According to Taiwanese manufacturers, contract prices for DVD-R discs quoted to brand vendors may rise in the second quarter due to strong demand, short supply and higher plastic material costs. Quote prices to distributors are already rising.
Second-tier optical storage discs manufacturers, such as Princo, Acer Media Technology and Nan Ya Plastics, have raised price quotes to distributors for 2.4x DVD-R discs in Europe to US$0.70 in March, up by US$0.10 from February. Quotes in North America and Japan will rise soon, sources said.
First-tier manufacturers Ritek, CMC Magnetics and Prodisc Technology have not raised their price quotes to brand vendors, but they all said that a price hike in the second quarter is possible. Currently, they are quoting 2x DVD-R discs at US$0.80-0.90 per unit and 4x DVD-R discs at US$1.50-2 per unit.
In the smaller DVD+R market, of which Ritek holds about an 80% market share, Ritek is quoting 2.4x discs at US$0.80 and 4x discs at US$1 or slightly more.