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14:52 EST/19:52 GMT | News Source:
Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Jonathan Tigner |
Seven hundred students in the School District of Philadelphia will enter an innovative and groundbreaking learning environment when the doors of a $46 million, jointly developed demonstration school open in 2006. With this announcement today, the School District of Philadelphia and Microsoft Corp. intend to work together on the planning, design, development, construction and completion of a new high school that will embed technology from the ground up into the school's educational and operational structure. The estimated $46 million in project costs will be funded by the district's capital program.
"To ensure that our children are receiving the best education possible, we must continually ask ourselves how we can do this better," said James E. Nevels School District of Philadelphia School Reform Chair. "By working with an innovator such as Microsoft and bringing in its expertise to manage this project, we intend to make real our shared vision for the school of the future."
#1 By
1845 (
9/5/2003 7:36:16 PM
If I'm reading correctly, that petition has been running for seven years and only has 23,821 signatories? If it is coming in the future, it'll only take about three more centuries at the current rate before they have one million sigs. Since dead folks don't count, um, not sure they'll ever have sigs from a million living people.
#2 By
61 (
9/5/2003 11:51:36 PM
How is the system anti-God? Because they don't focus on Christianity, and they, the religous teachers in the shcool system, are forced to show no bias towards a religion when they teach about them, lest they be sued by some poor kids parents because they don't believe in a particular religion?
The public school system may need work, and is nowhere near perfect (especially in the south), however I would rather have it than not.
By the way, it may help if you give quotes from non-Catholic leaders... just a thought, as many people couldn't give a care about the various popes and the so-called Catholic saints.
#3 By
1845 (
9/5/2003 11:58:20 PM
If all the evil in the world is due to lukewarm Cathlic's and all the strength of Satan is due to lukewarm Catholics, then you have nothing to fear from me, for I am not Catholic. In other words, none of the evil in the world is due to me and none of Satan's power is due to me. If no evil can be attributed to me, and there are only two powers in the world, namely, good and evil, your popes have just proven that I am perfect.
Speaking as a perfect person, according to your papal logic, I want to remind you that a perfect friend of mine, Jesus, commanded you not to judge. Further, as a perfect person according to your papal logic, I ask you to desist in proselityzing in this forum. It is not appropriate. It is not acceptable. It is not desirable. If you persist, I'll be forced to register a complaint with some other perfect people, the non Catholic people who administer this site, and request the removal of your personal attacks against me.
#4 By
1845 (
9/6/2003 1:33:03 AM
I'm trying to remember, m, what's your stance on taxes?
#5 By
1845 (
9/6/2003 1:44:34 AM
You're too predictable. Perhaps you should read Matthew 22:17-21. Now, take a dollar from you wallet. Notice the indication that it is a note provided by the Federal Reserve. Therefore, Render therefore unto the United States treasury which are the treasury's; and unto God the things that are God's. Seems that you are at odds with Jesus.
#6 By
1845 (
9/6/2003 1:50:12 AM
If Jesus has no problem with them, I don't see why you should. Perhaps you are wiser than He?
#7 By
1845 (
9/6/2003 1:56:50 AM
Do you realize that you just proved the point I made last fall, for which "[you're] literally shaking [your] head when [you] think that [I am] a Christian" ?
My point was, as a loyal citizen, I obey the laws of the land. Last year and even today you found that apalling. Now, it seems I'm doing just what Jesus would want me to do. Interesting, don't you think?
This post was edited by BobSmith on Saturday, September 06, 2003 at 01:58.
#8 By
1845 (
9/6/2003 2:06:08 AM
I may as well throw in a snide remark...If you were president, that would likely mean someone was succesful in attacking the United States and killed all but you and perhaps your family. Barring that, if you lied enough to get elected, very little would change, because your ideas are illogical.
I realize you think you know what you are talking about, but, to be honest, there is very little, if any, logic in any of your statements. You twist the words of anybody and anything to meet your ends. From a Catholic perspective, since when do you, an unordained (I'm guessing) person have the authority to interpret the word of the Holy See? Since when do you have the authority to interpret the word of God Himself? Since when do you, an unordained man, have the authority to preach the word of God? In Jesus' day, he ordained apostles and other teachers. The apostles after Him, did likewise. What is your authority?
#9 By
1845 (
9/6/2003 2:12:53 AM
"Jesus wants you to follow the laws"
"No, Jesus would fight abortion laws, he would not obey them."
You realize these statements are contradictory, right?
#10 By
1845 (
9/6/2003 2:22:41 AM
I'm examing your statements. You contradicted yourself. Actually, I think Jesus would have more important things to worry about if He were here. He didn't do much with Rome when He was alive. They did an awful lot of evil stuff. They killed Him too. He went about building people up, healing the sick, teaching about forgivness, teaching about repentence, teaching about meekness and humility. Quite frankly, I see very little of Jesus in your hateful, judgemental posts.
Also, you haven't answered my authority questions.
#11 By
1845 (
9/6/2003 2:24:29 AM
Hmm, when Jesus talked of giving to Caesar what is Caesar's, I don't recall him specifying a limit. The tithing you spoke of, refers to the church, not the country. In other words, it has nothing to do with paying taxes.
#12 By
1845 (
9/6/2003 2:43:48 AM
"No, Jesus would fight abortion laws, he would not obey them. I mean do you think Jesus would kill unborn babies ? YOu see this is where you get it all wrong. You only should obey
man's laws as long as they don;'t contradict God's laws and that's where you draw the line.
Unjust taxes docontradict God's laws but he still wants you to pay them
Abortion is a totally different matter. "
OK, we obey the law of the land until it contradict's God's law. Um, but we pay taxes even though that contradicts God's law. Once again, you have contradicted yourself.
By the way, where is this doctrine of obeying man's law until it contradict's God's law?
#13 By
61 (
9/6/2003 1:33:03 PM
mhfm: I don't know about where you live, but here Christianity is not denied in schools. They don't say that Jesus was just a great teacher, unless they are teaching about the muslims, or other such religions, in which they say that these religions think of Jesus in that way.
They NEVER teach abortion, their may be debates on the issue in more advanced classes (ie, in classes where the students actually think).
Premarital sex is shyed away against, however they do provide things like free condoms, nurseries for studends' children, etc.... just because that sort of thing happens, they might as well just help out.
Evolution is actually not really taught anymore other than in philosophy classes, where it is just discussed and debated on, and then we move on to other philosophies. Charles Darwin actually retracted his theory, reguardless, it's still out there.
All in all, I think legalistic pricks like you are what make people hate Christians.... you have no right to judge people, and you obviously have no clue as to what you are talking about.
How are 'unjust taxes' against God's laws? How are the taxes unjust? Those taxes go to pay for things like national defense, schooling, hospitals, and every other government organization.
#14 By
61 (
9/6/2003 6:40:39 PM
So now we are slaughtering innocent people? Yeah, I'm sorry, you have no clue at all.
I guess you think we slaughtered the Nazi's as well? This is no different than previous wars. War is in the Bible... God sanctioned war is in the Bible.
As soon as I come up and refute what you are saying you have nothing else to back it up.
#15 By
1845 (
9/6/2003 6:52:02 PM
m, that was a good ad hominem attack as well as appeal to emotion. I suppose, since you used God as well, it's also appeal to authority.
You've never proved your point (any of them). You've never answered my assertions of your inconsistancy, ignorance, and contradiction. You've never stated your authority.
Interesting, in Acts 19:11-19, it seems to speak against those who take it upon themselves (self-proclaimed) to be a mouth piece of God. You have no authority to condemn me (or anyone). You have no authority to proclaim your interpretation of the word of God. You have no authority to speak in the name of God.
It is good that you've chosen to be silent. You should recall that I asked you to do that over a year ago. I'm not attacking you, but I am attacking your logic. If I were you, I'd wait to speak, until I had authority, knew the word of God, and understood what I'm talking about. Until that time, I'd be silent. Just my advice.
#16 By
61 (
9/6/2003 8:33:52 PM
We went through the same exact shit about a year go with mhfm spewing the same garbage... he didn't learn from before?