Strsafe.h: Safer String Handling in C
Keep your C code secure with strsafe.h functions, a set of safer string handling functions for the C programming language. (3 printed pages)
During the Microsoft® Windows® Security Push, a group of testers, program managers, and programmers decided to define and create a set of safer string handling functions for the C programming language. The aim was to provide a set of functions that could be used by Windows developers and developers across Microsoft.
Simply put, the existing C-runtime functions are not good enough in light of today's hostile environment. The current functions have inconsistent return values and parameters, truncation errors, and lack advanced functionality. Frankly, it is too easy to write code with buffer overruns when using the existing functions.
We found that for C++ developers there are plenty of classes available in MFC (CString), ATL (CComBSTR), STL (string), and other class libraries that do string manipulation well. However, a lot of C code still exists today, and many people use C++ as a 'better C' and do not use classes.
Real World Applications Sample, Part 1: Adding SDI, Single Instance, and a Forms Collection to Windows Forms
Details the conversion of a sample image browser to a real application in Microsoft .NET that runs as a single document interface (SDI) application similar to Microsoft Word; other features include a Window menu showing all the currently open windows, loading multiple images by running the application on the command line, and a reusable application framework library that you can use in your applications.