golden goose. If MS were to really use its "Monopolistic" clout it would cause consumers to stop buying their products. If they brought out Windows XP home for $500... do you really think even the computer manufacturers would use it? What the government is doing is punishing them for something they could do. That's like arresting a black belt because he could kill you within seconds. But as you know that is illegal to simply say "It could happen" There is no real proof that MS has "Hurt" consumers and probably never will be. All they have done is strived to provide a ever enhanced user experience. Until the day that they start screwing me I won't hold anything against them. All of their business practices are regular practices of all businesses including their competitors. But since they are big and have over 30B in cash in their pocket... we better kill this beast before it kills us!
Oh yes your are right "Incompetent" is not a great way to describe MS's competitors... "Immature, Cry Baby, Trash Talking, Moronic, Hide behind Daddy, Poo-Poo Heads" covers them nicely.
#5 By
135 (
12/10/2001 3:41:50 PM
#3. Please list these lawsuits. Part of Microsoft's success has been that it doesn't use lawsuits to attack competitors products. The only instances I'm aware of MS being heavy handed from lawsuits is in the world of piracy. Hate to tell you this, but theft is not valid competition.
As to the others... Like I said this lawsuit would look a lot better if it wasn't for these envious(and incompetent) competitors to Microsoft whining daily to the press. Thus far all the responses I see only reinforce this opinion as not one of them talks about the harm to consumers.
#6 By
1295 (
12/10/2001 4:49:31 PM
#9, are you stating that people write their websites "down to" internet explorer?
Just because IE is on every desktop does not make me want to build my websites to IE. Its the fact that I can build more robust and user friendly website/web apps in IE then in Netscape (cough piece of sh*t). Microsoft and IE have been instrumental in realizing the "full creative energies of the industry". Netscape sure was never going to and still has problems with W3C standards.
I personally find myself trying to get my websites to play nicely with Netscape which doesn't support more than your basic HTML and some CSS. For example did you know that Layers is not the W3C standard? Did you know that Netscape was trying to beat MS to the market by using Layers before the decision between layers and divs was decided? Layers were not compliant and i believe they have allowed them because Netscape made the worlds biggest mess up.
Please don't act like IE has ruined anything in the Online arena. If it weren't for IE we would still be using Netscape 4.0 Gold and that browser would not fullfill today's needs with interactivity as far as the user interface is considered on any online app.
Are you a web designer?
This post was edited by Mr.Humpty on Monday, December 10, 2001 at 16:50.
#7 By
1295 (
12/10/2001 5:59:19 PM
PeterTHX: "Grandma can email the kids without compiling a kernal or some command-line based BS GNU"
ROFLMAO!!! <giggle> "Oh my tummy hurts!"