#24: "Over time it would increase performance as the registry gets bloated, bogged down, and corrupted with tons of crap from crappy installers."
How is this different than a filesystem getting bloated, bogged down, or corrupted? That is the analogy to use if we were to use INIs instead of the registry. It's just a different medium.
Re: corruption... Have you seen the NT registry become corrupted? I encountered it a few times way back on 95, but have not encountered on NT.
Re: bloat... Registry bloat is just as possible as filesystem bloat; nothing about the registry makes it inherently more bloatable.
Re: bogged down, "slowing down your system"... have you actually done measurements of this? Or is this just a wild guess? I challenge you to find a "bogged down" registry, measure its performance, clean it up using some registry cleaner, and then share with us the performance results after the clean. I don't see leftover registry data having any more potential to slow down your system than do leftover files in the filesystem.