"Unpatched Windows systems continue to be compromised more quickly, sometimes within minutes"
where to begin... lets suppose you take a Windows XP RTM (released in 10/01) and a Linux system relesed in 10/01 and put both of them in there defualt config out on the Internet.
Both of these systems will be comprimised, how long it takes for a randomly targeted system to be comprimised is irrelevent.
If this was a system that someone really wanted to get it, they would be in a few seconds in either case.
Now take Windows XP SP2 and a linux system that was released at the same time (again all defaults).
What happens? By reading this artical you dont know. However, i can tell you that you will not be breaking into my XP system (regardless of service pack level).
Remeber Windows 2000 survived an OpenHack contest despite all the major secuirty bugs found in the first 2 years of its release. That included Blaster - which was one of the main bugs that prompted XP SP2 to be what it is.
If you dont patch a know vulnerablity, then you basically say you are not interested in security, or that you are unaware of the issue in the first place. If that is the case then you deserve what you get. A $50 firewall or clicking a check box makes a big diffrence and really isnt a lot to ask for.
Not to defend Microsofts approach to pre-sp2 defaults, but none of these are a reall big deal if you are behind a hardware firewall in the first place- this is something that should be built into every cable/dsl modem anyways.
Remember, not all of these systems are grandmas. There are people that should know better that dont take the time to protect themself.
Solving the problem is going to require force- stop making products work on older systems.
Make your intsallers check for the latest service pack and then deny, dont just warn if they are out of date. This is in everyones best interest so we should all be working for the same goal here.
Stop making things for 9x alltogether - these are the types of customers you do not want!! The fact that they use 9x in the year 2004/5 shows complete ignorance of progress.
I just hope some day theres a worm that deletes all the old windows systems out there. The problem with most of these things is they dont destroy enough systems- that would proably get the point accross.
Being comprimised and not knowing it doesnt have the same wow factor as losing everything on you computer... (note to FBI I am not a a worm writer so if this happens it wasnt me!)