2008 was Microsoft’s worst year to date in terms of press coverage. In no small part to Vista, Windows Mobile (lack of development), XP downgrade fiasco and not to mention all the antitrust lawsuits, lent Microsoft a bad hand in the computer game. At first it seemed like a failed attempt to revitalize an already sour user base, but as the months slipped by it is clear that Microsoft has not one but an entire plan in which it is using to fix its tarnished name.
It all started with their answer to the Apple “I’m a Mac” ads. Needless to say, Apple did a pretty good job of making it seem like only fat lazy business executives were attracted to Windows (why else was the PC guy on the chubby side). While outside analysts have not proven it, Apple says that these ads are directly responsible for boosting their sales in the U.S. Even if that’s not the case, I have to say that because of them a lot more people don’t have nightmares of waking up to an Apple controlled world.