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Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 2
Date: Sunday 10th October 1999
Today's Top Headlines: AOE 2
Review - Photoshop 5.5 Review |
- Age
Of Empire 2: Age Of Kings - Review
Time: 14:06
EDT/19:06 GMT Source: ActiveWindows
Posted By: Byron
have finally posted my review
of Ensemble Studios/Microsoft's newly released Age Of Empires 2.
Here is a snippet from the review:
I guess most of you are wondering what has
changed, well quite a bit has actually. The most obvious thing you
notice when playing is that resource gathering farmers and buildings
can be improved, this means that you can speed up and improve the
amount of work that the villagers will do for you. For example, new
axes can means faster wood gathering, these are simple changes which
work very effectively. You also have the new option of a villager
called a "Sapper" this options means that villagers can
cause more damage to buildings that they attack. Much later in the
game you also get the option of using spies, these guys can let you
see what your enemies have explored and their units line of sight.
- More Site News
Time: 14:04
EDT/19:04 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
We are beginning to create a new "Microsoft Games &
Hardware" section on the site. This area will contain
information, press releases and exclusive information about upcoming
Microsoft products such as the X-Box ;o)
- Adobe
Photoshop 5.5 - Review
Time: 08:07
EDT/13:07 GMT Source: ActiveWindows
Posted By: Byron
(Our graphic designer) has posted his review of Adobe's Photoshop
5.5. Here is a snippet from the review:
Setup of Photoshop creates a folder in your Start
Menu containing items for Photoshop 5.5, ImageReady 2.0, a ReadMe, a
registration tool, and an Uninstaller. Pretty standard stuff
here, although I was a little surprised to see that ImageReady was a
separate executable. I had expected the two to be integrated
fairly tightly together.
- Site News
Time: 08:00
EDT/13:00 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
As we mentioned yesterday, we have been working hard to get a few
new reviews up later in the day (First one coming in the next few
minutes). We hope to have review of Photoshop 5.5, Age Of Empires 2:
Age Of Kings and Freespace 2 up before the end of the day.
In the meantime check out our updated
member pages to find out what we do in our spare time, see what
we look like etc.
Date: Saturday 8th October 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Mozilla |
- DirectX:
"This is Pretty Damn Cool"
Time: 17:53
EDT/22:53 GMT Source: ICQ Posted By: Byron
After several months of absence overseeing the
development of our affiliate site Window
Planet Online, The Ross Report Makes a welcome return. This is a
well written report on various aspects of the IT industry and an
insight into the future plans coming from Microsoft's Redmond
Campus. This time Ross has produced 2 reports one on The Future of
DirectX and Another Profiling Top Windows Site Lockergnome.
"Pretty Damn Good Reading" if you ask me (you'll get the
joke once you read the article). So what are you waiting for get
- Mozilla
5 Milestone 10 - Released
Time: 17:42
EDT/22:42 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
10 of Mozilla 5 (The engine for Netscape 5) has been released
today. It is very buggy still, but certainly worth the download to
see where Mozilla is heading. You can check up on the Mozillia
Milestone 10 Release Notes here.
- Site News & Community
Time: 17:33
EDT/22:33 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
We have spent a lot of the day updating various bits and pieces
on the site, and getting a number of reviews ready to post. So here
is a list of our upcoming software and hardware reviews.
Hardware: Microsoft
Sidewinder Precision Racing Wheel, Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer,
Regular Visor, Microtek SlimScan6, SoundBlaster Live! Platinum
Software: Age Of Empires 2 (This
weekend), Flight Simulator 2000, Pandora's Box, Links LS 2000
Encarta 2000 Reference Suite DVD Edition, Firestorm, X: Beyond The
Frontier, System Shock 2, Shadowman, Rogue Spear (This weekend),
Driver, Freespace 2 (This weekend)
Applications: Photoshop 5.5 (This
weekend), Corel Suite 9
Just another reminder about signing up for our ActiveWindows
Community on MSN. It allows you to chat with us in our chat room
or via our message board, it also lets you post your own
screensavers and backgrounds for other ActiveWindows readers to
download. We are currently the largest Windows site on the MSN
community list.
- Microsoft
Windows Media, industry partners jumpstart broadband adoption
Time: 15:23
EDT/20:23 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Alex
Microsoft and its partners are giving consumers
and content providers alike a reason to get on the broadband
bandwagon. Microsoft last week launched the Windows Media Broadband
Jumpstart initiative with the support of more than 35
industry-leading companies. The initiative is designed to accelerate
consumers' adoption of broadband Internet technology and to deliver
new and better-quality streaming content via Microsoft® Windows
Media™ Technologies. The initiative aims to use Windows Media
Technologies to create compelling streaming content and applications
that will make use of broadband technology. It also aims to build an
industry-wide partnership that will establish the infrastructure for
high-quality content and applications.
"We believe streaming media is the
application that brings broadband to mainstream consumers and will
fundamentally change the way people experience the Internet,"
said Anthony Bay, general manager for Microsoft's Streaming Media
division. "We're gratified that so many industry leaders share
our vision and have joined together to make broadband a
Companies backing the initiative include
content-delivery networks; caching systems, DSL and cable access
companies; content developers and distributors and Internet
advertising services.
The initiative's goals address the obstacles to
the streaming media industry: unclear business models, inadequate
streaming media infrastructure, a lack of broadband content and high
licensing and transmission costs.
"This collaborative effort from some of the
industry's leading players could solve the broadband dilemma facing
the streaming media industry's quest to become a viable
business," said Jae Kim, analyst with Paul Kagan Associates, a
media research and consulting firm. "By working simultaneously
across multiple fronts, streaming media alchemists are collectively
better positioned to turn red ink into black."
The Jumpstart initiative will benefit both
consumers and the companies that serve them.
Consumers can expect better-quality streaming
media. The initiative encourages companies to release thousands of
new offerings in high-quality formats, and much of this new content
will be available by the end of 1999. A new broadband guide on the
WindowsMedia.com Web site will help people find this new content.
prices start to drop
Time: 19:09
EDT/09:09 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
DRAM prices have fallen over 20 per cent since
last month's high in the aftermath of the Taiwan earthquake. Memory
Corporation was this morning quoting £140 for 128MB modules (PC
100), down from prices nudging £200 in the last week of September.
Pricing from the Far East was more around £160 to
£170 – a drop of 10 per cent, it said. Dane-Elec was quoting
around $300 (£180) for the equivalent, against last Friday's price
of $330 (£200). The industry seemed split over where the market was
- Can
secure e-mail help sidestep suits?
Time: 19:07
EDT/09:07 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Whether they walked, ran or were dragged,
companies that have joined the Internet Age are convinced of the
benefits of e-mail. Now, the same companies have to deal with a
nightmare: Subpoena-empowered lawyers trolling their network for
e-mail conversations that stick around.
The problem comes when lawyers issue subpoenas for
company e-mail. Just ask American Home Products Corp., the maker of
once-popular diet pills Redux and Pondimin. The company agreed to
pay $3.75 billion on Thursday in damages after a team of cyber-savvy
lawyers dredged up more than 33 million e-mails and documents from
the company's servers.
"It has become the most requested form of
evidence during discovery," said Kerry Stackpole, president and
CEO of the 16-year-old Electronic
Messaging Association. "Rarely does (e-mail) really go
away, and it's almost always captured somewhere else, even if you
think it is off your desktop."
- New
virus could threaten Windows NT
Time: 19:02
EDT/09:02 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
An antivirus company has discovered a new breed of
computer virus that for the first time targets high levels of
certain Windows NT operating systems.
The virus, named "Infis," was found in
the "wild," or outside the laboratory setting by Kaspersky
Lab, a Moscow-based antivirus software firm.
The virus, however, is considered more of a
technical feat than a threat to NT users worldwide, having neither a
destructive payload nor the ability to spread like wildfire over the
Internet. Its strength lies in being able to do what has never been
done before: working its way into controlling the "system
level," or core operations, of Windows NT.
"It does appear to be a sophisticated new way
of writing computer viruses, but I wouldn't call this an active
threat right now" because the virus has been hard to find, said
TrendMicro antivirus researcher Dan Schrader. TrendMicro has been
scouring the Internet and hasn't yet found Infis. "It hasn't
showed up outside where ever they discovered it," Schrader
"It probably is a bit tricky to remove,"
said Roger Thompson, technical director of malicious code research
at ICSA, a trade group for
computer security software makers. "[Infis] is able to work on
the device driver, which is why Kaspersky Lab has become so excited
about it."
Infis is a file memory resident virus attacking
Windows NT 4.0 with Service Packs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 installed. It does
not affect Windows 95/98, Windows 2000, or other versions of the
Windows NT corporate system. The virus infects only PE (Portable
Executable) EXE-files except CMD.EXE (Windows NT command processor).
Date: Friday 8th October 1999
Today's Top Headlines: AOE 2 -
G400 |
- Microsoft
patches browser hole
19:07 EDT/00:07 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Matt
Microsoft today released a browser patch for a
hole that lets malicious Web site operators steal files from a site
visitor's computer.
The hole, reported
last month, lets Web site operators get around a restriction that
keeps them from downloading files outside their Web site domain.
Internet Explorer normally lets Web page authors download files
within their own domain.
The bug lets Web site operators read files on the
visitor's machine or local intranet and primarily affects
workstations connected to the Internet, Microsoft said in a security
bulletin re-released today.
The patch
is available for free download on Microsoft's Web site.
- Microsoft
Security Bulletin: Updated Patch Available for Office "ODBC
18:16 EDT/23:16 GMT Source:
Email Posted By: Matt
Microsoft has released an updated patch that
eliminates security vulnerabilities in the Microsoft(r) Jet database
engine. A patch originally was released in August 1999, but an
additional variant of one vulnerability, the "Text I-ISAM"
vulnerability, was subsequently discovered. The new variant could
allow a database query to delete files on a user's computer. This
bulletin has been re-released to discuss the vulnerabilities in
their entirety.
The vulnerabilities in total could affect any
application that runs atop Jet, and could allow a database query to
take virtually any action on a user's computer. Microsoft recommends
that all customers who are running applications that use Jet,
especially users of Microsoft Office 97 and Office 2000, install the
patch. Customers who applied the original patch should apply the new
one to ensure that they are fully protected against all variants.
Customers who did not previously apply the patch need only apply the
new version.
The patch is available at: http://officeupdate.microsoft.com/articles/mdac_typ.htm.
- New
Matrox G400 Drivers Released
Time: 18:14
EDT/23:14 GMT Source: Matrox E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Matrox Graphics Inc. today posted the Matrox 5.30
driver to the company Web site at http://www.matrox.com/mga/drivers/home.htm.
In addition to providing excellent Direct3D performance, the 5.30
driver contains a full ICD for use with all Matrox Millennium G200
as well as all Matrox G400-based cards, across all platforms running
on Microsoft Windows 95 or 98. The full ICD’s solid OpenGL
performance will be further optimized on a continuing basis with
performance enhancements and increased support for high-end OpenGL
In an effort to offer Matrox Millennium G400-based
game enthusiasts an immediate performance increase in four popular
OpenGL game titles, the Matrox 5.30 driver also includes an
additional ICD, named the Matrox TurboGL driver. The Matrox TurboGL
driver provides Intel Pentium III and AMD Athlon system users with
impressive performance increases over the previous driver release.
Gamers can expect a 19 percent increase in Quake II™ and 31
percent increase in Quake III Arena™ from Activision/id Software;
a 31 percent increase in Half-Life™ from Sierra Studios/Valve
Software; and an astounding 116 percent increase in Unreal™ from
GT Interactive/Epic Games. To attain such high levels of
performance, the Matrox TurboGL driver makes full use of Intel’s
Streaming SIMD Extensions and AMD’s 3DNow! instructions. Games,
applications and systems that are not supported by the Matrox
TurboGL driver will use the full ICD by default. The appropriate
drivers will be used automatically, and do not require the user to
manually configure any parameters.
- Age Of Empires 2 Flying Off The
Time: 14:33
EDT/19:33 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Byron
Microsoft announced today that Age of Empires II:
The Age of Kings is flying off store shelves throughout the United
States, and will be broadly available next week. The game was
released earlier than expected and die-hard fans are rushing to get
copies. With several retailers reporting sell-outs, fans are
comparing notes on which stores might have copies, and the game has
even become a hot commodity on auction sites.
Age of Empires II is the sequel to the
award-winning, best-selling real-time strategy game Age of Empires.
It spans a thousand years, from the fall of Rome through the Middle
Ages, in which players lead one of 13 civilizations into greatness.
The game keeps the epic scope of Age of Empires' game play while
evolving the combat and economic features. Starting with minimal
resources, players are challenged to build their civilizations into
mighty empires. Gamers can choose from several ways to win,
including conquering enemy, accumulating wealth by extensive trading
and diplomacy, building and defending wonders of the world.
Age of Empires II is developed by Ensemble
Studios, and features the expertise of Bruce Shelley, co-designer of
Age of Empires and the hit strategy game Civilization. Age of
Empires II: The Age of Kings is available domestically for US$49.95.
For more information on Age of Empires II, visit
both the official site at:
- Microsoft
Holds Smart Card '99 Business Development Conference To Showcase New
Smart Card Technology Solutions
Time: 14:15
EDT/19:15 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. executives, including Chairman and
CEO Bill Gates, addressed more than 200 executives today at the
Smart Card '99 Business Development Conference to showcase solutions
using the soon-to-be-released Microsoft® Windows® for Smart Cards
operating system. In addition, Microsoft executives spoke with
representatives from smart card manufacturers, chipmakers and
solution providers about the newly announced Global System for
Mobile Communication (GSM) capabilities, life-cycle management
software, and increased processor support for the forthcoming
operating system.
- Microsoft
Windows for Smart Cards Extends Support to GSM Platform
Time: 10:27
EDT/15:27 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. today announced expansion of its
industry-endorsed Windows® for Smart Cards platform to include
support for the Global Systems for Mobile Communications (GSM)
platform, a European telecommunications standard. GSM operators and
mobile equipment manufacturers will soon have access to extensive
Windows-based tools, which will enable customizable and enhanced
services for their mobile phone customers. Next week, at Telecom 99,
Microsoft will demonstrate live phone calls on GSM cards using
Microsoft® Windows for Smart Cards with customized services for
carriers such as e-mail, calendar, stock quotes and other Internet
- Site News
Time: 07:10
EDT/12:10 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
So far today there has been little news around. So here is a list
of our upcoming software and hardware reviews.
Hardware: Microsoft
Sidewinder Precision Racing Wheel, Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer,
Regular Visor, Microtek SlimScan6, SoundBlaster Live! Platinum
Software: Age Of Empires 2 (This
weekend), Flight Simulator 2000, Pandora's Box, Links LS 2000
Encarta 2000 Reference Suite DVD Edition, Firestorm, X: Beyond The
Frontier, System Shock 2, Shadowman, Rogue Spear (This weekend),
Driver, Freespace 2 (This weekend)
Applications: Photoshop 5.5 (This
weekend), Corel Suite 9
Date: Thursday 7th October 1999
Today's Top Headlines:
IntelliPoint 3 - Nino halted |
- ActiveWindows
Community Reminder
Time: 16:01
EDT/21:01 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
Just another reminder about signing up for our ActiveWindows
Community on MSN. It allows you to chat with us in our chat room
or via our message board, it also lets you post your own
screensavers and backgrounds for other ActiveWindows readers to
- IntelliPoint
Version 3.00.307 Drivers Released
Time: 15:13
EDT/20:13 GMT Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Microsoft has finally released IntelliPoint 3
drivers for everyone to download. The version that is available to
download is version 3.00.307.
To use the IntelliPoint software update you need:
IntelliPoint 1.1 or later installed and one of the following:
Windows95, Windows98, or Windows NT 4.0 SP3 or later operating
systems, 13.5 MB of available hard-disk space, and a Microsoft Mouse
or IntelliMouse.
- Windows
2000 gets yet another beta
Time: 12:34
EDT/16:34 GMT Source: CNN
Posted By: Alex H
Microsoft will lock down code for Windows 2000
later this month as it prepares the final version of the software
that has been years in the making.
Company officials have been coy as to whether a
third release candidate of Beta 3 Windows 2000 would be released,
but company officials yesterday confirmed there will indeed be a
Release Candidate 3 (RC3).
A release candidate is considered worthy of being
final code and is sent to beta testers for evaluation. But Microsoft
officials yesterday admitted to plans for an RC3 that will be sent
to a reduced number of key beta testers.
The Release Candidate 2 software was sent to
650,000 beta testers on Sept. 15. Release Candidate 1 was shipped on
July 1.
Dave Thompson, director of Windows 2000
development at Microsoft, told attendees at the company's Exchange
Conference '99 this week in Atlanta that Microsoft would release RC3
this month.
"It is our escrow build," Thompson said.
"There will be no more changes in the code." An escrow
build, according to Microsoft sources, means code development is
ceased as developers and beta testers hunt for recall class bugs.
The escrow code is considered the release to manufacturing code.
Thompson said the company is still targeting the
year-end for release to manufacturing (RTM) of the software. With a
Release Candidate 3, however, Microsoft is unlikely to ship the RTM
until December. Microsoft reportedly hoped to make a big splash with
the RTM at the Comdex trade show in mid-November.
- Microsoft:
Linux's Merits Are A Myth
Time: 12:31
EDT/16:31 GMT Source: Techweb
Posted By: Alex H
An article, posted on the Windows NT section of
Microsoft's website, takes Linux apart piece by piece, stating open
source advocates are wrong to claim Linux is more reliable and
offers higher performance.
The document begins by criticizing Linux's aged
roots: "Linux fundamentally relies on 30-year-old OS technology
and architecture." It also went on to label the following
statements as myths, "Linux performs better than Windows NT ...
Linux is more reliable than Windows NT ... Linux is Free ... Linux
is more secure than Windows NT" and "Linux can replace
Windows on the desktop."
The software behemoth concluded, "The Linux
operating system is not suitable for mainstream usage by business or
home users."
Linux users were quick to rebut the criticisms.
- Microsoft
uses (some) Macs in Redmond
Time: 12:29
EDT/16:29 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
For some important documents, like its Annual
Report, Microsoft uses Macs.
Kerry Leimer Jay used Word 98 for the Mac on his
G3 system, and his file - with a path name that will be familiar to
Mac users - was msft:ar99:downloads:ar99.doc. The discovery was made
by Richard M Smith, a MacInTouch reader.
The Word version of the Annual Report has the
metadata that provides the proof. All you need is to download the
.DOC file and put it though a utility to display the content.
In July, The Register pointed out the perils of
using Word if you want to keep any little secrets contained in
so-called hidden text fields.
Microsoft is aware of the problem, and has even
produced a product support document "How to minimize metadata
in Microsoft Word documents" that warns that Word documents
"may contain content that you may not want to share with others
when you distribute the document electronically".
- Tailored
Linux systems will supplant Windows, says Torvalds
Time: 12:27
EDT/16:27 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
Monolithic operating systems consisting of
"standard blocks" are on the way out, said Linus Torvalds
yesterday, and they will be replaced by specially tailored and
personalised systems. Torvalds was speaking at Internet World on the
subject of Linux in business, and it appears he's now thinking about
how the characteristics of open source software will give Linux an
advantage over rival models.
Open source allows rapid and varied development,
and taking tow examples used by Torvalds yesterday, that means
stripped-down versions can be produced quickly for, say set-top
boxes, or at a more individual level companies can have their own
tailored Web interface produced for their staff. As Linux was
originally designed to run on pretty modest hardware anyway, it's
also inherently easier to get it onto a diverse range of platforms,
particularly because the vast majority of new (and high volume)
platforms will be low resource.
- Red
Hat takes aim at Linux Web portal business
Time: 04:08
EDT/09:08 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
Red Hat is planning a dramatic shift in the focus
of its business by - effectively - betting it on the Web. Speaking
to The Register earlier today company COO Tim Buckley said:
"Our goal is to become the definitive site for Open Source
Over three to five years, says Buckley, Red Hat
intends its business to split as follows: 30 per cent product, 35
per cent services and 35 per cent portal (i.e., the Web bit). Those
numbers may be more than a little understated: confronted with them
chief marketing officer Tom Butta chirruped "80 per cent
portal" before being gently countermanded by Buckley. But it's
clear that Red Hat is seriously keen on switching the company focus
to the Web. You can get some perspective on this by noting that
currently Red Hat's business is 80 per cent product.
The company has, says Buckley, been running the
plan past analysts over the past few months, and the reasons for the
move are pretty convincing. The product itself is free, so there's
an imperative to derive revenues from support and services (which is
the open source model anyway). But as bandwidth availability
increases, "you can download in seconds rather than 36
hours" - the product becomes even less of an issue, because you
can get it instantly, and the mechanism whereby you get it, and what
you do along the way, becomes far more important.
- MS-commissioned
secret audit clears MS over Hotmail holes
Time: 04:06
EDT/09:06 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
Microsoft has been entirely exonerated over the
ghastly cock-up that opened up the email of 50 million Hotmail users
to all and sundry. The exoneration comes in a secret report of an
audit that was carried out by a "big five accounting" firm
which Microsoft won't name.
One might of course speculate that this is the
sort of thing that will torpedo industry attempts to self-regulate
over privacy. In the wake of the discovery of the Hotmail security
hole Microsoft and Web privacy overseer TRUSTe announced that
Hotmail would undergo a voluntary review by a major accounting firm,
and that the firm would not be named. Microsoft is one of TRUSTe's
major funding sources, but then as Microsoft is a big software
company, it would be, wouldn't it? TRUSTe also gets a lot from IBM
and Novell.
- Feds say they spent $13.3 million
in MS probe
Time: 04:02
EDT/09:02 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex H
So how much has the Microsoft antitrust trial cost
John Q. Public? Now we know. The Justice Department said Wednesday
that its investigation and subsequent antitrust case against
Microsoft Corp. cost $13.3 million. The information was made public
after Slade Gorton, the Republican Senator from Microsoft's home
state of Washington, requested the information.
- Microsoft
files five suits for software piracy
Time: 03:54
EDT/08:54 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Microsoft filed five lawsuits in New York today,
alleging Manhattan and Long Island firms have been distributing
counterfeit Microsoft software and installing it in computers sold
to consumers.
One of the suits, which is against Alliance
Technology of Manhattan, was filed in Manhattan federal court.
The other four suits were filed in Brooklyn
federal court against 1 Stop Camera and Computers of Great Neck,
N.Y.; Core Computer of Cedarhurst, N.Y.; Distinctive Business
Solutions of Great Neck, N.Y.; and Superior Computer Outlet of
Hempstead, N.Y..
Nick Psyhogeos, Microsoft attorney, told Reuters
that although the Redmond, Washington, company had previously filed
clusters of such suits in the New York area, pockets of illegal
software distributors continued to surface.
"Consumers need to be aware that if they see
software offered at a price that seems too good to be true, it
probably is," Psyhogeos said.
- Torvalds
sees future full of free operating systems
Time: 03:52
EDT/08:52 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Operating systems and other "large
blocks" of software will one day be free as a matter of course,
Linux technical lead Linus Torvalds predicted today.
Torvalds, employed by the top-secret
start-up Transmeta, addressed several hundred attendees at the
Internet World trade show today at a forum focused on the role of
the Linux operating system in businesses. But his remarks covered a
wide spectrum of topics, including the open-source operating system
and his role in nurturing it.
In an open-source project, software developers
contribute code and fixes, often voluntarily. Typically, the
resulting product is available to anyone for free, licensed use.
Usually, a technical lead--in this case Torvalds--is responsible for
managing the contributions.
Torvalds predicted a future in which the market
for what he called "standard blocks" of software, such as
the operating system or the windowing system, will eventually
"What will drive the software industry is
special software for special needs," Torvalds said.
"Software companies make money off of personalization, ways for
users to get their own Web interface."
halts production of Rambus chips
Time: 03:50
EDT/08:50 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
NEC, Japan's largest chipmaker, said it will
temporarily suspend production of Rambus chips after Intel delayed a
product that works with the next-generation memory technology.
NEC has already switched production lines in
Southern Japan and Scotland to produce synchronous DRAM
(dynamic random-access memory) chips rather than the Direct Rambus
chips--which are capable of faster data transfer than conventional
computer memory chips--they were making before, said a company
spokesman who asked not to be named. The company had planned to ship
about 2 million Rambus chips monthly to PC makers from March.
NEC's decision comes after Intel, the world's No.
1 chipmaker, last month said it would delay for a second time a
product that uses Rambus chips because of a technical problem, as
previously reported by CNET News.com.
The product, a chipset, is a group of chips that
work with a microprocessor to form the main brain of a personal
- Philips
pulls the plug on Nino handheld
Time: 03:45
EDT/08:45 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Electronics is discontinuing its Nino line of Windows CE-based
handheld computers, another setback in Microsoft's battle to usurp
the Palm Computing throne.
After selling its remaining Nino 500 and 200
handheld PCs, Philips will exit the market for the Microsoft-based
handhelds, the company said. Instead, it will refocus its resources
on developing voice and data products, such as "smart"
cell phones.
Nino never gained much of a following, even among
devices running Windows CE, Microsoft's scaled-down operating
system. But Philips's decision to pull the plug on the product
indicates the larger turmoil among Microsoft's Windows CE hardware
partners, which have largely been stymied in their attempts to break
Palm Computing's grip on the handheld market.
"The market for handhelds, and in particular
the stand-alone [Windows CE] palm-size PC, was smaller than Philips
expected," said Marty Gordon, a spokesman for Philips
Electronics, adding that the company will "continue to sell the
Nino through the current life cycle until we sell out."
Although handhelds like Palm Computing's PalmPilot
and the Nino once were considered a niche market appealing only to
hardcore techies, the devices have gained mass-market attention as
the PC industry looks for new convenient methods of accessing the
Internet and information services.
Despite the growing interest, Philips's history in
the Windows CE market has been marked by fits and starts: In early
1998, Philips introduced the Nino and the Velo, which was a larger
Windows CE handheld in a clamshell design. Philips discontinued the
Velo device shortly after it was introduced.
Date: Wednesday 6th October 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Registry
Tips |
- Microsoft
Meets Key Windows 2000 Active Directory Interoperability Milestones
Ahead of Schedule
Time: 15:03
EDT/20:03 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. today announced availability of
the second beta release of Microsoft® Directory Synchronization
Services (MSDSS) and the Zoomit VIA 2.1 meta-directory product. Beta
2 of MSDSS, a technology which synchronizes data stored in the
Active Directory™ directory service and Novell Directory Service
(NDS), will include two-way synchronization six months ahead of
schedule. VIA 2.1, originally expected for release next year, is
being made available immediately through Microsoft Consulting
Services and other trained Microsoft service providers.
- Momentum
of Windows Media Builds Among Portable Device Manufacturers
Time: 15:02
EDT/20:02 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Byron
Today at Fall Internet World, Microsoft Corp.
announced that Creative Labs Inc. will add native support for
Microsoft® Windows Media™ Audio in its newly announced NOMAD II
devices. NOMAD II customers will receive numerous benefits with
Windows Media support, including the following...
- Microsoft
to take Hebrew portal live in December
Time: 14:59
EDT/19:59 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
TEL AVIV--Microsoft and Israeli Internet service
provider Internet Gold said today that their Hebrew-language portal
will debut December 1. The portal, a gateway to the Internet, will
be a Hebrew version of Microsoft's MSN portal
- Special
features delay Netscape Communicator 5.0
Time: 14:58
EDT/19:58 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
Netscape says its new browser is behind schedule,
but a source at the company says the new features responsible for
the delay will be worth the wait.
Two new features are in part responsible for
making America Online's Netscape unit miss its summer deadline for
the first trial version of Communicator 5.0. One of these merges
email and instant messaging functionality. The other introduces a
technology for writing the browser's user interface.
Netscape is far behind its main browser
competitor, Microsoft, in two areas where it once led: technology
and market share. Although it commanded about 80 percent of the
desktop browser market just a few years ago, Netscape is now down to
a minority position.
- BT
and Microsoft Announce Largest Corporate Trial For Wireless Internet
Time: 09:36
EDT/14:36 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Byron
British Telecom PLC (BT) and Microsoft Corp. today
began the most extensive and ambitious trial of wireless Internet
services ever, involving four of the companies' corporate customers
- British Broadcasting Corp., Credit Suisse First Boston, KPMG LLP
and Nortel Networks - and business partner Telenor Mobil.
The trial, starting this month, builds on a BT and
Microsoft agreement announced earlier this year to develop Internet,
intranet and corporate data services for mobile customers around the
world. It will involve about 1,000 mobile phone users in the United
Kingdom and Norway.
- New
Registry Tips Added
Time: 09:27
EDT/14:27 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
We have posted a few
more registry tips for Windows 95 and 98 users over in our Tips
section. We will be posting a whole load more very soon indeed.
- MS
renews assault with 'Linux Myths' document
Time: 08:25
EDT/13:25 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Six months on from its last major assault on
Linux, Microsoft has returned to the fray with a "Linux
Myths" page, here.
The content isn't exactly original, but it makes it clear first,
that Microsoft sees Linux as serious competition, and second, that
it's targeting areas where it thinks it can score PR and marketing
points against the upstart.
The "myths" are as follows: Linux
performs better than NT; Linux is more reliable than Windows; Linux
is free; Linux is more secure than NT; and Linux can replace Windows
on the desktop.
- Ready
for instant voice messaging?
Time: 02:28
EDT/07:28 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex H
A Phoenix-based startup has officially flipped the
switch on its bid to take instant messaging from a text-only medium
into a speech-driven environment.
At Internet World in New York this week,
visitalk.com will introduce new IP-based services for real-time
voice, video and data transmissions. The free service, which is
available now from visitalk's Web site, enables subscribers to leave
voice mail or talk with other individual members or groups in real
time via the Internet.
Key to the service is visitalk.com's LDAP
3-compliant directory, which serves as an Internet white pages. Each
subscriber receives a PCN (permanent communications number), a
12-digit ID that enables users to conduct point-to-point phone calls
and send or retrieve voice mail. With H.323-compliant client
software such as Microsoft Corp.'s NetMeeting or White Pine
Software's CU-SeeMe, subscribers also can conduct videoconferences.
The service lets users store as many as 10 voice
mails. A premium version supports unlimited voice mails, along with
instant messaging -- through which users can communicate via voice
or text - and realChat options for one-on-one or group discussions.
After a 60-day free trial, the premium services will be priced at
less than $5 a month.
- Microsoft
fans the flames
Time: 02:26
EDT/07:26 GMT Source: Marketing
Computers Posted By: Alex
Flash. In a single moment, Microsoft's Steve
Ballmer changed the the future of software.
Bill Gates may be Microsoft's ultimate visionary,
but savvy industry players know that when Ballmer speaks, Microsoft
means business. During an important teleconference to acknowledge
Richard Belluzzo as group vp of the Redmond giant's consumer and
commerce group, Ballmer told press and analysts that Microsoft is
mapping a strategy for providing its flagship Microsoft Office and
other applications as web-hosted services.
Web-based software services alone won't set old
software delivery mechanisms and channel partners ablaze. What makes
them white hot is Microsoft's declared entrance. The success of
upstarts like Redwood City, Calif.-based Corio and the plodding
effort of MySAP.com are one thing. Microsoft's movements are
another. After all, when Microsoft takes a step, thousands follow.
Ballmer, of course, declined to outline details.
And the timetable for such digital distribution hasn't been
revealed. But his statements on Sept. 2 suddenly lent clarity to
what has so far been a confused discussion. Most vendors, not just
Microsoft, have tread tiptoe around the thorny issue of electronic
software distribution (ESD).
Date: Tuesday 5th October 1999
Today's Top Headlines: SQL 7 |
- Case: We're "happy" to
work with MS on IM
Time: 14:33
EDT/19:33 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
America Online Inc. (NYSE:AOL)
CEO Steve Case told ZDNN his company is "happy" to work
with Microsoft about opening up its instant messaging technology
"as long as they do it in a way that's secure." Case added
that he believes AOL's policy on licensing the instant messaging
technology is "far more liberal than Microsoft's." Case is
in New York for the official unveiling of version 5.0 of AOL's
eponymous online service.
- Microsoft's Slate to debut TV
Time: 09:33
EDT/14:33 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Slate, the Internet newsmagazine produced by
Microsoft Corp. has signed a deal to produce a pilot for public
television in Seattle. Slate TV will be a 30-minute weekly show
hosted by Michael Kinsley covering the week's news in politics and
culture. The show is scheduled to start production in the Spring of
2000, and will be designed with interactive elements for WebTV
- Microsoft,
MIT launch "virtual campus"
Time: 09:32
EDT/14:32 GMT Source: Reuters
Posted By: Byron
CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts--Software giant Microsoft
and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology today announce they
have teamed up to create a "virtual campus" featuring
remote access to laboratory instruments, online aid in mentoring and
tutoring, and Web-based museums.
MIT said Microsoft will give it an estimated $25
million over the next five years to create technologies for the
virtual campus, called I-Campus. The goal is to provide better
education and better facilities over the Internet, MIT said in a
- Microsoft
ships beta of new database software
Time: 09:17
EDT/14:17 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
Ten months since releasing its SQL Server 7.0
database software, Microsoft has designed an upgrade, code-named
Shiloh, that the company hopes will better compete with rivals
Oracle, IBM, Informix, and Sybase.
Microsoft has shipped the initial beta version of
this next-generation database software, featuring more Web support
and improved analysis of business information.
- Microsoft
Launches Online Community to Help IT Professionals In Education
Build, Manage and Maintain Technology Foundations
Time: 09:13
EDT/14:13 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. today launched TechNet for
Education, an education-specific extension of the company's
successful TechNet program for IT professionals, to offer schools,
colleges and universities the technical support they need to
adequately maintain, deploy and support their information technology
investments. In 1999 alone, according to Quality Education Data,
U.S. K-12 schools will invest more than $6.2 billion in technology,
and a recent report from International Data Corp. (IDC) indicates
that U.S. higher education institutions spent $3.1 billion on
information technology-related products and services in 1998.
However, research shows less than 10 percent of that money is
devoted to the ongoing maintenance and support of the hardware and
software that is increasingly becoming critical to their educational
Date: Monday 4th October 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Windows
2000 - Melissa Virus clone - Audiograbber v1.60 beta |
- Microsoft
Designs PhotoDraw Version 2
Time: 16:53
EDT/21:53 GMT Source: Techweb
Posted By: Alex H
At Fall Internet World '99 in New York, Microsoft
is introducing Monday the first upgrade to its Office 2000 suite, a
new version of the business-graphics program PhotoDraw 2000.
PhotoDraw 2000 version 2 contains a number of new
graphics tools including HTML support, templates and tools for
creating rollover buttons and animated GIFs, automatic image
slicing, support for creating image maps, new Web shapes and Web
effects. The new Web effects include the ability to emboss and glow,
preview graphics in a browsers, and edit images from the Microsoft
Internet Explorer browser.
For IT managers, the upgraded product makes
greater use of the Internet, and it makes it easier to manage users
in a networked environment, said Lori Birtley, Microsoft product
"It has an installer that works just like the
rest of Office, so the IT manager has a choice about how to install
the product and where to store the content," she said.
"Frequently, corporations don't have a single
standard for graphics," Birtley said. "Often, the graphics
used in a corporation are widely diversified. They may have all
sorts of legacy graphics in a organization. PhotoDraw lets users
open all kinds of graphics, and, in a single application, save,
edit, change all of those graphic files in very common way and
standardize on PhotoDraw."
The product will be widely available Oct. 22, a
Microsoft spokesman said. Retail cost is $109.
- Symantec
Norton SystemWorks 2000 Review
Time: 15:47
EDT/20:47 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Bob
Norton SystemWorks, now in it's third major
version (3.0) just keeps getting more refined and easier to use.
It gives you five easy-to-use utilities in one fully integrated
suite. It features the latest complete versions of Symantec
products. Norton Utilities is the industry leader in detecting,
repairing, and preventing hardware and software problems. Norton
AntiVirus offers the world's most popular and most powerful
anti-virus capabilities. Norton CleanSweep safely and completely
removes unneeded programs and files...
- Amazon
in the Palm of your hand
Time: 14:50
EDT/19:50 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex H
Amazon.com announced a new program Monday that will allow
consumers to shop and check online auctions from wireless devices.
The Amazon Anywhere program will work with 3Com Corp.'s (Nasdaq:COMS)
Palm VII, which is being launched nationwide today. Amazon
said its new program will offer features like one-click shopping
and product searching. In order to shop with their Palm devices,
users need to download an application from www.palm.net
or from www.amazon.com/anywhere.
- Red
Hat updates Linux OS
Time: 14:48
EDT/19:48 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Red Hat, the leading seller of the open-source Linux operating
system, today released version 6.1 of its edition of Linux.
The upgrade addresses some of the technical difficulties that
have deterred the non-experts from trying Linux, including a
smoother feature for downloading fixes and updates and a more
polished installation routine. The new version also is easier to
administer, a feature aimed at corporate users who need to control
lots of servers.
Red Hat was the first Linux company to go public, and analysts
say it's the dominant player among those who sell the upstart
operating system. Red Hat's founder, however, said the company's
competitiveness is aimed
at Microsoft, not other Linux sellers.
Red Hat's IPO is only one of several Linux-related public
offerings in the works. Cobalt, which makes servers that use
Linux, has filed its intent, and other companies, including Linux
seller Caldera Systems and Linux computer maker VA Linux Systems,
also have plans.
Additional features include an English version of Sun
Microsystems' office suite Star Office 5.1a, which includes word
processing, spreadsheets, email, graphics, Web publishing,
scheduling, database, and management applications, the company
said. Other new features include public key verification of the
source of Red Hat Linux 6.1 updates, which are only available in
the United States and Canada, as well as support for the Intel
Pentium III processor.
- Paul
Allen takes $1.65 billion stake in RCN
Time: 14:46
EDT/19:46 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen has invested $1.65 billion in
telecommunications company RCN, the company said today.
The investment by Allen's Vulcan Ventures was in the form of
convertible preferred stock, RCN said in a statement.
Today's move is only the latest
in a series of cable acquisitions and deals for Allen. Last
month, he filed to take Charter Communications public, an
estimated $3 billion offering that is expected to be the largest
IPO to date. Charter is the fourth largest cable operator in
the United States.
The preferred stock will be converted into common stock--at $62
per share--no later then seven years after it is issued.
If Vulcan were to convert the preferred stock into common stock
immediately, it would receive about 26.6 million shares. Vulcan
already owns 4.5 percent of RCN's common stock, and the new
investment would give it about a 27.4 percent stake.
- Microsoft
Announces Availability of Exchange 2000 Server Beta 3
Time: 10:21
EDT/15:21 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By:
Today at the fourth annual Microsoft® Exchange Conference,
Microsoft Corp. announced the availability of Microsoft Exchange
2000 Server beta 3, the message and collaboration server
previously code-named "Platinum." Beta 3, a prerelease
version of the product designed for testing and evaluation by
customers and partners, will be distributed to conference
attendees and will be publicly available from the Microsoft Web
site in English, German, French and Japanese versions today.
Exchange 2000 is the reliable, easy-to-manage platform for
messaging and collaboration that brings users and knowledge
together. It provides an enhanced platform for messaging and
collaboration, increased knowledge worker productivity with
Microsoft's new Web Store technology, and access to people and
information at any time, from anywhere.
- Microsoft
Launches Nationwide Windows 2000 Customer Preview Tour
Time: 10:19
EDT/15:19 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today launched the Windows® 2000 Customer
Preview Tour, co-sponsored by Compaq Computer Corp. and Windows
NT® Magazine. The 40-city tour will give IT professionals and
user group members around the United States the opportunity to
meet with the engineers of Microsoft® Windows 2000 and discuss
the features, benefits, deployment and administration of
Microsoft's next-generation operating system.
- The
Everyday Web: MSN's Role in the New Information World
Time: 09:03
EDT/14:03 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By:
The Internet was barely a blip on anyone's radar when the
1990's began, and five years ago it was still widely perceived as
a novelty. But as the decade draws to a close, it's clear that few
technologies have changed the world as rapidly as the Internet.
It's transforming the way that companies and individuals share
information, buy products, and exchange ideas around the world.
- Microsoft
Announces Availability of IntelliMouse Explorer
Time: 09:01
EDT/14:01 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By:
In 1968, computer pioneer Douglas Engelbart demonstrated the
first computer mouse. This curious wooden prototype, roughly twice
the size of a hockey puck, eventually became an essential
peripheral, paving the way for the graphical user interface and
transforming the way we use computers. Although hardware and
software have gone through countless quantum leaps in the past 30
years, today's mouse isn't much different than those manufactured
decades ago.
Today, the mouse is finally catching up. Microsoft today
announced the wide availability of IntelliMouse Explorer, the most
radical technology and design advance in the 30-year life of the
mouse. With its new optical tracking technology, added buttons and
sleek design, IntelliMouse Explorer is the start of a new era for
this humble peripheral.
- Site News
Time: 09:00
EDT/14:00 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Today seems like a slow day on the news front, that and the
fact that none of us have been online hasn't helped. Here is our
usual update of confirmed upcoming hardware and software reviews:
Hardware: Microsoft
Sidewinder Precision Racing Wheel, Microsoft IntelliMouse
Explorer, Regular Visor, Microtek SlimScan6, SoundBlaster Live!
Software: Age Of Empires 2, Flight
Simulator 2000, Pandora's Box, Links LS 2000 Encarta 2000
Reference Suite DVD Edition, Firestorm, X: Beyond The Frontier,
System Shock 2, Shadowman, Rogue Spear, Driver
Applications: Photoshop 5.5, Corel
Suite 9
- ActiveWindows
Community Reminder
08:41 EDT/13:41 GMT Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
Just another reminder about signing up for our ActiveWindows
Community on MSN. It allows you to chat with us in our chat
room or via our message board, it also lets you post your own
screensavers and backgrounds for other ActiveWindows readers to
- Audiograbber v1.60 Beta 2
Time: 04:06
EDT/09:06 GMT Source: Desktop
Watch Posted By: Alex
Audiograbber is a beautiful piece of software that grabs
digital audio from cd's. It copies the audio digitally- not
through the soundcard- which enables you to make perfect copies of
the originals. It can even perform a test to see that the copies
really are perfect. You can pick up the latest beta from here
- Oracle,
Microsoft vie for standards
Time: 04:03
EDT/09:03 GMT Source: Infoworld
Posted By: Alex H
Oracle and Microsoft are going head to head in promoting
separate meta-data standards for data warehouses, although a
compromise could eventually be reached.
Oracle last week joined a group of vendors, including IBM and
NCR, in submitting a Common Warehouse Meta data Interchange (CWMI)
specification to the Object Management Group (OMG).
The announcement comes a few weeks after Microsoft submitted a
similar specification, the Open Information Model, to a separate
standards body, the Meta Data Coalition (MDC). Meta data is
information about the origin of data in a warehouse.
While both specifications are designed to simplify the
development and deployment of data warehouses and
business-intelligence applications by standardizing meta data, the
inability of Oracle, its partners, and Microsoft to reconcile on a
single standard could lead to divergent meta-data camps. Users may
have to choose one or the other.
"Oracle and its sales force will highlight how the Oracle
warehouse products will ultimately comply with the standard in
order to sell more products, and others will counter with the
same," said Analyst Mike Schiff, director of data warehousing
strategies at Current Analysis, in Sterling, Va.
"Customers should be asking vendors which one they're
going to support."
Oracle, in fact, is beta testing a product, Oracle Warehouse
Builder 2.0, that company officials say complies with the
specification that Oracle presented to the OMG.
- Microsoft
Designer To Take On Notes Designer
Time: 03:12
EDT/08:12 GMT Source: Techweb
Posted By: Alex H
After years of deriding Lotus Development's Notes as bloated,
Microsoft is adding many Notes-like features to its own lineup.
The developer plans to offer Office Designer, an
application-development tool kit aimed squarely at a similar Notes
"[Office Designer will] compete head on with the Lotus
Notes Designer," reads a job posting on Microsoft's website.
"This, along with Outlook and Platinum, is Microsoft's
strategy to unseat Lotus Notes from its dominant position."
Notes Designer is an application development client used by a
subset of Notes users. Most users opt for the simpler Notes mail
The news comes as Microsoft partners gather at the Microsoft
Exchange Conference in Atlanta to hear about Platinum, the next
version of Exchange Server. Meanwhile, questions remain about the
fate of knowledge management capabilities the company has touted.
For more than a year, Microsoft executives have discussed,
without detail, plans to introduce workflow, document management,
search, and other capabilities to its product mix.
The problem is, no one, including Microsoft, seems to know how
these technologies will be packaged, said sources at the company.
Some could become part of Exchange Server or other existing
BackOffice applications, or become separate offerings. Still
others could be folded into the operating system, VARs and
analysts said.
- Yet
another Melissa virus clone..
Time: 03:10
EDT/08:10 GMT Source: Geek
News Posted By: Alex
A computer virus that appears to work in a similar fashion as
the so-called Melissa virus has emerged over the weekend and is
wreaking havoc for users of Microsoft Outlook. The virus comes in
an email with the subject of "Check This." The body
contains a message that states "Have fun with these
links." Attached to the email is a file called
"links1.vbs" and if you click on it, the virus takes off
through your address book and sends the virus out to anyone listed
in the your address book. Microsoft has not heard of the problem,
but is reportedly looking into it.
- Microsoft
launches 40-city tour to let customers preview Windows 2000
Time: 03:00
EDT/08:00 GMT Source: Press Release Posted By:
Alex H
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 customers can get a sneak peek at
the new operating system.
Experts from Microsoft have hit the road to meet with customers
across the United States in a 40-city tour. The Windows 2000
Customer Preview Tour starts in Denver today and ends in Seattle
on Dec. 9. Customers can learn about the new operating system from
the people who built it. They'll have the chance to discuss its
features, benefits, deployment and administration.
"We have learned over and over again that the best way for
people to see the benefits of a product like Windows 2000 is to
see it and to use it," said Jim Allchin, senior vice
president of systems for Microsoft. "The Windows 2000
Customer Preview Tour is a great opportunity for us to hear
feedback on our products and give our customers the tips, tricks
and tools they need to be successful with Windows 2000."
A schedule listing the tour's dates, times and locations is
available at http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/usergroups.
Compaq Computer Corp. and NT Magazine are co-sponsoring the
The tour features a team that includes Windows 2000 product
managers, program managers and technology specialists.
Date: Sunday 3rd October 1999
Today's Top Headlines:
Homeworld Review - IE5 Peephole |
- Homeworld
- Review
Time: 08:27
EDT/13:27 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
have posted my review
of Sierra/Relic's new space title, Homeworld. Here is a
snippet from the review:
The game is set in full 3D (More
on that later) so the controls are mostly mouse based. Zooming in
and out is done by holding down the two main mouse buttons and
dragging backwards and forwards. Ship menus are brought up onto
the screen by simply right clicking on them, selecting groups of
ships is done the same way as many RTS games, by just dragging a
box over them. When you select a ship in the distance, if you
would like to center on that particular craft all you have to do
is to press the center button on your mouse (If you have one),
pressing it twice will zoom onto that one craft/group of crafts
you have selected.
- Striker32
Breaks Windows Viruses
Time: 04:18
EDT/09:18 GMT Source: PC
World Posted By: Alex
Symantec is adding new Striker32 technology to all Norton
AntiVirus programs as a weapon in its ongoing battle with busy
virus writers. The new engine, which became available free of
charge Thursday to any user updating Norton AntiVirus online,
locates tricky 32-bit, Windows-based viruses.
Windows has been the target of a huge upsurge of viruses, notes
Steve Trilling, director of research at the Symantec AntiVirus
Research Center. Striker32 should help protect against complicated
troublemakers such as the W32.Bolzano virus and its variants.
Old DOS-based viruses weren't very adept at hiding themselves,
which made them easy for virus-hunting programs to spot. The
newest Windows-based viruses are not as simple.
"The difficulty of Windows viruses is they can hide
anywhere in a program," Trilling says. Striker32
"follows links through the program looking for a virus inside
Striker32 not only detects known Windows viruses, but also
gives Symantec's engineers more tools to fight new ones, he adds.
When current NAV software detects an unclassified virus, it
contains it and sends the suspicious file over the Internet to
Symantec for examination.
Symantec made it easy for its customers to update to Striker32
by distributing it through the normal Internet update routine,
Trilling says. Once downloaded, Striker32 interacts with NAV's
core, called NAVEX, to make the necessary modifications. NAVEX has
been in all Norton AntiVirus products since 1996.
- Noted
Bulgarian Hacker Exposes IE5 'Download Behavior' Privacy Peephole;
Netscape is Unscathed
Time: 04:12
EDT/09:12 GMT Source: Bugnet
Posted By: Alex H
You may remember the most recent security problem to bite IE5
-- the "ImportExportFavorites" security hole. Well, now
there's an allied incursion, the "Download Behavior"
privacy peephole.
Where the "ImportExportFavorites" security hole in
IE5 opened users' systems to the danger of unauthorized access to
their hard drive, the "Download Behavior" privacy
peephole can enable maliscious webmasters to read files on a
user's hard drive.
The problem is this: when a user downloads a Web page using
Microsoft IE5, that page can use server-side redirection to
execute client-code capable of accessing and then returning those
files to the Web server.
Under IE's security architecture, Internet-based Web servers
shouldn't be able to access data on client machines because the
two do not reside on the same network. But because of a security
flaw in the product's "Download Behavior" function call,
a malicious server could trick the client into thinking that a
downloaded JavaScript or VB Script application resides on the same
domain, enabling that application to access local files.
Using code obtained from the noted Bulgarian hacker, Georgi
Guninski (http://www.nat.bg/~joro/index.html),
KeyLabs verified that a remote JavaScript application could indeed
run within a browser's local domain, with full file system access.
Guninski was also responsible for popularizing the recent "ImportExportFavorites"
security hole. (Hint to Microsoft: on his Web site Guninski
says he's looking for a job -- is this all some sort of elaborate
job application?)
"This is a very serious bug. The sample code used in our
testing opened and then displayed our autoexec.bat file,"
said Ralph Decker, Lab Director for KeyLabs. "But this code
could just as easily have accessed sensitive system files."
Date: Saturday 2nd October 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Site News |
- Information Pages Updated
Time: 16:02
EDT/21:02 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
Because there has been little to do today, we have
updated our Information pages with info about new members of staff,
new homepage information and various other bits & pieces. Here
is a list of pages that were updated:
- Site
- Member
- Our
News Sources
- Contacting
- About
- Site News: More Sci-Fi
Staff Needed
Time: 15:34
EDT/20:34 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
We are still on the lookout for more ActiveSci-Fi
news staff. You don't even need knowledge of HTML (Although a little
helps), you just need to be a sci-fi fan who regularly checks out
Science Fiction news sites. If you are interested, drop me a line byron@activeie.com
- Site News
Time: 12:33
EDT/17:33 GMT Source: ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
Today seems like a slow day on the news front,
that and the fact that none of us have been online hasn't helped.
Here is our usual update of confirmed upcoming hardware and software
Hardware: Microsoft
Sidewinder Precision Racing Wheel, Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer,
Regular Visor, Microtek SlimScan6, SoundBlaster Live! Platinum
Software: Age Of Empires 2, Flight
Simulator 2000, Pandora's Box, Links LS 2000 Encarta 2000 Reference
Suite DVD Edition, Sinistar Unleashed, Firestorm, X: Beyond The
Frontier, System Shock 2, Heavy Gear 2, Shadowman, Rogue Spear,
Homeworld, Driver
Applications: Photoshop 5.5, Corel
Suite 9
Date: Friday 1st October 1999
Today's Top Headlines: G400 |
- Leaked
email exposes MS charity as PR exercise
17:37 EDT/22:37 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Alex
Microsoft deliberately set out to use charitable
contributions to bolster its image in February this year, according
to a leaked internal Microsoft email we have seen.
Ann Redmond, Microsoft corporate marketing
research group manager, asked David Kaefer, a marketing research
manager at Microsoft, to seek expert opinion as to "a preferred
set of attributes" to help Microsoft with its image problem.
Kaefer emailed ten Microsoft people seeking views as to what
"image attributes" should be used for improving the
effectiveness of "our branded philanthropic communication
efforts" (which means getting the best mileage out of
Microsoft's and Gates' charitable contributions).
It was a most cynical exercise that shows beyond
doubt that Microsoft "gives" donations and software to
non-profit organisations to get favourable publicity. Many suspected
this was happening, but were muted because it seemed somewhat
churlish to criticise charitable contributions of considerable
magnitude. No more. Four of the "preferred set of
attributes" directly concern Microsoft's charity campaign, as
we must now view it:
"Microsoft's charitable giving improves the
lives of many people. Microsoft is a generous and supportive
corporate citizen. Microsoft cares about making a difference in my
community. Microsoft is a leader in good corporate
- Unplugged!
The biggest hack in history
17:35 EDT/22:35 GMT Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex H
In a federal courtroom here, Calvin Cantrell
stands silently, broad shoulders slouched. His lawyer reads from a
short letter he has written:
"My parents taught me good ethics, but I have
departed from some of these, lost my way sometimes," the letter
states. "I was 25 and living at home. No job, and no future...
. All I ever really wanted was to work with computers."
Cantrell certainly did work with computers -- both
his own, and, surreptitiously, those of some of the largest
companies in the world. He was part of a ring of hackers that
pleaded guilty here to the most extensive illegal breach of the
nation's telecommunications infrastructure in high-tech history.
And sitting behind him in court as he was
sentenced two weeks ago was the accountant-turned-detective who
caught him: Michael Morris. A decade earlier, Morris, bored with
accounting work, left a $96,000 job at Price Waterhouse and enrolled
in the FBI academy, at $24,500 a year. Cantrell's sentencing was the
final act in a five-year drama for Morris, and secured his
reputation as the FBI's leading computer gumshoe.
The tale of Morris and Cantrell is among the first
cops-and-robber stories of the New Economy, involving, among other
things, the first-ever use of an FBI "data tap." It
illustrates how the nation's law-enforcement agencies are scrambling
to reinvent their profession in a frantic effort to keep pace with
brilliant and restless young hackers.
- NT 4 Service Pack 6 News
17:32 EDT/22:32 GMT Source:
E-Mail Posted By: Alex H
Microsoft has posted NT4 SP6 on Windows Update
*BETA* page.
Read Me for Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6
Appears to Hang
After choosing to download Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 and
accepting the EULA, there is an option to view the Service Pack's
"Read Me" file. This button appears to hang when pushed,
however the download can be continued successfully, and the
"Read Me" will appear after the download has finished.
- PC
industry hit by Taiwan quake aftershocks
17:30 EDT/22:30 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
The impact of last week's earthquake in Taiwan
will take a while to sink in, so look for problems in the PC market
later rather then sooner.
Some of the most ominous indicators of a tight
market to come are a steep rise in memory prices over the past week,
a hike in graphics chip costs, and a lack of core support components
for processors. The result could be higher PC prices, a shakeup of
the "free" PC market, delays of some PC models, and
depressed earnings.
Hewlett-Packard chief executive Carleton
"Carly" Fiorina said today that fourth-quarter growth will
take a hit because of the earthquake. "We said revenue growth
would likely be in the 10-13 percent range...With the Taiwan
disruption, which effects, most especially, our PC business, we don’t
think we’ll achieve the high end of that range and are more likely
to come in closer to the low end," she said today in a
conference call.
"We are sure of some disruption and delay in
some elements of our PC supply chain," she added.
Also, BancBoston Robertson Stephens downgraded
Dell stock today because of, among other reasons, the recent supply
issues caused by the Taiwan earthquake, according to electronics
analyst Daniel Niles. "We are lowering our calendar 1999
earnings-per-share estimate from 0.77 to 0.74, he added.
Meanwhile, component suppliers are raising prices.
S3, one of the world's largest
graphics chipmakers, said that it is increasing prices to customers.
"Because of supply and demand dynamics, we will raise
prices," said Ken Potashner, the chief executive at S3.
- Key
Netscape exec Ariko stepping down
17:26 EDT/22:26 GMT Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex H
Barry Ariko, a senior executive at America
Online's Netscape unit, said today he has stepped down from his role
in the Sun Microsystems-AOL alliance.
He is the latest of a string
of executives to step down from key posts at the company.
Netscape cofounder Marc Andreessen left
his post as AOL's chief technology officer last month.
Ariko today told CNET News.com that although he
has stepped down from his role as the deputy general manager
representing AOL and Netscape in the Sun-AOL alliance, which he
helped get up and running during the past six months, he will remain
at AOL for the time being.
Ariko added that he is not sure how long he will
remain at AOL and declined to comment on what his role will be with
the online giant.
"I would rather not say since it has not been
determined," Ariko said.
Ariko, considered a star executive by many in the
industry, joined Netscape in 1998 as executive vice president and
chief operating officer after serving as executive vice president
and a member of the executive management committee at database giant
- Age Of Empires 2 & Windows
2000 Update
14:18 EDT/19:18 GMT Source:
Ensemble Studios Posted By: Byron
In our Windows 2000 FAQ it stated that Age of Empires 2 didn't
work with Windows 2000. Well Ensemble Studios (The makers of the
game) have e-mailed us to correct this mistake on our part. The game
runs fine on Windows 2000, it just requires build 2072 or later
(Such as Release Candidate 2).
- Age Of Empires 2 In Stores &
Some Intellimouse Explorer Info
11:19 EDT/16:19 GMT Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
Microsoft's rather tops Age Of Empires 2 has hit stores in the US
(Us Europeans have to wait a few more weeks). We will have an
in-depth review very, very soon. Oh and on another rumor, we have
been getting a number of reports by e-mail stating that the
Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer has been recalled, we would like to
clarify to everyone that this is not true in the slightest. Yes some
people are having problems with the mouse (Many don't like it, but
it is a matter of choice) but no recall has been, or will be issued.
- ActiveWindows
Community Reminder
11:10 EDT/16:10 GMT Source:
ActiveWindows Posted By: Byron
Just another reminder about signing up for our ActiveWindows
Community on MSN. It allows you to chat with us in our chat room
or via our message board, it also lets you post your own
screensavers and backgrounds for other ActiveWindows readers to
alive and not very well hidden in Millennium beta
Time: 10:10
EDT/15:10 GMT Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
It now seems pretty clearly established that
Microsoft will not be removing DOS from Millennium, but early
reports form people who've seen Beta 1, which went out this week,
indicate that the attempts to hide Dos instead are at best
perfunctory. Getting rid of DOS no doubt remains on the MS wishlist,
because it would make PCs easier to use and more reliable, but as
far as Millennium is concerned it looks like wishing and doing are
two different things. For Beta 1 Microsoft has removed the exit to
Dos option from the shutdown menu, but according to one tester,
"the Bootgui= option is still in the msdos.sys file; the
default is '1' which boots to full blown Windows, and if '0' is
used, the computer boots to DOS 7.1."
- Win2000
RC2: Good Enough to Ship?
Time: 08:16
EDT/13:16 GMT Source: Win98Central
Posted By: Alex R.
So it sounds like Windows 2000 is
just about ready to ship, right? Well, not so fast. Take a look at
the release notes file, README.DOC, on the CD. It's filled with
352KB of wisdom, mostly about what doesn't quite work right. As you
might gather from the size of the file, there's a lot of stuff that
doesn't quite work right. Since this is still a beta, there's a
chance that some of these problems will be fixed before the product
ships. Yet if the product is going to ship this year, there's a good
chance that many will remain in the shipping version...
- Tool
Available for "RASMAN Security Descriptor" Vulnerability
Time: 08:13
EDT/13:13 GMT Source: email Posted By: Alex
Microsoft actually hit us with two new patches
last night... here's the second trip:
The security descriptor that secures the Remote
Access Connection Manager, RASMAN.EXE, contains an inappropriate ACE
in its DACL and would allow an unprivileged user to levy requests on
it via the Service Control Manager. Among the actions that
could be requested is to change the location and name of the
executable code for the service. By doing so, a malicious user could
substitute arbitrary code for the legitimate service, which then
would run in a System Context.
A malicious user could only exploit this
vulnerability if he or she had a valid userid and password on the
target machine. If the machine allowed users to log on from the
network, the vulnerability could be remotely exploited. In addition,
the arbitrary code could, under certain conditions, reside on a
remote machine. A tool is available to reset the permissions to the
appropriate value and eliminate the vulnerability, and should be run
against any machine that allows unprivileged users to perform either
interactive or network logons under any account.
This vulnerability affects all versions of
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0.
- Patch
for "Domain Resolution" and "FTP Download"
Time: 08:08
EDT/13:08 GMT Source: email Posted By: Alex
Microsoft has re-released a security bulletin
concerning the "Domain Resolution" and "FTP
Download" Vulnerability in IIS 4.0 and MS Commercial Internet
System v2.5. Here's the copy, straight outta the email:
This is a re-release of a security bulletin issued
on September 23, 1999. The purpose of the re-release is to
discuss an additional product, Microsoft(r) Commercial Internet
System, that is affected by this vulnerability. The information
regarding IIS has not changed, and customers who previously applied
this patch to their IIS systems do not need to take any
action. Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates two
security vulnerabilities in Microsoft Internet Information Server
(IIS) 4.0 and Microsoft Commercial Internet System (MCIS) 2.5. The
vulnerabilities allow security restrictions in IIS and MCIS to be
bypassed under certain conditions, as discussed below. Frequently
asked questions regarding this vulnerability can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/security/bulletins/ms99-039faq.asp.
Millennium G400 Windows 2000 driver - Released
Time: 02:52
EDT/07:52 GMT Source: E-mail Posted By: Byron
Matrox has released a Beta G400 Windows 2000
driver on to their website.
Here are a few notes fro the website:
Notes and known issues:
- To install this driver, use the "Have Disk"
feature in the Win 2000 display properties section, and point to the
directory in which you unzipped the driver file (default
- This is a BETA Windows 2000 driver for the Millennium
G400 only.
- This driver does not include the Matrox PowerDesk, OpenGL
support or D3D support.
- Drivers for other Matrox products are contained within the
latest build of Windows 2000.
Read more of the past months news in
our News Archive for
August and Previous September News.
Do you have any Windows based news?
Just Remember To Get In Touch!

Media Player 6.4
UI For Windows 98 SE
98 Spinning Globe Background