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  Adobe clarifies Vista support across product lines
Time: 08:45 EST/13:45 GMT | News Source: Ars Technica | Posted By: Jonathan Tigner

If you're an Adobe user considering a Vista upgrade but concerned about compatibility issues, there's now a handy company FAQ available for download that details exactly which products are and are not fully Vista compatible. The good news, as far as Vista is concerned, is that Adobe Acrobat 8 and Adobe Reader 8 are supported in Vista "with some known issues", while Photoshop Elements 5.0.2 and Photoshop Premier Elements 3.0.2 are fully compatible. Free updates will be delivered for the former products within the first half of 2007.

Those of you who rely on other Adobe products, and who presumably pay them large amounts of money for the privilege, are out of luck as far as Vista updates go. Although the actual compatibility issues differ depending on the software package, virtually every other product listed in Adobe's FAQ is either listed as "not officially" supporting Vista or flat-out "does not support" it. A number of products are flagged as running with minimal issues, with instructions to refer to other technical documentation for exact details.

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