"But the fact is nobody else reacted, or if they did, they didn't really do anything about it, you did. "
How would you know? My guess is that the author received several emails about the article. Except not everyone trumpets the fact that they wrote the author here on Activewin.
"I guess everyone else thinks if you have an opinion you're supposed to keep it to yourself and do nothing about it."
No, thats not what i said. It is perfectly fine to express one's opinion but it is counterproductive to insult people while you tell them your opinion. You'll find that people are much more receptive to what you have to say if you don't insult them. Try it sometime.
"...but when you get worked up enough to do something about something, isn't it a little normal to overreact?"
No its not normal. Normal people can control themselves and catch their urges to overreact before its too late.
"But instead of putting someone down for doing the wrong thing, maybe it's better to build someone up for trying to do something they believe in, and help nudge them in the right direction along the way."
You are right. I should heed the advice I give. I made the same exact mistake as stubear by insulting him. I apologize.