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Product: Flight Simulator 2002 Professional Edition
Company: Microsoft
Estimated Street Price:
Review By: Julien Jay

Final Results And Overall Mark  

Table Of Contents
1: Introduction
2: Game New Features

Well we have reached the end of the review. Here are my final comments, notes and grades for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 Professional Edition.


Final Comments

How It Grades

Installation: 70%
Interface: 80%
Graphics: 90%
Sound: 75%
Realism: 85%
Manual: 70%
Price/Value: 80%
Overall: 78.5%

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 remains simply the best flying simulation game available today blowing away every competitor, if any. The graphic reality has reached a new level while the ATC makes the game much more attractive and less boring thanks to the new interactions it adds. Faster and smoother than the previous version combined with revolutionary graphics, Flight Simulator 2002 really rocks. Even if the selection of aircraft is still questionable due to the serious lack of European planes, the pleasure of piloting is renewed. It really is “As real as it gets.”



Specs & Package
Overall Score 78.5%
Version Reviewed Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 Professional Edition
Release Date Out Now
The Good Points Outstanding graphics
Great New Air Traffic Control feature
The Bad Points Still heavy
No Concorde
No printer handbooks
Requires a powerful PC
Fit on not less than 3 CDs
No European aircrafts (airbus, etc.)
Reviewer Specs

Pentium 4 2.4 GHz
Intel D850EMV2 Motherboard
Windows XP Professional
512 MB PC800 RDRAM
DirectX 8.1
19" Sony CPD-E400 Trinitron Monitor
nVidia GeForce 4 Ti 4600
Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum
Adaptec 19160
Adaptec AHA-2400a

DVD Pioneer 106s (16/40x)
Yamaha CRW3200S

Alcatel SpeedTouch USB
Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro
Microsoft TrackBall Explorer

PC Required

Pentium II 300MHz or higher
8MB 3D Video Accelerator
Sound card with speakers
Microsoft Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP
DirectX 8.1 or higher
64MB of RAM (or more)
650MB of free hard disk space
4x CD-Rom Drive (or faster)


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