The MSDN team here at Microsoft has been hard at work, and today we're launching a few new features that we're pretty excited about. We've spent lots of time talking with you, our customers, to really understand what you need and want from MSDN. While we've clearly still got a lot of work to do, especially in areas like search, the features we're launching today will make it easier for you to get to what you're looking for on MSDN.
Here's a brief overview of the new features we've launched:
- New Home Page Design - Check it out—a faster, more productive look for MSDN. Through the prototype project, you gave us great feedback—thank you! We've taken that feedback, along with usability and performance studies, and created the new home page.
- RSS Feeds - You asked for them, you got 'em! Tune your RSS reader to our feeds to get notified when there's new content available on MSDN.
- New Developer Centers - Be sure to take a look at our new developer centers - Visual Studio, Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual C++, and the .NET Framework. As you may know, each developer center provides a "home base" where you can find all the information and resources relevant to a particular technology area. Many of you have given us great feedback about the Web Services and Architecture developer centers, which we shipped last summer, so we've improved on the model and used it to make it even easier to find information and resources about our most popular technologies.
- New Code & Downloads Centers - We've updated the code and download centers to help make the content easier to find, as well as to improve how we manage, store, and publish downloadable files. Our main goal with these centers was to continue to provide you with a centralized place to find downloads or samples, even though the content itself lives elsewhere.
- Recently Posted - We've added filtering and sorting to our Recently Posted page so that it's easier to find the new articles that you are most interested in. Note too that you can use our new RSS feeds to find out about new postings.