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  New Microsoft Max Release
Time: 20:18 EST/01:18 GMT | News Source: Microsoft | Posted By: Jonathan Tigner

With this release, we’re excited to give you the ability to add RSS and ATOM feeds to Max for viewing in our attractive newspaper layouts.

We’ve also updated Max to support the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 RC1, meaning you can run the latest version with Max. To make your Max experience even better, we’ve fixed quite a few issues and completed a ton of work under the hood! As an example, you can now add as many items to a list as your machine can store.

It’s important to note that by upgrading to the latest version of Max, you will lose any lists you might have created or received in previous versions of Max. We apologize for the inconvenience. You can still access the pictures from those lists in your My Pictures folder.

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