Actually, the major version number is defined by Microsoft, specifically WHQL (Windows Hardware Quality Labs). Any display driver submitted to Microsoft for the "Designed for Windows" logo program must use the following version structure:
X.yy.zz.xxxx, where
"X" is the target Windows OS (4 = Win9x/ME, 5=Win2000, 6=WinXP/Svr03)
"yy" is the DirectX version (10=DX5, 11=DX6, 12=DX7, 13=DX8, 14=DX9)
"zz" has never been clearly defined by MS, but 01 was used for all Win9x/Win2000 drivers and then they changed it to 10 for WinXP and Server03.
"xxxx" is the official driver build number recognized by Microsoft. Some vendors only use this number (like nVidia, at least publicly), while others (like ATI and S3) also use their own version numbers in addition to the WHQL number.