Why wait, Bob, it's pretty clear. Even if the subscription charge is $2 a month, it's too much. Renesis is right--only kids, geeks, and losers wear digital watches. Now they will be bigger and goofier. And they will only work in the US and fringes of Canada and Mexico--and at that, maybe only in major metro areas... Come on, at best these appeals to a small subset (people who want to pay a subscription charge for their watch and don't own a cellphone and need to know the weather on a different coast even though the watch might not pick up an FM signal and who wants everyone to know he likes to wear the geekiest, biggest, most expensive for what you get watch) of an already small subset (American digiwatch wearers) of an already small subset (digital watch wearers).
They should have started with the magents, not the watches.