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Outlook 2002
Microsoft Outlook…
What a strange name for an email client! Microsoft Outlook was by far one of
the most used programs that I had used along with Microsoft Word. It managed
my email, contacts and let me do things in an efficient way. Outlook 10 is
more than improved. In fact it was totally revamped especially concerning
the email area. New features and improvements are numerous making Outlook
better and much more powerful than ever.
Microsoft Outlook 10
carries tons of other enhancements listed below:

Send Using (E-mail Account Selection) -
Users with
multiple e-mail accounts (such as a Hotmail account and an account on
Exchange) can choose on a per message basis which account to use to send
their message. When the user chooses an account, an information bar shows
which account is used to send the mail.
Rules -
Explicit rules are built
in to determine which account should be used as the default (e.g., when
replying to a message, the account is used that the message was originally
sent to) or users can assign a default account for Outlook to use.
Smart Tags in Wordmail -
With Word
as the default e-mail editor, users can take advantage of the Smart Tags
that are available in Word (including AutoCorrect, Paste Options, Address,
Name, and Date Smart Tags). Smart Tags are context-sensitive buttons that
give users the options and information they need at the time they need
Message Format in Wordmail -
Users can
easily change between different mail formats on the fly and on a per
message basis. By giving users the option to switch between HTML, rich
text, or plain text, they can more easily format their message so that the
recipient can have the best viewing experience.
Text Auto Cleanup -
Outlook 10
can automatically clean up plain text e-mail formatting that often
contains extra line breaks that make the message difficult to read.
Outlook automatically removes the extra line breaks (an option exists to
turn this off as well) when a user opens an e-mail message, previews the
message in the preview pane, or prints the message so that it is easier to
Hyperlinks in Subject Line -
Outlook 10
mail messages now recognize URLs that are placed in the subject field.
This enables users to easily browse to the Web Site using their default
browser without having to copy the address first and paste it into their
Web browser.
There have also been improvements to the Calendar side of
Group Schedules -
Users can
save multiple group calendars within Outlook for quick and easy access
to their team or conference room schedules. Within this single
calendaring interface, users can view the free and busy times of their
group as well as easily e-mail or set up an appointment with the entire
Outlook Free/Busy Sharing -
10 enables users to share Free/Busy information with others on the
Internet for free. This makes it easy to schedule meetings with other
Outlook users with whom you don’t share an Exchange server with.
Reminder Window -
Users now
get a single reminder window for all their appointment or task
reminders. This enables the user to easily dismiss, snooze, or open one
or all of the reminders at once.
Calendar Colouring -
Users can
identify their important appointments via the new colour-coded calendar.
The user can apply a colour to individual appointments or they can
automatically apply colour by creating automatic formatting rules. Each
colour has a label that can be customized by the user.
Propose New Time -
receiving a meeting request, users now have the option to propose a new
meeting time to the meeting organizer rather than just declining the
request. Furthermore, users who have Exchange server can see the free
and busy times of each attendee before submitting the new meeting time.
To round off the
improvements for Outlook they have updated and improved the Contacts and
Address Book:
Display As Name Field -
now include a Display As field for e-mail names. The name you type in
the Display As box appears in the To: field when you compose a message
instead of the actual e-mail address.
Address Book Column Headings -
headings are now resizable in width. This enables the user to reveal or
conceal columns to show only the information they find useful for
address book entry lookup.
Contact Address Book (CAB)
- The Contact Address Book makes use of the Contact’s “Display Name.”
With this column, you can look up contact entries more efficiently,
especially with multiple entries for the same contact name.
Upload Only Changed Properties -
changes get uploaded to the Exchange Server, meaning greater performance
for users when working in Outlook. For example, today if a user receives
a meeting request with a large attachment and they dismiss the meeting,
both the dismissal and the large attachment are uploaded back to the
server. With the Local Web Storage System, only the dismissal is sent
back up to the server.
Asynchronous Open Operations -
Users can
now continue working within Outlook 10 even while large messages are being
downloaded from the server.
Unplug and Go -
A number of
benefits enable users to work remotely more effectively without their
interaction. For example:
Users can switch between online and offline states on
demand and without restarting Outlook.
Users do not need to synchronize their messages,
appointments, etc. This automatically takes place, enabling users to
continue to access their information even when not connected to their
Users can easily customize groups to synchronize for
different combinations of accounts and folders. This benefits users by
letting them control what gets synchronized automatically and what does
Progress Reporting -
Users can
easily see a progress report of the synchronization that is taking place
instead of just receiving an “hour-glass” with no clear indication of when
synchronization is taking place.
Revamped mailbox setup dialog boxes
- Outlook XP features brand new mail setup configuration boxes that
let users better manage their data files and their email accounts.
Outlook 2002 is one of the better upgraded components in Office XP, e-mail
has been greatly improved again in this new version. The new design of
Outlook 2002 means a much easier system for setting up and managing your
e-mail accounts such as Exchange, POP3, IMAP or HTTP, all of these can be
setup through one e-mail account interface. The addition of adding HTTP
accounts such as Hotmail is a welcome one but it has again been a long time

E-Mail writing: Word 2002 is now the default e-mail message editor and HTML
is the e-mail format and finally it doesn't run too slow to use, one
disappointment with the e-mail side of Outlook 2002 is that you still cannot
get a print preview of your HTML e-mails. Outlook can also tidy up your
plain text messages now by getting rid of any unwanted or off line breaks
(although they can be added back to the way they were originally sent if you
want them to just by clicking a simple option at the top of your e-mails).
One feature I also noticed only today is that hyperlinks are also now added
to both subject and body parts of e-mails so that you can click on a link to
a website even from the subject line when you receive an e-mail. Auto
complete has also been added to Outlook 2002, Outlook will start to complete
e-mail addresses you write into a e-mail, but unfortunately this only works
if you have sent an e-mail to the recipient before and won't scan you
address book to help you out.
Increased security means you cannot now open files that have extensions such
as EXE. BAT or VBS, this is all well and good for protecting the user, but
there is no option to switch it off other than to edit the registry by hand
- something most users will not be willing to fiddle with.
messenger has been integrated into Outlook 2002 (what a surprise), but this
isn't installed as a standard part of Office XP as you have to download the
latest version of MSN Messenger to get it all working. The integration works
by adding a tools menu for you to logon and logoff but also when you receive
and e-mail from someone who is on your MSN messenger list it will let you
know whether they are online or not...a pretty pointless feature if you ask

Thanks to the fact Microsoft Outlook 10 supports multiple folders, you can
create rules to automatically transfer incoming emails into a specific
folder according to the characteristics of the emails you receive. That is
to say you can create a folder for work emails, an other folder for family
mails, as well as other folders for unknown & junk emails: that way you can
efficiently manage your emails assigning them a priority level of treatment.
Just like in Microsoft Outlook 2000 you can request a read receipt for the
email you sent so you’re sure recipients read your mails.
If you’re like an avid user of email that
keeps track of every email over the years you’ll quickly have an enormous
inbox with thousands of emails (personally mine reaches more than 8700
received emails!) As a result your storage file gets enormous while loading
Outlook can be very long. Here Microsoft has done a good job enhancing core
code to faster loading operations: so users with a large inbox don’t wait
too much before Outlook start.

But Microsoft didn’t stop here since they even include Mailbox cleanup tool
that display the size of the mailbox while enabling users to search for
files by size or by age in order to delete, move or archive them so they can
free up some space (Exchange users can also automatically be notified when
they are approaching their mailbox size limit and choose from the above
options for cleaning up their mailbox).
The search feature of Outlook has also been revamped: when
you enable the search feature a simple small toolbar appears with a text
case where you’ll have to type the content you’re searching for. This
doesn’t cumber the screen and allows you to still view received emails. As
part of the core enhancement the search feature finds items much faster than
before. Obviously advanced searching tools are still available to let you
dig in your inbox.

overall Outlook 2002 manages to be both an excellent upgrade over the
previous release Outlook 2000.