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Headlines For Sunday 20th February 2000 |
Stuff |
- Time: 16:01
EST/21:01 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
Microsoft will unveil its would-be PlayStation 2
killer, X-Box, next month during the Game Developers Conference in
San Jose, California.
At least that's what UK trade title CTW is
predicting. It reckons Bill Gates will play second fiddle to
Lionhead co-founder (and lookalike to The Register's own Mike Magee)
Peter Molyneux who will be on stage to demo his upcoming online
multiplayer Black and White running on the X-Box.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 15:59
EST/20:59 GMT News Source: Wired
News Posted By: Alex
Just one day after trumpeting Windows 2000 as the
solution for business, Microsoft issued its first update to the OS
that adds compatibility with 45 popular games. The compatibility
update also includes one hardware fix, adding support for Iomega
Zip drives connected to the parallel port.
Company officials said the patch will help Windows
2000 work better with applications. Microsoft’s own FrontPage 98,
a Web page building application, is on the list of programs that are
helped by the patch. But the bulk of the list is mostly games, such
as Creature 3, F22 Lightning III, and Mageslayer.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 15:58
EST/20:58 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
According to wire news service AFP, a French
intelligence report has accused U.S. secret agents of working with
Microsoft to develop software allowing Washington to spy on
communications around the world. The Strategic Affairs Delegation
report, quoted in the newsletter Le Monde du Renseignement, claims
agents from the U.S. National Security Agency helped install secret
programmes on Microsoft software. According to the report there was
a 'strong suspicion' of a lack of security fed by insistent rumours
about the existence of spy programs on Microsoft, and by the
presence of NSA personnel in Bill Gates' development teams.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 15:56
EST/20:56 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
Fashionwise, the big Win2k launch was a sports
jacket event for the Microsoft stars, but there was an uneasy
balance between formality and fun at the carefully scripted event in
San Francisco. Some 5.000 people were present, which just happens to
be the number of Microsoft staff involved in creating the $1 billion
product (or possibly the $2 billion product - strange inflationary
forces seem to be at work in MS presentations).
The biggest launch party, however, was in
Philadelphia, prompting a city councilman and a senator to introduce
resolutions that the day be proclaimed "Windows 2000 day",
for so it was.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 15:54
EST/20:54 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
Microsoft's numerous attempts to build market
share for the Microsoft Network have failed so far, but the company
keeps coming, and the latest heave, broadband satellite access,
could just turn into MSN into a 'must have' success. The new service
will be available in the US initially, will only be available for
MSN on Win9x operating systems, and will only be sold by Microsoft
and by MSN retailers. But as MSN isn't a monopoly by a long chalk,
that's OK, right?
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 15:52
EST/20:52 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
Intel and Microsoft's public squabble over Windows
2000's processor requirements continues. On Thursday, Microsoft
rebutted the chip maker's claims that to run well, the new operating
system requires significantly more processing power than most
computers offer.
On stage at the Intel Developers Forum here, just
hours before Microsoft officially released Windows 2000, Microsoft
spokesperson Charles Fitzgerald delicately raised the issue. He also
noted that Intel performed its tests on a beta release of the
operating system.
The beta version--sent to Intel months before
Microsoft completed its final work--was not "performance
tuned," Fitzgerald said. The shipping version of Win 2000
actually runs faster on existing hardware, he said.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 15:50
EST/20:50 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
Microsoft representatives deny a report that Bill
Gates said yesterday that he would agree to open up the source code
for the Windows operating system if that's all it would take to
settle the U.S. Department of Justice's antitrust case against the
software giant.
Gates was interviewed by Bloomberg News television
anchor Dylan Ratigan yesterday as the company officially launched
its latest operating system, Windows 2000. But the comment in
question came after the taping ended when Gates was leaving and the
reporter asked whether he would be willing to open up Windows source
code to third-party companies in order to settle the case.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Headlines For Saturday 19th February 2000 |
Security Bulletin - New VM |
- New Microsoft Virtual Machine
ReleasedTime: 09:50
EST/14:50 GMT News Source: E-Mail
Posted By: Byron
A new version of the Microsoft®
virtual machine (Microsoft VM) is now available for download. A
recommended update, this version eliminates a security
vulnerability. Download your free copy of the Microsoft VM (build
3240 for Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01, build
3193 for Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, or build
2445 for Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01) today (connection
fees may apply).
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:50
EST/14:50 GMT News Source: E-Mail
Posted By: Byron
(2.50.4403.12) is available for download. This is the same version
of MDAC components that are installed by Windows® 2000. This
redistributable setup is supported on Windows 95, Windows 98, and
Windows NT 4.0.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Site News: E-Mailing Us Questions
Time: 09:50
EST/14:50 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Byron
We are getting
a large amount of e-mails asking us to help out with technical
problems based around Windows 95/98/2000, unfortunately (as we are
sure you will understand) we can't answer most of these by e-mail
because there are just too many being sent in now. As many of you
know, we run a message
board which we check through a number of times each day, we
would prefer you all to use that as a means of asking us technical
questions, it makes it easier on us and also means that more
questions get answered and that more people see the answers. Thank
you for understanding.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:00
EST/14:00 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Product Security Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates a
security vulnerability in web applications associated with
Microsoft® Site Server 3.0, Commerce Edition. These applications
are provided as samples and generated by wizards, but do not follow
security best practices. If deployed on a web site, they could allow
inappropriate access to a database on the site
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Headlines For Friday 18th February 2000 |
2000 Drivers - Office 2000 SR-1 |
Time: 21:58
EST/02:58 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
The Santa Clara, Calif., chipmaking giant has
discovered a bug that affects some server and workstation computers
incorporating recently released Intel chipsets, just when it seemed
like the company was digging out from a series of manufacturing
snafus in 1999. Though the glitch occurs somewhat rarely, three
circuit board ("motherboard") designs have been canceled
in response.
Intel is moving to correct the error and will work
with computer makers to resolve any current product issues,
according to spokesman Dan Francisco.
Still, the bug is not likely to sit well with
hardware manufacturers, who had to endure shortages and product
delays last year. The shortcoming also could prove a boon to chipset
start-up ServerWorks, which makes components that compete with the
problematic Intel parts.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 21:50
EST/02:50 GMT News Source: Yahoo!
News Posted By: Matthew
Now that Microsoft Corp. has finally shipped
Windows 2000, its most ambitious product yet, the software giant is
turning its attention to a face-lift of its ubiquitous consumer
operating system.
Because Windows 2000, launched by Chairman Bill
Gates on Thursday, targets businesses, Microsoft says average users
should wait for the updated version of Windows 98, officially dubbed
Windows Millennium Edition, or Windows Me.
That software will not make the kind of dramatic
leaps in performance and stability that Windows 2000 boasts, but it
will sport a slightly newer look and built-in tools for gadgets such
as digital cameras and digital music players.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 21:49
EST/02:49 GMT News Source: USA
Today Posted By: Matthew
The landmark antitrust case heads back to court
Microsoft Corp.'s antitrust battle with the
government returns to federal court next week as the two sides have
failed to reach a settlement of the landmark case.
Opposing lawyers will present closing arguments
Tuesday on whether the world's leading software company violated the
law, setting the stage for a later ruling by U.S. District Judge
Thomas Penfield Jackson. He declared the company a predatory
monopoly on Nov. 5, stopping short of finding it acted illegally.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 21:48
EST/02:48 GMT News Source: USA
Today Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, the world's richest
man, has placed a bet on the defense industry through the purchase
of a 7.8% stake in Newport News Shipbuilding Inc., the only U.S.
maker of nuclear aircraft carriers.
Cascade Investment LLC, an investment vehicle for
Gates, filed a Schedule 13G with the Securities and Exchange
Commission showing he holds 2.6 million Newport News shares. The
stake is worth about $68.9 million at current prices.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 21:40
EST/02:40 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Byron
Minutes after Microsoftchairman and chief software
architect BillGates formally launched Windows 2000 Thursday, a
pleased-looking Joe Kriegel, a senior analyst at Principal Financial
Group, said he is looking forward to "the scalability and
reliability" of the long-awaited operating system.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 21:39
EST/02:39 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Byron
One of the main architects of the Windows 2000
launch event -- Jim Ewel, Microsoft general manager, Windows
marketing -- talked with TechWeb Software editor Stuart Glascock
about a number of key issues related to the worldwide roll-out. Ewel
also manages the Microsoft team charged with combatting Linux, and
he shed some light on Microsoft's view of the rapidly growing
alternative operating system.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 21:39
EST/02:39 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Byron
Version 2.0 of the Universal Serial Bus is on
track for introduction by the Christmas 2000 selling season,
according to Intel executives speaking at the Intel Developer Forum
this week. The latest rev of the USB spec will support data-transfer
rates of 480 Mbits/second for peripherals connected to a system.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 15:14
EST/20:14 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Yes, already updates for Windows 2000 are
appearing...Microsoft has released a Compatibility Update for
Windows 2000 on their
Windows Update site. The download, which takes about a minute to
get hold of, adds compatibility for a whole host of applications and
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- New Windows 2000 DriversTime: 11:32
EST/16:32 GMT News Source: E-Mail/Various Posted
By: Byron
have finally released the new Voodoo3 2000 / 3000 drivers for
Windows 2000 This first release contains an OpenGL ICD, GLide
support, better 2D.
ATi has released some new drivers for Windows2000
and their Rage 128/Pro series of video cards. Download
them here.
Creative has released some new
drivers for Windows2000 and Creative Graphics Blaster RIVA TNT,
3D Blaster RIVA TNT2 3D Blaster RIVA TNT2 Ultra Graphics Blaster
RIVA TNT2 Value (32Mb) 3D Blaster GeForce/3D Blaster GeForce Pro
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 11:25
EST/16:25 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft would be willing to open the source code
for its Windows software to competitors if that was all it would
take to settle the antitrust case filed by the Justice Department,
chairman Bill Gates said.
Microsoft is seeking a settlement with the Justice
Department and 19 states that are suing the software maker and would
"do our absolute best to achieve it," Gates said in an
interview with Bloomberg News yesterday.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 11:25
EST/16:25 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. and Intel Corp. today announced
updates to key tools as well as resources for software development
on the 64-bit Windows® for the ItaniumÔ processor
platform. Microsoft has opened a 64-bit Windows Developer's Lab in
Redmond to support the porting and tuning of key software
applications. Microsoft and Intel also announced delivery of an
advanced version of the IA-64 Software Development Kit (SDK) for
64-bit Windows, providing the latest operating system release,
compilers, linkers and libraries to hardware and software developers
who are already working on software development for 64-bit Windows.
To extend the reach of these tools, Microsoft plans on releasing a
beta version of 64-bit Windows and tools in the second quarter of
2000. Microsoft expects to release 64-bit Windows concurrently with
production of the Itanium processor.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 06:31
EST/11:31 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Byron
We have updated our MS Games & Hardware
section with more information including, new info on Motocross
Madness 2 which includes the release date and first box shot...More
fan sites and more updates of the upcoming games area.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Office 2000 SR-1 News & DateTime: 06:08
EST/11:08 GMT News Source: Microsoft Posted By: Byron
Microsoft is to release a new version of Office
2000 in stores from the 20th April 2000. Meanwhile, the patch to
upgrade to Office 2000 SR-1 will be released a month earlier during
the week beginning 20th March and is expected to be quite a hefty
Microsoft Office 2000 Premium has been updated with Microsoft
PhotoDraw 2000 Version 2. In addition, Office 2000 Premium has been
updated to Service Release 1 (SR-1).
Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000 Version 2 builds on the powerful
combination of easy-to-use image editing and drawing tools brought
together in the initial release of PhotoDraw. Among the significant
improvements in Version 2 are a wide array of new Web graphics
features, improved integration with Microsoft Office 2000, and
better overall speed and performance.
Office 2000 SR-1 is a planned service release that provides
Office 2000 customers with a convenient way to receive the latest
product updates to Office 2000 and related technology like Windows
Installer 1.1 and Internet Explorer 5.01. Note, Office 2000 SR-1
does NOT provide new features or functionality in Office 2000, and
existing Office 2000 customers can visit the Microsoft Office Web
site to download the Office 2000 SR-1 patch or order the SR-1 patch
on CD.
Office 2000 SR-1 is NOT required for Office 2000 to run on
Windows 2000. However, Windows 2000 customers who update to SR-1
will receive optimal benefits, including improved supportability,
interoperability, reliability and performance.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:28
EST/10:28 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Matthew
Hawkers' stalls in Moscow streets and metro
stations were filled with Windows 2000 discs on Thursday, the
product's world launch date. But then they have been for months,
thanks to industrious pirates.
U.S. software maker Microsoft (MSFT)
says Windows 2000 is a revolutionary version of its operating system
-- fit for e-business and with new anti-piracy features.
Moscow street hawkers offering pirated test
versions on CD-ROM for 80 roubles, or US$2.75, instead of hundreds
of dollars for legitimate version, say customers are satisfied.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:16
EST/10:16 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft would be willing to open the source code
for its Windows software to competitors in order to settle the
antitrust case filed by the U.S. Justice Department, chairman Bill
Gates said.
Microsoft is seeking a settlement with the Justice
Department and 19 states that have filed an antitrust suit against
the software giant and would ''do our absolute best to achieve it,''
Gates said in an interview.
Gates said he would agree to open the source code
for the company's Windows operating system as part of a settlement,
a move that would allow competitors to create and sell their own
modified versions of Windows.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:10
EST/10:10 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft's new corporate operating system could
force many business to pay thousands of dollars in additional
licensing fees, a research firm said.
GartnerGroup, which has slammed Microsoft's
pricing policies in the past, said that charges built into how
Microsoft sells its software would affect a large percentage of
companies upgrading to Windows 2000. Many of these fees are not
up-front, said analyst Michael Gartenberg.
One important hidden cost is the client access
license, essentially a passport that allows a Windows 2000 desktop
to connect to Windows 2000 servers and take advantage of programs
like Active Directory, Gartenberg said. Client access licenses,
which are required, cost $999 per computer, more than three times as
much as the $319 Windows 2000 Professional Desktop software itself.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 05:00
EST/10:00 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 became available in
stores yesterday, and it's already a hit with many customers.
Companies such as General Motors, Wells Fargo Bank
and Merrill Lynch have committed to installing the new operating
system on nearly 2 million PCs and servers. And more than 250
corporations worldwide have already deployed the operating system in
a variety of mission-critical environments. These early adopters are
experiencing benefits such as better reliability, manageability and
scalability and lower total cost of ownership. They also expect a
return on their investment in less than one year.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Headlines For Thursday 17th February 2000 |
2k Review - Windows 2000 Released - X-Box First Showing |
- Voodoo Drivers Soon for Windows
2000Time: 19:12
EST/00:12 GMT News Source: AVault
Posted By: Byron
The official Windows 2000 drivers for the Voodoo3
2000 and 3000 are completed and have finished certification testing.
3dfx is waiting for Microsoft to return the final certification on
these drivers. Due to Microsoft WHQL restrictions, the company
cannot post beta drivers for Windows 2000. 3dfx will post Windows
2000 drivers for the Voodoo3 2000 and 3000 as soon as Microsoft
returns our WHQL certification. In the meantime, Windows 2000 users
may use the imbedded drivers for the Voodoo3 that ship with Windows
2000. The company says it also plans robust support for Windows 2000
with Voodoo4 and Voodoo5 when those products ship.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 19:07
EST/00:07 GMT News Source: Marketwatch
Posted By: Byron
As the business world awaits the arrival of
Windows 2000 Thursday, Microsoft's rivals aren't exactly running for
cover just yet from the killer operating system that analysts once
thought would destroy the competition. Microsoft (MSFT:
is widely seen as having made strides in improving its business
operating system -- enough to have Windows foes taking note of the
massive product launch. But executives at competitors like Sun
Microsystems (SUNW:
Novell (NOVL:
and Red Hat (RHAT:
say they won't need to play catch-up in the wake of Bill Gates'
latest technology advances.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 15:09
EST/20:09 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today revealed new scalability
features in the upcoming release of Microsoft® SQL
Server™ 2000 and detailed a technology road map that together will
provide customers with virtually unlimited scalability on the
Windows® 2000 platform, a key element of friction-free
operations. The company also announced an array of world-record
database benchmarks, including a TPC-C benchmark result,
demonstrating the power of the Microsoft platform in both scale-out
and scale-up scenarios. At 227,079 order transactions per minute,
the TPC-C result sets the world record for any hardware, operating
system or database. The result was achieved with Windows 2000 and
SQL Server 2000 running on 12 Compaq ProLiant servers in a scale-out
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 15:09
EST/20:09 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. announced today at the launch of
Windows® 2000 that over 250 corporations have deployed
the product successfully in a variety of mission-critical
environments worldwide. Even before the general availability of the
product, these businesses - large, small, brick and mortar, and
Internet-based - have deployed over 150,000 copies of Microsoft®
Windows 2000 Professional on desktops or notebooks and over 9,000
systems running on Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server in
production environments. In fact, customers such as AIMCO, Phoenix
Suns-Arizona Diamondbacks, Sears Homelife, Troop Law and Stride Rite
Corp. have completely deployed Windows 2000 Professional and Windows
2000 Server across their organizations. In addition, key customers
from around the world, such as General Motors Corp., Merrill Lynch
& Company Inc. and Wells Fargo Bank, which have already begun
their deployments, have committed to installing Windows 2000 on
almost 2 million desktops, notebooks and servers. Finally, major
corporations are continuing to see total cost of ownership (TCO)
benefits from deploying Windows 2000, saving millions of dollars
every year, thanks to the enhanced reliability and manageability of
the platform.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 10:07
EST/20:07 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced the general
availability of the Windows® 2000 Professional, Windows
2000 Server and Windows 2000 Advanced Server operating systems.
Beginning today, Microsoft® Windows 2000 is broadly
available in over 60 countries and 16 languages, including English,
German, Japanese (two versions), French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish,
Dutch, Korean, and Brazilian Portuguese. The Windows 2000 family of
operating systems is designed to enable a new generation of PC
computing, delivering superior levels of reliability and
manageability to help increase system uptime and lower the total
cost of ownership. Windows 2000 is the ideal platform for doing
business on the Internet and takes advantage of state-of-the-art
hardware, from the smallest mobile devices to the largest e-commerce

News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 10:07
EST/20:07 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Chairman and Chief Software Architect
Bill Gates officially announced today the worldwide availability of
the Windows® 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server and
Windows 2000 Advanced Server operating systems, addressing a
worldwide audience that spanned more than 100 cities. Declaring
Windows 2000 the first in the greatest generation of products ever
released by Microsoft, Gates predicted that customers of Windows
2000 will receive significant reliability, scalability, performance
and cost-effectiveness advantages over alternative platforms.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 10:14
EST/15:14 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
In spirit if not in person, customers and partners
from around the world are planning to join Microsoft Chairman and
Chief Software Architect Bill Gates and thousands of information
technology (IT) professionals today at the launch of Windows 2000,
Microsoft’s next-generation operating system for businesses.
Microsoft will link at least 18 countries plus 57
cities in the US and Canada via satellite to the IDG Windows 2000
Conference and Expo in San Francisco, where Gates will celebrate the
commercial launch of Windows 2000. In his keynote speech, Gates
plans to highlight Windows 2000 customers and demonstrate powerful
new Windows 2000 applications. (The speech will also be available
via Windows Media at http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/launch/keynote.asp.)
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 10:11
EST/15:11 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
This week's release of Windows 2000 could be
considered the tech industry's equivalent of trickle-down economics
as many segments will reap the rewards.
When the new operating system reaches store
shelves this week, Microsoft will not be the only company to enjoy a
boost in revenues. A large cross-section of tech companies--computer
makers, memory sellers, software creators and others--also are
hoping to ride Microsoft's coattails to the bank.
The long-awaited, much delayed new operating
system for businesses finally gets its official launch today.
Microsoft chairman and chief software architect Bill Gates will
culminate three days of keynotes with his own speech in San
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Time: 06:44
EST/11:44 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
IomegaWare™ 2.2.1 for Windows® 2000 is here.
This easy-to-use software suite provides integrated features that
help you find, format, protect, and manage your stuff on Iomega®
Zip®, Jaz®, and Clik!™ PC Card drives and disks. Desktop icons
provide direct access to your Iomega drives, and
"right-click" enabling lets you use even more IomegaWare
features. IomegaWare 2.2.1 includes our most popular software
programs, including Iomega QuikSync; IomegaWare Commander; and
Backup 4.0, the enhanced combination of Iomega's 1-Step™ Backup
and Backup97 applications. IomegaWare 2.2.1 is also compatible with
Windows 95, 98, and Windows NT® 4.0. A Macintosh® version is
planned soon. Note: IomegaWare 2.2.1 is compatible with all Iomega
Zip and Jaz drives, except Clik! Parallel Port and ZipCD™ drives.
IomegaWare 2.2.1 is not compatible with RecordIt™ software, and
will uninstall RecordIt if it was previously installed on your
IomegaWare™ 2.2.1 for Windows® 2000/NT & Win 9* now
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 06:13
EST/11:13 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Byron
have posted our 18 page review of Windows 2000 Professional Edition.
Here is a snippet from the review:
During the past few
months Activewin has been a leader in presenting our readers with
the most up to date features and improvements that Windows 2000 has
to offer. We are proud to present you all with our full and complete
review on the just released Windows 2000 Professional Operating
Some may believe
Windows 2000 is the successor of Windows 98SE. The fact is that
Windows 2000 is the replacement for Microsoft's Windows NT business
and network platform. Windows 2000 is a full operating system based
on a full NT 32 bit engine that allows high end multi tasking, high
security levels, and advanced networking features while still
supporting DirectX and all the latest hardware.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- GDC date for X-Box unveiling
Time: 05:09
EST/10:09 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Microsoft is set to finally unveil its
much-speculated X-Box console at next month's Game Developers
Conference in San Jose. Bill Gates is set to take the stage
alongside Lionhead's Peter Molyneux to demonstrate the eagerly
awaited Black and White on the Microsoft machine.
According to one source: "If it all comes off
it will be an incredibly cocky presentation. It will simply blow
people away." While we have been given dates for an official
presentation launch before, this one seems more realistic after the
"secret meeting" between developers and Microsoft earlier
this month.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Windows 2000 Conference &
Expo Events Timeline
Time: 03:38
EST/08:38 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Alex
Here is a listing of what is going to be happening
at the Windows 2000 Conference & Expo 2000:
- Microsoft Chairman and Chief
Software Architect Bill Gates Will Deliver the Launch Keynote
Thursday morning from 9:30--10:30 a.m. in the Bill Graham Civic
Auditorium. The keynote will be followed by a Q&A session for
the media beginning at 11 a.. with additional events as follows.
- Keynote by Michael S. Dell,
chairman and CEO of Dell Computer Corp., "Building Competitive
Advantage on the Internet," Bill Graham Civic Auditorium,
Tuesday, Feb. 15, 9--10 a.m.
- Keynote by Michael D. Capellas,
president and CEO of Compaq Computer Corp., Bill Graham Civic
Auditorium, Tuesday, Feb. 15, 6:30--7:30 p.m.
- Compaq reception, Tuesday, Feb.
15, 8 p.m., City Hall. After Michael Capellas' keynote, join Compaq
for an evening of entertainment, hors d'oeuvres, beverages and
- Interactive exhibit floor,
Tuesday, Feb. 15 through Thursday, Feb.17, Moscone Center. Nearly
200 Windows 2000 launch supporters will showcase their applications
and hardware that will provide customers with real-world Windows
2000-based solutions. In addition, a fully equipped test and
demonstration area will provide an opportunity for a hands-on
experience with Windows 2000-based programs and compatible hardware
- Nine tutorials, (five full-day,
four half-day), Tuesday, Feb. 15, Moscone Center. Topics include
"How to Build a Highly Available, High Performance and Scalable
Commerce Solution," "Active Directory,"
"Securing Windows 2000 Server" and "Deploying Windows
2000 Professional in the Enterprise." Please visit
http://www.windows2000expo.com/frmConf.htm for more information.
- Four technical tracks:"Data
Management," "Upgrading to Windows 2000,"
"Security" and "Enterprise Networking,"
Wednesday, Feb. 16 through Thursday, Feb. 17, six to 11 sessions per
track (75 minutes each) including "Storage Management,"
"Performance Troubleshooting," "Windows 2000 Domain
Migration Tools and Techniques," "Active Directory
Concepts and Essentials" and "Automated Setup and
Deployment of Windows 2000."
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 03:36
EST/08:36 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Alex
Microsoft takes center stage in two very
high-profile events in a matter of days: its long-awaited Windows
2000 rollout Thursday, and final arguments before a federal judge in
its landmark antitrust trial next Tuesday.
Microsoft's reputation, product quality, and
business practices are on the line in both its Windows 2000 release
and the final courtroom step in the Justice Department's lawsuit.
The Redmond, Wash., software giant has spent $1
billion and more than three years to market its latest operating
system, which will target the lucrative large corporate and server
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 03:34
EST/08:34 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Alex
Microsoft e-mailed lawmakers indicating it is
willing to accept "common sense" conditions to settle the
federal antitrust lawsuit, published reports said Wednesday. The
Wall Street Journal said Microsoft wrote to members of Congress
saying it is seriously trying to settle the case brought by the
Department of Justice, but called a breakup "extreme and
unwarranted...a regulatory death sentence." Final arguments
before a federal judge are set for Feb. 22, while settlement talks
continue in Chicago.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 03:32
EST/08:32 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced its Windows®
Datacenter Program that will complement the Microsoft®
Windows 2000 Datacenter Server operating system. This program will
provide customers with an integrated hardware and software support
offer, which will be jointly marketed, sold and delivered by
Microsoft and qualified server vendors. This new program is
specifically designed to address the demanding requirements of
enterprise customers and will include a joint support team with
server vendors for single-point-of-contact support, rigorous system
testing and qualification focused on the entire system vs.
individual components, coordinated maintenance and change control
for hardware and software updates, and new Microsoft Certified
Support Center (MCSC) for Datacenter requirements.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Performance
Gains on Windows 2000, Customer Successes Build Momentum for
Microsoft Site Server Commerce Edition.
Time: 03:30
EST/08:30 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
This week’s public debut of Microsoft Windows
2000 is likely to be welcome news to the thousands of companies that
have hitched their business to the Internet. Test results just
released by Compaq Computer Corp. show that Windows 2000 Advanced
Server offers compelling business benefits when used as the
operating system platform for an e-commerce site based on Microsoft
Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition.
Compaq’s findings validate Windows 2000 as an
ideal platform for building e-commerce solutions around Site Server
Commerce Edition, Microsoft’s comprehensive solution for engaging
and transacting with customers and partners online. Compaq conducted
its analysis using a script that mimics the online shopper
experience. The script included a dozen operations typically
performed during an e-commerce session, such as logging on,
searching for products, adding and deleting items to a shopping cart
and checking out. The tests were designed to measure the number of
Active Server Pages (ASPs) serving up dynamic content that can be
pumped through a simulated e-commerce site.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 03:28
EST/08:28 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
When Brian Valentine joined the Microsoft Windows
Division in December 1998, development of the company's
next-generation operating system had reached a critical stage. At
the mid-point of the largest software development project in the
company's history, the 4,200-strong Windows 2000 team faced the
challenge of finishing the product, finding and fixing bugs,
fine-tuning new features, testing the product extensively and
getting it "out the door" and into the hands of
Microsoft's customers.
"Large projects go through a natural cycle of
highs and lows," says Valentine, who serves as senior vice
president of the Windows Division. "And when I joined the team,
it was a very challenging time. The team was wondering if it was
ever going to get done and deliver on its original goals for the
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 03:15
EST/08:15 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Alex
Microsoft have released the High Encryption Pack
to allow you to have the highest available encryption level
(128-bit). To download then click here.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Microsoft Security Bulletin
(MS00-009) - Patch Available for "Image Source Redirect"
Time: 03:13
EST/08:13 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Alex
Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates a
security vulnerability in Microsoft® Internet Explorer. The
vulnerability could allow a malicious web site operator to read -
but not add, change or delete - certain types of files on the
computer of a visiting user. For more information click here.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 03:10
EST/08:10 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Just in time to make its initial public offering a
little sweeter, Palm Computing Inc. plans to unveil its long-awaited
color Palm next week in conjunction with the CeBIT 2000 show in
Hannover, Germany, according to sources close to the company. The
Palm IIIc ("c" is for color) is similar in form and
function to its monochrome counterpart, but with a full color screen
and a rechargeable battery.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 03:08
EST/08:08 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
America Online is mulling ways to turn Netscape's
Netcenter Web portal into a showcase of Time Warner's Web sites,
according to AOL president Bob Pittman.
The company today announced that Netcenter
and AOL's ICQ instant messenger client will use CNN.com's news
headlines and stories throughout their services--a step that could
provide a blueprint for how the two companies will promote each
other's services pending their proposed multibillion-dollar merger.
Pittman said the Netcenter-CNN.com deal could be
the tip of the iceberg in developing cross-promotions between
Netcenter and Time Warner.
Netcenter could become a "platform for all of
Time Warner's products," Pittman said in a presentation to
investors at the Merrill Lynch Global Investor Conference in New
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Headlines For Wednesday 16th February 2000 |
2000 Coverage Continues |
Time: 18:47
EST/23:47 GMT News Source: Financial
Review Posted By: Byron
At 4am tomorrow Sydney time, the software company
that has dominated the information technology industry for the past
20 years, Microsoft, is set to make its play for a starring role in
the new economy.
Windows 2000 may be a formidable engineering feat,
four years in development and boasting millions of lines of code,
but it is just the beginning of a mighty, $US30 billion-plus ($48
billion) effort.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 17:55
EST/22:55 GMT News Source: Wall
Street Journal Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft Corp. told lawmakers that any breakup of
the software concern would amount to a "regulatory death
sentence," but signaled that it would accept some "common
sense" restrictions on its conduct to settle the government's
antitrust claims..
Microsoft previously argued that it isn't a
monopoly and shouldn't be subject to any restrictions on its
conduct. But it is changing its tone as settlement talks continue in
Chicago and both sides prepare to return to federal court here for
closing arguments next week.
"Microsoft is quite seriously trying to
settle this case, and we believe a commonsense settlement should be
possible," Microsoft wrote in an e-mail to congressional
offices on Friday. It rejected any breakup as "extreme and
unwarranted ... a regulatory death sentence while the high-tech
economy whizzes by on Internet time."
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 17:46
EST/22:46 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Despite assurances from Microsoft that the new
business operating system will perform adequately on existing
computers, chipmaker Intel maintains that the processors in many PCs
will need to be upgraded.
Pat Gelsinger, vice president and general manager
of Intel's desktop products group, said Windows 2000 requires up to
250 more megahertz of chip power for performance equivalent to
Windows 98 or the corporate Windows NT. That seemed to be a fairly
large--and surprising--speed bump, according to analysts at the
Intel Developer Forum here.
The differing opinions represent a rare public
disagreement between the two companies, whose partnership has been
so close that it has been dubbed "Wintel" within the
industry. For years, the companies have enjoyed a mutually
beneficial relationship, given Intel's commanding position in the
chip market and Microsoft's control of roughly 95 percent of the
operating system business for PCs.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 16:21
EST/21:21 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft has jumped on the
bandwagon to depersonalize software by removing all the known Easter
eggs from Windows 2000. Long a tradition in software development,
Easter eggs are little surprises programmers hide in the software
for users to find and enjoy. Well-known examples include a picture
of Silicon Valley hidden in Apple's system software and men in
bathing suits buried within Maxim's SimCopter.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 16:20
EST/21:20 GMT News Source: USA
Today Posted By: Byron
On the eve of Microsoft's much-anticipated launch
Thursday of Windows 2000, customers and analysts are questioning how
ready the operating system is for prime time and how quickly
companies will adopt the software giant's flagship product.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Logitech MouseWare 9 For Windows
Time: 15:40
EST/20:40 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Logitech has released MouseWare Version:
9.00 build 87 (English) for Windows 2000. This is the English
release only, other languages will follow shortly.
English 900b87en.exe
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 15:39
EST/20:39 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Steve Ballmer has been trying to rally Visual
Basic enthusiasts in San Francisco, and in doing so he's opened up a
little more on the project Bill Gates allegedly went off to
supervise - Next Generation Windows Services (NGWS).
As Ballmer tells it, NGWS a strange cocktail. It
seems that it will consist of Windows 2000 ("the cornerstone of
Windows DNA," but in its Blackcomb future rev), Visual Studio
7, which will incorporate Web Services, ASP+Web Forms, and language
innovations for Visual Basic. The Web development tool will have
"deep XML support" and "complete object-oriented
programming capabilities", supposedly eliminating the need for
using VB script, which will be mixed news to those who have wrestled
with it. This doesn't seem a totally clearly thought through vision.
The smoke-'n-mirrors demo didn't work properly either, but Ballmer
dismissed this as "extra drama".
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 15:03
EST/20:03 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Robert
has posted his review of CorelDraw 9 - Office Edition. Here is a
snippet of the review:
As all the Corel software the
setup is very reliable, customisable and user-friendly. During the
setup you can choose which components you want to install including:
Fonts, Clipart, Digital camera support (About more than 150
recognized cameras), Text import filters & Graphic import/export
filters and obviously the small productivity components such as
Corel Capture. The setup will guide you efficiently and will install
quickly this new software suite (be sure to have a fast CD-Rom
drive: with a 24x it takes about one hour; with a 40x it’s done in
25 minutes). At the end of the setup, the Corel software
registration will start and when you’ll have successfully
registered your new software (with else modem, internet or printer)
you’ll receive an URL to freely download some picture arts..
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 14:50
EST/19:50 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Robert
We have added a page on Server Licensing in
Windows 2000: You need a server license for each server within a
Windows 2000 Server-based network and a Windows 2000 Server Client
Access License (CAL) for each client computer that is used by an
authenticated user or that uses Windows 2000 Server Services.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 14:50
EST/19:50 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Robert
have updated our Windows 2000 FAQ to include some new released
information on Microsoft Windows 2000 DataCenter and the Windows
Media Services Component of Windows 2000 Server. Be sure to check it
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:50
EST/14:50 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced broad support for
the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 platform from
leading ISVs in the horizontal and vertical industries. Using the
enhanced reliability and scalable features offered by the Windows
2000 platform, ISVs will be able to develop innovative,
mission-critical applications in a wide range of solutions for the
financial services, e-business, ERP, and manufacturing and
engineering industries.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:50
EST/14:50 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq "MSFT") and
Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. (Nasdaq "GILTF") today
announced plans to provide the first consumer two-way satellite
broadband offering designed to improve Internet connection speed and
user experience across America. This marks the first time that two
companies have teamed up to offer consumers high-speed Internet
access via two-way satellite, which is especially exciting for
people who do not have access to any other broadband connectivity
solutions. Trials of the two-way satellite service have begun, and
wide availability of service is expected by the end of 2000.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:49
EST/14:49 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced its latest PC
sports title, "Baseball 2001." Microsoft®
"Baseball 2001" boasts a revolutionary unification of the
awarding-winning Baseball Mogul simulation technology with
Microsoft's tradition for eye-popping graphics and edge-of-your-seat
gameplay. "Baseball 2001" features a newly added
comprehensive front-office management simulation, intense graphics,
ambient sounds and seamless arcade action to produce the most
complete out-of-the-box PC-based baseball game.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:02
EST/09:02 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
It’s almost here. Microsoft®
Windows® 2000 will be on store shelves tomorrow. In
anticipation of the launch and to give customers the information
they need when evaluating the new operating system, Microsoft is
expanding on the resources on the Windows 2000 Web site. The
new resources are designed to help customers learn about
Windows 2000 features and take advantage of special offers. A new
section of the site includes downloadable presentations and
special deals from Windows 2000 partners. And the site will
also feature Bill Gates’ keynote address tomorrow at the
Windows 2000 Conference & Expo in San Francisco.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 04:00
EST/09:00 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
Gearing up for its Thursday rollout event for
Windows 2000 in San Francisco, Microsoft on Monday lined up several
beta users to testify to the operating system's total cost of
ownership benefits.
In a conference call, Deborah Willingham, vice
president of Windows marketing at Microsoft, said early customers
have experienced TCO reductions of 5% to 30% after they migrated to
Windows 2000 from other platforms.
Roger Goad, chief information officer at WFofR, a
40-employee media buying and planning company in Richmond, Virginia,
said his company expects a 280% return on investment within three
years of migrating to Windows 2000.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 03:56
EST/08:56 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Dell Computer CEO Michael Dell sounded a lot more
upbeat about Windows 2000's prospects on Tuesday than he did at the
end of last week.
Dell, who provided the opening keynote at this
week's Windows 2000 Conference & Expo in San Francisco,
attempted to distance himself from comments he made last Thursday
during Dell Computer's fourth quarter earnings call. Dell reportedly
said at that time that he foresaw no rush of corporate customers
lining up to embrace Windows 2000.
Tuesday, Dell countered those remarks, claiming
that "there might have been an incorrect connection"
between his remarks and a GartnerGroup report, also issued at the
end of last week, advising customers to wait for Microsoft's first
update to Windows 2000 to avoid potential application
incompatibility problems.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 03:53
EST/08:53 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex
By 2001, Compaq Computer will spread its
Windows-based computers into every niche of computing, chief
executive Michael Capellas said today.
The end result will be "breakthrough
enterprise economics" in 2001, in which big business will be
able to use comparatively cheap Intel-based computers instead of the
proprietary hardware and software used today to run demanding jobs
such as extremely busy e-commerce databases.
The effort will include a 32-processor Unisys
server that Compaq will sell
under its own name. That product line will use current Intel chips
when it debuts midway through this year but will be available with
Intel's new Itanium chip later this year, Capellas said at a keynote
address here during the three-day conference for the unveiling of
Microsoft's new Windows 2000 software.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 03:50
EST/08:50 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex
CheckFree today agreed to buy Microsoft-backed
TransPoint in a move aimed at prodding reluctant consumers into
paying their bills online.
Under the deal, CheckFree will acquire TransPoint
for 17 million shares, worth about $1 billion based on the company's
share price of $68.25 at the close of regular trading today. Both
companies are leaders in the online bill-payment market.
TransPoint partners Microsoft, First Data Corp.
and Citibank together will own 23 percent of CheckFree as a result
of the transaction.
"This deal will accelerate the adoption of
e-commerce and payments online," TransPoint CEO Lewis Levin
said in an interview.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Headlines For Tuesday 15th February 2000 |
- Windows 2000 bug - Linux |
Time: 18:38
EST/23:38 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
In his first major public appearance since taking
over at Microsoft, new chief executive Steve Ballmer today courted
the community of software developers crucial to the success of the
company's upcoming Windows 2000 operating system.
expected, Ballmer announced that the company is adding Web
features to its popular family of software development tools in
hopes of attracting e-commerce Web site builders to its Windows
operating system.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 16:50
EST/21:50 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
Common sense suggests that information technology
can be a valuable business investment.
Now, there's a way to prove it. Independently
audited studies show Microsoft® Windows® 2000 offers companies
such benefits as lower total cost of ownership (TCO), increased
productivity and improved customer service. The studies, based on an
open industry framework called Rapid Economic Justification (REJ)
and the Gartner Group's TCO methodology, indicated that Marks &
Spencer, Panasonic, MicronPC.com, United Defense and WFofR will
significantly reduce TCO and gain other business value by deploying
Windows 2000.
"Organizations are using technology as a
strategic tool for business success. Our customers require a
platform that reduces overall costs and allows them to add real
value to their business," said Keith White, director of Windows
Marketing at Microsoft. "These studies are evidence that
Windows 2000 will deliver on our customers' needs by providing a
platform that meets their critical business requirements, saves
money and provides a solid return on their investment."
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 15:19
EST/20:19 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft recently distributed invitations to its
upcoming Windows Hardware Engineering Conference (WinHEC) 2000 to be
held in New Orleans April 25 - 27. Bill Gates, Microsoft Chairman
and Chief Software Architect, will deliver WinHEC 2000’s keynote
address underscoring this year’s theme: "Advancing the
Platform, Connecting the World."
The three-day event, with more technical content
then ever before, offers Microsoft’s hardware partners a roadmap
for Windows platforms. More than 3,500 key decision makers and
engineers are expected to attend WinHEC 2000, including senior
technical managers, hardware engineers, architects, product planners
and project leads.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 15:17
EST/20:17 GMT News Source: InfoWorld
Posted By: Byron
GEARING UP for its Thursday rollout
event for Windows 2000 in San Francisco, Microsoft on Monday lined
up several beta users to testify to the operating system's total
cost of ownership (TCO) benefits.
In a conference call, Deborah Willingham, vice
president of Windows marketing at Microsoft, said early customers
have experienced TCO reductions of 5 percent to 30 percent after
they migrated to Windows 2000 from other platforms.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 15:15
EST/20:15 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced the new Windows
Media™ Services feature of Microsoft® Windows®
2000 Server, the highest-quality, most scalable cost-effective
streaming solution for enterprises today. Windows Media Services
offers the only digital media platform built from the ground up for
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Advanced Server.
Microsoft also announced unmatched scalability in the industry for a
digital media server using Windows Media Services on Windows
2000-based servers, providing up to 9,000 concurrent streams of
video on a single server.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 15:14
EST/20:14 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Steve Ballmer, newly appointed president and CEO
of Microsoft Corp., today spoke with over 2,000 developers for the
Microsoft® Visual Basic® development system
in his keynote address at the Visual Basic Insiders Technical Summit
(VBITS), delivering on the Microsoft vision of the programmable Web
and reinforcing the company's deep commitment to developers.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 15:13
EST/20:13 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced its Windows®
Datacenter Program that will complement the Microsoft®
Windows 2000 Datacenter Server operating system. This program will
provide customers with an integrated hardware and software support
offer, which will be jointly marketed, sold and delivered by
Microsoft and qualified server vendors. This new program is
specifically designed to address the demanding requirements of
enterprise customers and will include a joint support team with
server vendors for single-point-of-contact support, rigorous system
testing and qualification focused on the entire system vs.
individual components, coordinated maintenance and change control
for hardware and software updates, and new Microsoft Certified
Support Center (MCSC) for Datacenter requirements.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 14:22
EST/19:22 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Netscape Communications, a unit of Internet
service provider America
Online Inc. (NYSE: AOL),
said on Tuesday it has more than doubled the number of registered
users from a year ago to top the 25 million mark. Netscape said the
increased traffic came after its Netcenter service unveiled a
redesigned home page "to help professionals better manage their
business and personal lives." Netscape said 105 million copies
of its groundbreaking Navigator and Communicator Internet browsers
were downloaded from Netcenter between January 1998 and December
1999. It said the Netscape Open Directory Project, the open-source
search service, now included more than 1.5 million Web sites.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 14:20
EST/19:20 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Microsoft is sprucing up its most popular software
development tool in hopes of attracting more builders of e-commerce
Web sites to its Windows operating system.
Microsoft today announced plans for a new version
of Visual Basic, a visual-oriented tool that will allow software
developers to build Web software as easily as writing a Windows-only
Visual Basic, the industry's most popular
development tool according to recent studies, revolutionized Windows
development in 1991 because of its ease-of-use: Instead of writing
all the software code by hand, programmers dragged and dropped
pre-built software code on their computer screens. Now the giant
software maker is building a version of Visual Basic for the Web.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 14:18
EST/19:18 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
The microprocessor speed race moved forward again
today as Intel demonstrated one of its upcoming Willamette
processors running at 1.5 GHz.
The demonstration, made during a keynote address
by chairman Andy Grove and senior vice president Albert Yu here at
the company's developers' forum, came as part of a showcase
of Intel technology coming this year.
Although consumers won't see chips running this
fast on shelves for a while, Intel will release Pentium IIIs running
at 1 GHz or faster by the second half of the year as well as the
next-generation Willamette chips running at the same speed, Yu said.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 14:16
EST/19:16 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Microsoft has described Windows 2000 as a
"bet-the-ranch" software project, and Dell Computer
apparently agrees, having recently moved its own Web site over to
the new operating system.
That Web site is responsible for half of the PC
maker's revenue, Dell Computer chief executive Michael Dell said at
a keynote address here this morning. Web site stability was a problem
for the PC maker late last year.
"Windows 2000 will be key to building the
Internet," Dell said, kicking off a three-day launch
event for the business-class operating system. The event
culminates in the official launch of the much-anticipated OS
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 14:12
EST/19:12 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Corp. has postponed until 2001 the delivery of the next version of
its Visual Studio tool suite -- key technology for building and
deploying Windows-based electronic-commerce applications.
Delivery of Visual Studio 7.0, scheduled to ship
this year, is now "at least a year away" because of
development work being done to build support for Windows DNA
(Distributed Internet Architecture) 2000 into the suite, said Dave
Mendlen, a tools product planner at Microsoft
(Nasdaq: MSFT),
in Redmond, Wash.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 09:49
EST/14:49 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft today announced the release of the first section of the
Flight Simulator 2000 Software Development Kit (SDK). The first in a
series of downloadable sections, the Flight Simulator 2000 SDK
contains all the information needed for flight sim enthusiasts to
create their own adventures and lessons for Flight Simulator 2000.
The Flight Simulator 2000 SDK is available for download on the
Flight Simulator 2000 Web site at
The first section of the Flight Simulator 2000 Software
Development Kit focuses on the Adventure Programming Language (APL),
and contains documentation and all the necessary components for a
sample adventure. The Flight Simulator 2000 APL SDK is intended for
experienced software developers familiar with a high level
programming language such as C++. (Microsoft Product Support cannot
offer assistance in using the SDK or for developers creating add-on
Future releases of the Flight Simulator 2000 Software Development
Kit will provide information on topics such as Aircraft, Panels
& Gauges, and Scenery. To learn more about the Flight Simulator
2000 APL SDK, visit the title's official site at:
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 08:35
EST/13:35 GMT News Source: News.com Posted By: Byron
Almost half of current Windows NT users will
introduce Windows 2000 Professional within a year, and a majority of
them will upgrade their systems to Windows 2000 Server in three
years, according to a recent survey on Windows 2000 and related
The survey revealed that NT users are generally
willing to introduce Windows 2000 and hold high expectations on the
new functions designed for notebook PCs. Also, such users are
concerned about its stability as well as compatibility issues.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 08:35
EST/13:35 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Microsoft is bracing itself for protesting hordes
of Linux supporters at this week's Windows 2000 launch. The Great
Satan of Software yesterday confirmed it was expecting direct action
from members of the Linux fraternity on both sides of the Atlantic.
The UK launch of the W2K operating system, taking
place at London's well-barricaded Earl's Court, is expected to be
picketed by at least one posse of protesters.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 02:14
EST/07:14 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Alex
As the dust settled from the most brazen and
serious cyber attacks launched against websites to date, attention
on Friday focused on tracing the source of the attacks. The trail so
far has led investigators to a computer at the University of
California, Santa Barbara, which was used as a platform to attack
CNN's website Tuesday night, according to university officials.
Hackers electronically broke into a desktop
computer in a research lab Tuesday evening, according to campus
network programmer Kevin Schmidt. Schmidt said he suspected foul
play after he noticed an abnormality in the university's computer
traffic as he remotely monitored the network from home near midnight
on Tuesday.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 02:11
EST/07:11 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
Before America Online announced its plan to
acquire Time Warner, it advocated open access to cable networks for
Internet service providers. Now it is being reported that AOL is
slipping into the shadows of the open-access debate.
The Wall Street Journal attributes to George
Vradenburg, a senior vice president at AOL, the assertion that the
online giant and Time Warner may not open its newly acquired cable
networks to all Internet service providers. The newspaper contrasts
this with AOL's past actions, when it asked federal and local
governments to push cable providers to share their networks with
Internet service provider competitors.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
Time: 02:04
EST/07:04 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Microsoft competitor Novell today said it had
uncovered a security hole in Windows 2000, a claim Microsoft denied.
Days before Windows 2000's much-anticipated launch, Novell leveled
charges against a component technology in the operating system,
which stands to diminish sales of Novell's main product.
Novell claims the security problem affects Active
Directory, which is one of the cornerstones of Windows 2000 Server,
one of three versions of the new operating software. The feature
allows technology administrators to more easily manage resources on
a corporate network and speed the handling of their security access.
A Microsoft executive vehemently denied a security bug existed.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Headlines For Monday 14th February 2000 |
8 - ActiveWin2k - MS-Bandai - BizTalk - Swiss Probe MS -
Windows 2000 |
Time: 20:33
EST/01:33 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
place in Sheffield last Wednesday, ETC 2000 was a conference
organised by publishing giant Infogrames to give some of the
thousands of game developers working for them a chance to hear about
the latest technology from hardware manufacturers like NVIDIA and
AMD, as well as getting the low-down on DirectX from Microsoft.
Unfortunately (for us anyway) a lot of what the
hardware companies had to say was highly technical, and obviously
aimed at the developers - NVIDIA's talk on how to optimise the use
of vertex buffers to make the most of hardware T&L acceleration
springs to mind.
But Microsoft's various presentations during the
day gave an interesting insight into the potential of DirectX 7.0,
as well as some hints of what will come in the next version...
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Did
Windows 2000 miss the revolution?
Time: 18:38
EST/23:38 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
While Windows 2000 gestated for the past five
years, the world of operating systems changed. The notion of one OS
that can fit all devices may be as antiquated as the idea that
mainframe computers can handle all computing tasks.
Sure, IS managers such as Bob Lee, vice president
at online and offline brokerage Charles
Schwab & Co. (NYSE: SCH),
are expecting big things from the new business version of Windows.
From San Francisco's financial district, Lee will implement Windows
2000 across 16,000 desktops and servers over the next 18 months.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Various
FAQ's Updated
Time: 18:38
EST/23:38 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Byron
have updated some more of our FAQ's such as Windows Me, USB, Windows
2000, X-Box and more. Check them out, we will also be adding more
FAQ's for different Microsoft products such as games and hardware
next week.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- ActiveWin2k:
Windows 2000 Server Licensing Requirements
Time: 15:58
EST/20:58 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Robert
You need a server license for each server within a
Windows 2000 Server-based network and a Windows 2000 Server Client
Access License (CAL) for each client computer that is used by an
authenticated user or that uses Windows 2000 Server Services. This
page provides an overview to ease the confusion of transition to
Windows 2000 Server Licensing.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Flink
Ink: Coordinated Hacker Attacks: An Assault on Freedom
Time: 15:58
EST/20:58 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Robert Stein
Excerpt: "If this proposed 90% solution,
protecting private addresses by blocking obvious spoofs, then
‘from’ addresses could be used by web sites to throttle
bandwidth, greatly reducing the impact of ‘robot’
attacks.>How many valid searches on Yahoo can YOU issue per
second? A robot can issue 10 to 100 times more per second than any
human at a keyboard could handle. Throttle to 1 request per unique
‘from’ address per second, and you’ve forced the attacker to
have to have 10 to 100 times more zombies before doing you
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Asus
K7M (for Athlon) Review
Time: 15:32
EST/20:32 GMT News Source: CPU
Review Posted By: Alex
CPU Review
have posted a review of the Asus K7M Motherboard. Here is a snippet
of the review:
In over ten hours of testing (once
everything was properly installed) I have not encountered any
instabilities or problems; it simply kept on running like a certain
battery company's bunny.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Talking
About Windows 2000
Time: 15:28
EST/20:28 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Alex
The Rolling Stones' "Start Me Up" was
the anthem for Microsoft's gala launch of Windows 95. But an apt
hymn for Windows 2000, finally shipping this week, is the Beatles'
"Long and Winding Road."
Microsoft started talking up its next high-end
operating system, then code-named Cairo, in the early nineties--well
before it shipped Windows NT 4.0 in 1996. After the alphas, the
betas, the name changes, and the strategy changes, Windows 2000
makes its debut in the year that bears its new name. Here's what
some folks said about it during its epic struggle to be born.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- MS
Rebounds on Wall Street
Time: 15:26
EST/20:26 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Alex
Shares of software giant Microsoft Corp. rose on
Monday as some analysts shrugged off concerns over technical
glitches in its Windows 2000 operating system, set for launch on 17
Microsoft shares were trading around 100-15/16 in
early trading on Nasdaq, up $1 from Friday, when the share price
dipped nearly 6 percent on the back of a study by consulting firm
Gartner Group that questioned whether the new operating system would
run smoothly with other software.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- New
Microsoft Official Curriculum courses help IT pros get set for
Windows 2000 launch
Time: 15:24
EST/20:24 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 will be on store
shelves this week.
So IT professionals need to get ready to plan,
deploy, support and administer the new operating system. To help,
Microsoft is offering new courses based on the final release of
Windows 2000. The Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC) is available
worldwide at Microsoft Certified Technical Education Centers (CTECs).
And between now and March 31, IT pros can sign up for two special
one-day MOC courses on Windows 2000 for just $99 each, or $49 each
for the online version.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Linux
poses increasing threat to Windows 2000
Time: 15:22
EST/20:22 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Linux and the Internet have changed the rules of
the game for Microsoft. While the Windows 2000 operating system is
an improvement compared to its predecessor, its official arrival
this week comes at a time when other forces pose unprecedented
challenges for Microsoft.
Although delays
in the release of Windows 2000 have allowed the company to test and
improve the software, the extra time has given other companies the
means to change earlier visions about the direction of computing.
Linux, for instance, has altered the assumption that Microsoft OSes
will be the de facto choice for low-end servers while Sun
Microsystems has strengthened its position as the dominant choice
for servers to power corporate sites.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- MS
roadmaps Blackcomb, plans mid-year beta of next Win2k rev
Time: 15:19
EST/20:19 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
When Microsoft let it be known that it would merge
development of the Win2k-based Odyssey and Neptune projects into one
single development effort, Whistler, we predicted that there would
be more news on the evolution of the MS development roadmap RSN. And
were we right? A few weeks later, news has started to leak of a
Whistler successor for the 2002 timeframe, codenamed Blackcomb.
The information, leaked to Mary Jo "Secret
Files" Foley of Smart Reseller, seems to have been dished out
to Microsoft's developers around the same time as they were told
about the Odyssey-Neptune merger. That move combined development of
Odyssey, the next business version of Win2k, with Neptune, the
fabled consumer implementation of Win2k, the rationale being that
there was no sense in running two parallel developments of the same
codebase, considering the overlap.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Is
another MS antitrust case brewing in Japan?
Time: 15:16
EST/20:16 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
A strange article in the Asian edition of the Wall
Street Journal today tries to make the case that "criticisms of
Microsoft are no more warranted in Japan than in the US". The
opinion piece is by Shigeki Kusunoki, currently at the School of Law
at Kyoto University, but also an associate of the Ludwig von Mises
Institute in Alabama, which is ardently pro-free market and a
staunch supporter of Microsoft.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Dell
pushes two-chip PC for Windows 2000
Time: 15:16
EST/20:16 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Dell Computer is betting Windows 2000 Professional
will legitimize two-processor PCs for business use. The Round Rock,
Texas-based computer maker today unveiled its first dual-processor
capable commercial PC, the OptiPlex GX300.
Until now, PC makers have generally reserved two
processors for workstations, which typically are used for
compute-intensive applications, such as CAD, desktop publishing,
video editing and 3-D modeling. Workstations also generally come
with heftier hardware, such as better graphics and system memory,
than do PCs.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Studies
Conclude Business Efficiency Benefits and Cost Reductions With
Windows 2000
Time: 15:04
EST/20:04 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced the results of
independently audited studies that quantify the business impact of
technology investments for customers adopting Microsoft® Windows®
2000. Marks & Spencer, MicronPC.com, Panasonic, United Defense
and WFofR worked with Microsoft Certified Solution Providers (MCSP)
such as Alpha Technologies, Entex Information Services and Halifax
Corp. to measure the business value and reductions in cost
experienced by deploying the Windows 2000 platform. United Defense
expects a 52 percent reduction in downtime; WFofR anticipates a 280
percent return on investment over three years; MicronPC forecasts a
14 percent reduction in direct IT costs; Marks & Spencer
projects saving millions of dollars in inventory efficiencies; and
Panasonic expects a 22 percent decrease in desktop total cost of
ownership (TCO).
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Swiss
Probe Microsoft Pricing
Time: 11:10
EST/16:10 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Byron
Switzerland's price regulator said on Monday that
he is launching an investigation into Microsoft's software prices
after an initial probe backed complaints from consumer groups that
they are paying too much.
Werner Marti, known in Switzerland as
"Monsieur Prix," is the state official charged with
monitoring pricing. Marti's office can, in certain circumstances,
veto price increases or demand reductions.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Beta
Testing Wins Corporate Fans Of Win 2000
Time: 11:09
EST/16:09 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft's extensive beta testing of Windows 2000
has earned it some eager converts in the corporate world. A
"great majority" of corporate users are planning to move
to the operating system soon, following a boost in confidence that
the testing has brought, according to U.K. user groups.
"Users familiar with the beta test program
have changed their minds," said Simon Moores, chairman of the
Microsoft Forums. "Originally, there was an understandable
level of uncertainty. So many people have beta tested it and it has
performed so well, many companies are prepared to take the
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Windows
2000 signals new era for Microsoft
Time: 11:08
EST/16:08 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
The release of Windows 2000 this week begins a new
era in the world of Microsoft. The operating system marks a
significant milestone for the software giant. Seen as the center of
Microsoft's strategy for the new millennium, Windows 2000 will be
the basis for an entire new generation of software.
The release also will send ripples through the
hardware industry, as the OS is expected to boost sales of desktops,
notebooks and other systems.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Corporations cool to Windows 2000
Time: 11:05
EST/16:05 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT)
is revving its marketing machine this week to launch its
long-delayed Windows 2000 operating system, but a range of customer
concerns suggest the $1 billion product may not be an immediate
blockbuster. Microsoft has long counseled Wall Street that the
adoption of Windows 2000, which is aimed at corporate computer users
and small businesses, would be slower than consumer products such as
Windows 95 or 98
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
Advances BizTalk Vision With Release of BizTalk Jumpstart Toolkit
Version 2
Time: 10:55
EST/15:55 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced the availability
of the Microsoft® BizTalk™ Jumpstart Toolkit Version
2. The toolkit, which enables developers to quickly and easily
integrate business processes within and between companies, is
available for free* download at
http://www.microsoft.com/biztalk/. The new toolkit is compatible
with the upcoming BizTalk Server 2000, which allows applications
developed with this version to be migrated easily to the BizTalk
Server. In addition, this latest version includes many new features
and enhancements, such as test debug and schema validation tools, as
well as compatibility with the BizTalk Framework 1.0 specification.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- New
Microsoft Ad Campaign Encourages People to Experience The Everyday
Web on MSN
Time: 10:55
EST/15:55 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Embarking on its largest-ever consumer advertising
campaign, Microsoft Corp. today launched a recharged MSN™ network
of Internet services and sent it aloft on the wings of a butterfly.
The more than $150 million advertising campaign
for MSN uses a humorous story line to convey how people can improve
their lives by using MSN to take advantage of the Web any time,
anywhere and from any type of Internet access device. At the same
time, Microsoft today unveiled the new MSN branded logo, a
multicolored butterfly that symbolizes the uniqueness, aspiration,
freedom and personal empowerment that people experience when using
MSN to bring the Internet into their everyday lives. The ad campaign
and the butterfly logo capture the unique integration of MSN and
best-of-breed Internet services, the real reason millions of people
can have fun and enjoy the benefits of using the Internet.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- CVS.com
Signs Multimillion-Dollar Advertising Pact With the Microsoft
Time: 10:54
EST/15:54 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq "MSFT") and
CVS/pharmacy (NYSE "CVS"), America's No. 1 drugstore
chain, today announced the signing of a multimillion-dollar online
advertising deal providing CVS.com (http://www.cvs.com/)
with exclusive sponsorship elements within areas of MSN.com™ (http://www.msn.com/),
one of the top three most visited Internet portal sites.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
to Work With FirstWorld to Provide ASP Services For Small and
Medium-Sized Businesses
Time: 10:54
EST/15:54 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced an agreement with
FirstWorld, a rapidly growing provider of Internet services and data
center solutions, to develop and incorporate Microsoft®
products into its application service providers (ASP) portfolio. The
agreement includes a $12 million investment by Microsoft, subject to
customary closing conditions, and is focused on working with
FirstWorld to develop a packaged ASP solution that provides a
complete IT environment for small to medium-sized businesses. The
agreement complements other investments made by Microsoft in this
industry by extending FirstWorld's new Microsoft-based ASP services.
FirstWorld, one of the participating sponsors of the local Windows
2000 launch event in Denver on Feb. 17, offers a range of Internet,
ASP and data center solutions, including the Microsoft BackOffice®
family, to more than 70,000 customers.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Institute Selects Microsoft Windows Media for Digital Media Solution
Time: 10:52
EST/15:52 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced that SAS Institute
Inc. (http://www.sas.com/), the
world's largest privately held software company and the leader in
data warehousing, data mining and decision support, has selected
Microsoft® Windows Media™ as the digital media
solution for its corporate intranet. SAS Institute has deployed
Windows Media throughout the organization, including on more than
6,600 desktops worldwide. Each employee has access to the Windows
Media corporate streaming solution for real-time webcasting and
on-demand viewing of other video material. Through streaming media
events, key corporate messages and information can be delivered
quickly and directly to every employee in the organization. SAS
Institute's experience demonstrates the growing momentum among large
organizations to turn to Windows Media as their scalable end-to-end
digital media solution for corporate communications.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Piracy
gets political as MS loses Kenya case
Time: 06:29
EST/11:29 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Microsoft has lost the first software piracy case
in Kenya because of an extraordinary dismissal decision by the
Commercial Court in Nairobi last week, according to the newspaper The
East African. Microsoft had been seeking the imprisonment of
Mohamed Suleiman, managing director of local PC OEM Microskills,
whom it accused of illegally loading its software. It had also asked
the court to put the company into receivership
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- MS-Bandai
designing Power Ranger talking toy
Time: 06:27
EST/11:27 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Microsoft has teamed up with Bandai America to
produce a talking Power Ranger toy with a download capability. Or so
Japanese paper Nihon Keizai Shumbun tells us. The paper isn't
particularly free with details, but although on the face of it the
joint project seems relatively modest, if you think about the
convergence implications you'll likely wind up in places you definitely
don't want to go.
As The Register's in-house market segment
deemed Power Rangers uncool several years back we'd no idea the
blessed things still existed, but apparently there's a new show out
on Fox Kids Network this month, and the Microsoft-Bandai talking toy
will ship in September as a tie-in.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- ActiveWin2k
Goes Live
Time: 06:02
EST/11:02 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Byron
For those of you who regularly visit our Windows
2000 section, you can now get it it via the new http://www.activewin2k.com
URL. As the launch of Windows 2000 gets ever closer this week, we
will keep adding more tips, bug reports and articles to that
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Navy
to Microsoft: Give us what we need or else
Time: 06:00
EST/11:00 GMT News Source: FCW
Posted By: Byron
The Navy has reached such a state of frustration
with Microsoft Corp.'s groupware tools that the service is
considering using freeware products instead of Microsoft
applications, according to a top Navy official.
Jerry Hultin, undersecretary of the Navy, said he
has a meeting scheduled with Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's newly
appointed chief executive officer, during which he intends to tell
Ballmer, "If you don't give us what we need...I then can get
better groupware from freeware [providers]."
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Headlines For Sunday 13th February 2000 |
- Sega Rally 2 Review - Airport Inc Review |
- Frequently
Asked Questions - Microsoft "X-Box" - Updated
Time: 13:18
EST/18:18 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Byron
We have updated the
Microsoft "X-Box" Frequently Asked Questions page with
some new news that has come into us this weekend about the console.
News] [Return To Headlines]
[Translate] [Site
- Creative SoundBlaster FAQ For
Windows 2000
Time: 13:16
EST/18:16 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Creative Labs Japan have announced some news about
their sound card working on Windows 2000, these include a few basic
dates for new drivers.
Q: Which sound card does work on
Windows 2000?
A: The following sound cards does work on Windows 2000.
Sound Blaster Live! series.
Sound Blaster PCI series.
Creative Vibra series.
Creative Ensoniq audio PCI series.
Sound Blaster 16 series.
Sound Blaster AWE32 series.
Sound Blaster AWE64 series.
The drivers are included on
Windows 2000 CD,
so you don't need to install new driver to work
your sound card.
These drivers support only basic feature such as
MIDI, CD and WAVE playing and recording, and
using for mediaplayer included in Windows 2000.
Q: Does Creative Labs support WDM
(Windows driver model) driver?
A: We scheduled WDM drivers for the following sound card.
Sound Blaster Live! series. (End of Feb)
Sound Blaster PCI series. (Beginning of April)
Creative Vibra series. (End of April)
Creative Ensoniq audio PCI series. (Beginning of April)
Q: Present Livewave! for Win9X/NT
does work on Windows 2000?
A: We scheduled available downloading for Livewave! for Windows 2000
our web. The Livewave! for Windows 2000 is equivalent Liveware! 1.
(It is like as
initial released Liveware! 1 for Windows 9X/NT)
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Airport
Inc Review
Time: 07:22
EST/12:22 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Alex
have posted my review of Airport Inc. Here is a snippet of it:
The graphics in this game are not
to bad, but just because it uses a 3D card don't expect to see
graphics like that in Quake III or Unreal Tournament. The game runs
in 640 x 480, but on saying that it doesn't look too bad. The
standard device to run the game is Direct3D which runs quickly and
gives a good performance.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Sega
Rally 2 : Sega Rally Championship Review
Time: 05:56
EST/10:56 GMT News Source: Active Network Posted
By: Alex
have posted my review of Sega Rally 2 : Sega Rally Championship.
Here is a snippet of it:
One of the first down sides I
found about this game is when I went to set up the graphics on the
game. Since I have a 19” monitor and a G400 card I like to run
games in quite high resolutions, but was disappointed to find that
the game will only run in 800 x 600, but does give you the choice to
use AGP memory. Even though the graphics only run at 800 x 600 the
graphics aren’t that bad. There are people who stand on the
sidelines and will run onto the road, but when they see you coming
will run back to the side of the road, which I thought, was a nice
touch. Even when you go through a mud puddle you get some mud splash
up, but sadly doesn’t stay on the front windshield. There is also
a nice effect where the rain beats against the windscreen if you are
going fast and slows down when the car slows down.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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Headlines For Saturday 12th February 2000 |
Updates - IE5.5 |
Date: Friday 11th February 2000
Today's Top Headlines: Windows
2000's 63,000 Bugs - 3DLabs Oxygen VX1 Review |
- McCain
pay-chat a Microsoft affair
Time: 19:48
EST/00:48 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Sen. John McCain held an intimate Internet chat
Thursday night with anyone who forked over $100 ... and ran
Microsoft Corp.'s software.
To access the chat, which was billed as the
"first ever cyber fundraiser," non-Microsofties had to
jump through a series of hoops -- that is, if they could get on at
The screen advertising the chat from the McCain
2000 Web site
warned that "this event is viewable only by computers running
Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT and a Netscape or Microsoft
browser," which may make sense given the fact that Microsoft's
software runs on more than 90 percent of operating systems. It was
ironic, however, that the Republican presidential candidate who won
the crucial New Hampshire primary with an image as a
straight-talking outsider taking on the political establishment shut
out such "alternative" choices as the Mac and Be OSes, not
to mention Linux.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Move
to Windows 2000 may not be smooth for all
Time: 19:46
EST/00:46 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
One in four corporations making the move to
Microsoft's Windows 2000 will run into problems getting the
operating system to work with existing software and systems,
according to an industry research firm.
The warning from Stamford, Conn.-based Gartner
Group comes less than a week before Microsoft's official debut of
Windows 2000, and could make the operating system much harder to
sell to big corporations.
"We think that 25 percent of medium and large
enterprises are going to encounter new compatibility problems with a
lot of business applications, non-Windows interoperability or
network infrastructure," said Gartner Group analyst Michael
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Bugfest!
Win2000 has 63,000 'defects'
Time: 18:59
EST/23:59 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Not everyone will be having fun at Microsoft Corp.
next week. While the software giant and its partners celebrate the
arrival of Windows 2000 on Thursday, Feb. 17, hundreds of members of
the Windows development team will be busy cleaning up the mess.
Not the launch-party mess. The code mess.
According to an internal Microsoft
(Nasdaq: MSFT)
memo viewed by Sm@rt Reseller, the company needs to fix tens of
thousands of bugs contained in the final Win2000 release code.
Fixing these bugs is the top-priority assignment for Microsoft group
VP Jim Allchin's Windows team.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft's
Newest Challenges
Time: 18:01
EST/23:01 GMT News Source: PC
World Posted By: Matthew
For most of this decade, companies have said yes
to every Microsoft upgrade. If history is any guide, the cycle will
likely continue, at least this time around. But the explosion of
Internet-based computing, combined with the open-source movement, is
offering new and broader choices that could threaten Microsoft's
three main revenue streams: Office, last upgraded in June; Windows,
which one federal judge dubs a monopoly; and Windows servers that
run networks and Web sites.
Fortunately for Microsoft, it has such a hold on
two of the markets--office suites and PC desktops--that it will be
hard for many firms to kick their Microsoft habit. In the server
market, Microsoft is making its boldest play to date with the
February 17 release of Windows 2000, the follow-on to Windows NT
4.0, which was Microsoft's first appeal to the e-business crowd.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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plans spring launch for Netscape 6.0
Time: 17:54
EST/22:54 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Netscape Communications is preparing to unveil a
new Web browser that will include integration with AOL Instant
Messenger and the ability to let Web sites create custom-branded
Netscape 6.0, previewed last night by AOL
president of interactive services Barry Schuler during a financial
analysts' meeting in New York, is the first completely new browser
software from Netscape Communications since its acquisition by AOL
in November 1998. The company plans to launch the software this
spring, according to AOL spokeswoman Anne Bentley.
Netscape missed shipment of its fifth-generation
Communicator browser last summer and has since seen the existing 4.7
version lose market share to Microsoft's rival Internet Explorer.
Studies have shown that corporate users are increasingly
migrating to IE.
News] [Return To Headlines]
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- Microsoft
falls after OS report, Dell's comments
Time: 17:51
EST/22:51 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matthew
Microsoft shares fell in heavy trading today as a
study questioned whether Windows 2000 will interact smoothly with
other software.
Also raising investor concerns were comments last
night from Michael Dell, chief executive of Dell Computer, that
chilled some of the expectations for the release of Windows 2000,
Microsoft's latest operating system, due to be formally introduced
next week.
At the 1 p.m. PST close of regular trading today,
Microsoft shares were down $6 to $100, a 5.66 percent decline.
Microsoft was the most active Nasdaq issue.
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- Microsoft
and ITRAN Communications Join to Create a No New Wires Solution In
the Home
Time: 05:03
EST/10:03 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT - news) today
announced it has signed an agreement with ITRAN Communications Ltd.,
a leading developer of robust and low-cost hardware components and
solutions for the growing power-line communications industry. The
agreement will accelerate the uniform implementation and deployment
of simple and dependable power line carrier (PLC) home networking
technologies, enabling a wide variety of smart objects to be
connected to each other easily.
``We're excited to join with ITRAN to help bring
connectivity to devices using power-line-based networking,'' said
Shawn Sanford, group product manager of the Windows Division at
Microsoft. ``Microsoft's support of ITRAN takes us one step closer
to meeting our goal of delivering simple networking across all kinds
of devices and appliances.''
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- Microsoft
Expands 'Links LS' Series and Optimizes Tournament Play With New
10-Course Pack
Time: 05:03
EST/10:03 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Just in time for a new golf season, Microsoft
Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT
- news) today
announced the availability of its new ``Links(TM) 2000'' 10-Course
Pack. Fans of the best-selling PC golf simulation series Microsoft®
``Links LS'' are sure to enjoy the improved graphics and
true-to-life tournament play featured on the championship courses.
Using the powerful game engines of ``Links LS 2000'' or ``LS 1999,''
the add-on pack includes 10 upgraded versions of the most popular
courses in the ``Links'' series, all optimized for tournament play.
In addition, with its estimated retail price of $19.95, the
10-course pack offers unprecedented value to fans of ``Links.''
Through the add-on pack's 180 holes of golf
designed exclusively for the ``Links LS'' series, players will be
able to relive the excitement of the 1999 U.S. Open at Pinehurst No.
2 in North Carolina and feel the serenity of Pennsylvania's Latrobe
Country Club in fall foliage. The PC golfer on a tight schedule can
enjoy an all-new fantasy executive course, Three Canyons, set in a
challenging desert bowl. The championship courses are faithful
re-creations of some of the world's best courses and are sites of
major professional tournaments and other popular venues. Additional
courses are Firestone Country Club in Ohio, Castle Pines Golf Club
in Colorado, Sea Island Golf Club in Georgia, Kapalua Plantation and
Kapalua Village in Hawaii, and Entrada at Snow Canyon and Bountiful
Ridge Golf Course in Utah.
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- Microsoft
Unveils Digital Broadcast Manager to Power Pay-Per-View Video and
Audio on the Internet
Time: 05:02
EST/10:02 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT
- news) today
announced the availability of Digital Broadcast Manager (Developer
Preview), software that makes it possible for companies to sell
pay-per-view and pay-per-download content via the Internet. Digital
Broadcast Manager rapidly transforms any Web site with digital media
content into an e-commerce solution. It offers a secure,
easy-to-manage system for distributing digital audio and video
content in the Microsoft® Windows Media(TM) Format and makes it
easy to create digital media storefronts on the Web. This solution
is the next step in the evolution of the pay-per-view industry.
Digital Broadcast Manager was developed in
cooperation with pioneering businesses such as House of Blues
Entertainment Inc.'s House of Blues Digital and e-Media, Showtime
Boxing's Web broadcaster, that are looking for innovative ways to
embrace digital media as a viable e-commerce opportunity. HOB.com
(House of Blues Digital), The Home Of Live Music On The Internet(TM),
is using Digital Broadcast Manager technology as a cornerstone of
its digital media business today, offering its Internet concert
series line-up via pay-per-view events.
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- Microsoft
Eyes Home Networking Through Power Lines
Time: 05:00
EST/10:00 GMT News Source: Yahoo!
News Posted By: Alex
Software giant Microsoft Corp. (NasdaqNM:MSFT
- news) said on
Wednesday it would take an equity stake in Itran Communications
Ltd., which makes hardware and software that allows the transmission
of data through home power lines.
The deal moves Microsoft further into the home
networking market, which involves linking multiple personal
computers within the home plus connecting so-called ``smart''
appliances, such as refrigerators and microwave ovens that feature
Web access.
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- Processors
Gallop Past The GHz Mark
Time: 04:55
EST/09:55 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Alex
The four heavy hitters in processor design surged
past the GHz barrier with architectural modifications shown at ISSCC
here, but the breakthroughs are more symbolic than significant for
end-applications performance, observers said.
Intel, IBM, Compaq and Advanced Micro Devices all
showed designs or demonstrated devices that crack the magic GHz
barrier; some of them are expected to be turned into commercial
products this year.
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- Intel
Says 64-Bit Chip Is Ready For E-biz
Time: 04:52
EST/09:52 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Alex
If Windows 2000 isn't enough to convince IT
managers that the Wintel platform is ready for e-business, Intel is
betting that its forthcoming 64-bit Itanium processor will give
further credibility to the platform's added scalability.
At least eight server vendors will give developers
the latest look at systems under development that will run a version
of Windows 2000 optimized for the 64-bit processor environment. But
there's a catch. Many will also demonstrate systems running Unix and
Linux. The systems will be showcased at the Intel Developers Forum
next week.
Due out later this year, Itanium-based systems
will let e-businesses manage large databases and offer better use of
directory services and improved security over the existing 32-bit
Intel architecture, said Ron Curry, Intel's director of marketing.
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- Microsoft
and Cap Gemini Team Up on E-Business In New Strategic Global
Time: 04:46
EST/09:46 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. and the Cap Gemini Group today
announced a global alliance to develop and deliver a comprehensive
portfolio of enterprise services and custom solutions based on the
Microsoft® enterprise platform. The alliance will leverage Cap
Gemini's consulting and delivery excellence, and its e-business
knowledge along with Microsoft's newest and future generation of
technologies. This combination of services and solutions on the
Microsoft Windows® 2000 platform will provide increased business
benefits to large enterprise environments. This alliance will focus
initially on solutions for the Windows 2000 enterprise
infrastructure, retail, electronic commerce and knowledge management
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- Dell
chooses Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 to keep on top of
its own PCs
Time: 04:44
EST/09:44 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
As one of the world's top PC manufacturers, Dell
Computer Corp. needs an efficient way to keep its own PCs in order.
Dell expects to maintain its strong growth and
top-notch reputation with help from Microsoft® Systems Management
Server 2.0. Dell deployed Systems Management Server on 21,000
desktop and laptop computers to improve key IT tasks including
inventory, software distribution and remote management. Eventually,
Dell will deploy Systems Management Server on a total of more than
33,000 systems worldwide. The solution is expected to cut IT
management costs.
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- Visor
to arm-wrestle Palm in stores
Time: 03:44
EST/08:44 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Handspring Inc.'s Visor is ready to do a front
somersault into a store near you.
The company, which burst on to the handheld scene
last September, is preparing to make its Palm OS-based Visor
handhelds available at a select group of retail stores by the end of
the quarter.
The move, which sources say could happen as soon
as the end of this month, will give the company added reach.
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- New
'Joshua' chip targets Celeron
Time: 03:42
EST/08:42 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Get ready for a new chip on the block.
Via Technologies Inc. will introduce a new
low-priced processor, known by the code name Joshua, at a Feb. 22
news conference in San Jose, Calif.
Although Taiwan-based Via has yet to formally
release pricing and clock speeds for the chip, sources said Joshua
initially will be introduced at 433MHz and 466MHz, with 500MHz and
566MHz versions scheduled for release in the second half of this
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- Launch
of discussion board for I.T. Certification
Time: 03:38
EST/08:38 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Alex
Sven De Troch has let us know that there is a new
Bulletin Board about I.T. Certification. Here is a snippet of the
Since certification of IT
professionals, is one of the majors issues today, demanded by lots
of companies, we thought to create a forum and home base for that
kind of people. I hope you can give some attention to our new forum
in your publications or news-section. If you need more info, please
contact me or visit the forum itself.
I'd like to let you know that
today, we launched a brand new Bulletin Board for
"Certification Related Discussions". Since our website is
mainly in dutch (www.nt-admin.com),
we thought we had to do something for our english speaking visitors
The "MCSE Discussion
board" is there for everybody who likes to share his
experiences, share his ideas and knowledge to other fellow I.T.
professionals. As a MCSE and MCT I know how difficult it is to get
all the certifications you want, without having help from others.
This forum has the advantage that is is completely independant of a
(windows related) website, so everyone can join our forum and
discuss about everything he need or want regarding I.T.
Please visit our Board at http://www.mcseforum.com
and help others becoming certified.
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preps Windows 2000 notebooks
Time: 03:35
EST/08:35 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
IBM is jumping on the Windows 2000 express, with
plans to unveil notebook computers next week running the new
operating system, sources said.
Big Blue will beef up three notebooks--the
ThinkPad 570, 390X and 240--to support Microsoft's delayed operating
system. Windows 2000 will be formally introduced Feb. 17.
Windows 2000 is aimed mainly at businesses, while
the follow-on to Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition, due to ship
this spring, is targeted at the consumer market.
Analysts have said that many corporate customers
won't make the jump to Windows 2000 until after June, when Microsoft
is expected to release Windows 2000 Service Pack 1, a package of bug
fixes and other software patches. Many corporate purchasers are
notoriously leery of version "1.0" of any software
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- Microsoft
already fighting Windows 2000 pirates
Time: 03:33
EST/08:33 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Windows 2000 hasn't even been officially released,
but that hasn't stopped software pirates from ripping off
Microsoft's newest operating system.
The world's leading software company said today it
has been busily stamping out Web sites offering illicit copies of
the program, which took $1 billion and three years for Microsoft to
To combat the piracy problem, made easier by the
Internet, Microsoft has assembled an arsenal of new weapons,
including a virtual bloodhound to sniff out illegal copies lurking
on the Web, holographic CD-ROMs and authenticity certificates that
are purportedly harder to counterfeit than a $100 dollar bill.
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- 3DLabs
Time: 03:31
EST/08:31 GMT News Source: CPU
Review Posted By: Alex
CPU Review has posted a review
of 3DLabs OXYGEN VX1 Graphics card. Here is a snippet of the
"I was pleasantly surprised,
given how 3DLabs emphasizes that the card is a
"Professional" card in their literature I expected it to
perform very poorly as a gaming card - but that was not the
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