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Date: Monday 20th September 1999
Today's Top Headlines: XML |
1.0 Released to Registered Users
Time: 22:49
EDT/03:49 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Dennis
WindowBlinds 1.0 has been released for Object
Desktop Network users and Registered users. You can download it by
going to the WB download page.
We will be posting our review in the next few
Mouse Pads
Time: 16:38
EDT/23:38 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Alex
Mouse Pads have been so popular that we have had to order another
batch so don't forget that the first ActiveWindows
piece of merchandise is now available
to order. The first product in our new range of logos is
the ActiveWindows Mouse Pad.
- Last
Major Windows 2000 Beta Ships
EDT/23:37 GMT Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
Microsoft last week shipped the last major
beta-test of Windows 2000, the latest public version of the
operating system that observers say seems just about ready to go.
Release Candidate 2 represents the last time
Microsoft plans to make any major changes in Windows 2000. A third
release candidate is possible, says Keith White, director of the
company's business and enterprise division, but any fixes resulting
from it will be minor.
In RC2, the company addressed about 10,000 bugs
and work items such as unhelpful error messages that beta-testers
identified in RC1, White says.
Major areas of focus in the more than 30 million
lines of code were improving application compatibility, simplifying
Internet connections and domain name server configuration, cleaning
up the user interface by removing unnecessary items, and shipping
more reliable and plentiful hardware drivers.
Testers say that Windows 2000 has basically taken
shape since RC1.
Alan Williams, director of distributed systems at
Pennsylvania State University in State College, Pennsylvania, says
Windows 2000 Professional looks solid, but the Active Directory and
DNS features have bugs. He says Microsoft is aware of the problems,
which he declined to specify.
- A
Look at Works Suite 2000
EDT/23:35 GMT Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
For years, serious computer users have looked down
their noses at Works. Microsoft's application suite for home
customers has lived in the shadow of Office, its bigger, more
powerful, more businessy sibling. But even those know-it-alls might
want to take a serious look at the latest Works suite.
No longer a pale shadow of Office, Works Suite
2000 is surprisingly powerful, yet easy to use, with a focus on
making home tasks simpler. Its impressive collection of tools
integrates nicely through a slick interface. And because it includes
a copy of Microsoft Word 2000, Works Suite 2000 may even provide a
viable alternative for business users who absolutely, positively
don't need an industrial-strength spreadsheet or database program.
- Run
Applications Off the Web
EDT/23:33 GMT Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
Some day, you'll run your word processor off a Web
server. At least, that's what both Sun Microsystems and Microsoft
say. And in late August, Sun put its money where its mouth is by
announcing concrete plans to make Web-based applications available.
Long known as a server vendor, Sun ventured into
the software market earlier this year by purchasing Star Division,
which makes the StarOffice desktop suite. The company's August
announcement detailed plans to offer this suite as a Web-based
application. Not to be outdone, Microsoft promptly announced it will
deliver Microsoft Office in a similar configuration.
So, does it make sense to replace your trusty PC
applications with Web-based versions? Neither Microsoft nor Sun is
yet delivering its suite this way. But thinter.net, an application
service provider for small businesses, hosts StarOffice free for
subscribers. I took a look to find out if it's practical to work the
Web this way.
- McAfee
Protects the Paranoid
EDT/23:31 GMT Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
Protecting the privacy of your e-mail messages and
e-shopping may sound daunting, but starting this week you can get
some assurance from security expert Network Associates. The company
is selling McAfee PGP Personal Privacy 6.5.1 for $19.95.
PGP, which stands for Pretty Good Privacy, is an
encryption tool that combines symmetric and public key encryption.
It is free from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Web site.
Personal Privacy 6.5.1 is McAfee's own version of
PGP that adds some extra tools for encrypting just about anything.
With a base key level of encryption at 4906 bits,
PGP goes far beyond the security levels in most encryption software,
according to McAfee representatives.
"Basically anything less than 128-bit can be
broken pretty easily," says Lisa Citron, product marketing
manager for McAfee. "Until processor speeds get really fast, no
one's going to crack that encryption without significant
Browsers often come with low-level 40-bit
encryption keys, which a hacker can break relatively easily, Citron
says. The more bits in the key, the more secure your data will be.
McAfee's new product is not restricted from U.S.
export, as products higher than 56 bits in key length were until
last week. The White House has approved export of encryption
products of any length, except to a handful of countries considered
terrorist states.
- Paul
Allen cleared in sex harassment case
EDT/23:26 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
The sexual harassment suit filed against Paul
Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, has been dismissed by a judge in Los
Angeles. The suit was filed by his former business partner (no, not
Bill) Abbie Phillips. The case was dismissed with prejudice, which
means it cannot be retried.
Phillips claimed she had been forced out of
Storyopolis Investment, which she was managing for Allen, after she
resisted a sexual advance made by the billionaire. In the suit, she
was claiming damages for lost earnings, lost employment, emotional
distress and punitive damages, having quit the company in April
1997. The case was filed on 2 April 1998.
- MS
France in shock Linux availability claim
EDT/23:24 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
The French authorities seem to be trying to limit
the reverberations of their investigation of Microsoft, which leaked
out last week. The French competition and anti-fraud directorate (DNERF)
of the ministry of finance's probe is in response to complaints by
consumers that they do not want to have Windows pre-loaded.
Just one person in France is known to have been
successful in obtaining a refund for Windows 98: Remi Lacombe, a
teacher, received FF1690 by not accepting the end user license
agreement. But there's a separate spat going on in France; the
French Canadian version of Windows is sold for around half the price
of the French version, so distributors are bringing in grey
versions. DNERF apparently does not want this issue to escalate and
it points out that this could be a contract law matter, rather than
a competition law issue. If the same complaints are found to in
other EU countries and cross-border trade is involved (perhaps to
francophone Belgium), it is quite possible that DNERF would boot the
problem to the European Commission's DGIV competition directorate.
charges Netscape with patent infringement
EDT/23:22 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Browser software company Netscape Communications
was accused by NCR, the U.S.'s top maker of automated teller
machines, of infringing upon nine NCR software patents.
Dayton, Ohio-based NCR sells hardware, including
cash registers and scanners, and software for the retail and
financial services industries. NCR claims in a suit released today
in U.S. District Court in Wilmington that it owns nine patents
awarded between 1996 and 1999 protecting methods for organizing and
retrieving information from computer databases.
The company alleges that Mountain View,
California-based Netscape, acquired in March by America Online, the
world's largest Internet service provider, is wrongly using NCR
technology in its business.
- HP's
curious NT tale gets curiouser
EDT/23:20 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
The L-boxes HP launched earlier today, and which
will be available in mid-October, are intended to bridge the gap
when IA-64 arrives, said Patrick Rogers, system solutions marketing
manager at HP US.
Rogers filled in more details about HP's strategy
with its OS and confirmed that even though it will compete with its
own Intel server division, it is serious about NT not being robust
enough an OS for the platform.
Nor, said Rogers, did Linux cut it in a mission
critical environment, even though he acknowledged the level of
support HP was giving to the IA-64 port.
It's HP/UX all the way. And if Compaq ever dumped
its Tru64 Unix for Linux, that would be a major blunder, said
- How
MS can hold onto the market while embracing XML
EDT/20:05 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
The sight of Microsoft enthusiastically embracing
open standards, really meaning it, and being believed as well is
novel, but as far as XML is concerned, it's becoming less so.
Microsoft really is driving XML, Paul Maritz really (probably) means
it when he says Web services architectures should be open and
standards-based, and the Microsoft strategy revealed so far seems
remarkably short on proprietary catches.
Mostly. The company's big bang announcement of its
Windows DNA 2000 platform strategy did indeed outline a future where
there would at least theoretically be room for all sorts of
different platforms, but under the covers there are a few catches
that make the open strategy not quite so open, and therefore more
traditionally Microsoft, after all.
- MS
IE5 XML not entirely pure, and what's this patent?
EDT/20:05 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Great emphasis is being given by Microsoft to XML,
prompting the suspicion that it won't be long before we read of
impure XML. Parsing Ballmer's recent comments and looking at the
sub-text, when he said that software would "metamorphose",
and that it could not do so "in today's environment of
monolithic server code", it was clear that Ballmer was working
from a carefully prepared text, behaving uncharacteristically, and
was not at all playing his usual cheerleader role.
What had focussed Ballmer was the role that XML
was to play in Microsoft's future plans. If there's one thing we can
be certain about, it's that Microsoft's intentions towards XML are
less that honourable. It is true that Microsoft was active with W3C
in bringing about XML, and that it has made a number of moves
towards incorporating XML in its products. If this were Java, it
would just be a matter of time before Microsoft's route from
so-called monolithic Web sites to integration was only possible with
a Microsoft version of XML. Is, as some analysts are saying, XML to
big for Microsoft to be able to do this? We'll see. But the nature
of the XML support in IE5, and some related patenting shenanigans
are causes for concern.
- MS
Softway purchase - could it unleash 'Linux for Windows?'
EDT/20:01 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
On Friday Microsoft announced it had bought small
San Francisco Unix developer Softway Systems, explaining that the
deal was intended to strengthen Unix-Windows interoperability. But
there's more to this than meets the eye - Softway had been putting
its toes into the waters of open source and Linux on Windows, so
despite the public statements, Microsoft may be tipping its hand.
According to the press statement it's a case of
small Unix developer engulfed, not many dead. And anyway, Softway
had already been close to MS, announcing a co-marketing deal in May.
The release says, deadpan, that Microsoft customers "will
benefit from this acquisition through future expanded and integrated
tools and utilities, via products such as Microsoft Services for
Unix, which provide interoperability between Unix and Windows."
- Microsoft
Announces Works Suite 2000, The Complete Software Solution for the
EDT/14:29 GMT Source:
Press Release Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. today announced the release of
Microsoft® Works Suite 2000, the newest version of the
company's home productivity software suite. Works Suite 2000 is an
integrated software package that helps consumers complete all of
their home projects, from writing a school report or creating a
family newsletter to planning a family vacation or helping with the
neighborhood yard sale. Its redesigned Task Launcher helps consumers
access a broad range of applications quickly and easily, including
Works 2000*, Word 2000, Encarta Encyclopedia 2000 Standard, Money
2000 Standard, Home Publishing 2000, Expedia Streets & Trips
2000 and Picture It! Express 2000.
- Microsoft
Announces Windows 2000 Certification For Microsoft Certified Systems
EDT/14:28 GMT Source:
Press Release Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. today announced the Microsoft®
Windows® 2000 certification track for Microsoft
Certified Systems Engineers (MCSEs). The premier credential includes
the core skill set necessary to design, develop and manage
medium-sized to very large computing environments using the
Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system and the BackOffice family of
integrated server products. The new track is the latest move by
Microsoft to continue raising the standards of certification by
including performance-based exams, adaptive testing techniques and
emphasizing troubleshooting. The Windows 2000 track also requires
design skills for security, network infrastructure or directory
infrastructure. Candidates with at least one year of experience
implementing and administering a network operating system will
likely be most successful in passing the exams.
- Microsoft
Announces Technologies to Enable Knowledge Worker Solutions As Part
of Its Digital Dashboard Initiative
EDT/14:27 GMT Source:
Press Release Posted By: Byron
As part of it Digital Dashboard initiative,
Microsoft Corp. today announced availability of three toolkits to
enable solutions for knowledge workers that deliver the right
information at the right time. Available today on the Web are the
Microsoft® Digital Dashboard Starter Kit, Outlook®
2000 Team Folder Wizard, and Team Productivity Update for BackOffice®
Server 4.5. These three technologies make it easier for solutions
providers and IT professionals to create "digital
dashboard" solutions and offer new tools for collaboration in
Microsoft Exchange- and BackOffice-based environments. A digital
dashboard is a customized Microsoft Office 2000-based solution that
consolidates personal, team, corporate and external information with
single-click access to analytical and collaborative tools.
- Site News
EDT/12:02 GMT Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Alex
Do you want to work on Active Windows? At the
moment we are looking for people to help us update the news, mainly
the DVD and Gaming section. If you are interested then send an email
to either myself or Byron.
If you could put in a listing and links to other web sites you have
worked on then it would be appreciated.
- Experts:
Javascript Not Just a Hotmail Problem
EDT/11:48 GMT Source: Internet
News Posted By: Alex
Web developers and users were warned Friday that
security vulnerabilities in Web-based e-mail and other sites that
allow user postings may be more widespread than previously thought.
According to security experts, most major Web mail
services, message boards, guest books and auction postings are not
completely screening for Javascript. As a result, the services
enable users to embed code which is automatically executed when the
page is displayed by others.
"My guess is that 98 percent of the Web sites
that allow users to supply text have a bug somewhere, because it's
so hard to catch all the locations," said Richard M. Smith, an
independent security consultant in Cambridge, Mass.
The warnings follow reports Monday that it's
possible to inject Javascript into email messages which, when opened
by some users of Microsoft's (MSFT) Hotmail service, could perform
malicious tasks. Microsoft officials insist Hotmail is not unique
and that the attacks described by Bulgarian programmer Georgi
Guninski could be implemented on any Web-based e-mail service.
What might have seemed a public relations brush
off by Microsoft has proven to be disturbingly true. Martin
Battaliou, a London-based programmer for a large telecommunications
firm, said he has since uncovered vulnerabilities in almost all of
the most popular Web mail services and has developed demonstration
exploits that use embedded javascript to steal passwords, change
user settings, and otherwise wreak havoc with others' accounts --
just by getting them to view a message to their Web-based e-mail
"The risks here are tremendous. If you want
to choose a link and go to another URL you must log off your Web
mail. If you click the link, you run the risk of infecting all your
settings or having all your e-mail deleted," Battaliou said.
Date: Sunday 19th September 1999
Today's Top Headlines: SideWinder
Game Pad Pro - Review |
- Exclusive: WindowBlinds 1.0
EDT/22:30 GMT Source:
Stardock Posted By: Dennis
We have just received an exclusive copy of
WindowBlinds 1.0. Its really quite remarkable with a major
noticeable different in speed from previous WB versions!
We will post our review of it as soon as we have a
chance to write it. Here is one preview of it though:

You can read the readme here
as well.
WindowBlinds 1.0 will be officially released
- Site News
EDT/20:29 GMT Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
As some of you already know, you can now reach the site via http://www.activewindows.com.
Many of you ask us what we will be working on next, what we will be
adding to the site etc, well we are not working on any new sites
apart from ActiveSci-Fi as we want to keep ActiveWindows ahead of
the rest just like it is now. The ActiveSci-Fi website will be
maintained by a completely separate group of people, I'll just be
doing the design and making sure things stay updated. Anyway, here
are the upcoming reviews:
Hardware: Microsoft
IntelliMouse Explorer, Regular Visor
Software: Nocturne, Sinistar Unleashed,
Atlantis 2, Firestorm, X: Beyond The Frontier, System Shock 2, Heavy
Gear 2, Shadowman, Rogue Spear
Applications: Photoshop 5.5, Coral
Suite 9
Others: DirectX 7
- Microsoft
SideWinder Game Pad Pro - Review
GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
have posted my review
of the new Microsoft SideWinder Game Pad Pro. Here is a snippet
from the review:
A few years ago Microsoft released
the SideWinder Game Pad, their first foray into the world of game
pad designs, from then on we have been getting regular game pad
related releases. Now we have the new version of their original game
pad - The SideWinder Game Pad Pro, but does it offer enough extras
over the original to make it a worthy purchase?
- Microsoft
secretly paid for ads for Independent Institute
Time: 04:12
EDT/09:12 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Microsoft secretly paid for newspaper ads by a
California foundation that purported to present the independent
views of 240 academic experts who said the U.S. government's
antitrust case against the software giant was hurting consumers,
according to a published report.
The New York Times quoted Microsoft spokesman Greg
Shaw as acknowledging that the world's largest software company paid
for the June newspaper ads.
The Times also cited internal documents of the Independent
Institute of Oakland, California, showing that Microsoft paid a
$153,868 bill to cover the cost of newspaper ads and air fare for
the foundation's president, David Theroux, to travel to Washington
for a press conference the day the ads ran in two major newspapers.
The full-page ads appeared in The Washington Post
and the New York Times on June 2, the day the Microsoft trial
resumed for its final month of testimony. Courtroom arguments on "proposed
findings of fact" are scheduled for Tuesday before U.S.
District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson.
- Infoseek
exec nabbed in sex scandal
Time: 04:10
EDT/09:10 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex H
A top executive for one of the Web's biggest sites
has been arrested by FBI agents on federal charges for allegedly
crossing states lines to solicit sex from a minor.
Patrick Naughton, 34, an executive vice president
of Infoseek Corp. and Disney's GO Network, was apprehended late
Thursday night in Santa Monica, Calif., after he had arranged to
meet a teenage girl who actually turned out to be the creation of an
FBI special agent, according to a 17-page criminal complaint and
affidavit released by the FBI Saturday.
The affidavit describes, in often lurid detail,
about a dozen Internet chats, e-mails and phone conversations over a
seven-month period in which Naughton allegedly tried to meet the
girl for the purpose of having sex, even after repeatedly being told
her age was 13.
Date: Saturday 18th September
Today's Top Headlines: |
- Ballmer to Make MSN CarPoint
Time: 10:37
EDT/15:37 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Alex
On Monday, Sept. 20, 1999, Microsoft President
Steve Ballmer will make an important announcement about the MSN™
CarPoint™ online automotive service strategy at the "Way
Things Work" exhibit at the Metreon in downtown San Francisco.
This press conference is scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m. and will
conclude at approximately 11:30 a.m.
Press registration for this event will begin at
9:30 a.m. on Sept. 20 outside the "Way Things Work"
exhibit at the Metreon. A continental breakfast will be served
beginning at 9 a.m. The Metreon is located in the Yerba Buena
Gardens area at 101 Fourth St. in downtown San Francisco.
Registration deadline is end of day Friday, Sept.
17. Members of the press can register for this event by sending an
e-mail message with their name, publication and e-mail address to
wereg@wagged.com. A confirmation notice will be sent by e-mail
following registration.
- BeOS
Shows What It Can Be
Time: 10:32
EDT/15:32 GMT Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
As the war of the operating systems rages on,
notch a victory for the little guy.
While Windows and Linux battle it out on the main
stage, Be, the upstart operating system maker, got a boost this week
from iDOT.com. The PC manufacturer announced that it is shipping a
$449 (less monitor) PC with BeOS installed.
Also this week, Dell Computer announced that it
will sell the $69.95 BeOS through its online store, GigaBuys. For
the time being, however, Dell will not be selling PCs with BeOS
iDOT.com's 333K6-2 BeOS Series system, available
immediately, includes an Advanced Micro Devices K6-2 333-MHz
processor, 32MB of 100-MHz memory, a 4.3GB hard drive, 40X CD-ROM
drive, a 56K modem, sound support, floppy drive, keyboard, and
- What's
New in RC2?
Time: 05:38
EDT/10:38 GMT Source: Microsoft
Posted By: Alex H
Every week we put your How-Come-You-Did-That
questions to the Windows 2000 development team. This week's column
focuses exclusively on Release Candidate 2 (now available). Use the
button above to submit your questions to the dev team on any Windows
2000 subject.
Q - What's new in Windows 2000 Release
Candidate 2?
A - Microsoft has worked closely with Beta users
to fix bugs and to deliver solutions to address customer feedback.
This release delivers further fit-and-finish work that makes Windows
2000 easier to set up and configure; improves wizards and error
messages to make them clearer; makes using Windows 2000
administration tools a more consistent experience; and improves
hardware and software compatibility.
Broader Hardware and Software Support Enhanced
hardware support -- for example, Plug and Play of multi-function
peripherals (printing, scanning, etc.). More printers are now
supported, including the Hewlett-Packard OfficeJet series. Improved
application compatibility. Simplified Administration
Easier Setup & Configuration:
Simplified connection to the Internet -- both for
large businesses using RRAS (Routing & Remote Access Services)
that want more control over administration, and for home users or
small businesses using Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) to connect
their private network directly to the Internet. The new RRAS Setup
Wizard is now more scenario-based; common configurations are clearly
described and easier to understand, such as how to enable remote
computers to dial into a network. Options are easier to configure,
such as RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service) for
centralized policy management, DNS Proxy/DHCP allocation for NAT
(Network Address Translation), PPTP/L2TP filters for VPN (Virtual
Private Networks) and adding IGMP (Internet Group Management
Protocol). Simplified DNS configuration by making it easier to
create DNS PTR (pointer) records and by adding age and scavenging
information to file-based zones. A PTR record is used for mapping a
reverse DNS domain name, based on the IP address of a computer that
points to the forward DNS domain name of that computer. DNS
Aging/Scavenging enables the administrator of a DNS server to track
whether a record is periodically refreshed (which indicates its
validity) and periodically scavenge/delete stale records.
Simplified Dialog Boxes & Message Text:
Simplified error messages for greater clarity.
Added warning text to options that have a potential adverse impact
on system or network performance. Added message pages that educate
the user about a feature or explain how to perform the step required
to set up a service. These instructions are visible while the
administrator performs the recommended actions. Added meaningful
descriptions to each service so that users know what is running on
their computers. Displayed InfoTips when the description is
truncated or because the column is too narrow to display the full
text. Modified dialog boxes to ensure that text can be easily
translated into other languages without distorting the appearance of
text. Moved most frequently used commands to the top of context
Improved Start Menu:
Cleaned up the Start Menu by removing unnecessary
items, adding more meaningful icons, and adding InfoTips to each
program. Added Local Security Settings and Services snap-ins to the
Start Menu, making it easier to find and configure domain-wide
security policies.
Enhanced Event Viewer:
Enhanced the Event Viewer by adding hyperlink
support to the description field. For instance, applications can now
log events with URLs pointing to technical support sites. All event
data is placed on one property page, making it easier to open an old
log file and copying an entire event to the Clipboard so that the
event can be easily pasted into an e-mail message.
Key administration tools that have been
enhanced include:
Active Directory Users and Computers & Active
Directory Domains and Trusts. Security Policies, Computer Management
and Performance Monitor. DHCP, DNS & WINS and Routing and Remote
Windows Media Services RC2 includes Windows Media
Services, which delivers high-quality streaming multimedia to users
on the Internet and intranets. It consists of server and tools
components for delivering audio, video, illustrated audio and other
multimedia types over networks.
Broader Security Options Added 30 new
international Certification Authorities (CAs) covering approximately
20 countries. Certificate Services provides customizable services
for issuing and managing certificates used in software security
systems employing public key technologies. You can use Certificate
Services in Window 2000 to create a certification authority (CA)
which will receive certificate requests, verify the information in
the request and the identity of the requester, issue certificates,
revoke certificates, and publish certificate revocation lists.
- Sega
delays Dreamcast Network
Time: 04:35
EDT/09:35 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex H
Sega of America, currently based in Japan for the
Tokyo Game Show, said Thursday its Dreamcast Network will not
support online gaming until the second half of 2000.
Although the Dreamcast Network won't be
immediately available, Sega said it will:
- Offer such Internet functions as Web browsing,
chat and e-mail by the fourth quarter of 1999.
- Support such online mini-games as board, puzzle
and card games by the first and second quarter of 2000.
- And expand to encompass full online gaming
during the third and fourth quarter of 2000. Twelve online titles,
including Half-Life, will be released during this period.
- Apple
won't put OS X on other platforms
Time: 04:33
EDT/09:33 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex H
The forthcoming client version of Mac OS X won't
be available on third-party systems built around IBM Corp.'s new
CHRP-based PowerPC motherboard spec, according to Apple Vice
President of Product Marketing Phil Schiller.
During a conversation with Germany's Macwelt
magazine at this week's Apple Expo here, Schiller also quashed
speculation that Apple (Nasdaq:AAPL)
will offer a Windows version of its Sherlock Internet search
technology and addressed other issues, including Mac OS 9 upgrade
pricing and the company's rumored plans to create its own Internet
portal site.
- Will
Compaq cut back Unix plans?
Time: 04:30
EDT/09:30 GMT Source: News.Com
Posted By: Alex H
Compaq is likely to halt development work on a
Unix operating system for Intel's forthcoming high-end processors,
analysts say, a move that would simplify the company's corporate
product strategy.
Compaq has committed to releasing the Tru64
version of Unix for Intel's 64-bit "Merced" chips, but
industry observers suspect the computer company won't go through
with that plan. A reversal would pare Compaq's product line--but
also indicate how difficult it is for Compaq to pursue several
development and marketing plans.
The decision would mirror the end
of the development of Windows NT and its successor, Windows 2000,
for use on Compaq's Alpha chip, a move that led Compaq to dismiss
about 100 engineers.
- eBay
to ban some music and software sales
Time: 04:28
EDT/09:28 GMT Source: News.Com
Posted By: Alex H
eBay will prohibit the sale of software and music
on recordable compact discs and backup software packages, except
when the seller is the copyright owner, according to a message
posted today on the company's Web site.
The new policy addresses concerns that software
pirates are doing a brisk
business on auction sites. A recent survey by the Software &
Information Industry Association, an industry lobbying group,
charged that about 60 percent of the more popular software sold on
eBay, Excite Auctions, and ZDNet Auctions between August 15 and
August 20 was pirated, or sold illicitly.
- Microsoft
enters online auction business
Time: 04:26
EDT/09:26 GMT Source: News.Com
Posted By: Alex H
Microsoft launched an auction site today, the
latest attempt to wrest some of the lucrative online auction
business from eBay as well as to bolster its own MSN Internet access
The "soft" launch--to be followed by a
formal announcement on Monday--coincides with Microsoft's joining
forces with nearly 100 online sites, including Excite@Home and
Lycos. The companies are building a network of auction sites that
share listings, in an effort to reel in auction leader eBay.
For Microsoft, this is its first foray into the
auction business. On the MSN site's first day, the items up for sale
ranged from antiques to travel packages.
Amazon.com and Yahoo, the second-largest Internet
directory, already have created their own auction sites but both
have yet to strongly challenge eBay.
Date: Friday 17th September 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Windows
Monopoly |
- E-mail
hoax a 'serious issue,' says MS
Time: 16:12
EDT/21:12 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Another year 2000 e-mail hoax is circulating the
Internet, and it is being described by Microsoft Corp. as a
"serious issue."
The Redmond, Wash., company has found that
customers are receiving bogus e-mail purporting to be from
Support@Microsoft.com. An attachment includes a Trojan Horse that,
when executed, takes a user's personal information (including
password, login and user name).
- Microsoft
Year 2000 Product Analyzer 2.0
Time: 16:09
EDT/21:09 GMT Source: Win
98 Central Posted By: Byron
The Microsoft Year 2000 Product
Analyzer performs the following tasks:
- Identifies installed software
products on specified drives by scanning the drives for
executable files
- Compares the resulting list of
products to the products listed in a compliance database
- Generates a report of the
compliance levels of the products it discovered, based on the
information in the compliance database
- MS
should embrace Linux, buy Sun, dump Win2k
Time: 09:03
EDT/14:03 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Microsoft should break itself up voluntarily, buy
Sun and release its own version of Wine, the API wrapper that allows
Windows programs to run on top of Linux. This, chutzpah-riddled
British Linux developer GBdirect tells us, is how the company can
avoid collapse over the next few years and come up with aqn adequate
response to the Linux tide.
Naturally when we got GBdirect's email suggesting
we might be interested in the company's somewhat radical take on MS
versus Linux, we thought 'desperate bid for publicity.' Well it is,
certainly, but the analysis is well-written and thoughtful, and
there's quite a bit of interesting meat underlying the
sensationalist suggestions. (Full
- France
opens probe into MS Windows monopoly
Time: 08:12
EDT/13:12 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
The French finance ministry has opened an
investigation into Microsoft, according to the local press.
Apparently it has come to the ministry's attention that it's
well-nigh impossible to buy a new PC that doesn't come with Windows
pre-installed, so the French authorities will be asking why this is,
and whether it harms consumers.
These two questions, readers of The Register's
trial coverage will have noted, are inextricably bound together.
Microsoft discount structures and MDAs (Market Development
Agreements) make it prohibitively expensive for PC OEMs to ship
rival operating systems, which results in a reduction in consumer
choice, and in what is to all intents and purposes a monopoly of the
desktop OS market (precise conclusion currently sub judice) for
Date: Thursday 16th September
Today's Top Headlines: Win 2K |
- Microsoft
Likes to play Dreamcast too!
Time: 18:26
EDT/23:26 GMT Source: News.Com Posted By: Dennis
One week after its noticeable absence from Sega's
Dreamcast launch, Microsoft today announced the availability of
software for developers that should speed the creation of Windows
CE-based games.
Microsoft said it is working on its Windows CE
toolkit 2.0--a suite of software programs designed to spur
development of Dreamcast games and applications. Although Microsoft
and Sega announced a year ago that the Dreamcast game console would
run Microsoft's Windows CE operating system, today's announcement is
the only outward sign that the two companies have been working
together at all.
offers Internet Access for $6
Time: 18:25
EDT/23:25 GMT Source: News.Com Posted By: Dennis
Microsoft today said it will begin offering discounted rates for
its MSN Internet Access service, marking another step in its
strategy to win over consumer Internet users and another potential
threat to rival America Online's pricing structure.
Microsoft will offer the service for as low as $6 per month in a
deal with longtime computer retail partner Lan Plus. Those who sign
up for membership--which costs $69 for one year or $99 for two
years--on its new shopping site, MyShoppingClub.com, will receive a
CD-ROM with MSN Internet Access.
- Exclusive: WindowBlinds 1.0 Due
Time: 18:15
EDT/23:15 GMT Source: Stardock Posted By: Dennis
While the North East US is under Tropical Storm
Floyd's wrath, we're monitoring WindowBlinds! Its finally going to
go gold!
We will be receiving the exclusive final WB 1.0
tommorow, but it will be released publicly on Monday. We'll post a
review as soon as we can!
Currently, WindowBlinds is at version 0.99.6 so
its clear to see 1.0 is coming, and we've received reports from
Stardock that it has some slight interface changes so we'll bring
you more information as we get it.
And as always we'll tell you as soon as WB 1.0
is released!
Thanks for visiting ActiveWindows!
- Exclusive: Microsoft
Natural Keyboard Pro - Review
Time: 15:32
EDT/20:32 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Scot Giles has posted his review
of the new Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro. We will be posted
another review of this keyboard in the next few weeks with more
sections and screenshots. Here is a snippet from the review:
The keyboard uses two
connections to attach to your computer. One goes into the
traditional PS2 keyboard connector that is standard on personal
computers. The other connector attaches to a Universal Serial Port
(USB), if your computer has one. You don't need to use the USB
connector if you don't want to, but one of the nice features of
this keyboard is that it has two USB connectors built into it that
allow you to daisy-chain other USB devices. I currently have my
USB Zip drive connected to one of the ports in the keyboard and it
works fine. The documentation states that if your computer's BIOS
supports a USB keyboard, you can actually connect only through the
USB port.
- Gates
to Give $1 Billion for Minority Scholarships
Time: 15:17
EDT/20:17 GMT Source: Avault
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft chairman Bill Gates today will
announce plans to donate at least $1 billion to fund full college
scholarships for minority students, his biggest charitable
contribution to date. The Gates Millennium Scholarships will cover
room, board and tuition for at least 1,000 high school students a
year over the next 20 years in the fields of education, math,
engineering and science, Reuters is reporting.
Students covered by the scholarships will be
fully funded for their entire college education, including
graduate studies. The commitment is the largest for any single
cause by Gates and is among the largest ever for any charitable
purpose, matching a $1 billion pledge to the United Nations by CNN
founder Ted Turner.
- IntelliMouse Explorer Released
Time: 08:03
EDT/13:03 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
has released the IntelliMouse Explorer into stores in the US. The
pricing starts at $69.95.
- Accuracy - The precise IntelliEye
optical sensor tracks movement on just about anything. All the
sensor needs is a surface with a small amount of detail, including
wood, plastic, or even your pant leg.
- Easier Internet navigation - The two thumb buttons act as
forward and back buttons in your browser.
- Precision - No moving parts, so your mouse is smooth and
precise and there's no need to use a mouse pad.
- Feels great in your hand - This mouse is designed to
support your hand and fingers. The rubberized sides make the mouse
easier to grip and more comfortable to use because it requires
less effort to hold.
- Windows
Update Additions
Time: 07:06
EDT/12:06 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Microsoft have added the following fixes to Windows
Update over the last couple of days:
- Update for Security Vulnerability in Windows
98 Telnet Client
- Update for "Fragmented IGMP Packet"
Security Vulnerability
- Security Update for Microsoft virtual machine
- Microsoft
'changes the world through software'
Time: 06:49
EDT/11:49 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
The modest title that Bernard Vergnes, the old-timer who has
been put out to pasture as chairman of Microsoft Europe, took for
his talk at the IDC European IT Forum in Paris was "Changing
the world through software".
Gates' vision statements that had driven the company were duly
trotted out by his obedient servant, from computers on every desk
and in every home [Vergnes admitted that in the early days. the
"home" part had often been dropped], through DNS, and a
Web life style, to Ballmer's more recent idea of empowering people
with great software [40 million lines, for example], anytime, any
place and on any device.
- Windows
2000 "On The Verge" Of Shipping
Time: 06:45
EDT/11:45 GMT Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Byron
Despite some last-minute repackaging of high-end load-balancing
capabilities, Microsoft's long-awaited Windows 2000 operating
system is "on the verge of shipping," CEO Bill Gates
said Wednesday.
Gates said component load-balancing capabilities in Windows
2000 Advanced Server and Data Center needed additional polishing
for management and accessibility issues before Windows 2000 ships
later this year. They will be released instead in a new
Application Center Server next year or through technology preview
- ActiveWindows
Community Reminder
01:06 EDT/06:06 GMT Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
Just another reminder about signing up for our ActiveWindows
Community on MSN. It allows you to chat with us in our chat
room or via our message board, it also lets you post your own
screensavers and backgrounds for other ActiveWindows readers to
Date: Wednesday 15th September
Today's Top Headlines: Palm V
Review - Win2k |
- Age
of Empires 2 goes GOLD
Time: 21:40
EDT/02:40 GMT Source: Microsoft Posted By: Dennis
Microsoft announced that Age of Empires II: The
Age of Kings has gone gold today at 3:00pm PST. This means
that the product is completed and is expected to start showing up on
store shelves in the U.S. in early October; and internationally
shortly thereafter. It will be fully localized in French, German,
Italian, Japanese, Spanish, and Traditional Chinese.
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings is the sequel
to the award-winning, best-selling real-time strategy game Age of
Empires. Since the release of the original Age of Empires in
November 1997, the Age of Empires franchise (including the original
Age of Empires, Age of Empires Expansion: The Rise of Rome, and Age
of Empires Gold Edition) has sold over three million units
- Beware
Of Virus-Riddled Y2K E-Mail
Time: 21:35
EDT/02:35 GMT Source: Internet
Week Posted By: Matt
Antivirus experts are urging computer users not to
open a year 2000 countdown program that comes in the form of an
e-mail sent by Microsoft on Tuesday.
The e-mail was not sent by Microsoft, and the
enclosed attachment is not a Y2K countdown program, but rather a
Trojan virus. If users attempt to open the alleged program, the
virus can install itself onto the user's computer and then is
capable of sending data and information from that system across the
Antivirus experts at Star Internet, a U.K.-based
ISP, along with Network Associates and Sophos, are analyzing the
e-mail attachment, called "Y2Kcount.exe." Star has
confirmed that the virus originated in Bulgaria and has also
identified some key warning signs.
- Windows 2000 RC2 Released
16:34 EDT/21:35 GMT Source:
E-Mail Posted By:
We just received word that Release Candidate 2 has
just been released. It is build 2128 as we reported previously.
Testers will receive CDs next week. We will keep you updated.
ActiveWindows does not support the illegal warezing of
Windows 2000 or any other product so please don't ask..
- Savage
3D or Savage 4 Users: Hate the drivers? Sign Savage News' Petition
Time: 16:34
GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Dennis
We have received information that Savage 3D and
Savage 4 users are not satistified with their service. Here's
a quote of the petition to give you an idea of what they mean:
"We, the undersigned, are users of your
Savage3D or Savage4 chipsets. The quality of currently available
drivers for both the Savage3D and Savage4 based cards leaves much to
be desired. Not only do they not match the promised features listed
on your site, we face incompatibilities and bugs almost on a daily
basis. Looking at the history of these drivers, we see little or no
progress and the loss of features and performance. The availability
of recent drivers is also an issue. Your site doesn't update very
often, and most of the time the drivers listed there are much older
then drivers obtained via other sources. We also request a list of
fixes and modifications with each set of drivers. We would like a
quick response to these issues."
- Lotus
and Microsoft to Integrate Windows Media Technologies Into Release 5
of Lotus Notes and Domino
Time: 11:27
EDT/16:27 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Byron
Lotus Development Corp. and Microsoft Corp. today
announced their intent to integrate Microsoft® Windows
Media™ Technologies into Lotus' Notes and Domino Release 5
collaboration software products via IBM's HotMedia Connect
technology. This strategic distribution, development and licensing
agreement will deliver the benefits of Microsoft streaming
multimedia technology to potentially tens of millions of Notes and
Domino R5 users worldwide as well as tighten the integration between
Lotus and Microsoft technologies.
- Microsoft
Collaborates With SAP to Make MSN Hotmail Available On mySAP.com
Time: 11:27
EDT/16:27 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Byron
At SAPPHIREÒ '99, Microsoft
Corp. announced that it will provide the MSN™ Hotmail™ Web-based
e-mail service for mySAP.comÔ
Marketplace. mySAP.com provides an open collaborative business
environment of personalized solutions on demand. This enables
companies of all sizes and industries to fully engage their
employees, customers and partners to capitalize upon the new
Internet economy. SAP will also integrate MSN LinkExchange into
mySAP.com to help its small-business customers increase their online
traffic and sales.
- Microsoft
Agrees to Acquire Visio as Part of Mission To Increase Productivity
for Businesses
Time: 11:26
EDT/16:26 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq "MSFT") today
announced it has agreed to acquire Visio Corp. (Nasdaq "VSIO"),
the leading supplier of enterprise-wide business diagramming and
technical drawing software, furthering Microsoft's mission of
increasing productivity for businesses large and small - and their
knowledge workers - worldwide.
Pilot V - Review
Time: 09:45
EDT/14:45 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
have posted my review
of the Palm Pilot V. Here is a snippet from the review:
Most of you would have come across
some sort of palm organizer during your lifetime. They could have
been in the form of the Palm Pilot or some Windows CE based
organizer. There isn't really much doubt that the Palm Pilot by 3Com
is currently the most popular of the batch, with new versions
released regularly. Their latest release is the rather sleek and
sexy Palm V, this version offers a much improved, clearer screen,
better software and a much smaller, lighter design.
Hole Leaves Users Exposed
Time: 08:15
EDT/13:15 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex R.
Here's a new one... WebTV has a security hole that
involves mail bombing. From ZDNN:
The problem occurred when an e-mail message sent
to a WebTV user's mailbox was bounced back -- WebTV accounts can
only hold about 150 messages and bounce back incoming e-mail
messages when they are full. If the WebTV user had the spam filter
activated, then the returned message would divulge the user's ID
numbers to the sender -- in addition to the reason the e-mail was
Microsoft says the problem has already been cured.
next PalmPilot - Not by 3Com
Time: 7:05
EDT/12:05 GMT Source: CNN
Posted By: Cliff
Palm has a had a fantastic run, creating a long
line of popular handhelds, that have held the PDA market hostage
since the first Palm 1000 came off of USR's assembly line. But, in
recent weeks, new rumblings have been heard in PalmPilot news. The
most recent of which is of the Visor, a new PDA which will be
released by HandSpring,
which was founded by the same folks who originally created the
Pilot. Check it out:
The Visor runs from 10 to 20
percent faster than the Palm III and V, but speed was not the goal
in designing Visor, Handspring co-founder Jeff Hawkins said.
Expandability was -- with miniature modules the size of two
stacked Wheat Thins that snap into the back of the Visor to
eventually run peripherals ranging from MP3 players to voice
- Epic's Tim Sweeny On DirectX 7
Time: 06:36
EDT/11:36 GMT Source: Voodoo Extreme Posted By: Byron
Microsoft's new DirectX7 API will be released
soon. I've already ported Unreal Tournament's Direct3D code to
DirectX7 and have noticed a nice speedup on the TNT2 and GeForce256,
primarily due to improved texture management.
The API's simplicity has also improved, which is
something you don't often see: usually code just gets more complex
as it evolves. Porting Unreal Tournament's code from DirectX6 to
DirectX7 only took 3.5 hours, and mostly consisted of deleting
now-redundant code and changing function calls and interfaces. I'm
very glad to see the IDirect3DTexture, IDirect3DViewport, and
IDirect3DLight interfaces gone, and replaced by much simpler
state-setting code. Direct3D's abuses of object-oriented programming
are now gone.
With DirectX7, Microsoft did something I welcome,
and would like to see more of: they designed the new Direct3D
interfaces to not be backwards-compatible with the old ones. This
enabled them to remove from view a bunch of the old baggage that
obfuscated Direct3D: execute buffers are gone, unnecessary
intermediate objects are gone, and much less weird COM
QueryInterface stuff is necessary.
Ripping out old code and replacing it with new,
better designed code is a great practice which too many software
developers are afraid of.
-Tim Sweeney
pulls scalability feature from Win2k RC2
Time: 06:28
EDT/11:28 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Microsoft will officially ship Windows 2000
Release Candidate 2, intended to be the final widespread beta,
today, but the company has reportedly removed component load
balancing from the Advanced Server and Datacenter Server RC2 code.
This raises questions about Win2k's scalability and clustering
ability, although the company claims the matter is simply a
packaging decision.
We at The Register propose to have one of
our uncharacteristic attacks of believing Microsoft at this
juncture, and we'll tell you why. Load balancing is important to
scalability, and scalability has been a running sore for NT for
years. So if Microsoft pulls it from the beta one is naturally
inclined to suspect that it doesn't work properly yet. But Microsoft
has also laid out its plans for multiple versions of Win2k, with
feature and pricing escalators attached. So the packaging decision
could have been to move this feature upscale in order to
differentiate more between the capabilities of the different
boss abuses MS, claims 250k downloads for StarOffice
Time: 06:27
EDT/11:27 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Scott McNealy, CEO of Sun, dropped in to the IDC
European IT Forum in Paris by satellite (again), but he did update
his one-liners: his latest is that "W2K will be a greater
disaster than Y2K".
McNealy pointed out that conventional brokers who
scorned online trading because the size of their client's deals were
often an order of magnitude greater than those of E*Trade or Schwab
would run into trouble when their clients died and their children
put the accounts online elsewhere. There was no room for such
complacency, he noted. "Have lunch or be lunch" was
getting a bit tired, but "Those who snooze will lose"
updated it. The situation concerning broadband was not as bad as was
made out, McNealy claimed. Each month, enough fibre to encircle the
world three times was being laid, despite around half the world's
population dying without having made a telephone call. To McNealy
Dialtone has become the Webtone, and he wants narrow band to be
near-free, with broadband charged economically.
Date: Tuesday 14th September 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Dual
Strike Review - DX7 - MS Keyboard Pro Released |
Microsoft SideWinder Game Pad
Pro Released
Time: 16:37
EDT/21:37 GMT Source: Microsoft Posted By: Byron
Just got an e-mail from Microsoft stating that the
SideWinder Game Pad Pro has been released into stores. So I asked a
few friends to make sure, and yet again it is out and available in
CompUSA for $39. My review will be up on Thursday, but I'll tell you
now that it is worth it.
revisits Internet strategy
Time: 14:47
EDT/19:47 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex H
On Monday, Microsoft Corp. revisited, for the
first time in a major way since 1995, its original Internet
strategy. Four years ago, Microsoft's overarching message was that
it planned to Internet-enable all of its future system and
application software. Monday, the company's message was
substantially different.
Over the next couple of years, Microsoft plans to
bring to developers -- via the Internet and the Windows 2000
operating system -- everything they need to make writing Web-enabled
apps of their own easier.
The company made a number of product and roadmap
announcements in San Francisco, Calif., to fill out some of the
hints its executives have given over recent months as to the
company's future Web plans.
split on proposed Web language standard
Time: 14:44
EDT/19:44 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Efforts to craft a new language for building Web
pages may stall because of rifts within the development community,
which is debating a proposed standard.
Last month the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
proposed Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML), turning it
over to the development community for a final review period, but
since then the process has lost some momentum. Developers have not
been to agree on a naming convention that orients Web browsers to
their tasks.
XHTML would rewrite Hypertext Markup Language
(HTML), the Web's most commonly used language. The rewrite would
make it easier for individual industries to design Web pages that
meet their specific needs.
At stake is how browsers will make sense of the
Web when it is written in a potentially infinite variety of
individually tailored languages.
Web authors use HTML to design basic Web pages.
HTML tags designate format and page elements such as paragraph
breaks, color, tables, and lists. With XHTML, HTML would be
rewritten in Extensible Markup Language (XML), a technology for
creating Web languages.
Top News
Exclusive: Microsoft
Sidewinder Dual Strike - Review
Time: 10:05
EDT/15:05 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
have posted my review
of Microsoft's upcoming SideWinder Dual Strike game controller.
Here is a snippet from the review:
Well now, this is a funny looking
gamepad isn't it?. The Microsoft Dual Strike game is a new 3-D
design that blends together the functions of the gamepad and the
mouse. But everyone take note, the Dual Strike controller is USB
- Dark
City Review
Time: 10:00
EDT/15:00 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Alex
I have posted my review of the Movie Dark City by
Alex Proyas. Here is a snippet of the review:
When the film starts you spend a bit of time
wondering what is going on in the movie, not as delusional as you
might think, but quite an interesting way to start the film. It
gives you an interesting sensation finding out information and being
informed of things as soon as the main character finds out. It is
almost the norm for the main character to know more information
about what is going on than the audience knows, but in this film
when John Murdoch (Rufus Sewell) wakes in an strange hotel room and
finds he is wanted for a series of brutal murders, you know you are
in for a good movie.
- Sony:
Dreamcast 'half' of PlayStation 2
09:44 EDT/14:44 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex H
Sony Corp. tried to stall rival Sega's booming
Dreamcast sales by releasing more details of its highly anticipated
PlayStation 2 entertainment console Monday. The Japanese consumer
electronics giant confirmed its technology-packed device will hit
the shelves in Japan in six months, on March 4, at a price of 39,800
yen -- the same price the original PlayStation sold for more than
four years ago. Sony also revealed that the PlayStation 2 had 85
software partners in Japan and 46 in the United States.
"The new system is not just a technology
upgrade," said Kaz Hirai, president and chief operating officer
of Sony Computer Entertainment of America Inc. (NYSE:SNE).
"These are not just next-generation consoles but the vision of
next in home entertainment. We have developed the most advanced
entertainment platform in the world."
- Linux
could pip other OSes to Merced post
09:40 EDT/14:40 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
It was no coincidence that Intel showed off Linux
Apache running on Merced at its recent Developer Forum, although
Microsoft managed to squeeze in with a demo which, unfortunately,
ended up with an error message.
Information we received just before IDF suggested
that teams of engineers were working flat out to make Win64 run on
Intel silicon, while Linux was performing as sweet as a nut.
It was, let's be fair, quite an achievement for
Intel to get an OS booting on two week old silicon at all, but it
does suggest that Linux is more 64-bit ready than any of the other
contenders in the race.
vies to become major search player
09:36 EDT/14:36 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
In an effort to turn up the competitive heat on
portal leader Yahoo, America Online has quietly launched a new Web
search engine.
Called AOL
Search, the service reflects AOL's ongoing attempts to keep its
users from going to competitors for Web searches and services. The
search service can be found online, though not on the main AOL.com
page. AOL expects it will launch AOL Search within the next four
weeks on AOL.com.
In June, AOL launched
a version of AOL Search only for its online service that will become
a highlight in its upcoming AOL
5.0 software release. It lets subscribers search for both Web
content and its proprietary offerings, which currently can be
located through keywords.
- Another
Hotmail Bug
Time: 08:17
EDT/13:17 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex R.
Microsoft is investigating yet another security
problem within its Hotmail free email service.
According to Bulgarian bug hunter Georgi Guninski, who has a
number of bug finds to his credit, Hotmail permits the sending of
JavaScript code that could automatically present a bogus password
entry screen. Usernames and passwords entered by unsuspecting users
could be collected by the email sender.
- Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro
Time: 04:54
EDT/09:54 GMT Source: e-mail Posted By: Byron
a note that we have received word that the new Microsoft Natural
Keyboard Pro has been released in the US. The price is $69.99 at
CompUSA. We should have a review of it this week.
Related Articles: New
Microsoft USB Keyboards
- DirectX 7 Gold Goes To Testers
Time: 02:16
EDT/07:16 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Alex
As we mentioned a few days ago - DirectX 7 has
gone gold, and finally went to testers yesterday evening. The final
official version number is but files are as expected
0700. Don't worry public, it certainly isn't far away now.
Key Features of DirectX 7.0:
- Visual Basic type library for DirectX
- Visual Basic DirectX samples
- DirectDraw support for stereo display devices
- Direct3D support for hardware transform and lighting engines and
environment mapping
- D3DX library providing increased ease of use for Direct3D
- DirectSound support for hardware voice management and selectable
- DirectMusic support for DLS-2 hardware
- DirectMusic Producer support for hybrid notation and editing of
tracks in segments
- DirectInput support for WDM drivers on Windows 98
- Enhanced game controllers control panel
- DirectPlay performance enhancements
- New sample applications that illustrate the use of the new
- New DirectInput force editing tool
- Improved documentation, including dynamic filtering for
- ActiveWindows
Community Reminder
01:06 EDT/06:06 GMT Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
Just another reminder about signing up for our ActiveWindows
Community on MSN. It allows you to chat with us in our chat room
or via our message board, it also lets you post your own
screensavers and backgrounds for other ActiveWindows readers to
Mouse Pads
Time: 01:05
EDT/06:05 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Bob
Mouse Pads have been so popular that we have had to order another
batch so don't forget that the first ActiveWindows
piece of merchandise is now available
to order. The first product in our new range of logos is
the ActiveWindows Mouse Pad.
Date: Monday 13th September 1999
Today's Top Headlines: MS Web
Strategy |
- Microsoft
Woos Developers
Time: 16:53
EDT/21:53 GMT Source: Techweb
Posted By: Alex
Microsoft is releasing Windows 2000 Release
Candidate 2 (RC2), as part of week-long campaign to rally developers
behind the Windows 2000 operating system.
Microsoft is giving out Win 2000 RC2, one of the
final milestones on the road to shipping product, to all 19,000
attendees at a DevDays event to be held Wednesday, a company
spokesman said.
- Student
sued for site's links to MP3 files
Time: 16:50
EDT/21:50 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
A 17-year-old Swedish student has been hit with a
lawsuit by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry
(IFPI) for promoting piracy by linking his Web site to an archive of
allegedly illegal MP3 digital music files.
According to German newspaper Der Spiegel, student
Tommy Olsson's site is the first Web site owner whose pages contain
only links to music files to be targeted by the IFPI.
- Consumers
sometimes pay the price for free email
Time: 16:45
EDT/21:45 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex
When it comes to free Internet services, sometimes
you get what you pay for. Millions of Net users, particularly newer
ones, are flocking to free Web-based email accounts and free dial-up
Internet service providers. But a recent rash of outages, security
snafus, postponed public stock offerings, and privacy blunders have
raised questions about the quality of service consumers can expect
when they get something for nothing.
Excite@Home's free Web-based email service Excite
Mail has suffered limited
outages for the past two business days, the company confirmed
The company's problems come on the heels of recent
outages at Microsoft's competing free Hotmail email service, as
well as a major
security breach that may have compromised Hotmail users'
The troubles for free Net services don't end
there. For example, USA.net, a Web mail service and outsourced
corporate email company, pulled its planned
IPO in August.
Together, these shortcomings seem to constitute a
worrying trend, leaving consumers to wonder whether free services
are worth it, or whether the young Internet industry can make good
on its promises.
One explanation for the service problems: Free Net
services often have trouble handling a high volume of usage, company
executives and analysts say. Many times, free services--whether they
are online or not--do not properly anticipate the level of demand
they create, they said.
"You're starting to see more and more people
using these free services. The network infrastructures might not be
able to deal with the demands that the customers are placing on the
networks," according to Michele Pelino, an Internet analyst at The
Yankee Group.
- Microsoft
Kicks Off Next Wave of Application Hosting Programs
Time: 16:42
EDT/21:42 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. today announced general
availability of its Complete Commerce program for Application
Service Providers (ASPs). Launched as a pilot project in November
1998 with 10 service providers, it has since expanded to 25 service
providers. The program is now available to any service provider
seeking a full solution for hosting outsourced business-to-consumer
direct selling commerce solutions for medium and large enterprises.
Complete Commerce is just one example of numerous new and expanded
relationships with industry-leading ASPs to further validate
customer and technical requirements for outsourced business software
from Microsoft as well as other popular Microsoft® Windows®-based
applications from independent software vendors (ISVs).
- Windows
DNA 2000 Provides Pervasive XML Support For Next-Generation Web
Time: 16:41
EDT/21:41 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. today expanded its
industry-leading commitment to eXtensible Markup Language (XML) with
a series of announcements for far-reaching XML support in Windows®
Distributed interNet Architecture (Windows DNA) 2000, the next
generation of the Microsoft® platform for building
distributed Web applications. XML, an industry-standard technology
developed by the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C), enables
heterogeneous interoperability of data, components, business
processes and applications over the Internet.
- Microsoft's
New X-Box Console Talk
Time: 16:13
EDT/21:13 GMT Source: MSNBC
Posted By: Byron
console, which is currently referred to as X-Box. But a few analysts
and software publishers where invited to attend highly secretive
demonstrations of the new system last week during the European
Computer Trade Show in London.
According to sources who attended those
closed-door sessions, X-Box will feature a 500-megahertz Intel
processor backed by the nVidia GeForce graphics chip — an
innovative graphics chip that reportedly generates 3-D graphics
without tapping into the main processor.
Though X-Box will feature a DVD drive, no one has
mentioned whether it will have the navigational software needed to
run DVD movies.
- Microsoft
Embarks on New Era of Enabling Web Development with Windows DNA 2000
Time: 15:18
EDT/20:18 GMT Source: Presspass Posted By: Bob
Microsoft this week embarked on a new era of
enabling Web development when it introduced Windows DNA 2000, a
comprehensive, integrated platform for building and operating
state-of-the-art distributed Web applications as well as the next
wave of Internet-based Web services. Microsoft’s new programming
architecture builds on existing technologies and tools to make Web
services into reusable, universally programmable building blocks
that can be easily created, combined and augmented by the millions
of developers worldwide.
- IE5
Bug leaves computers open to invasion
Time: 15:18
EDT/20:18 GMT Source:News.com Posted By: Bob
The vulnerability is in IE5's
ImportExportFavorites feature, which lets users import and export
lists of commonly accessed Web addresses. The trouble is that the
feature lets a malicious Web site operator run executable code on
the computer of someone who visits that Web site.
"The net result is that a malicious Web site operator
potentially could take any action on the computer that the user
would be capable of taking," warned Microsoft
- Microsoft,
Unisys team for speech
Time: 15:18
EDT/20:18 GMT Source: News.com Posted By: Bob
Unisys and Microsoft today announced a marketing
and technology alliance that they claim will broaden the market for
advanced desktop and telephony speech applications.
The two companies are working together to speed the adoption of
the Speech Application Programming Interface (SAPI) for speech
applications, providing software developers with a set of tools and
support programs that work to simplify speech technology deployment,
according to the companies.
- Sony
Playstation 2 Officially Announced
Time: 09:27
EDT/14:27 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Byron
in a new age of digital entertainment, Sony Computer Entertainment
Inc. today announced the launch details of its revolutionary
computer entertainment system, PlayStation2. Building on the success
of the worldwide best-selling PlayStation game console with hardware
shipments exceeding 60 million units, PlayStation2 is designed to
bring together movies, music and games to form a new world of
computer entertainment.
- Developer
Adoption of Microsoft Windows 2000 Surging
Time: 09:27
EDT/14:27 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. today announced strong support for
the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 operating
system by the developer community worldwide. More than 2,200
independent software vendors (ISVs) building more than 4,600
applications are participating in the Microsoft Developer Network
(MSDN™) Windows 2000 Readiness Program. Over 1,000 of those ISVs
are ready to ship their products concurrent with the release of
Windows 2000. In addition, the Windows 2000 Developer Center on MSDN
Online has become the fastest-growing MSDN Online feature ever, with
more than 50,000 developers having visited the site in the last
month alone. In addition, on Sept. 15, Developer Days '99 will
educate more than 19,000 developers in the United States and Canada,
and a total of more than 70,000 developers worldwide this fall with
locations in more than 60 countries. Developers will learn how to
build secure, reliable and highly scalable Web applications on
Windows 2000 and Component Object Model (COM)+. With thousands of
developers now moving their applications to Windows 2000, customers
can be assured that these applications will be optimized to take
advantage of the new capabilities and the improved reliability and
manageability of Windows 2000.
- Microsoft
planning Web-based strategy
Time: 09:26
GMT Source: ZDNet Posted
By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. is unveiling a plan to dominate
software development in the post-personal-computer era, extending
its Windows technology to include building blocks for creators of
new Web-based applications and electronic-commerce services.
The strategy, to be outlined Monday in San
Francisco, represents Microsoft's (Nasdaq:MSFT)
most decisive shift yet away from the PC-centric approach that has
long encouraged software developers to create programs that work
mainly with its Windows operating systems.
Date: Sunday 12th September 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Site News |
- ActiveWindows
Community Reminder
GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
Just another reminder about signing up for our ActiveWindows
Community on MSN. It allows you to chat with us in our chat room
or via our message board, it also lets you post your own
screensavers and backgrounds for other ActiveWindows readers to
Mouse Pads
13:05 EDT/18:05 GMT Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Bob
Mouse Pads have been so popular that we have had to order another
batch so don't forget that the first
ActiveWindows piece of merchandise is now available
to order. The first product in our new range of logos is
the ActiveWindows Mouse Pad.
- Site News & Another Domain
Time: 12:37
EDT/17:37 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
Hi All - We have decided to buy up http://www.activewindows.com
because we have noticed a few sites that link to that address
instead of our main one, not only that, but with the name of the
site as ActiveWindows we guess it's an obvious choice. It should go
live sometime this week.
Here is the latest in our upcoming line up of
Hardware: Microsoft
Dual Strike (Zulu), Microsoft Gamepad Pro (This Week), Microsoft
IntelliMouse Explorer, Palm Pilot V (This Week)
Software: Nocturne, Sinistar Unleashed,
Atlantis 2, Firestorm, X: Beyond The Frontier, System Shock 2, Heavy
Gear 2
Applications: Photoshop 5.5, Coral
Suite 9
Others: DirectX 7
Date: Saturday 11th September
Today's Top Headlines: Bugs &
Windows |
- Exclusive
DirectX 7 Goes Gold
Time: 18:06
EDT/23:06 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Alex
We have confirmation that Microsoft's DirectX 7
has gone Gold internally and is to be released to beta testers soon.
At the moment though we do not have a confirmed public release date,
but it will be released to the public before the end of the month.
The final version number is
- Science Fiction Fans Wanted
Time: 16:20
EDT/21:20 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
Yes I know that it's a little weird that I'm
posting about Science Fiction writers wanted, well you may or may
not know that we used to run a website called ActiveSci-Fi, well we
are finally going to be bringing it back from the dead and we are on
the look out for a large group of news writers for the site. If you
are interested then please
get in to contact with me as I'm working on the website myself.
We will get back to you within a week.
- Week
in Review
Time: 10:43
EDT/15:43 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Dennis
We've started something new!
We've posted the top 10 news on one page to get
you up to date on what's happened this week.
If you'd like for this to happen every week, email
me at dennisg@activewin.com
and if we get enough feedback to continue it, we'll keep doing it!
- Bugs
plague not-so-secure Windows beta
Time: 03:47
EDT/08:47 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Microsoft can't get a break with Windows security
issues--or can it? Another apparent security problem is dogging
Microsoft, this time affecting Windows 2000 Beta 3.
Unlike last week's NSA
key controversy, Microsoft willingly admits to the new problem
and says that it has been corrected. Some security experts, however,
aren't so sure.
The Windows 2000 weakness came to light when David
Litchfield, a security expert with Arca
Systems, gave instructions in an Internet posting for exploiting
the operating system's automatic login feature.
The feature, introduced with Windows 2000 Beta 3,
was designed to let a system load without the need for a password.
Microsoft claims the feature is activated on
stand-alone machines, or PCs not connected to a network server. The
installation would create a default account based on registration
information and would assign a blank password. The system would
thereafter login automatically after startup.
The feature can be disabled or the password
changed, said Scott Culp, Microsoft's product manager for Windows
security. Windows 2000 is also designed to delete the auto login
account whenever a system is attached to a network server.
Microsoft changed the feature in one of the beta
versions released soon after Beta 3 went out in April. It no longer
activates by default and requires the user to set a password.
- Excite
Mail problems persist for 48 hours
Time: 03:43
EDT/08:43 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Excite Mail, Excite@Home's free Web-based email
service, is suffering outages caused by a hardware failure that are
affecting a portion of its users, the company confirmed today.
Between 10 percent and 15 percent of Excite Mail's
users have been without service for as long as 48 hours, according
to Excite@Home spokeswoman Melissa Walia. The company does not
disclose how many people use its Excite Mail service, but more than
38 million people have registered to use Excite.com, the Internet
portal business of Excite@Home.
"We have had a hardware failure associated
with one of our storage machines," Walia said.
Read more of the past months news in
our News
Archive for July and Previous August News.
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