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  Latest MS Update Causing Major Headaches
Time: 00:03 EST/05:03 GMT | News Source: Neowin | Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum

Broadband Reports is running a story regarding the latest MS update to fix problems with animated cursors.

"Users in our Security forum note that the latest critical Microsoft Windows update (KB925902) is causing all kinds of problems. Most notably, it prevents some users from loading anti-virus software, but others say the update prevented them from booting entirely. "So far, we have errors with AVG, Realtec, F-Secure, a false positive of a Trojan, a messed up Vaio, USB problems and Accessories and Utilities all vanishing into thin air," says one security forum regular."

I have personally installed this on two Vista machines and one of them failed to boot after the patch was installed. Unfortuntely patches that are often pushed out too quickly to fix critical flaws cause adverse issues on certain configurations as we have witnessed in the past. Watch out for Microsoft rectifying this with an update to the patch. Until then do not install the update if it's causing issues to your machine and report these directly to Microsoft support.

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