Fusing WinPhone with Zune its marketplace and then all that with the likes of the sky-market, Live services, Azure, and Xbox/Xna? Pretty cool stuff. Now what I don't know, or care to think about is how they are going to balance the great many partners and any continued used/development of Windows Mobile - e.g., will their WinPhone (if it ever exists), software be available for all partners (I doubt it) and if not, will the continue Win Mobile dev and support?
As deeply as they are moving into the services+software channel (yes, the inversion is intentional over software+services), they have to be preparing to lose a lot of support amongst partners in the legacy side of the channel - and how much share will they cede as partners adapt?
The next tex years are going to be so much more fun to watch than the preceding ten.
And as the US willfully turns itself into a really boring version of Canada (more boring than Canada? - yeah, it's possible...) technological advances and change will be a badly needed distraction.