Despite the fact that GameCube users could really use a helping hand RPG-wise right now, Square was noticeably reticent with the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles information. Other than the "s" attached to the English title, and the previously-known fact that it'll interface with the Game Boy Advance somehow, president Wada and crew had almost nil to show from their Nintendo co-op production. The price and release date hasn't even been announced yet. Shame, that.
The conference wasn't a total loss for GameCube fans, though: Square was nice enough to release a few new screenshots and character artwork from the game. Although most of it was already seen in the infamous Japanese GameCube ad from last summer, at least the screens are higher quality this time around. Hopefully Square's Japanese HQ will deign to release more gameplay details before too long, though. We might die if we have to wait any longer.
![FF Crystal Chronicles 3](