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  Microsoft Donates $670,000 to NAACP
Time: 12:05 EST/17:05 GMT | News Source: PR Newswire | Posted By: Byron Hinson

Microsoft Corp. today announced a $670,000 grant in cash and software to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in support of the organization's Technology Enhancement and Capacity Building Initiative. The announcement was made at the NAACP's 93rd annual convention to an audience of more than 10,000. This initiative will assist the NAACP in upgrading its information technology capability at its Washington, D.C., bureau; seven regional offices; 2,200 branch offices; and Family Technology Centers.

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#1 By 20 ( at 7/10/2002 12:22:10 PM
$660,000 of which will go into the pockets of the NAACP leadership if they're anything like they've been in the past.

It's really sad that the biggest thing holding back black Americans today is not white people, it's the black "leadership"!

It's hard to be taken seriously when your "leaders" are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

However, I just saw a report on Fox News that showed that many recently-elected young black politicians are conservative and pushing work ethics and values rather than revenge, affirmative action, and complacency.

This post was edited by daz on Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 12:23.

#2 By 2 ( at 7/10/2002 12:48:18 PM
I really hope it just doesn't go to leadership as you stated Daz, but I guess that could apply to most organizations. btw, e-mail me!

#3 By 135 ( at 7/10/2002 1:53:55 PM
daz - "It's hard to be taken seriously when your "leaders" are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. "

How can we take you seriously when your "leader" is Pat Buchanan?

Or are you going to claim that I can't "choose" your leader for you? How strange, because you just did for someone else.

BTW, the last I checked neither Jackson or Sharpton are members of the NAACP board of directors.

"However, I just saw a report on Fox News that showed that many recently-elected young black politicians are conservative and pushing work ethics and values rather than revenge, affirmative action, and complacency."


Does this mean the Republicans are going to stop trying to wipe black's off the voting registration lists? Or is the party still going to continue it's racist agenda, despite this new found revelation?

#4 By 7826 ( at 7/10/2002 2:24:11 PM
I suggest change this site to ActivePolitics!

#5 By 3465 ( at 7/10/2002 2:25:40 PM

#6 By 7390 ( at 7/10/2002 2:29:22 PM
#9 [SodaBlue] covers most of my points. I will also add: Do you consider holocaust reparation revengeful? I am not in favor of “slavery reparations” but raising the issue is not a quest for revenge.

Also when some white cops violate the civil rights of a black person I don’t see the white leaders protesting and trying to bring about justice (Abna Louimer). Al Sharpton (and I don’t support of all his positions) do represent the issues of his constituents as does Pat Buchanan, Newt Gingrinch as well as Orin Hatch.

Sad to say that #1 might be right about where the money is going but clearly we can make that argument about most charities. As an “African American” I expect those kinds of comment [#1] from one who does not know better. But I am praying that Daz does :)

#7 By 8062 ( at 7/10/2002 2:40:44 PM
What's that #1Daz? The conservative republicans are going to cure the ails of the blacks? It that a joke, cause it sure made me laugh! I believe the only black republican just announced he's quitting Congress. Conservative republicans have family values...? Aren't most of the big corps run by white conservative republicans that have been cheating their share holders for years? Now their leader (Bush jr) wants to (maybe) put them in jail. Are those the family values you're referring to? A better description would be hypocrite values!
And fox news..fare and balanced? ROTFLMAO!

#8 By 7826 ( at 7/10/2002 2:45:44 PM
#18, I know. I heard the news. That's it. But why all these endless political discussions?

#9 By 7826 ( at 7/10/2002 2:51:23 PM
I know it's interesting and emotional topic but that's not most people check this web site for.

#10 By 2 ( at 7/10/2002 3:05:43 PM
26#, In fact daz and some others volunteered to help reprogram some things and add some features so hopefully nice improvements like that will occur in the future.

#11 By 135 ( at 7/10/2002 4:16:17 PM
Foxbat - No it's not, but a little diversity of opinion is good. :)

I made a consicence decision following the 2000 "election" to no longer allow the Republican party to ramrod their agenda without putting up a fight for truth. So sometimes this is going to result in some heated discussion. While I am arrogant and like to argue, I have nearly always in the past backed down whenever things got too heated. In politics this meant that for many years I stopped watching CSpan and the news because it infuriated me so.

Unfortunately this reaction on my part, and many others, was exactly the behavior the Republicans hoped to achieve with their vile speech. So by doing nothing, we aided their plans.

I guess I have to say... No more. We need to turn this country back towards the track it started with from our founding fathers, and the other great men who have come and gone since(Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy and so on). So basically if you see heated debate, don't ask for people to let it go, instead offer your own opinion because it also needs to be heard, whatever that might be.

I have to say it is working. Since the 2000 "election" more and more people are unwilling to be rolled over, and you're starting to see an awful lot of these self-proclaimed conservatives self destructing in public. Once they're out of the way, I hope we can bring the tone of political discussion in this nation back to one of civility and respect for one another.

#12 By 2332 ( at 7/10/2002 6:26:55 PM
A few points:

1.) Religion is not the cause of most of the world's problems, but it certainly is a symptom of a certain way of thinking - "I'm right, you're wrong, regardless of the ascertainable facts." Faith is the belief in something without reason or support, and that kind of thinking ranges from "does no real harm" to "causes war".

2.) As a civil libertarian, I learn towards getting the government out of our lives, and I find the idea of a government mandating who I can or cannot hire is insane - BUT - it was the government who sanctioned slavery and Jim Crow, so perhaps we're just getting things to an even level? It's a complicated issue, and isn't clear cut either way.

3.) 95% of politicians are greedy bastards whose SOLE goal is to get reelected. Period. This include the majority of Republicans AND the majority of Democrats. They are both horrible political parties, but for very different reasons. As I've said before, democrats are wrong for the right reasons, and republicans are right for the wrong reasons. (In general, of course.)

4.) Blacks used to be nearly 100% Republican (Lincoln can be considered the very first modern Republican, after all!). Just like whites (and everybody else), blacks vote for the people who they think will represent them the best. Before and during the civil war, it was Democrats (often referred to as "War Democrats") who wanted to keep slavery alive and well, and defend "states rights", even when they violated human rights. Around the time of the great depression, when blacks were among the hardest hit (thanks to the wide spread, government endorsed racism causing them to be much more likely to be poor to begin with), they started voting Democratic because it was the Democrats who were at least willing to admit something was wrong, and needed fixing. Republicans refused to acknowledge their "free market ideology" might have some flaws.

5.) People are stupid... well, 95% or so of them. Free markets rely on smart, informed consumers, and we DO NOT have that.

Anyway, the NAACP is a great organization, imho, and until racism disappears, it is much needed.

This post was edited by RMD on Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 18:32.

#13 By 135 ( at 7/10/2002 7:13:02 PM
#30 - Concur with most of your statements, except #3.

95% of politicians are not greedy bastards whose SOLE goal is to get reelected. First of all you make the implicit assumption that wanting to be reelected means you are greedy, which I don't see a causual relationship with. Most politicians truly just want to do the right thing. There are a few who are corrupt and greedy bastards, but that is closer to 5% than 95%. I do not like these types of attacks because people who choose to serve their country do not deserve this lousy treatment or lack of respect.

Where the greed does occur is on the fringes... the political party hangers on. Richard Mellon Scaife is a greedy bastard who has never run for office, but he works very hard to keep one particular party in power.

I would also disagree with the other point made made. Yes, the Democrats and Republicans are horrible political parties, but to carry over a quote from Matthew 7... you equate the splinter in the Democrats eye, with the wooden beam in the eye of the Republicans.

#14 By 7826 ( at 7/10/2002 8:57:32 PM
#31, don't be so naive. I would say %99 of politicians are greedy, one way or another, for power that is. Politics stinks. End of story!

#15 By 20 ( at 7/10/2002 9:12:37 PM
Well, the problem is that Democrats think in terms of color. Personally, if I hire people and they're of any color, I expect them to work just as hard as everyone else without special considerations.

The Democrats would have you think otherwise. They think you should hire people based on color and treat them differently because of their color. They think that you should pay them differently and consider them differently during promotions and such.

Personally, if I were black, I would be outraged about this. I would consider it one of the worst insults to my culture and a huge example of how rich, fat, Democrats are trying to keep blacks down.

The best way for someone to succeed is to be challenged and given a real chance. By faking a chance and forcing them into a place and then making everyone treat you specially, you only serve to dumb down that person.

Many blacks have been led, by their leaders, to think that everyone owes them something and that it's everyone elses responsibility to see that they succeed.

This is the worst message you would give a group of people trying to succeed. You need to inspire them, you need to challenge them, you need to encourage them. Only then will a group of people reach true success.

Everyone successful person I have met (black, white, asian, etc) have all been self motivators and have saught to challenge themselves and take no handouts or help from anyone. They have made their way in the world without any government subsidies or aide. We should all strive to be so honorable.

However, the Democrats have purposely, and malignantly kept blacks down by giving them what they don't need: special handouts, affirmative action, etc. All this does is foster a particularly bad stereotype among white business owners: That blacks have poor work ethic.

It's not that they have poor work ethic, it's that they've been trained, from day 1 by the liberals to expect the government to do everything for them!

This is how the Democrats keep America down. They get everyone dependent on the government so they wouldn't dare vote for anyone other than a Democrat and the circle of power is set.

#16 By 135 ( at 7/10/2002 10:51:29 PM
daz - It's really sad that you believe this crap.

#17 By 20 ( at 7/11/2002 12:35:30 AM
#34: Well, the facts speak for themselves. The Democrats are all for government dependence (SS, Welfare, National Healthcare, Affirmative Action, etc). They would like it so that you can't advance in your life without the government having some part in it.

#18 By 2332 ( at 7/11/2002 1:32:28 AM
#35 - "The Democrats are all for government dependence"...

Ya, and the Republicans are for forcefully imposing their morals on everybody.

Neither Democrats NOR Republicans want the government out of our lives; they just want the government to lay off a particular PART of our lives. Democrats (kinda) want the government out of our personal morality, and Republicans (kinda) want the government out of our pocket.

You say the facts speak for themselves, but what facts might those be? It is a fact that blacks and other minorities get paid less for the same job, as well as get that job far less often, even with equal qualifications. It is a fact that for the majority of the history of the country, the government used force to guarantee that minorities didn't have the same rights as white men, and helped to instill and reinforce the racism that today infects our society like a disease.

Should the government not at least try to rectify a problem they caused? I'm not sure... but you can hardly say the "facts" bring you to your conclusions, which I suspect are more a result of ideology than they are an examination of the facts.

"and a huge example of how rich, fat, Democrats are trying to keep blacks down."...

Do you honestly believe that? Democrats don't want to keep blacks down... their solutions might not work (or they might, I don't know), but because their solutions fail, that doesn't mean their intent was for them to fail. Come on... oh, and most democrats are lower-middle class, like most of the country.

"The best way for someone to succeed is to be challenged and given a real chance."

Agreed, but if they never get a chance because of racism, how are they to succeed?

"Many blacks have been led, by their leaders, to think that everyone owes them something and that it's everyone else’s responsibility to see that they succeed."

I think it's a society's responsibility to ensure that everybody gets the same change, although I certainly don't think everybody should get the same results. Again, if the government hadn't "started it" I would never suggest they try and end it.

"Everyone successful person I have met (black, white, asian, etc) have all been self motivators and have saught to challenge themselves and take no handouts or help from anyone."

Perhaps, but how is giving somebody an equal chance the same as a handout? (Again, I don't know it will work, I suspect it hasn't... but your arguments are specious anyhow.)

Continued on next post...

#19 By 2332 ( at 7/11/2002 1:33:00 AM
Continued from previous post...

"All this does is foster a particularly bad stereotype among white business owners: That blacks have poor work ethic."

So it doesn't give blacks who might not get the opportunity due to racism to have the life they deserve, and raise their kids better than they were raised, thereby breaking the cycles of poverty? Last I checked, the only black member of the supreme court used affirmative action to get into college... perhaps he wouldn’t have otherwise. (I happen to think that particular justice is an idiot... but that has nothing to do with his color.)

"It's not that they have poor work ethic, it's that they've been trained, from day 1 by the liberals to expect the government to do everything for them!"

So racism doesn't exist? Could it be part of their attitude is derived from their experiences, not just what they're told?

"This is how the Democrats keep America down. They get everyone dependent on the government so they wouldn't dare vote for anyone other than a Democrat and the circle of power is set."

Hmmm... Interesting. I find Democrats far less evil than Republicans... see, Republicans are responsible for things like the Drug War (although Democrats haven't exactly stood up against it), which costs this country about 200 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR, and keeps around 2 MILLION PEOPLE WHO HAVE HURT NOBODY in jail. See, it's not Republicans or Democrats... it's POLITICANS.

The Founding Fathers intended our Republic to have representatives that would serve for a SHORT TIME then go back to their normal life... kinda like jury duty, but that's not what we have today. We have career politicians, the majority of which are COMPLETELY CORRUPT, and disgrace this country with every breath they take.

It's actually kinda funny... the last "politican" I had any respect for was, brace yourself, Ralph Nader. See, he was honest... however wrong he might have been about some things, I NEVER got the sense he was manipulating the truth, or playing sides, or doing any of the classic tricks most politicians use.

#20 By 931 ( at 7/11/2002 2:07:09 AM
I see jesse got his yearly payoff.

#21 By 3465 ( at 7/11/2002 10:38:54 AM
Daz-so true, so true.......

#22 By 8062 ( at 7/11/2002 11:30:44 AM
#33daz...Here's the difference between Democrats vs. Republicans.
Republicans...Every man for himself.
Democrats...We're all in this together.

Republicans consider all hand ups to be hand outs. As for big government, Republicans are expanding the Federal government like never before under Bush jr. Remember Clinton reduced the actual size of the Federal government. But oh, let’s not let the facts stand in our way.

"North is the wrong direction, and Right is a wrong turn"! You figure that one out. In the mean time, stop corp stealing from the little guy.

#23 By 135 ( at 7/11/2002 1:59:11 PM
#38-41... Interesting. Yet still none of you has responded to explain exactly how Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan are involved with the NAACP.

I guess I'm curious if you know who the NAACP is, what they do, and then maybe you could further explain your arguments... In particular this comment: "Those NAACP folks are backwards biased folks playing off misguided sympathies and duping their "own people.""

Or are you just repeating what certain people would have you believe?

Again, critical thinking skills seem to be at a shortage in this country.

#24 By 1845 ( at 7/11/2002 7:47:00 PM
Well I'll add my thoughts - no gasoline here.

I agree with m00zilla's crusade for thinking of people as people. Not too long ago I spent two years in Russia. During all that time I was asked "how does we differ from the American life you know?" It wasn't long before I thought - people are people. In general all races and cultures are made up of people that think and feel similarly. The native Russian gets just as hungry as the Nigerian who snuck accross the border. The black American gets just as hungry as the Mexican who snuck accross the border. I think categorization of people can be quite dangerous.

Daz, RMD, and sodablue have made some rather spirited comments against each other and against their view of the current political scene. Of all their comments, the one I know I agree with is that "critical thinking skills seem to be at a shortage in this country".

If we applied m00zilla's logic and saw people as people, we might not look at government and see Democrats and Republicans. We might see noble and civic minded patriots or we might see lying and cheating money hungry bastards. I'd say we need to vote for the first group not the second. Whether they happen to be Democrats or Republicans shouldn't really matter.

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/25/2023 8:58:36 PM

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