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Pentium III 1Ghz B & Intel VC820 Motherboard
Company: Intel corp.
Website: http://www.intel.com
Estimated Street Price for the CPU: $990.00 in 1000 unit quantities
Review By: Julien JAY
Intel, the Santa Clara's CPU giant, has provided us with a
nice test
system featuring its new top-notch high-end processor: the Pentium III
1Ghz B officially announced in march 2000, exactly two days after the
AMD Athlon 1Ghz availability announcement. For the first time ever an
intel processor reaches the 1Ghz barrier.
Who would believe that, a few years ago when the most powerful CPU were
only 16mhz ones? So once again the well-known Moore theorem is right.
In this review we will see if the latest Intel's baby hold on its promises.
When I unpacked the box I was only able to say 'Wahoooooo', because when
Intel says that a PIII 1Ghz B bring power they surely mean it! Indeed
the processor is surrounded by a big heatsink with two independent power
supplied fans! This processor seems to heat enough to cook your eggs!
;-) Buying a new air-conditioning system will be soon imperative to use
a computer safely. Notice that we received word from Intel saying that
as the Pentium III 1Ghz production will grow they'll be provided with
a smaller heatsink and with only one fan shortly. More seriously the system
also comes with an Intel Motherboard the VC820 featuring Rambus support.
I know that most of you will wince on the fact that this motherboard supports
Rambus. Since the release of this new promising technology many denigrated
it and Intel didn't manage to impose it. But after you'll read this review and the benchmark results you'll
surely want a RDRAM enabled motherboard. Indeed if the RDRAM is expensive
it's probably the most faster & reliable memory technology type we've
ever seen that admit the unbelievable data transfer rate of 1.6Giga bytes
per second: it's fast enough to work correctly with AGP 4x graphic boards
to achieve high 3d performance. This memory with a Pentium III will change
forever the way you use your computer to gaming or video mounting.
The Intel
Pentium III range of CPU features:
- Amazing
Pentium III processor enables higher polygon counts and advanced lighting
effects, which can provide software and WB sites with more lifelike
surfaces, more objects rendered in a given scene, and amazing shadow
effects and reflections rendered in real time. This makes for more immersive
gaming and entertainment experiences on your PC and more detail and
convenience for online shopping.
- Realistic
Animation—The performance of the Pentium III processor enables software
developers to incorporate a greater degree of realism and interactivity.
Imagine flight simulators with wings that actually flex, driving simulations
with suspension that actually works, or gaming characters with fingers
that can touch and grasp.
- Advanced
Imaging—The Pentium III processor can provide better responsiveness
with your graphics software by offering increased frame rates, color
depths, and image processing algorithms. This means you can work with
large, complex images and digital photographs without the wait.
- Streaming
Video—Because video files tend to be large, all the benefits of
the Pentium III processor realized for still imaging are even more important
for editing and viewing video. In addition, the performance capabilities
of the processor allow for real-time MPEG-2 video encoding and editing
and great performance for streaming video—resulting in higher quality
video on the Internet.
- Speech
Recognition—The Pentium III processor can provide greater accuracy
and faster response time in new applications that feature this exciting
capability. With this performance advance, speech capabilities cross
the threshold into real usability for real-time speech, WB browsing
or word processing.
Before talking about this
wonderful chip & its performance, here is a shot of the 'beast':
Now a few technology notes on the PIII 1Ghz and then let the tests speak
for me!
Pentium III 1Ghz B CPU comes with several Intel advanced & exclusive
- It's
MMX ready so it'll boost any software that takes benefit of MMX tech
such as most of the current games and Office 97SR1 (or later) & Office
2000 as well as Adobe PhotoShop 5.5.
- The
Pentium III is the first range of Intel Processors, ever to include
the SIMD instructions set. This set of instructions is intended to boost
3d performance in games or software that are compliant with this technology.
This SIMD instructions is a kind of 'MMX2' designed to beat the AMD
3d now ones. However there's still few current software that take advantages
of this technology.
- The
Pentium III 1Ghz B also features the serial number unique ID to secure
orders over the web. Paranoiac users I can ensure you that this feature
is not a big brother treat, really. You can disable it if you want and
it's only provided to offer the security you're expecting when purchasing
over the 'net. Please note that to have access to the exclusive Intel
WebOutFitter service that provides free stuff for Pentium III owners
the serial number is required.
- The
Pentium III 1Ghz B comes with a SLOT1 connector (that allows to include
on die cache memory due to the large size of the CPU which is more big than
a Socket 370 one) in a SECC2 cartridge!. If Intel first justified SLOT1 was necessary to
increase speed & frequencies it's now clear that the SLOT 1 was
only designed to annoy Intel's competitors like AMD. Intel or AMD: you
have to choose because Intel uses SLOT1 connector when AMD uses SLOTA
or Super 7 which are obviously incompliant between them.
- The
Pentium III 1Ghz B is part of the Coppermine family so it's engraved
in 0,18µ (According to our sources Intel plans to release first
0.13µ CPUs in early 2002). It also includes 256kb of full speed L2
"on die" cache memory with a true 256bits link with
the CPU that runs
at the speed of the CPU: 1Ghz in that case. The full speed cache memory
is wonderful as it gives better performance than if there were 512kb
of normal cache memory (remember that the cache memory stores the most
used data to accelerate the transfer times & so the processing speed
in order to reduce waiting times): this cache memory uses a new more
efficient algorithm named "8 way set associative".
Coppermine Pentium III have seen their data transfer's bandwidth
between the CPU and the cache switched from 2.4Gbps (for first Pentium
III) to 9.6Gbps! Finally its front side bus is a 133Mhz one and allows
to achieve a data transfer bandwidth of 1Gbps between the CPU and the
bus instead of 800Mo per second for first Pentium III. As you can
understand even if new Pentium III includes less cache memory than
before (256 instead of 512k) this memory is more powerful and gives
better performance than with 512Kb of standard cache (running at
*only* 200Mhz).
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