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Product: MechCommander 2
Company: Microsoft
Estimated Street Price: $54.95
Review By: Julien Jay

Final Results and Overall Mark

Table Of Contents
1: Introduction & Game Basics
2: Strategy & Realization
3: Conclusion

Well we have reached the end of the review. Here are my final comments, notes and grades for Microsoft MechCommander 2.


Final Comments

How It Grades
  Gameplay: 85%
Graphics: 90%
Cutscenes: 85%
Sound: 75%
Music: 85%
Manual: 85%
Interface: 80%

Strategy: 90%
Overall: 84.3%

Microsoft MechCommander 2 is definitely a state of the art strategic game. The breathless 3D graphics engine teamed with the design of the game succeeds to make strategy way more important than brute force. Indeed using force isn’t a guarantee of success with MechCommander 2: strategy definitely prevails throughout the game. While I was reviewing this game I was literally immersed and fascinated by MechCommander 2 until I finally finished it. I’d strongly recommend this exciting game to everyone who is on the look for a game that unfolds an intense tactical gameplay along with highly realistic graphics and environments. All in all this game is simply a success!



Specs & Package
Overall Score 84.3%
Version Reviewed Microsoft MechCommander 2
Release Date Available Now!
In the Motherboard Boxes 1 CD-Rom,
1 Users' Guide
The Good Points Amazing graphics,
Outstanding sound,
Interesting and captivating missions,
Strategy's prevalence,
Excellent realization,
Well detailed manual,
Hours of fun.
The Bad Points Missions are slow to load,
High Performance PC is required,
Cursor doesn't always react as expected.
Reviewers PC Setup

Pentium 4 2.0 Ghz
Intel D850GB Motherboard
Windows XP Professional
512 MB PC800 RDRAM w/ECC
DirectX 8.1
19" Sony CPD-E400 Trinitron Monitor
Hercules 3D Prophet III 64Mb AGP 4x Graphics Card
Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum
Adaptec 19160 Ultra SCSI card
Pinnacle Studio DV Plus

Microsoft Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer
Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro

DVD Pioneer 105s (16/40x)
Yamaha CRW2200E

PC Required

Minimum System Requirements

Pentium 266MHz or higher
3D Graphics Card with at least 8MB of VRAM

Microsoft® Windows® 98/98SE, Windows Millennium, Windows 2000 or Windows XP Home/Pro
DirectX 8.0 or higher

64Mb of RAM (128MB recommended)
400Mb of free hard disk space
Quad Speed or faster CD-Rom drive
Super VGA 16bits display required


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