& Start Menu Tips
Advanced Run Features
After the Address bar comes into the taskbar, you will find that you use the Run menu less and less. But there are still some cool undocumented tricks with the Run menu.
Drag-&-Drop File Names
If you have one icon and you are not quite sure of the full path or extension, just drag it to the Run menu and the full path will appear.
Faster Access
If you have a Windows 95 compatible keyboard, pressing the Winkey+R will bring up the Run menu, faster than anything else.
Cool Keys
Now you might not know of some fine things to type on the Run menu.
. opens the desktop in a window
.. opens the Windows folder
/ brings you to your C:\ directory
No Full Path Required
Sure, who likes to type the full path? Accessing files and folders had never been easier. For all files in the C:\Windows or your root directory, just type in the filename for example explorer.exe and Windows will just swallow the whole command. However, if you want to specify whether it is the root directory or the C:\Windows directory, just add a / in front of the file or folder in the root directory.
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