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Product: Copernic 2000 Pro
Company: Copernic, Inc.
Estimated Street Price: $79.95
Review By: Julien JAY


Table Of Contents
1: Introduction
2: Features & Search Results
3: Conclusion

Every experienced web surfer knows that finding specific information on the Internet is somewhat difficult and very hard sometimes… Using Internet search engines such as Yahoo or AltaVista is obviously helpful but doesn’t return the exact information you may be looking for or they can simply drown you in a vast ocean of answers (2000, 25000, etc.). By example you can try to search for the ‘computers’ word on every search engine of the world and you’ll get an incredible amount of possible results that are almost impossible to sort out. Although you can add to this dark picture, a searching engine only covers a small part of the Internet. To be sure to find the information you need on the Internet use the new release of Copernic 2000 Professional, which will help you and in the process become ultimate software for every serious Internet user. The goal of Copernic 2000, used by more than 7 millions of users worldwide, is to search multiple web engines (Copernic knows more than 600 search engines grouped by different categories) for a specified string at the same time that will be then organized, sorted and affined intelligently to best match your request. Copernic 2000 Professional comes with many useful features that’ll review below.


    Copernic 2000 Pro Features:
  • Get relevant, high quality results faster 
  • Access more than 600 search engines and specialized information sources grouped in 55 categories (Auctions, Finance, Encyclopedias, Images, MP3, Software, News, Travel, etc.) 
  • Schedule search updates and get e-mail alerts Spell-check your queries 
  • Remove advertisement banners 
  • Filter out useless information and dead links 
  • Ask questions in plain English or use keywords 
  • Search using language-based engines 
  • And much more!


Installing Copernic 2000 is a breeze and in only a few minutes the Windows Installer based setup will perform a full install. You’ll be prompted to customize the integration of Copernic with Windows and its well-known Internet browser. During the setup you can even choose to install different nation related searching domains like ‘Italian search’, ‘German search’, etc. Sure this will install appropriate search engines databases.

Features -->


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