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Norton SytemWorks 2001
Company: Symantec
Website: http://www.symantec.com
Estimated Street Price: $59.95
Review By: Julien JAY
Norton Utilities 2001
First of all and to my deepest regret there are
absolutely no new features in Norton Utilities except maybe the removal of
We also note that the good Modem Doctor utility that was included in
Norton Utilities 4 was kicked out from this release.
2001 release of Norton Utilities continue to provide the best utilities
software for every Windows system.
Disk Doctor: here is one of the two most appreciated features of the so-called
NU. This tool is like ScanDisk but it’s more complete and fast. It checks
the integrity of every hard disk and removable media (like ZIP, JAZ,
Floppies) and fixes any FAT, folder, file, or cluster errors. This is very
useful to rescue damaged disks: it has already proven its efficiency by
saving the life of my data disks many times. Sure
Disk Doctor can do an accurate test of your hard drive by analysing every
cluster: unfortunately this process takes a very long time to complete
especially on large hard drives. When the analysis of a disks set is
finished a report is displayed telling you which errors were fixed. Note
Disk Doctor can also repair defective File Allocation Table sectors or
CMOS related problems to grant you back access to defective drives. If
ever a disk contains too many defective clusters,
Disk Doctor can repartition it by eliminating the
portion of the disk where defective clusters are and that impeach it work
correctly. The only thing I regret is that under Windows Me,
Disk Doctor doesn’t replace ScanDisk after an
incorrect shutdown.

Norton Disk Doctor
Speed Disk: This tool is the reason why
millions of users have
purchased Norton Utilities worldwide. Windows comes in standard with a very slow
defragmenter tool that is really painful to use. Norton Speed Disk is a powerful
and speedy disk defragmenter that’ll rearrange all your hard disk clusters in
order to boost your computer overall
performance. Indeed when you store data on a hard drive
the files are divided in clusters that weigh, depending on the partition you
used, the maximum size of 64KB (with FAT 32 30GB and larger disks). So a file of
10MB is divided in 160 clusters: the problem is that after intensive use of the
hard disk the clusters are not aligned anymore and are scattered on the hard
disk causing a real slow down due to the necessity to find all the clusters.
Speed Disk will rearrange clusters intelligently, by putting ones needed by a
specific file side by side.

Norton Speed Disk
is a smart tool that analyses your registry and shortcuts to detect the ones
that are now useless and that have to be removed. The analysis process is fast
and the results it provides are accurate. If you choose to repair the errors it
detects you can let it repair them automatically or you can choose the best
repairing option. Sure a backup is generated and in case of problem you can
restore it to get rid of the conflict that appeared. Indeed changing or
modifying the registry is always a risky job.
Norton Optimization Wizard: here is another good utility from Norton Utilities: this tool is
aimed to compress your registry file and defragment your swap file. Compressing
the registry makes it much smaller so it can boost your computer. However on our
test machine we noticed a gain of 100KB by compressing the registry file: a so
few result can’t really boost your computer performance. Now let’s see the
second feature of the tool: every version of Windows uses a swap file as
virtual memory to run several applications at the same time. The problem
is that when doing a SpeedDisk when Windows is launched the software can’t
defragment the swap file since it’s in use. So Norton Optimization Wizard will
launch the Speed Disk defragmentation process before Windows Me finished to
start to rearrange the clusters used by the swap file: after doing so you’ll
really notice a performance increase.
Wizard: this tool is the
guardian of your recycle bin! Indeed if it’s enabled each time you’ll delete a
file definitely by emptying the recycle bin you’ll be able to restore it later.
It works almost all the time but can be unable to retrieve very old deleted
files. This tool is great for those of you that want to be sure to don’t
accidentally delete any file. However it really slows down Windows. Too bad!
System Doctor: To my mind this tool
is absolutely useless. It monitors in real time your computer status by showing
vital information like available memory, free hard disk space, hard disk SMART
status and more. However it’s intended to be used by power users and slows down
System Information: It’s a complete tool that’ll display information on your
system configuration and status. It displays information about the bios, the
ram, the motherboard and more and can also tests your computer with its included
benchmarking tool. Best of the all, the memory status panel shows you every
different task that is running on your system as well as their memory
occupation: a dynamic graph also shows the percentage of used memory.
Unfortunately you can’t kill tasks from System Information and this is a real
regret. The disk tab shows the percentage
of occupied space of each of your hard drives: if you select a specific folders
Sysinfo will tell you how much space the folder takes on your HD. Accurate
information can also be displayed concerning the printer, the display adapter,
the network, the internet connection (winsock details, DNS & IP info, available
RAS), the CPU features (MMX, APIC, etc.) and the input devices. Strangely in
this new release the multimedia-benchmarking tool has disappeared. Using System
Information you can print reports about each areas of your system easily: a
great feature for system administrators that need to dig into PC configurations
to solve problems.

Norton SystemInformation: Memory
This old Norton
DOS application was adapted to Windows in the previous release of Norton
Utilities. The new release 2001 provides the same diagnostic features that help
you detect potential problems on your hardware. You can test the motherboard,
the sound card, the memory, the CD-Rom drive, the keyboard, the speakers, the
printer, the modem, the video adapter, the mouse and more. Some of the tests are
customizable like the mobo one where you can choose which feature of the
motherboard you want to test. This is also a good tool even if novice users
won’t use it at all.
WipeInfo is here to help you ensure all the data you erased from your hard disk
is properly erased. It rewrites data using
Norton recommendation so you’re sure
that your confidential data can’t be restored by anybody in order to definitely
keep them private. WipeInfo guides users through a clear wizard that’ll explain
the interest of the procedure. The only thing to note is that if you’ve got
large drives it’ll take an incredible amount of time to definitely remove data
from them.
Image: this tool takes a photo of
your hard drive critical data (that only contains directory information, FAT and
boot sector) in order to properly restore data using
UnFormat or
UnErase wizard. The
files that are generated by the tool are small and should be created to ensure
accurate restoration phase.
File Compare lets advanced users
compare their files bytes per bytes and see what may differ between two
apparently similar files. When comparing two files the GUI is split in two: on
the left the A file’s contents are shown and on the right the B file’s contents
are displayed. Everything is clearly shown and you can search for specific
information or print the file contents.
UnFormat: This
DOS tool can unformat your hard drive. That is to say that after you have
formatted a hard disk it can restores every data as they were before you did it.
This can works for 50% of the files but rarely for all and it’s normal due to
the difficulty and delicacy of the operation. So really don’t count on
UnFormat to retrieve data after a hard
disk format.
Norton Registry Tracker: This smart software makes photos
of your registry and can shows what has changed since the last photo and even
restore data as it was when the photo was taken. A very good tool that can be
enabled permanently using its tray icon.
Norton Registry Editor: This tool is an advanced
registry editor that is more complete than the one of every Windows versions. It
comes with a powerful undo feature that can undo every change. An historic of
your changes is also available. The search feature displayed all the results in
one window instead of displaying them one after the other. Like in the Windows
Me or Windows 2000 registry editor (REGEDIT) you can add registry branch to a
favourites list so you can access them later very quickly. You can also search
and replace strings or connect yourself to a remote network registry. Finally
the registry editor also lets you see/modify the contents of INI files like
Win.ini or system.ini.
Rescue creates a set of floppies disks
you can use to boot your system in emergency mode in case of crashes to scan for
viruses under DOS or fix hard drive problems. If you’ve got a ZIP drive you can
also create a ZIP rescue disk that will contain a real & true reliable Windows
OS to boot on in order to backup files (before your format) using a friendly
non-DOS environment, edit the registry or run Windows programs to try fixing
system’s problems. To be usable the ZIP disk needs to be accompanied by a
booting floppy disk that’ll be created by
Rescue. Once again this
Norton tool is a kick ass life saving
solution to retrieve a working system. (Note that it’s strongly recommended to
have a SCSI, USB or FireWire Iomega ZIP drives since with a parallel port one
booting on the rescue disk can be really slow).

Norton Rescue
However Windows 2000 users should be aware that only the following Norton
utilities work with the operating system due to the specific architecture of
Windows 2000:
Norton Speed Disk
Norton Disk Doctor
System Information
Norton WinDoctor
System Doctor
All other Norton Utilities modules don't work under Windows 2000 and aren't
installed by the setup.
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