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  Patch Backlash
Time: 06:02 EST/11:02 GMT | News Source: PC World | Posted By: Alex Harris

Is Microsoft doing enough to fix its security mess? We asked its users, who wonder how things got this bad in the first place. "It's like having a car where the locks don't work." Advertisement "Patches ad nauseam!" "I would join any class-action suit against Microsoft and feel [such a lawsuit] is completely warranted." Angry, frustrated, fed up: That's how many visitors feel about the seemingly endless revelations of security holes in Windows and the cavalcade of patches Microsoft issues to fix them. How do we know? We asked.

We invited visitors to tell us what they thought about Microsoft's security muddle--and whether they believed the company was meeting its obligations to the millions of people who use its products. The overwhelming majority of those who replied said that they're sick of constantly having to fix software they paid good money for. And more than a few said that Microsoft should be held accountable for the damage resulting from weaknesses in its software--a point of view that has prompted at least one angry customer to sue the company.

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