From #2's link:
"One of Java's key selling points is its multivendor support, said BEA's Snelling, an asset that should increasingly attract customers as they take a serious look at the dangers of tying their enterprise infrastructure to Microsoft's proprietary .Net."
Sigh... .NET (well, the important parts of it) are an ECMA STANDARD. That means ANYBODY CAN IMPLETMENT THE .NET FRAMEWORK ANYWHERE THEY WANT, and with a LOT more freedom than Sun allows for Java.
Sun *controls* Java, they have the final say on EVERYTHING. Yes, you can "suggest" things to Sun, but they don't have to listen to you... and they often exercise that right.
Microsoft doesn't control .NET, the ECMA does... and I think we can all agree that a standards body is better than a big corporation with lots of vested interest.