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Product: Zoo Tycoon - Dinosaur Digs Expansion Pack
Company: Microsoft
Estimated Street Price:
Review By: Julien Jay

Final Results And Overall Mark  

Table Of Contents
1: Introduction
2: Features

Well we have reached the end of the review. Here are my final comments, notes and grades for Microsoft Zoo Tycoon - Dinosaur Digs Expansion Pack.


Final Comments

How It Grades

Gameplay: 80%
Graphics: 75%
Sound: 60%
Music: 70%
Interface: 85%
Price/Value: 75%
Overall: 75%

I really had fun playing with Dinosaur Digs. This expansion pack brings some cool new content as well as new ways to make your zoo grow and evolve. The dinosaurs theme is quite original and the new scenarios are entertaining enough to bring back interest in the original game even if the graphics haven’t really changed. Some will regret the lack of real new features and the overall smallness of this pack. Nonetheless this pack remains a great addition to Zoo Tycoon and is a must have for fans.



Specs & Package
Overall Score 75%
Version Reviewed Microsoft Zoo Tycoon Dinosaur Digs
Release Date Out Now
The Good Points Funny Theme
New game management features
New Scenarios
Thrilling new animals
The Bad Points Too Short
Not enough new content
Reviewer Specs

Pentium 4 2.53 GHz
Intel D850EMV2 Motherboard
Windows XP Professional
512 MB PC800 RDRAM
DirectX 8.1
19" Sony CPD-E400 Trinitron Monitor
nVidia GeForce 4 Ti 4600
Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum
Adaptec 19160
Adaptec AHA-2400a

DVD Pioneer 106s (16/40x)
Yamaha CRW3200S

Alcatel SpeedTouch USB
Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro
Microsoft TrackBall Explorer

PC Required

300MHz Processor or faster,
Microsoft Windows 98SE, Me, 2000 SP2 or Windows XP
64/128MB of RAM (depending on the OS)
300MB of free hard disk space
4x CD-Rom drive
16 bits video card capable of 800x600 resolution
Sound card


« Features  


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