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Play multiple .DAT file automatically
Usually, after opening a .DAT, the window will either close or you have to open a new file. Now, it is possible for you to play multiple .DAT file on VCD (especially Karaoke or Song VCD) or even on the hard drive. Follow these steps:
Open NOTEPAD or EDIT. Type the following. If You wish to play 4 continuous .DAT files, type:
@echo off
c:\windows\rundll amovie.ocx,RunDll /play /close %1
c:\windows\rundll amovie.ocx,RunDll /play /close %2 ..
c:\windows\rundll amovie.ocx,RunDll /play /close %3
c:\windows\rundll amovie.ocx,RunDll /play /close %4
Save the file with a .BAT extension. say VCD.BAT into your C:\Windows\command directory. To play files AVSEQ01.DAT to AVSEQ04.DAT, type on MSDOS Prompt:
Then active movie will play the 4 files automatically. You must install active movie first, and register the .DAT file as MPEG file to be played by active movie.
The following batch is limited to 9 files only. If you have a long string of files,, say 10 songs or above, replace the "%x" with the full path of the .DAT files. Since the number of files are unlimited, you can go up to 18 .DAT files or more.
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