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Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 2
Date: Wednesday 10th November
Today's Top Headlines: Fifa 2000
Competition - BT |
- Microsoft
Unveils New Windows Technology to Enable SDMI-Capable Products for
Secure Digital Music
Time: 16:00
EST/21:00 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced the release of the
Microsoft® Windows Media™ Device Manager (WMDM), a new Windows®
technology to manage and transfer secure digital media for hardware
manufacturers and independent software vendors (ISVs). The Windows
Media Device Manager gives manufacturers and developers a standard
way to transfer secure digital media on portable music devices, PC
applications such as digital music jukebox applications, and storage
media such as flash memory cards. This new Windows technology also
creates a standard way for a wide range products to become Secure
Digital Music Initiative (SDMI)-capable, with integrated digital
rights management.
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- Baan
Early to Market With Microsoft Windows 2000 Ready Enterprise
Time: 15:59
EST/20:59 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
At BaanWorld 99 today, Microsoft Corp. announced
that BaanERP 5.0c is one of the first enterprise-class applications
to be directory-enabled on the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 operating
system. This new version of BaanERP fully utilizes the capabilities
of Windows 2000. It provides customers of Baan Co. N.V. with a
strong foundation on which to Internet-enable traditional businesses
and enable transaction processing for e-commerce. Microsoft and Baan
have also reaffirmed their continued collaboration in the
development of e-enabled enterprise solutions.
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- Microsoft
Announces New Windows Media Developer Resources For Next Generation
of Digital Audio and Video Applications
Time: 15:58
EST/20:58 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced immediate
availability of a new unified Windows Media™ Software Development
Kit (SDK), the most comprehensive set of tools for developing
digital media applications. Now a wide range of developers can use a
single set of tools for Windows Media development. The Windows Media
SDK enables independent software vendors (ISVs), hardware
manufacturers and Web professionals to integrate market-leading
audio, video and digital rights management technology into their
News] [Return To
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- Competition:
Win Fifa 2000: MLS
Time: 15:04
EST/20:04 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
you interested in Football/Soccer - then Fifa 2000 is the game for
you. If you would like the chance to winning a copy of the US
version of Fifa 2000 then all you need to do is answer this simple
question and mail
your answer in to us.
Q: Who are the current champions
of the English Premier League?
Hint - I hate them and their name is mentioned on
one of the screenshots in the Fifa
2000 review we posted. The competition ends this Sunday the 14th
November, so get those answers in quick.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
poised to build Bluetooth support into Windows
Time: 11:15
EST/16:15 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Notorious Bluetooth hold out Microsoft seems to be
poised to join the group, if the company's own job ads are to be
believed. Microsoft is not, currently, either one of the five
Bluetooth founder members or a member of the prodigiously large
Bluetooth SIG, but Microsoft is, currently, recruiting staff in
order to incorporate Bluetooth into its products.
The company is currently looking for a group
programme manager, a programme manager and a software design
engineer to work on Bluetooth-related projects, and the latter
vacancy notice reveals most about what the company is up to.
"The USB Software design Engineer, Microsoft Windows OS Base
team owns core bluetooth (wireless) bus technology, architecture,
and support for all Windows platforms." Responsibilities
include "working with Intel and other IHVs/OEMs to provide
smooth integration of bluetooth devices into our core product."
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Headlines] [Translate]
- BT's
U-turn could drive competitors off the road
Time: 11:14
EST/16:14 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
BT's seemingly groundbreaking decision to
"slash the cost of dial-up Internet access" is not all it
seems. Aimed at ISPs rather than end users, it will only be
available for service providers who manage at least 140,000 Net
Take into account all the complex maths tied up in
the offer, users could expect to pay at least £16 for around 30
hours call time a month. Add on VAT and the ISP's cut, and the
figure could be nearer £20 a month, if not higher.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
and Customers Are Getting Y2K Ready
Time: 09:31
EST/14:31 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Y2K is only 52 days away, and computer users
everywhere want to make sure that their computer software functions
smoothly into the next millennium. To help address these concerns,
Microsoft has devoted time and effort to provide customers with the
information and resources they need to prepare for the Year 2000. In
addition, Microsoft has been evaluating its own internal Y2K
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Lesson Connection Launched At Technology + Learning Conference
Time: 09:30
EST/14:30 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
At the National School Board Association's
Technology + Learning Conference, Microsoft Corp. today announced
the launch of Microsoft® Lesson Connection, a new set of free tools
designed to help teachers nationwide search for lesson plans
matching their local and state curriculum standards (connect-time
charges may apply). Microsoft Lesson Connection, created in
collaboration with Tudor Publishing Company and Classroom Connect,
provides teachers with powerful search tools to easily search
through tens of thousands of online lesson plans to find lessons
that satisfy their local or state curriculum standards.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Prosecution
demands could force MS to open up source code
Time: 08:52
EST/13:52 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
The Department of Justice and US states officials
will insist on Microsoft's monopoly of the operating system market
being broken, according to a story in today's New York Times.
No precise mechanism for doing so has yet been identified, but
according to state officials quoted in the Times piece
several measures are being considered.
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- Bt
Announces It Will "Dramatically Reduce" Internet Call
Charges In The UK
Time: 07:32
EST/12:32 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Bt has announced that it will "Dramatically
Reduce" internet call charges in the United Kingdom which could
include unmetered access for around £10 a month.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Delivers Office 2000 as an Internet-Hosted Service With Microsoft
Office Online
Time: 03:11
EST/08:11 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced Microsoft® Office
Online, a new offering of its flagship Office product that will
enable the delivery of Office 2000 over the Internet. Office Online
will provide a choice for Office customers who prefer the benefits
of centrally managed software and will be offered to small-business
customers through Microsoft's bCentral Web services portal. As part
of an Office Online pilot program, leading partners also announced
Office Online service offerings today, including British
Telecommunications PLC; CenterBeam Inc.; Concentric Network; Digex
Inc.; Equant; FutureLink Corp.; Interland Inc.; Interliant Inc.;
Micron Electronics; MTT Mpowered, a division of Aliant; Qwest
Communications International Inc.; TeleComputing Inc.;
USinternetworking Inc.; Verio Inc.; and Winstar Communications Inc.
Several of these offerings are available today and others will be
introduced over the upcoming months.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Launches Redesigned MSN.com Portal And New Communications Services
-A Major Step Toward Delivering Promise of Everyday Web
Time: 03:06
EST/08:06 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced the newly
redesigned MSN.com™ portal, which embraces personal communications
via a Message Center that integrates new services including a major
update to MSN™ Web Communities. The new MSN.com portal debuts an
innovative and easy-to-use interface, providing people with one
central view of their online personal communications. To complement
the new MSN Web Communities, which provides users with more
customization than any other communities offering today, the new
Message Center also supports updated versions of MSN Chat and MSN
Messenger Service with new functionality, including tighter
integration with the Hotmail™ Web-based e-mail service.
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- Apple
boosts QuickTime efforts, signs more partners
Time: 03:00
EST/08:00 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
Apple Computer outlined steps to revive its
multimedia efforts, including a renewed partnership with CNN.com, as
it moves to turn its popular QuickTime software into a money-making
At Apple's first-ever QuickTime
Live conference for content developers, the company demonstrated
new technologies such as automated ad insertion that will boost the
software's e-commerce capabilities. The emphasis reflects Apple's
desire to promote QuickTime from its status as a marketing expense
to a new
revenue generator.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- New,
fast-spreading email virus found
Time: 02:58
EST/07:58 GMT News Source: CNet
News Posted By: Alex
A virulent new kind of computer virus triggered
simply by opening an infected email message has been identified,
antivirus researchers said today.
The virus, dubbed "Bubbleboy,"
apparently hasn't yet made it onto the open Internet, which means
researchers haven't heard of any computers being infected. But a
version of the program was mailed anonymously to researchers last
night, indicating a high potential for future infections.
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- Data
Return says Windows 2000-based servers up to 40 percent faster than
Windows NT
Time: 02:55
EST/07:55 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
A company's success can depend on the performance
and availability of its Web sites and other online resources.
That's why companies around the world turn to Data
Return Corp. for Internet, intranet and extranet hosting. And
according to the Dallas-based company, it can offer even better
reliability, scalability and performance using Microsoft® Windows®
2000 Server. Windows 2000-based servers have consistently
outperformed Windows NT® 4.0-based servers at Data Return, running
up to 40 percent faster with increased uptime and scalability and
improved remote management.
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Headlines] [Translate]
Date: Tuesday 9th November 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Fifa 2000
- MSN |
Mounts Campaign To Support Win 2000
Time: 16:36
EST/21:36 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Matt
IBM is mounting a substantial campaign to promote
and support Windows 2000, and its epicenter is the little-known IBM
Center for Microsoft Technologies here, 5 miles down the road from
Microsoft's corporate campus.
IBM and Microsoft engineers cooperate in a unique
collaboration between the two computing industry powerhouses. A T3
line from the Redmond, Wash., headquarters of Microsoft connects the
two sites, letting IBM engineers test daily builds of Win 2000, the
Platinum version of Exchange and SQL Server, and other software. In
the process, Armonk, N.Y.-based IBM works to optimize Microsoft's
latest releases with IBM systems and resolve compatibility issues.
"We are here forming that strong relationship
on a technical basis with Microsoft," said Sandra Carter, IBM
director of Netfinity Partners on Development.
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- Hotmail
uses controversial filter to fight spam
Time: 16:36
EST/21:36 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matt
A controversial antispam tool has acquired
legitimacy with the addition of a new subscriber: the 800-pound
gorilla of Web-based email, Hotmail.
Microsoft's free Hotmail service last week started
filtering all email coming from servers listed on the Mail Abuse
Prevention System's (MAPS) Realtime Blackhole List (RBL).
The list is composed of email servers known to be used by senders of
unsolicited commercial email, known as spammers.
Hotmail is using the list to reduce the amount of
junk email its users receive. But the list is harsh medicine. The
filter, which does not distinguish between spam and other messages,
will block legitimate email that happens to be routed through the
blacklisted servers.
"It's something we've been looking at for a
while," said Randy Delucchi, Hotmail's director of operations
services. "We implemented it last week in order to protect our
News] [Return To
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- New Matrox NT Drivers Posted
Time: 16:13
EST/21:13 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Matrox has just posted new Windows NT drivers on
their website at: http://www.matrox.com/mga/drivers/latest_drivers/home.htm
These drivers (version 4.31.008) are compatible
with the following products:
- Millennium G400
- Millennium G200
- Mystique G200
- MGA G200
- Productiva G100
- Productiva G100 MMS (but no vid tools for the MMS with TV Tuner)
For more information on this driver, please refer
to the release notes (http://www.matrox.com/mga/drivers/files/notes/nt4431_notes.txt)
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- Microsoft
to rent Office space
Time: 16:09
EST/21:09 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp. Tuesday said it will move ahead
with long discussed plans to offer its Office productivity software
online by the end of the year.
The program allows customers to rent the software
applications, rather than buy them. MS Office Online will be
available for small business customers through Microsoft's (Nasdaq: MSFT)
Central Web services portal.
News] [Return To
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- Rainbow
6 : Rogue Spear - Review
Time: 15:07
EST/20:07 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
have posted my review of Red Storm's Rainbow 6 : Rogue Spear. Here
is a snippet from the review:
In the game you can play the head
of one of the up to 8 that you can send in to deal with these
different factions that appear in the game. This game is similar to
Hidden and Dangerous, but has some significant differences in it to
the aforementioned game. Those being that you can take up to 8
people into "battle" rather than the up to 4 that can be
used in each mission in H&D. In Rainbow 6 you also use the
planning stage a lot more extensively than you did in Hidden and
Dangerous. In Rainbow 6 you have the option to use the HQ plan, or
design one yourself.
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- Fifa
2000 - Review
Time: 07:41
EST/12:41 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
have posted my review of EA Sports latest Football (Soccer) title, Fifa
2000. Here is a snippet from the review:
There is now a season feature
where you can compete in both a league and cup competition, but this
is again quite limited, it would be nice to see full league seasons
such as the Premier League's four divisions with relegations and
proper cup competitions, this would greatly improve the season
feature. There are slightly (and I mean slightly) improved
management features. You are now able to transfer players during
your season, nothing along the lines of the superb and unbeatable
Championship Manager 3 but you are able to spend money on new
signings, but unfortunate you could play as a team like Watford and
still bring in top class players if you have the money (They
wouldn't touch Watford in real life) as the teams you buy the
players from cannot object to your offers.
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- Pondering
Microsoft's breakup valuation
Time: 05:40
EST/10:40 GMT News Source: Red
Herring Posted By: Alex
Pondering Microsoft's breakup valuation By R.
Scott Raynovich Redherring.com November 8, 1999
Microsoft is America's most highly valued
company. But would it be as valuable, or as powerful, split into its
constituent elements? After Friday's release of a strongly worded
finding of fact by federal judge Thomas Penfield Jackson that
rejected many of Microsoft's defenses in the government's antitrust
suit, some analysts are exploring the potential valuation of
Microsoft as a collection of companies.
Pondering Microsoft's breakup valuation Webvan
stock stalls after quick start Cobalt burns hotter than Red Hat.
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- Microsoft
and others put $500 million in Teligent
Time: 05:38
EST/10:38 GMT News Source: Red
Herring Posted By: Alex
(Nasdaq: TGNT)
pitch to small businesses is that it provides high bandwidth at a
lower cost than its wire-line competitors. But in order to do that,
it must first build out broadband wireless networks across the world
-- a costly undertaking.
Though up to its knickers in red ink, Teligent
won't have to worry about where the money will come from to keep its
build-out going. It raised $500 million in new capital from an
investment group led by Microsoft
(Nasdaq: MSFT)
and Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- New
MCSEs Lose TechNet
Time: 05:25
EST/10:25 GMT News Source: Windows
NT Magazine Posted By: Alex
Windows NT
Magazine has posted an article about how Microsoft has decided
to terminate free access to the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN)
site for Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCPs). Here is a snippet
of the article:
Well folks, until last week, I had
no idea of my clairvoyant abilities. On October 22, Microsoft posted
a notice on its MCP Web site declaring that it would no longer
provide the free 1-year subscription to TechNet for newly knighted
MCSEs. Instead, Microsoft is giving new MCSEs the chance to purchase
a 1-year subscription of TechNet and get a 50 percent "rebate
or discount off the estimated retail price of a 1-year subscription
during their first year of certification."
I love the way Microsoft makes
these announcements. First, it titles the announcement "New MCP
Benefits." Then, it spends the first couple paragraphs of the
announcement describing, in poetic prose, how the company is
"committed to ensuring that membership in the MCP program is a
valuable and enduring experience." Recognizing that people
rarely read beyond the first few paragraphs of press announcements,
Microsoft usually buries the bad news somewhere beyond the first
page of the announcement (in this case, in the 10th paragraph).
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- Using
Windows 2000's Multiple Monitor Functionality
Time: 05:25
EST/10:25 GMT News Source: Windows
NT Magazine Posted By: Alex
Windows NT
Magazine has posted an article about a new Windows 2000 feature,
Multiple Monitor Functionality. Here is a snippet of the article:
Windows 2000 (Win2K) has a cool
new feature that lets you attach multiple monitors to one Win2K
system. The idea is to give you more desktop space than you get with
just one monitor. Stretching the desktop to multiple displays can
make you more productive, although some people might want to add
additional monitors just to impress coworkers. In this week’s
column, I'll describe how to install additional monitors and discuss
some of the advantages and the limitations of multiple-monitor
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- Gore's
latest Internet problem
Time: 05:21
EST/10:21 GMT News Source: CNN
Posted By: Alex
Al Gore has an Internet problem. No, it's not that
silly remark about him having invented it. Gore's real problem is
that Net surfers apparently think his site is too dull to visit.
A recent study by Direct Hit, the
Massachusetts-based company that operates a "popularity"
search engine, revealed that for five days in late October, almost
no one searching the Web for information about Gore actually made
their way to Gore's official Web site. By a large margin, Web
surfers preferred going to a Gore parody site or an anti-Gore site
to the real thing.
News] [Return To
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- Microsoft Browser Holds 64
Percent Share
Time: 05:19
EST/10:19 GMT News Source: Techweb
Posted By: Alex
Microsoft's Internet Explorer was the primary
browser choice for 64 percent of respondents to an October survey of
corporate IT professionals released Monday by Zona Research, Redwood
City, Calif. Thirty-six percent of the respondents used Netscape
Navigator. According to the survey, 70 percent of businesses that
have corporate browser policies require the Microsoft browser.
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- Cookies
Can Be Unhealthy For Net Users
Time: 05:17
EST/10:17 GMT News Source: Techweb
Posted By: Alex
Federal regulators warned the online advertising
industry Monday to respect consumers' privacy or the government
would set rules.
The Commerce Department and Federal Trade
Commission met with Internet advertisers in Washington, D.C., in a
public workshop examining online profiling.
Although e-commerce is expanding, it still is a
small part of the economy. It won't fulfill its potential until
consumers trust that their personal information is protected online,
said FTC Commissioner Robert Pitofsky.
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- Microsoft
Seen Losing Power In Web-Based World
Time: 05:16
EST/10:16 GMT News Source: Yahoo
News Posted By: Alex
Regardless of how the landmark antitrust case
against Microsoft Corp (Nasdaq:MSFT
- news). turns out,
the company's influence is waning in an Internet-driven world moving
rapidly to devices other than personal computers, analysts say.
Even before the U.S. Justice Department and 19
states filed suit against the world's largest software maker in May
1998, Microsoft executives were scrambling to stem defections of
software developers shifting to Windows-independent platforms.
``I think they face the biggest threat they've had
in years,'' said Scott McAdams, president of Seattle-based brokerage
McAdams Wright Ragen. ``There is a fundamental change going on in
information appliance architecture.''
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Judge
Rejected Gates' Explanations
Time: 05:14
EST/10:14 GMT News Source: Yahoo
News Posted By: Alex
Despite the judge's blunt language in a blistering
ruling against the Microsoft Corp (Nasdaq:MSFT
- news)., the worst
part for the company may be what was merely suggested between the
lines. U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson didn't outright
question the honesty of Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, but he
rejected almost every explanation of events offered under oath by
the world's most famous billionaire and his most senior executives.
That apparent lack of faith in Microsoft's
trustworthiness could hurt chances for a less severe punishment - or
even for a settlement offer - that would hinge on its promises of
good behavior toward rivals in the technology industry. Once the
judge determines which antitrust laws Microsoft broke, he could
order punishments as severe as breaking up the company unless a
settlement is reached, which many lawyers and analysts consider
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- Hewlett-Packard
reduces time-to-market, cuts costs with Microsoft Windows Media
Time: 05:11
EST/10:11 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Alex
Streaming media can make marketing communications
more successful—and less expensive.
That's what Hewlett-Packard Co. has learned since
adopting Microsoft® Windows Media™ Technologies. According to a
study by market research firm Aberdeen Group, the use of streaming
media has allowed HP to reduce time to market, reach more customers
and produce more compelling marketing materials. And HP's first-year
savings resulting from streaming media are estimated at $1.2 million—for
a return on investment of 1,800 percent on the $60,000 the company
spent to adopt the technology.
Hewlett-Packard is one of a growing number of
enterprises adopting streaming media for corporate communications.
News] [Return To
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- Paul
Allen Bandwidth Believer
Time: 05:09
EST/10:09 GMT News Source: Forbes
Posted By: Alex
What on Earth has gotten into Paul Allen? For most
of the 1990s the man who confounded Microsoft seemed content to sit
back, reap the soaring value of his passive stake in Bill Gates and
invest here and there in high tech. Yet since early 1998, Allen,
second only to Gates as the world's richest man, has flung some
$24.5 billion into a mad buying spree aimed at broadband
plays--cable systems, wireless modems, Web portals and more. In
October he paid $1.65 billion to raise his 5% stake to as much as
27% in RCN, a fiber builder that bypasses the Bells' "last
mile" wiring.
This month Paul Allen, 46, makes his boldest move
yet. In two years he has cobbled together the nation's
fourth-largest portfolio of cable systems, serving 6.2 million homes
in the South, Midwest, southern California and elsewhere. Now he is
staging one of the biggest initial public offerings on record,
hoping to raise about $3.5 billion for his cable firm, Charter
Communications. Allen won't talk about it--he's still in an
SEC-imposed blackout period--but the offering provides the best
blueprint yet for the emerging strategy of one of the world's most
enigmatic empire builders.
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plans PCs with new look and feel
Time: 05:05
EST/10:05 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Alex
IBM is betting customers want more style and
simplicity, joining its leading rivals in revising PC design.
Early next year, Big Blue will launch a new line
of commercial PCs, code-named EON, that are easier to manage and
network than current computers, according to sources close to the
Some of the models will include built-in,
"flat panel" screens; gone will be the "legacy"
connectors common on today's PCs, such as parallel and serial ports.
More interestingly, some systems may come without Microsoft's
ubiquitous Windows operating system.
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- Outlook
vulnerable to masquerade attack
Time: 04:52
EST/09:52 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matt
A prominent computer "bug hunter" has
found a vulnerability that allows a malicious programmer to launch
an email attack which bypasses some of the precautions built into
Microsoft's Outlook software.
The vulnerability smoothes the way for a new type
of email-borne virus, also called a Trojan horse, and other
malicious software. Microsoft Outlook is one of the most popular
email programs in use.
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Web redesign due
Time: 04:40
EST/09:40 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matt
Microsoft today will unveil a redesign of its MSN
Web portal and launch new services on the network, while debuting a
revised version of its controversial instant messaging program.
The redesign, which has been in
"preview" mode, will unveil new features such as a
"Message Center" that displays a user's new Hotmail
messages, online buddies from MSN Messenger, and community lists.
Microsoft will also introduce a new version of its
MSN Messenger service, the company's instant messenger
"client." The service made headlines when it began
allowing users to communicate with AOL Instant Messenger users. AOL
criticized the move as a hack
into its system and blocked Messenger's access; Microsoft returned
fire, claiming AOL was not working up to industry standards.
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Date: Monday 8th November 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Site News |
- Study:
People increasingly using IE
Time: 17:27
EST/22:27 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matt
On the heels of the release of the findings of
fact in the landmark antitrust suit against Microsoft, a study
confirms one of the trends the judge pointed out: Microsoft is
running away with the browser market.
Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser is now the
choice for 64 percent of corporate users, up from 59 percent in
April and 40 percent a year ago, according to a study by Zona
Research. That compares with 36 percent choosing Netscape's
Communicator browser, down from 41 percent in April and 60 percent a
year ago. America Online acquired Netscape this year.
The IE total includes the browser that comes with
the AOL proprietary online service, but relatively few enterprises
use the AOL online service.
"The battle is pretty much over," said
Zona analyst Clay Ryder. "There are two players in this market,
and when it started there were nine. We're also seeing that this is
a Coke and Pepsi battle--that it's not terribly germane anymore. Now
the battle is over content, not access technology."
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- MS
ruling doesn't drag down Wall Street
Time: 14:54
EST/19:54 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp.'s Black Friday is not turning into
Black Monday as far as investors are concerned. After a steep fall
at the opening bell, Microsoft shares recovered much of their loss
as investors digested Friday's hard antitrust ruling against the
Meanwhile, Microsoft's competitors were flying on
Wall Street. In early trading, shares of Red Hat, the distributor of
the Linux operating system that competes with Microsoft Windows, was
up 17 points. Also up sharply were America Online Inc. and Sun
Microsystems Inc.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Windows
2000's big headaches
Time: 14:53
EST/19:53 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Software is supposed to be getting easier to use.
Yeah, right. All software does is make it easier for someone to make
money off you, as demonstrated by Windows 2000 Professional RC2.
Granted, Windows 2000 is in beta, but so is every
other operating system from Microsoft, including the ones in
shipping form. That's why I have no problems writing about it.
Here's my horrid account of getting the OS to run.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Friction
Free Software: A Foundation for Building Tomorrow's Applications
Time: 14:49
EST/19:49 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
In an age where every day seems to bring a new
paradigm shift, much has been written about the impact of technology
on the enterprise. Networks, email and the Web are giving rise to
increasingly competitive global markets, while at the same time
transforming the way companies collect information, make decisions,
and create products and services. With these changes have come
incredible opportunities and unprecedented demands. To stay
competitive, businesses need tools that help them lower costs,
respond rapidly to changes in the marketplace and empower employees
to focus on work that adds value for customers. Increasingly,
successful companies are finding that the ability to take advantage
of the Internet to automate transactions with suppliers, partners
and customers is critical.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Life
After Microsoft: What's Next and What It Means to You
Time: 08:59
EST/13:59 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
It's strange to write you this morning in the
aftermath of the antitrust ruling. Because the legal impact is much
less than everybody imagines. And the business impact is much more.
Just in case you've been hibernating in a bat cave
this weekend, here's what I'm talking about: U.S. District Court
Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson issued a preliminary finding of fact
in the Microsoft antitrust trial. He came down strongly that 1)
Microsoft is indeed a monopoly and 2) the company abused that
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- RealPlayer
v7.0 Plus/Basic Beta - Release
Time: 08:54
EST/13:54 GMT News Source: Desktop
Watch Posted By: Byron
RealNetworks, Inc. , the
recognized leader in media delivery on the Internet, today announced
the immediate availability of the first beta release of
RealPlayer(R) 7 Basic and RealPlayer 7 Plus for Windows and
Macintosh. The new Real.com(TM) Network and Real.com Take5 were
announced today in separate press releases. (The file above is the
RealPlayer v7.0 Basic Beta Complete.)
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Software Unveils A Powerful New Centralized Administration Solution
for Windows NT/2000 Data Protection
Time: 08:40
EST/13:40 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
VERITAS® Software Corporation (Nasdaq:VRTS
- news), the
industry's leading enterprise-class application storage management
software provider, today introduces VERITAS Backup Exec(TM) Network
Storage Executive(TM)(NSE), a powerful new storage management tool
designed to greatly enhance the functionality of VERITAS Backup Exec
for Windows NT/2000.
By leveraging the strengths of Microsoft SQL
Server 7.0 and the Microsoft Management Console, VERITAS Backup Exec
NSE unifies multiple independent VERITAS Backup Exec for Windows
NT/2000 servers to provide one central point of administration and
control. VERITAS Backup Exec for Windows NT and VERITAS Backup Exec
Network Storage Executive were selected for worldwide data
protection at Microsoft (please see separate announcement dated
October 5, 1999(b)).
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Mobile
Automation Announces First System Management Solution to Integrate
Windows CE, Palm Pilot and Visor Devices Into Microsoft System
Management Server
Time: 08:39
EST/13:39 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Mobile Automation Inc. (MAI) today announced the
release of a new version of its SMS integration product, Mobile
Automation 2000 - SMS Integration Pack. With this release, MAI
delivers the first product that provides the integration of handheld
devices such as Palm Pilot, Visor and Windows CE into the Microsoft
System Management Server 1.2 & 2.0.
3Com Corp.'s (Nasdaq:COMS
- news) Palm Pilot,
HandSpring's Visor and devices powered by Microsoft's Windows CE
- news) are a new
management challenge for IT professionals in corporations. These
devices are infiltrating corporations at an astonishing rate and up
until now there has been no easy way to manage them with the
existing tools companies have already purchased.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- StarBurst
Sender for Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 Streamlines
Electronic Software Delivery
Time: 08:38
EST/13:38 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
StarBurst Software today announced a new version
of its StarBurst Sender software that is more tightly integrated
with Microsoft's popular Systems Management Server 2.0. StarBurst
Sender for Systems Management Server 2.0 can provide users with a
more efficient and reliable means of simultaneously distributing
software to many remote sites over any kind of network, including
the Internet. The StarBurst Sender software enables Systems
Management Server 2.0 users to reduce network traffic, decrease the
load on sending servers, and minimize software distribution time
through bandwidth-efficient one-to-many simultaneous transfers
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Affiliates Request
Time: 08:31
EST/13:31 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
We are on the look out for more affiliates. We
already have quite a few but with the upcoming branching out of the
website we are after a few big site names to join our list of
Windows, Linux, DVD and Games website affiliates. If you are
interested just drop
me a line.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Linux
lovers: Hail to the judge -- not!
Time: 08:06
EST/13:06 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
The Web site renders Bill Gates as a non-feeling
Borg from Star Trek. Many visitors replace the 's' in Microsoft with
a $. They play the FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) card at the
first waft of pro-Microsoft sentiment.
Collectively, they are the maintainers and
visitors at Slashdot.org, the
most prominent Linux community site, which has become something of a
cultural phenomenon -- its founder landing in Rolling Stone and
earning more than $1 million when he sold the site.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- How
fighting piracy helps MS boost Windows sales
Time: 07:58
EST/12:58 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Microsoft can even use the fight against piracy as
a mechanism for strengthening its hold on the OS market, according
to Judge Jackson's findings of fact. The company has achieved a
situation where practically all PCs ship with Windows on them, so
nobody much wants a pirate copy of the OS, and where the illegal
market that does exist has no effect on keeping the prices Microsoft
charges down.
It's nice work if you can get it. This is how,
according to the judge, it works: "Although there is no legal
secondary market for Microsoft's PC operating systems, there is a
thriving illegal one. Software pirates illegally copy software
products such as Windows, selling each copy for a fraction of the
vendor's usual price."
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Judge:
Linux can't break Windows monopoly
Time: 07:57
EST/12:57 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Linux and the open source movement won't succeed
in breaking Microsoft's hold on the operating system market, said
Judge Jackson in his findings of fact last Friday. Jackson accepts
that Linux has been growing in popularity, but rejects the
'resistance is futile, victory is inevitable' viewpoint common in
the Linux community.
Linux partisans can view this as a mix of good
news and bad news. Jackson's conclusion that Linux, Be, network
computers and other alternative operating systems can't shift
Microsoft unaided means that he's coming down on the side of
Microsoft being a monopoly with no effective competition. Buy saying
this he's clearly rejecting the case Microsoft somewhat hurriedly
made for Linux being a serious competitor. The Microsoft pitch is
that the sudden rise of Linux just goes to show that things move
very fast in the IT business, that competition can come out of
nowhere, and that Microsoft therefore isn't a monopoly really.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Site News
Time: 07:51
EST/12:51 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Well, we took a well deserved day off from
updating yesterday, we hope you didn't mind too much but doing daily
news updates does take its toll on each of us. This week we have
quite a lot of new bits and pieces going on including new articles,
editorials and reviews. Speaking of reviews, here are a few of the
ones we have coming up.
Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Racing Wheel, Microsoft IntelliMouse
Explorer, Regular Visor, Microtek SlimScan6, SoundBlaster Live!
Platinum, Microsoft Force Feedback Steering Wheel, Microsoft Force
Feedback Joystick
Software: Reverent, Asheron's Call,
Unreal Tournament, Wheel Of Time, Delta Force 2, Nocturne (This week
+ competition), Fifa 2000 (This week + competition), Prince Of
Persia 3D, Flight Simulator 2000 Pro, Pandora's Box, Links LS 2000,
Rogue Spear, Driver
Applications: Corel Suite 9, Vizact
2000 (+ competition)
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Date: Saturday 6th November 1999
Today's Top Headlines: RealPlayer
- Site News |
- New
Privacy Glitch Snares Real
Time: 18:07
EST/23:07 GMT News Source: Wired
Posted By: Matt
RealNetworks plugged a major privacy glitch in its
music software last Monday, but a newly discovered problem in the
company's far more popular streaming software remains wide open.
The company last week issued a patch to remove
from its RealJukebox software a unique identification number, which
tracks users' listening habits. Software analysis shows that the
same identifier is also transmitted by RealNetworks' RealPlayer.
RealPlayer, which is used on millions of desktops,
continues to provide a means for companies to stealthily collect
software IDs. The unique identification numbers could be tied to
personal information that is collected by RealNetworks during user
"It's harder for [RealNetworks] to fix,
because the player has been around for years," said Richard
Smith, who first pointed out the problem. "[Sites] are really
using the [ID] numbers in a big way." Smith regularly monitors
the behavior of Internet software for security and privacy flaws.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
under pressure to settle case
Time: 15:32
EST/20:32 GMT News Source: CNN
Posted By: Byron
A federal judge's crushing blow to Microsoft
Corp.'s defense puts renewed pressure on the software firm to settle
its antitrust case with the U.S. government, according to legal
Late Friday, U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield
Jackson ruled in his findings of fact that Microsoft
holds monopoly power in the market for PC operating systems. More
damaging to the company, Jackson said Microsoft's actions have
harmed consumers, rejecting the company's defense that the
government failed to show consumer harm.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Site News
Time: 06:28
EST/11:28 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Hi Everyone, it has been another good week for
news and reviews here at ActiveWindows and this upcoming week we
should be able to better ourselves once again. Some of you may have
already noticed that our DVD section on the website is now sponsored
by DVD
Express ,
so expect a large amount of updates and reviews from now on.
Remember to sign up for our online
community where you can chat with us and ask questions via our
message board, our next chat is on November 13th so mark your
calendars. On another note, our new domain for ActiveLinux, A
website dedicated to Linux news, tips, downloads and articles which
will be run in a similar fashion to ActiveWindows will be http://www.activelinux.net
for all of those who have been asking. We are still after a few more
Linux fans to help us run it, if you are interested then drop
us a line ASAP as we have already started full work on the new
site. Here is a list of our upcoming reviews:
Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Racing Wheel, Microsoft IntelliMouse
Explorer, Regular Visor, Microtek SlimScan6, SoundBlaster Live!
Platinum, Microsoft Force Feedback Steering Wheel, Microsoft Force
Feedback Joystick
Software: Reverent, Asheron's Call,
Unreal Tournament, Wheel Of Time, Delta Force 2, Nocturne (This week
+ competition), Fifa 2000 (This week + competition), Prince Of
Persia 3D, Flight Simulator 2000 Pro, Pandora's Box, Links LS 2000,
Firestorm, System Shock 2, Rogue Spear, Driver
Applications: Corel Suite 9, Vizact
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Date: Friday 5th November 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Judge
Decision - Microsoft Security Bulletin (MS99-047) |
- Statement
by Bill Gates on Findings of Fact
Time: 21:51
EST/02:51 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
MR. GATES: Good evening. I'd like to take
this opportunity to make a few remarks about the findings of fact
issued by the Court.
It's important to recognize that today's filing is
just one step in an ongoing legal process that has many steps
We respectfully disagree with a number of the
Court's findings, and believe the American legal system ultimately
will affirm that Microsoft's actions and innovations were fair and
legal, and have brought tremendous benefits to millions of
The Court's findings do acknowledge that
Microsoft's actions accelerated the development of the Internet,
reduced the cost to consumers and improved the quality of
web-browsing software. Microsoft competes vigorously, and fairly.
Microsoft is committed to resolving this case in a
fair and responsible manner, while ensuring that the principles of
consumer benefit and innovation are protected.
[ Submit
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Scraps Reseller Referrals On Online Store
Time: 20:34
EST/01:34 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Matt
Microsoft said Friday it will embrace a more
directmodel to sell to consumers over microsoft.shop.com.
The online store, which was launched just last
spring, will scrap its current method of direct product order
referrals to the four retailers on board: CDW, CompUSA, Insight
Direct, and Beyond.com, and instead steer the consumer shopping cart
directly to Microsoft's online cashiers.
The move, made less than a year after its e-doors
opened, confirms retailers' initial fears that Microsoft eventually
will embrace a direct relationship with its online customers.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
shares slip following antitrust report
Time: 20:24
EST/01:24 GMT News Source: ZDII
Posted By: Matt
Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT)
shares fell in after-hours trading Friday after a federal judge
determined it holds a monopoly in PC operating systems and used that
power to stifle innovation and steamroll potential competitors.
On Island's after-hours trading system, shares of
the software giant fell 4 17/32 to 89 as more than 111,000 shares
exchanged hands. The stock could continue to fall on Monday, but
there's a weekend's worth of information to digest before the market
opens. During a press conference following the release of the
judicial decision, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates declined to
predict its effect on his company's share price.
"Microsoft is not a prognosticator of the
stock market, not up, not down, not sideways," said Gates,
chairman and CEO of Microsoft. "I'm not going to speculate on
the market one way or the other."
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- The
Rare Glitch Project: The legendary search for a stable version of
Time: 19:37
EST/00:37 GMT News Source: CNN
Posted By: Byron
October 1999, three student filmmakers disappeared in a building in
Redmond, Wash., while shooting a documentary. A week later, their
footage was found. What follows is an edited transcript of that
footage. Fortunately, I was able to cut the transcript, which was
385 pages, down to a half page by removing the profanity.
The would-be filmmakers are Heather, Josh, and
Mike. They are attempting to document the Rare Glitch Project, a
legendary version of Microsoft Windows designed to be compact and
stable. As the film begins, Heather describes the first landmark,
Coffee Rock, to the camera.
Heather says, "The way the legend goes, seven
men were found sleeping in this break room, all the caffeine having
been sucked out of their brains. They had markings on them that were
made by a tiny piercing instrument that penetrated their skin while
they were still alive. One symbol looked like a heart. Another was a
hula girl that danced when he flexed his muscles.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Says Innovation and Competition Thriving in Marketplace
Time: 19:37
EST/00:37 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp today said the District Court's
findings of fact in the antitrust lawsuit with the U.S. Justice
Department do not reflect the phenomenal competition and innovation
in the software industry and that consumers make decisions based on
the best products in the marketplace. Microsoft said the company
will continue to defend the principle of innovation and pointed out
that today's findings are just one step in an ongoing legal process
that has many steps remaining.
The Court's Findings of Fact: (Self-extracting
.EXE - Word format)
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Netscape Communicator 5.0 too
Time: 19:37
EST/00:37 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Has Web-based computing passed by Netscape
Communications Corp.? The subsidiary of America Online Inc. expects
to finally ship a beta of Communicator 5.0 next month, almost a year
after it was originally planned. But it may be a case of too little,
too late. By failing to match Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer
5.0 with support for advanced Web technologies such as XML
(Extensible Markup Language), Netscape's browser has fallen out of
favor among many IT managers and Web developers.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Judge: No viable alternative to
Time: 19:36
EST/00:36 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
In the first major decision so far in the
Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq:MSFT)
antitrust case, Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson has ruled that
Microsoft has monopoly power. The judge wrote in part, "first,
Microsoft's share of the market for Intel-compatible PC operating
systems is extremely large and stable. Second, Microsoft’s
dominant market share is protected by a high barrier to entry.
Third, and largely as a result of that barrier, Microsoft’s
customers lack a commercially viable alternative to Windows,"
Judge Jackson wrote.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
monopoly power found
Time: 18:55
EST/23:55 GMT News Source: MSNBC
Posted By: Matt
The judge in the historic antitrust trial of
software giant Microsoft Corp. ruled Friday that the software giant
wields monopoly power in personal computer operating systems and
issued a decision highly favorable to the government.
detriment of consumers ... Microsoft has done much more than develop
innovative browsing software of commendable quality and offer it
bundled with Windows at no additional charge.” As has has been
shown, “Microsoft also engaged in a concerted series of actions
designed to protect the applications barrier to entry, and hence its
monopoly power from a variety of middle-ware threats including
Netscape’s Web browser and Sun Microsystems implementation of
Java,” the judge said.
“Many of these actions have harmed consumers in
ways that are immediate and easily discernable,” the judge
Side note from ActiveWin staff:
Let's hope there are some cut backs in the Microsoft Windows Beta
department once all this goes through.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Community Spotlight
Time: 18:54
EST/23:54 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Just noticed that our ActiveWindows
Community on MSN has been spotlighted
in the Computers & Internet section on MSN. So please don't
hesitate to join our community--we would love to have you! We
are currently the largest Windows site on the MSN community
list. Who will be our three-hundredth member?
We have an upcoming chat taking place on Saturday
November 13th at 7pm EST 12pm GMT, we will all be there.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- MS decision to be released in
just under two hours
Time: 17:45
EST/22:45 GMT News Source: TV Posted By: Byron
U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson
will release his finding of fact in the Microsoft antitrust case
later today. A court clerk confirmed that the judge's decision will
be released around 3:30 PM, Pacific Time.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Win2000:
So far so good
Time: 14:36
EST/19:36 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Is Windows 2000 just a retread of NT or is it a
really new product? Well, I've been using one of the late beta
versions, and in at least one area, it's a great time saver for both
home and small businesses. That's in the area of sharing an Internet
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Win95
- is it just Dos 7 plus Windows 4 after all?
Time: 14:32
EST/19:32 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Brad Silverberg, who is now surely rich enough to
hire somebody to work his shift key for him, was concerned early on
about how to make DR-DOS run badly, or preferably, not run at all.
He emailed Barrett on 27 September 1991: "can you tell me
specifically what we're going to do to bind ourselves closer to ms
dos? ... Let me emphasize the importance; ibm is going to announce
the drdos deal at comdex (almost certain)."
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- MS
trial shaped current digital economy
Time: 10:23
EST/15:23 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
With a ruling in U.S.A. v. Microsoft Corp.
expected as soon as Friday, some of the outcome is clear. The
long-running antitrust case itself has already played a major role
in shaping the digital economy.
Two years of intensive federal scrutiny of Microsoft
have been a kind of remedy for the very concerns that prompted the
lawsuit. The trial and its harsh publicity forestalled some of the
software company's most aggressive practices at the very moment the
foundation of Internet-based commerce was being laid. As a result,
competition in the software industry has remained far more open than
many would have predicted when the Justice Department and 19 states
sued the company in 1997.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Sun
confirms MS Win2k pricing 'manipulation'
Time: 08:37
EST/13:37 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Chris Sarfas, Sun's UK product marketing manager,
was in explosive mood when he alleged that Microsoft has manipulated
a price comparison between Solaris and Windows 2000 in its pricing
Indeed, we said much the same thing earlier this
week (see Win2k
smoke and mirrors -- how MS is hiking OS prices.)
"Any comparison between Solaris and Windows
2000 should use the same hardware," he observed testily, and
went on to point out that a 100-user licence for Windows 2000
advanced server would cost $15,996 (and $3999 for each additional 25
users), compared with $4395 for a Solaris 7 licence for an unlimited
number of users on an eight-CPU system. Sarfas told The Register how
that Solaris 8 prices are expected to be similar to those for
Solaris 7.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Chumbo.com
Takes Pre-orders For Win2000
Time: 05:35
EST/10:35 GMT News Source: TechWeb
Posted By: Matt
e-tailer Chumbo.com announced this week that it would be the first
to take "pre-orders" for Windows 2000 software. The
company plans to ship orders some 24 hours prior to the general
release, scheduled for Feb. 17, 2000.
Site visitors at Chumbo.com homepage today can see
a box shot of the Win 2000 Professional NT 4.0 upgrade and click on
a "pre-order" button to drop an IOU into their virtual
shopping carts. The price for upgrades and "new" versions
varies. The NT 4.0 upgrade is priced at $135.99, while elsewhere on
the site, the Windows 2000 professional upgrade for Win 95 and Win
98 users is priced at $199.99.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Security Bulletin (MS99-047) - Patch Available for "Malformed
Spooler Request" Vulnerability
Time: 05:30
EDT/10:30 GMT News Source: E-mail Posted By: Matt
Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates a
security vulnerability in Microsoft(r) Windows NT(r) 4.0.
More On This And Other Security Bulletins-->
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Community
Time: 05:15
EDT/10:15 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Just another reminder about signing up for our ActiveWindows
Community on MSN. It allows you to chat with us in our
chat room or via our message board, it also lets you post your own
screensavers and backgrounds for other ActiveWindows readers to
So please don't hesitate to join our community--we
would love to have you! We are currently the largest Windows
site on the MSN community list. Who will be our
three-hundredth member?
We have an upcoming chat taking place on Saturday
November 13th at 7pm EST 12pm GMT, we will all be there.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Date: Thursday 4th November 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Windows |
- Microsoft's Little Public Beta Of
Time: 15:10
EST/20:10 GMT News Source: Windows
Magazine Posted By: Byron
This Microsoft Ad ran in last Sunday's Seattle
Times, in the Technology section:
"Microsoft Windows code name
An installation fair is being held
on November 13, 1999 and we are looking for cutting edge computer
users. If you currently run Windows 95 or Windows 98 on your home
computer, Microsoft would like to upgrade it to our next Windows
Beta product.
For your participation, you will
receive a gift and enjoy a complimentary refreshments while
Microsoft technicians help you upgrade your PC!
To receive an application, please
Please be sure to include your full name.
We are looking for non-business
PCs running Windows 95 or Windows 98. It must have at least 150 Mhz
processor, 32 MB of RAM, CD-ROM drive, floppy drive, and 800 MB of
available hard drive space. Also be aware that we will be using a
beta product and therefore, participation is at your own risk.
Participants will not be compensated, as this is a volunteer event.
However, Microsoft will provide gives, snacks, drinks, and a great
opportunity to take part in the development of our newest
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft's
e-book push gets a boost
Time: 14:48
EST/19:48 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft's drive to establish a market for
electronic books got another boost today as the software giant
announced a deal with printing and publishing house R.R. Donnelly
& Sons.
Under the terms of the agreement, Chicago-based
Donnelly will work closely with its publishing partners to convert
print titles into electronic versions that conform to the Open eBook
The deal will give access to Donnelly's repository of thousands of
titles to users of Microsoft's Reader software.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
and RR Donnelley Collaborate to Provide eBook Access to Publishers
Time: 14:45
EST/19:45 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft and RR Donnelley & Sons Company
today kept the literary light burning brightly at New York’s
Algonquin Hotel, announcing a collaboration to put the world of
literature at readers’ fingertips – instantly and
electronically. In the same location where Dorothy Parker, George S.
Kaufman, James Thurber, Harold Ross and other members of the
Algonquin Roundtable -- one of the most celebrated literary groups
in American history -- gathered in the 1920s to discuss their work
and share ideas, the two companies announced plans that will
undoubtedly enhance every reader’s access to his or her favorite
novel, non-fiction title, book of poetry, college textbook, or
medical professional book.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
China’s Talented Staff Pursues Technology of the Future
Time: 14:44
EST/19:44 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Nothing beats real Chinese cooking. That’s what
internationally recognized computer researcher Kai-Fu Lee figured
when he moved to China one year ago to build the company’s
research center in Beijing.
As Managing Director of Microsoft Research (MSR)
China, which celebrates its first anniversary on November 5, Lee has
been busy devising his own recipe for the facility’s success. The
key ingredient: a staff of brilliant minds.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- More
Time: 09:31
EST/14:31 GMT News Source: Sharky
Extreme Posted By: Byron
Sharky Extreme are quite a reliable website in
terms of gaming news etc, so when they post some new information and
specs on the Microsoft X-Box people sit up and take notice. Sharky
has posted the
story of The Microsoft X-Box - which includes the possible usage
of the yet to be released .SE has also posted the latest scoop on
the 18micron AMD K6-2+ 500MHz, USB support, the GeForce 256 and
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft,
Caldera may finally go to trial
Time: 09:16
EST/14:16 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft and Caldera appear to be headed for a
legal showdown in early 2000.In a 68-page ruling issued late
yesterday, a federal magistrate rejected Microsoft's motions for
summary judgement, forcing the case to trial possibly in January or
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Windows
will soon be obsolete, says MS defender
Time: 09:11
EST/14:11 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
I was a quieter Halloween weekend than we
expected, with no news from Judge Jackson (OK, our source was a
dud). But we do expect some news this Friday night. There were many
exquisite fireworks in court, so why not issue the findings of fact
on the anniversary of Guy Fawkes' attempt to use gunpowder to blow
up the Palace of Westminster - but with the venue being Fort
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Date: Wednesday 3rd November 1999
Today's Top Headlines: X-Box |
- Battle
Of The Sexes
Time: 18:54
EST/23:54 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft announced today that the battle of the
sexes is raging on the MSN Gaming Zone (http://www.zone.com)
with its new game "Men are from Mars, Women are from
Venus." The game, based on the best-selling book by John Gray,
is available for free* multiplayer matchmaking. Published by Mattel,
"Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" unlocks the
mysteries of love and secrets of relationships.
"Men are from Mars, Women are from
Venus" tests gamers' relationship IQ with over 900 witty and
irreverent questions dealing with such topics as love, dating,
marriage and family. Gamers can play as either a Martian or Venusian
and further customize their character by developing a name,
portrait, and profile. The game reveals the complex, and sometimes
hilarious, differences that exist between the sexes when it comes to
matters of the heart.
To play "Men are from Mars, Women are from
Venus" on the Zone, visit:
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Ask AW Help...
Time: 17:31
EST/22:31 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
With the large amount of email regarding AW we've
decided to ask for some help. From now on, Ask AW will be answered
by not only AW staff but skilled visitors as well. If you're
interested in this opportunity to help other users, please take our
Ask AW test by emailing dennisg@activewin.com.
The test will consist of 2 questions and you will have to respond to
them and if your answer is good, you'll be accepted. Your name will
appear in a special page which will be decided later.
If you have a question you'd like to submit for
Ask AW email askaw@activewin.com.
If you'd like to make a difference in your online community email dennisg@activewin.com
to apply to help other visitors like yourself!
Thank you for visiting ActiveWindows.
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- Reminder: Asheron's
Call Chat Tonight
Time: 17:31
EST/22:31 GMT News Source: Microsoft Posted By: Dennis
We'd like to remind you of the chat tonight with
the Asheron's Call developers. It will begin at 8:30 P.M EST and
will last until 10 P.M. EST 5:30-10 P.M. PST. Here's a quote from
"With Asheron's Call due in
stores this week, gamers will want to tune in to get the scoop on
what to expect from this highly anticipated, new online world.
To participate in the Asheron's Call chat, click "Chat &
Events" on the navigation bar across the top of any Zone page,
and then click "Chat Rooms" and "Zone Theater
Chat" in the room list."
We'll see you there! My zone ID is HonestRocket,
so I hope to see you all there!
Another reminder... Asheron's Call is now in
stores. The game includes 1 free month, but if you're lucky your
dealer may give you the coupon for another free month. Its $ 9.95 US
a month without the coupon.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Reviews From The Web
Time: 16:55
EST/21:55 GMT News Source: Various Posted By: Byron
Natural Keyboard Pro Review - USB Workshop
Natural Pro Keyboard - AGN Hardware
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft, print publisher to
announce deal
Time: 15:14
EST/20:14 GMT News Source: Reuters
Posted By: Byron
NEW YORK--Software maker Microsoft and commercial
printer R.R. Donnelley & Sons today said they will make an
announcement of "historic proportions" here at a news
conference tomorrow.
In an advisory, the companies said speakers at the
event would include Mark Bayer, senior vice president and general
manager of R.R. Donnelley & Sons, and Dick Brass, vice president
of technology development at Microsoft.
"North America's leading integrated content
manager of books, magazines, catalogs, directories, and financial
information and the worldwide leader in software for business and
personal computing will come together to mark a new era in bringing
words to life," the statement said.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- SB Live! Win 2000 Fix
Time: 15:10
EST/20:10 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
A fix which allow to use Creative Labs Liveware 3
under Windows 2000 and a new SB Live! INF (wdma10k1.inf) with
updated SB Live! hardware ID for all those newer Soundcards are now
available at http://www.ntcompatible.cjb.net
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft,
SHKP Join to Promote Intelligent Commercial Buildings
Time: 15:05
EST/20:05 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Hong Kong and Sun Hung Kai Properties
(SHKP) of Hong Kong announced a partnership to create intelligent
commercial properties.
Microsoft technologies will be deployed in SHKP's
commercial and industrial buildings in Hong Kong to provide
knowledge management capabilities to tenants.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
asks investors to petition Congress
Time: 15:05
EST/20:05 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft Corp.'s millions of investors have been
richly rewarded by its success. Now, with a ruling imminent in the
company's antitrust trial, it is asking for their help.
In a letter to shareholders, Microsoft's
chief operating officer, Robert Herbold, appealed for support
against the government, warning that "litigation and government
intervention ... could choke off innovation and threaten the
continued vitality of our industry as a whole." He doesn't
mention the pending lawsuit in federal court here, filed last year
by the Justice Department and 19 states.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- More Microsoft X-Box
Time: 08:39
EST/13:39 GMT News Source: E-Mail Posted By: Byron
Ga-Source has posted another issue of its Investor
Insight. This week's issue, takes a look at Microsoft rumored
X-Box game console. Here is a snippet:
Most larger publishers won't speak
of the X-Box due to NDAs (non disclosure agreements) with Microsoft
concerning the matter. Some speak more freely though, as Yoshihiro
Maruyama, the vice chairman of a U.S. joint venture between game
makers Square and Electronic Arts. "Microsoft could make an
announcement about a new console system by the end of October"
he said to Bloomberg News in late September. Now the end of October
has come and gone but statements like these do strengthen the
probability of a Microsoft move into the console market. The fact
that there is NDAs concerning the matter is of course a hint in the
right direction.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- MS
Halloween Linux report author surfaces at onebox.com
Time: 08:32
EST/13:32 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
The author of Microsoft's 'Halloween' Linux
documents has indeed left the company for a start-up, but it's not a
Linux one, nor was his departure anything to do with the leaking of
his reports a year ago. That, at any rate, is what Vinod
Valloppillil said to Dow Jones Newswire, which tracked him down to onebox.com.
Sniffily, having missed the original story, Dow
Jones observes that on Sunday "false online rumours surfaced
that [Valloppillil] had quit Microsoft to join a 'Linux-based
start-up,'" and adds that they were picked up by several sites,
including The Register (See
earlier false online rumour). In response would merely direct
the reader's attention to Dow Jones' recent grovelling apology to
Microsoft: Dow
Jones unsustainable MS contract story.
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Headlines] [Translate]
eShop doors closed to IE, Netscape browsers
Time: 08:31
EST/13:31 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Some of the shine rubbed off MSN's lustrous
opening of its new digital store yesterday when eager shoppers were
confronted with an error message instead of a well-stocked
MSN's eShop
was launched in time to capitalise on the holiday season spending
spree, predicted by Forrester Research to top $4 billion this year.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Date: Tuesday 2nd November 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Windows
2000 Pricing |
- Ask AW
Time: 18:33
EST/23:33 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Thanks for the overwhelming response to our Ask AW
section! I have over 27 questions that have to be answered! Thats a
lot more than what we had last week when we first announced the
section. We will try to answer every question in our weekly section,
but most likely we will not be able to. We will try to include 8 or
9 questions for this weekend's section to help get through all the
questions. If we do not get to your question, we'll try to answer
it, if we're unable to answer it, we'll email you other resources
(newsgroups, etc.) to help find answers to your question.
Thank you for taking advantage of the Ask AW
section and visiting ActiveWindows.
If you have a question for the ActiveWindows to
answer in Ask AW, email askaw@activewin.com
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Asheron's
Call Release & Chat
Time: 18:25
EST/23:25 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows & Microsoft
Posted By: Dennis
If you havn't heard, Asheron's Call shipped to
customers last night, and thousands received it today. You can order
Asheron's Call here.
We are expecting to receive Asheron's Call this week or next week
and will post an update to our review when we receive it.
We also received a notice from Microsoft of a chat
with the Asheron's Call developers tomorrow on the
Zone. The chat will start at 8:30 - 10 p.m. EST, 5:30 - 7 p.m.
PST. For more information on this chat check
this out.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Encarta
2000: How to Obtain an Update That Corrects Installation Issues
Time: 16:43
EST/21:43 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Posted By: Byron
Microsoft has released an update file that
corrects problems you may experience when you install the U.S.
version of any of the programs listed at the beginning of this
article. If you experience problems when you install your Encarta
program, download and run the Crow.exe update file, and then install
the Encarta program. The following file is available for download
from the Microsoft Download Center. Click the file name below to
download the file:
- Crow.exe
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Sun's
new Solaris takes aim at Microsoft
Time: 16:37
EST/21:37 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Byron
In a jab at fierce rival Microsoft, Sun
Microsystems will release its newest operating system for general
use the same month that Windows 2000 makes its debut.
Sun said today that it will unveil the new Solaris
8 OS in February. On February 17, Microsoft introduces its
much-anticipated, much-delayed Windows 2000, formerly called Windows
Solaris 8, the new edition of Sun's version of
Unix, will become generally available that month, product manager
Tom Goguen said in an interview today. But Sun is trying to prime
the pump with a new program: Starting November 27, anyone who is so
inclined will be able to begin beta testing on Solaris 8 for about
News] [Return To
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- Microsoft
Delivers True Plug-and-Play, and Play-and-Play
Time: 09:41
EST/14:41 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. is providing new hope for PC
gamers who don't enjoy crawling under their desks to wrestle with a
multitude of wires and cobwebs just to swap out peripherals. With
the new Microsoft® keyboard featuring two USB ports, gamers can sit
back and enjoy all the benefits of true plug-and-play with their USB
mouse, game pads and joysticks without under-the-desk acrobatics.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
and Data Return Expand Relationship To Deliver Automated Install
Time: 09:41
EST/14:41 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced its collaboration
with Data Return Corp. to develop automated install scripts to help
application service providers (ASPs) deploy hosted business services
and e-commerce solutions more rapidly and with less need of
technical expertise. These install scripts automate the deployment
of business and commerce services for direct selling, Web purchasing
and customer relationship management based on the Microsoft®
Windows NT® operating system, SQL Server™ 7.0 and Microsoft Site
Server Commerce Edition.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft,
Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Philips, Siemens, Sony, Thomson, And
Others Establish Universal Plug and Play Forum Steering Committee
Time: 09:40
EST/14:40 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced the formation of
the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) Forum Steering Committee, which
will set the agenda, technology focus and guiding principles for the
Universal Plug and Play Forum. The UPnP Forum was established in
June 1999 to drive the emergence of a new generation of easily
networked devices based on open Internet-based standards and
protocols. The steering committee members include Axis
Communications, Compaq Computer Corp., Echelon Corp.,
Hewlett-Packard Co., Honeywell Inc., IBM Corp., Intel Corp.,
Mitsubishi Electronics America Inc., Panja Inc., Philips
Electronics, Siemens AG, Sony Corp., Thomson Multimedia SA and
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Announces New One-Stop MSN eShop In Time for Online Holiday Rush
Time: 09:40
EST/14:40 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today launched MSN™ eShop, a
completely new shopping site built with the specific goal of helping
consumers easily find, decide on and buy the products that are right
for them. The new site, located at http://eshop.msn.com/,
is a full-featured shopping service that combines leading-edge tools
such as product finders and guides, a wide variety of top merchants
and products, and integration with the entire MSN network of
Internet services. This complete offering creates a shopping
experience that addresses a key unmet need of consumers: the ability
to easily find and buy exactly what they are looking for.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
Announces Top Online Merchants Featured on MSN eShop
Time: 09:38
EST/14:38 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced the first wave of
leading retailers to participate in the newly launched MSN™ eShop
shopping service on the MSN network of Internet services. Leading
retailers, including 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Amazon.com, 800.COM, Eddie
Bauer Online, Expedia.com™, Garden.com, PETsMART.com, sears.com,
ShopSports.com, Toysrus.com, ToyTime.com and wine.com have joined
the growing group of MSN eShop-affiliated merchants. MSN eShop,
launched today at http://eshop.msn.com/,
is a full-featured shopping service that meets a previously unmet
key need of consumers - the ability to easily find and buy exactly
what they are looking for. Because consumers have access to an
unprecedented shopping service on MSN eShop, merchant sites can
expect highly qualified buyers to visit them. In addition, the
integration with MSN means that merchants have access to the over 30
million consumers who visit the portal site each month.
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- Microsoft,
anti-virus experts offer free Y2K virus protection
Time: 08:03
EST/13:03 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Microsoft Corp. and nine anti-virus vendors
announced Monday they will offer free anti-virus software to
companies and consumers preparing for the year 2000.
The anti-virus software can be downloaded from
Microsoft's Year 2000 Web site at www.microsoft.com/y2k/
or from the nine anti-virus vendors' Web sites today through Dec.
31. The software is available to users for 90 days after they
download it.
Microsoft worked on the initiative with Central
Command Inc., Computer Associates International Inc., Data Fellows
Corp., Network Associates Inc., Norman ASA, Panda Software, Sophos
Inc., Syumantec Corp. and Trend Micro Inc. over the past two months.
News] [Return To
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- PC
makers hit with 'copycat' suits
Time: 08:00
EST/13:00 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Toshiba Corp.'s massive $2.1billion settlement for
using a potentially flawed floppy-disk controller is already causing
ripples, which may yet turn into tidal waves.
On Sunday night, four new suits were filed in U.S.
District Court in Beaumont, Texas, against PC makers Hewlett-Packard
Compaq Computer Corp. (NYSE:CPQ),
NEC Packard-Bell and e-Machines Inc. Toshiba on Friday settled
a class-action suit that alleged it had knowingly sold computers
with a floppy-disk controller that could cause data loss.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- New
Taiwan quake shakes tech stocks
Time: 07:54
EST/12:54 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Alex
Semiconductor and large computer-company stocks
fell Monday after an earthquake with a preliminary reading of 6.9 on
the open-ended Richter scale struck the island of Taiwan, the second
major temblor in that region in less than two months. The
Philadelphia Semiconductor Index, a major barometer of chip stocks,
tumbled shortly after 1 p.m. EST, when news of the quake first
broke. The index then recovered and closed down 0.31, or 0.06
percent, at 555.52.
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- Microsoft
outlines Windows 2000 pricing
Time: 04:49
EST/09:49 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Matt
during the past week has been briefing customers and certain
reseller partners on the pricing for its Windows 2000 operating
system SKUs, due to be available commercially on Feb. 17, 2000.
"Typically, Microsoft notifies customers of
its pricing at launch, but we are notifying customers and partners
well in advance so they will be able to budget for Windows
2000," explains Mike Nash, general manager of product
management for Business Windows, who adds that he's expecting to see
lots of migrations early with the product.
While it's not as complex as Active Directory,
Microsoft's Windows 2000 pricing scheme offers many different price
points for the product, depending on volume and the platform from
which customers are upgrading.
Windows 2000 Professional, the client, will cost
$219 as an upgrade from previous Windows 95 and 98 clients, or $319
if it's not an upgrade. To migrate from Windows NT 4.0 Workstation
to Professional will cost $149, officials in Redmond, Wash., said.
News] [Return To
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- February
2000 launch planned for Windows 2000
Time: 04:45
EST/09:45 GMT News Source: Microsoft
Daily News Posted By: Matt
Corp. plans to make Windows 2000 Professional, Server and Advanced
Server available through retailers, PC manufacturers and other
industry partners on Feb. 17, 2000. Microsoft expects to release the
operating system to manufacturing late this year.
The actual launch date depends on continued
positive feedback from customers who are adopting Windows 2000 early
and on meeting shipment criteria.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Date: Monday 1st November 1999
Today's Top Headlines: Daylight
Savings Time Bug - Ask AW |
- Ask AW is here!
Time: 18:44
EST/23:44 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
We have been working hard all weekend on our new
Ask AW section! We received an overwhelming response for this
section, and we were only able to answer 7 questions as we decided
when we first announced the section, and we will try to answer the
rest next week!
If you have any questions for Ask AW email your
question askaw@activewin.com.
Thanks for visiting ActiveWindows!
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
to open doors on shopping hub
Time: 18:33
EST/23:33 GMT News Source: News.com
Posted By: Matt
Joining a host of companies indulging in
pre-Christmas portal makeovers, Microsoft plans to relaunch its MSN
online shopping service tomorrow.
MSN Shopping is the latest in a string of new Web
services previewed
by the software giant in September to be launched this year.
During the September briefing, Microsoft
executives presented the revamped shopping site, which included a
price comparison guide, product reviews, a yellow page directory for
local businesses, and links to MSN Auctions. Executives also
previewed the ways MSN Shopping will be integrated into MSN Search
The move comes as Web companies are increasingly
looking to build revenue streams outside of advertising by becoming
transactional "hubs." Yahoo, America Online, and Lycos all
offer similar e-commerce services.
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- Win
2000: Damned If They Do, Damned If They Don't
Time: 16:15
EST/21:15 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
I don't care if only one desktop application has
been certified to take advantage of Windows 2000's new features.
This is Microsoft's last chance to get it right.
OK, OK. Maybe Microsoft has as many more chances
as its PC desktop monopoly will afford it.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- RealNetworks
is watching you
Time: 16:15
EST/21:15 GMT News Source: ZDNet
Posted By: Byron
RealNetworks Inc.'s RealJukebox software monitors
user listening habits and other activities and reports the
information and the user identity to the company, the New York Times
A security expert intercepted and examined
information generated from the program, and company officials
acknowledged that RealJukebox gathers information on what users are
playing and recording, the Times said.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Play
Pack: A Holiday Gift From Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition
Time: 10:35
EST/15:35 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced the immediate
availability of the Play Pack CD-ROM with Microsoft® Windows® 98
Second Edition, the update to the popular Windows 98 operating
system that delivers the latest Internet, home networking and
hardware technologies for consumers. The Play Pack CD-ROM offers
consumers the opportunity to experience the latest in digital media
entertainment. Play Pack includes 18 songs in Windows Media™ from
top labels such as BMG and artists like Sarah McLachlan and Puff
Daddy, action-packed computer game demos, valuable digital
photography offers, and MusicMatch Jukebox software that enables
consumers to create their own PC music library. These offerings are
available with new retail license purchases of Windows 98 Second
Edition beginning Nov. 1, 1999, and ending Jan. 31, 2000, or while
supplies last.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
and Leading Anti-Virus Companies Offer Free Software To Protect
Against Y2K-Related Viruses
Time: 10:35
EST/15:35 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced it is working with
leading anti-virus firms Central Command Inc., Computer Associates
International Inc., Data Fellows Corp., Network Associates Inc.,
Norman ASA, Panda Software, Sophos Inc., Symantec Corp. and Trend
Micro Inc. to provide free, fully functional anti-virus software to
companies, small businesses and consumers preparing for the year
2000 (Y2K). The anti-virus software can be found on Microsoft's Year
2000 Web site at http://www.microsoft.com/y2k/
or downloaded from the respective anti-virus firms' sites from Nov.
1 through Dec. 31, 1999 (connect-time charges may apply). Once
downloaded, the anti-virus software is available for 90 days.
News] [Return To
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- Barron's
Names MSN MoneyCentral "Best Investment Web Site" For
Three Years Straight
Time: 10:35
EST/15:35 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
For the third year running, Microsoft Corp.'s MSN™
MoneyCentral™ (http://moneycentral.msn.com/)
has been named the best investment Web site by Barron's magazine. In
its annual survey of investment Web sites, Barron's again awarded
top honors to the MSN MoneyCentral personal finance service, citing
its "in-depth data, analysis and tools in a graceful, simple
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Offer
Lets New Users of Windows CE-Based Palm-Size PCs Get on the Web
Easily and Affordably
Time: 10:33
EST/15:33 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced the Windows® CE
Web on the Go promotion, enabling new users of Windows CE-based
color Palm-size PCs to easily and affordably connect to the Web any
time and from anywhere. Customers who purchase a Windows CE-based
color Palm-size PC between Oct. 15, 1999, and Jan. 31, 2000, can -
for just $49 - get the Web on the Go kit, which includes the new
Xircom CompactCard Modem 56 for Windows CE-based Palm-size and
handheld PCs, more than 10 mobile software programs, and special
offers on wireless add-ons, saving them more than $100 for Web
access with their Palm-size PC.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- Microsoft
"Pandora's Box" Puzzle Sweepstakes Offers Chance to Win A
Trip to One of Seven Mystical Cities
Time: 10:33
EST/15:33 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced that a free* trial
version of "Pandora's Box," the epic puzzle game from the
creator of Tetris, is available for download from http://www.microsoft.com/games/pandorasbox/.
Web users can register to win** a trip to one of the seven cities
featured in the game that takes puzzle fans on a visually stunning
journey to the ends of the Earth.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- "Flight
Simulator 2000" Soars Into Retail Outlets
Time: 10:31
EST/15:31 GMT News Source: Press Release Posted By:
Microsoft Corp. today announced that "Flight
Simulator 2000," the newest version of its best-selling PC
simulation game, is now available in U.S. retail outlets, with
worldwide availability planned for later next month. One of the most
anticipated computer entertainment titles of the year, Microsoft®
"Flight Simulator 2000" provides desktop pilots with the
most realistic flight simulation available for the PC. For the first
time, PC pilots can jump inside the cockpit of the Concorde,
download real-world weather for their destination and take off to
one of more than 21,000 worldwide airports.
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Headlines] [Translate]
- MS
Halloween author said to have left for Linux startup
Time: 07:13
EST/12:13 GMT News Source: The
Register Posted By: Byron
Writing on the first anniversary of the leak of
the 'Halloween' documents, open source partisan Eric Raymond claims
that the author has recently left Microsoft to join a Linux
start-up. If true the move should make for a interesting, not to say
awkward, future career for Vinod Valloppillil - his written output a
year ago was apparently intended to help Microsoft formulate a
strategy against Linux, and it was splashed all over the press.
As yet we've been unable to confirm that he has
left, and if so, where he's gone. His
personal Web site still reports him as working for Microsoft,
and his favourites list doesn't seem to have acquired any
suspiciously off-message material in the past year.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
- More X-Box news
Time: 07:09
EST/12:09 GMT News Source: Online
CEX Posted By: Byron
are continuing to fly regarding Microsoft's X-Box - and Microsoft
themselves are still busy refusing to comment on the as-yet
unannounced device. The Wall Street Journal believes that Microsoft
are planning to splash out billions of dollars on the design,
development and marketing of the console, and various 'well placed
sources' are currently arguing over whether the X-Box will be fitted
with a Athlon CPU and nVidia GeForce powered graphics.
IGNpocket report convincing sounding rumours that
- as well as a set-top console - Microsoft are also planning a
portable companion to the X-Box. The handheld device will integrate
with the main X-Box unit, but is also thought to be compatible with
DirectX and be able to be used as a fully-fledged PDA.
artists impression of the portable X-Box
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Headlines] [Translate]
- Daylight Savings Time Bug
Time: 07:07
EST/12:07 GMT News Source: ActiveWindows Posted By:
Another bug with Windows 98 SE has cropped up for
a number of people. Instead of Daylight Savings Time automatically
correcting the time, it seems to be setting people back by a whole
day, I only noticed this yesterday when posting to some newsgroups
and the date was appearing as the 30th.
News] [Return To
Headlines] [Translate]
Read more of the past months news in
our News Archive for October
and Previous November News.
Do you have any Windows based news?
Just Remember To Get In Touch!

Media Player 6.4
UI For Windows 98 SE
98 Spinning Globe Background